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Flow Tidbit - Playing with 'Email me a weekly summary of Office 365 Message Center notices'

Hello All,

You gotta love the Flow blog and more importantly the flow of the week.  This week they introduced us to a new flow template to retrieve Message center and Health notices and they discuss using HTTP Connectors and actions.

If you want to check it out you can find it here.

The high level view of they bring this all together is to create a flow that will send updates for each service to the specific service owners instead of one big weekly email to everyone (Less work reviewing things that don’t matter to you) more time training for that next Triathlon.

  1. When to run Flow
  2. Where and how to retrieve TenantID, ClientID, and SecretID
  3. Providing permission to App
  4. You can then modify the results to parse out for each service or any other criteria you want
