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Creating an OAuth 2.0 authentication token for Azure Data Lake Store

Hi All!


A Data Lake can be defined as a storage repository that holds a vast amount of raw data in its native format until it is needed. My question is, what would be the point of storing all this data if you can't access it easily? Azure Data Lake store, which is Microsoft's Platform as a Service (PaaS) implementation of a Data Lake, allows to, not only store vast amount of data, but also allows you to access the information via multiple channels:

  • A POSIX-style permissions (Read / Write / Execute) exposed through the WebHDFS-compatible REST APIs which makes it possible to support HDFS operations like read, write and others.
  • A new file system-AzureDataLakeFilesystem (adl://)-for directly accessing the repository. Applications like HDInsight and Data Lake Analytics are capable of using the file system and realize additional flexibility and performance gains over WebHDFS.


The channel that interests me today is the WebHDFS REST APIs; more specifically and the topic of this blog, how to create an OAuth 2.0 application token for 3rd party tools to authenticate via the WebHDFS REST APIs. OAuth 2.0 is an industry-standard protocol for authorization which, in the context for Azure Data Lake, allows a person or application to authenticate to the Data Lake Store. This authentication is the process by which a user's identity is verified when the user interacts with Data Lake Store. See for more information on Data Lake Store security.


The following will show how to create an application within Azure Active Directory and configure the appropriate access permissions. Doing so will then give you the ability to use tools like “R” and read data from the Data Lake Store without the need to copy the dataset locally.




In order to be able to create an OAuth 2.0 token, you will need to register an application within your Azure Active Directory. This can be done by accessing your Active directory in the Azure Portal and perform the following steps:



Creating a new App registration

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal
  2. Choose your Azure AD tenant by selecting your account in the top right corner of the page
  3. In the left-hand navigation pane, under MANAGE, click App Registrations, and click Add


Creating a new registration

  1. In the Create blade, you will need to enter the following:
    • Name: Name of the application registration. (Exemple: ADL WebHDFS)

    • Application Type: Native

    • Redirect URL: urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob

  2. Click Create



Adding required permissions

  1. From your Azure AD tenant navigation pane make sure you’re viewing the newly created app registration
  2. In the left-hand navigation pane, under API ACCESS, click Required permissions
  3. Click Add



Select an API

  1. From Add API access navigation pane, click on Select an API
  2. From the list of available API, select Windows Azure Service Management API
  3. Click Select



Enable the delegation

  1. From Add API access navigation pane, click on Select permissions
  2. From the list of available delegated permissions, enable the checkbox next to Access Azure Service Management as organization users
  3. Click Done
  Note, at the time of writing this blog, this option was still in preview mode.


There you have it!



Once you've completed registration, Azure AD assigns your application a unique client identifier, the Application ID.


You can also look at this blog post for an example on how to use this newly created OAuth 2.0 authentication.