Being Cellfish
Stuff I wished I've found in some blog (and sometimes did)
Sleep does not sleep for a specified period
I recently described how you can create your own usleep method when there isn't one to use. one...
Author: Emil Gustafsson Date: 09/22/2008
A summary of an Agile 2008 summary
I didn't have the opportunity to attend the recent Agile 2008 conference in Toronto but I attended a...
Author: Emil Gustafsson Date: 09/20/2008
Sleep less than one millisecond
On windows you have a problem you typically never encounter on Unix. That is how to get a thread to...
Author: Emil Gustafsson Date: 09/17/2008
Yet Another Tale from an Interview
There seems to be a lot of myths around the interview procedure at Microsoft. I had my interview a...
Author: Emil Gustafsson Date: 09/12/2008
Getting the logged on windows user in your apache server
I was recently involved in a discussion where a company was developing an intra-net site using...
Author: Emil Gustafsson Date: 08/26/2008
<?php // This a copy taken 2008-08-21 from to make sure...
Author: Emil Gustafsson Date: 08/26/2008
The implementation of iterators in C# and its consequences
Recently oldnewthing wrote a series av articles on C# iterators. Especially part four is interesting...
Author: Emil Gustafsson Date: 08/23/2008
Being agile when there is no project
Sometimes I come across a team saying; "We can't use Scrum because there is no project. We just do...
Author: Emil Gustafsson Date: 08/20/2008
How to avoid having too much work in progress
Most teams I worked with have at some point had a lot of work in progress. Sometimes virtually the...
Author: Emil Gustafsson Date: 08/18/2008
Building robots with your windows mobile as a brain
I just read this article in MSDN magazine about a robot controlled by a windows mobile. As I wrote...
Author: Emil Gustafsson Date: 08/14/2008
Using CSS to fetch user browser history
If you know what you're looking for in the user's browser history there is a pretty simple way to...
Author: Emil Gustafsson Date: 08/12/2008
Spending money to improve team productivity
When adapting to agile philosophy some managers get carried away and want to spend some money on...
Author: Emil Gustafsson Date: 08/10/2008
Hiding or disabling menu items not available?
About a month ago Joel Spolsky wrote a very short post instructing people to not hide or disable...
Author: Emil Gustafsson Date: 08/07/2008
Be suspicious to DAL frameworks
I've always been suspicious to SQL queries that are automagically generated by some framework. And...
Author: Emil Gustafsson Date: 07/16/2008
Recursively delete empty directories
I recently had to find a neat way to remove all empty directories recursively on a Unix machine. In...
Author: Emil Gustafsson Date: 07/10/2008
Nothing is "Too simple to test"
A common practice taught in many TDD classes is the principle of too easy to test. The principle...
Author: Emil Gustafsson Date: 06/23/2008
Constraints - when user stories don't do it for you
In "agile projects" it is common to use user stories to describe what has to be done. But it is also...
Author: Emil Gustafsson Date: 06/21/2008
Use OneNote 2007 to make screen shots
The more I use OneNote 2007, the more I like it. I find the possibility to share notebooks and also...
Author: Emil Gustafsson Date: 06/18/2008
Code Coverage
Measuring code coverage is often perceived as a good measure of test quality. It is not. Good tests...
Author: Emil Gustafsson Date: 06/16/2008
C# source analysis
And if you listened to me and started to write nice looking SQL, maybe you wanna look ate making...
Author: Emil Gustafsson Date: 06/14/2008
Readable SQL
I read this article on SQL Code Layout and Beautification and can only agree with the author that...
Author: Emil Gustafsson Date: 06/12/2008
How to set up an agile work space
I stumbled across this video with a tour of the Patterns & Practices team at Microsoft. I think...
Author: Emil Gustafsson Date: 06/10/2008
SQL crosswords
I don't know what's worse; making crosswords with only SQL related questions (requires free...
Author: Emil Gustafsson Date: 05/29/2008
I don't like Mock objects
When looking at BDD and TDD examples it is very common to see the use of mock objects in the code....
Author: Emil Gustafsson Date: 05/24/2008
Tobii has an eye for Scrum
Yesterday I attended a presentation at Tobii on how they've implemented Scrum in one of their...
Author: Emil Gustafsson Date: 05/20/2008
Books on agile
Previously I've written about where to start when applying agile to your project. But not all people...
Author: Emil Gustafsson Date: 05/16/2008
Stored Procedures and data sharing
In my career I've worked with stored procedures in a way I think many people never do. For example...
Author: Emil Gustafsson Date: 05/15/2008
UPSERT in SQL server 2008
I recently read this article on upsert functionality in SQL server 2008. I thought that the SQL...
Author: Emil Gustafsson Date: 04/29/2008
Robot competitions
Even though I never played crobots, I have always been intrigued by the idea. I even played...
Author: Emil Gustafsson Date: 04/28/2008
Yet another unit test framework for .Net released
Version 1.0 of has been released. So do we need another unit test framework? And I think...
Author: Emil Gustafsson Date: 04/24/2008
Fixed prices for IT projects are unethical
Fun to see more and more people say this. In a typical development project there are three variables...
Author: Emil Gustafsson Date: 04/23/2008
Mocks are not Stubs
As many before me I was recently looking at different mocking frameworks in order to find one that...
Author: Emil Gustafsson Date: 04/22/2008
Why open source doesn't do it for me
An alternative title could have been "why unsponsored open source never work" but since sponsored...
Author: Emil Gustafsson Date: 04/15/2008
Applying agile: where to start
In the last year or so, Scrum has become very popular and people are trying to apply it left and...
Author: Emil Gustafsson Date: 04/13/2008
MFC is not dead
When I wrote my master's thesis was the first time I came in to contact with VC++ and MFC. I worked...
Author: Emil Gustafsson Date: 04/12/2008
Selenium the test tool
I almost forgot that before the BDD/DDD presentation, there was a presentation about Selenium. I...
Author: Emil Gustafsson Date: 04/09/2008
I've previously written about BDD (in Swedish) and maybe I should translate some of those articles...
Author: Emil Gustafsson Date: 04/08/2008