.NET RIA Services May 2009 Preview
Today we posted a minor update to .NET RIA Services. This release is mainly focused on addressing bug fixes we have heard in the forums and delivering on a few key areas… There are a lot of other long lead work items that will fall into future releases.
Download it today from: https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/RIAServices
Here is a list of what is available in the May 2009 Preview:-
Tons of bug fixes. Most of the bugs reported in the forum have been addressed.
New Business application Template… This template adds login\create new user to the Silverlight Navigation Application template.
Authentication Sample
XML Metadata provider Sample… We have heard very clearly that folks want an option to store validation metadata outside of custom attributes. This sample shows how to find metadata in an Xml file, but you could easily extend to find validation information from a database.
Linq2Sql Domain Provider Sample.. Out of the box we support POCO (plain old CLR object), Linq2Sql and Entity Framework, but we know folks are actively looking into building support for nHibernate, Sharepoint, etc. This is a great sample that shows you the ends and outs of writing a provider. It is the actual product code we use for the Linq2Sql provider (plus a little clean up).
Updated asp:DomainDataSource that works great with asp Dynamic Data
All the samples (March 2009 and May 2009) can be found at https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/RIAServices
We’d love to hear what you think and what you’d like to see in the next preview!
May 11, 2009
PingBack from http://microsoft-sharepoint.simplynetdev.com/net-ria-services-may-2009-preview/Anonymous
May 11, 2009
Today we posted a minor update to .NET RIA Services .  This release is mainly focused on addressingAnonymous
May 11, 2009
9efish.感谢你的文章 - Trackback from 9eFishAnonymous
May 11, 2009
Thank you for submitting this cool story - Trackback from progg.ruAnonymous
May 11, 2009
Hi brad, Very cool update. I have posted a question in Silverlight forums regarding Authentication and I expect that bus is fixed with this release. Also please Fix POCO explanation its shows "Plan" instead of "Plain" Thanks, ThaniAnonymous
May 11, 2009
Is .Net RIA Services going to be released with Silverlight 3 or is it scheduled for release with VS2010 or sometime later? Would be good to know so we know what resources to commit to it. Thank you.Anonymous
May 12, 2009
If you expose you EF model through RIA services, will other clients besides silverlight be able to call you service? (Could other clients just add reference or use svcutil and point to your service)?Anonymous
May 12, 2009
Does the .Net RIA Services still need to be run in Full Trust ?? It's frustrating not being able to upload a project to show someone else when you're on a shared hositng account. Thanks for the update :-) EoinAnonymous
May 12, 2009
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May 12, 2009
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May 12, 2009
>>Is .Net RIA Services going to be released with Silverlight 3 or is it scheduled for release with VS2010 or sometime later? KIran - There will be a "go live" of RIA Services right around SL3 RTM... Does that help?Anonymous
May 12, 2009
>> If you expose you EF model through RIA services, will other clients besides silverlight be able to call you service? dsoltesz - Yes... this is an important scenario which will plan to enable.. right now it is not as clean as we'd like it to be. I expect that our next drop will include some great new functionality in this direction.Anonymous
May 12, 2009
>> Does the .Net RIA Services still need to be run in Full Trust ?? Eoin C - The EF and L2S providers for .NET RIA Services require full trust on .NET Framework 3.5... The POCO one does not... We expect this to be addressed by .NET Framework 4.. Hope that helps.Anonymous
May 12, 2009
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May 12, 2009
Brad, To add to dslotesz question. It would be great if it worked the same way the integration is done with Silverlight. Say for javascript, some javascript prototyping is generated that can be used. I believe this is the closest we have ever been to one backend - middletier and multiple UIs.Anonymous
May 12, 2009
Is it possible to write an article showing how to hook up the ASP.NEt membership and Roles using the new .Net Ria Services and silverlight 3? i read almost every article possible about authentication in silverlight 3 but none of them provide enough steps from end-to-end. I did look at the documentation (ria services overview preview.pdf ) and at Authentication Quick Starts released today, but it just NOT ENOUGH. Thanks so much. RachidaAnonymous
May 12, 2009
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May 12, 2009
Thanks Brad. Looking forward to SL3 & .Net RIA GoLive. .Net RIA will certainly make SL Apps a lot easier; I just hope my power users don't want to start doing their own SL3 Apps!!Anonymous
May 12, 2009
In this Issue: Mark Monster , Scott Davis , Colin Eberhardt , Silverlight Girl , Tim Heuer , Koen ZwikstraAnonymous
May 12, 2009
.NET RIA Services May 2009 Preview .NET RIA Servicesのプレビュー版がアップデートされ、提供されています。 サンプル等もcode.msdnで公開されてますね。...Anonymous
May 12, 2009
На днях стало доступно обновление .NET RIA Services preview.Anonymous
May 12, 2009
Is there a way to add themes to Login Windows? It would be nice to automatically connect to themes added from App.xaml ( Corrina's Frost theme, etc. ).Anonymous
May 12, 2009
Update of .NET RIA Services preview has been become available. What’s news: Additional template for businessAnonymous
May 12, 2009
Update of .NET RIA Services preview has been become available. What’s news: Additional template for businessAnonymous
May 13, 2009
My latest in a series of the weekly, or more often, summary of interesting links I come across related to Visual Studio. Greg Duncan posted a link to the Managed Stack Explorer on CodePlex . Brad Abrams announced that the .NET RIA Services May 2009 PreviewAnonymous
May 13, 2009
Microsoft .NET RIA Services simplifies the traditional n-tier application pattern by bringing togetherAnonymous
May 13, 2009
If you are looking to follow this series, be sure to subscribe to my RSS feed at http://feeds.jasongaylordAnonymous
May 13, 2009
If you are looking to follow this series, be sure to subscribe to my RSS feed at http://feeds.jasongaylordAnonymous
May 13, 2009
If you are looking to follow this series, be sure to subscribe to my RSS feed at http://feeds.jasongaylord.com/JasonNGaylordAnonymous
May 15, 2009
Is it possible to force WebUserService to create its DomainContext (AuthenticationContext) using the construct with an AuthenticationService data service URI instead of the default constructor? public AuthenticationContext(Uri serviceUri) : base(new HttpDomainClient(serviceUri)) { } Thanks, JunAnonymous
May 17, 2009
Which bugs are fixed?? I noticed some issues are not fixed yet.Anonymous
May 17, 2009
>> Which bugs are fixed?? I noticed some issues are not fixed yet. ccchai - I will see if I can dig up a list.. in the mean time, what issues are you still seeing?Anonymous
May 23, 2009
I'm trying to use the navigation service from within a page and just want to navigate to another page and it doesn't seem to work. I'm using the latest May Preview and the Silverlight Business Application template and I'm just trying to navigate to the about page from within the homepage (clicking home, about menu buttons works fine) I've tried both ways NavigationService fram = NavigationService.GetNavigationService(this); frame.Navigate(new Uri("/Views/AboutPage.xaml",UriKind.Relative)); this.NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/Views/AboutPage.xaml",UriKind.Relative)); If I set a break point in the AboutPage the initializeComponent code is hit but the UI doesn't reflect the aboutpageAnonymous
May 25, 2009
appartently you can't try to navigate to another page when inside the current pages navigatedTo method. This doesn't seem to make sense to me....Anonymous
May 26, 2009
>> I will see if I can dig up a list.. in the mean time, what issues are you still seeing? The biggest problem is the auto-conversion to UTC dates for datetime values, and there is no way to disable this 'feature'. This problem is reported in the forum several times since late March but is not resolved yet.Anonymous
May 26, 2009
While the feedback on .NET RIA Services has been great, many people have commented on the way we storeAnonymous
June 07, 2009
I have previously written about the UNPLUGGED road trip that Mike , Nathan and I have been on. I alsoAnonymous
June 15, 2009
Hi Brad (i dont speak very good the english) Thanks for all your help (From Chile). A little question: How can i fill a DataFormComboBoxField using a DomainDataSource? Bye and Thanks! Manuel ValenzuelaAnonymous
July 13, 2009
July 14, 2009
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July 15, 2009
July 16, 2009
July 17, 2009
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July 17, 2009
July 19, 2009
July 20, 2009
July 21, 2009
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July 22, 2009
July 23, 2009
July 23, 2009
July 24, 2009
誰か満足させてくれる人いませんか?めんどくさいこと抜きでしよっ♪ gu-gu-m@docomo.ne.jp とりあえずメールして☆Anonymous
July 24, 2009
誰か満足させてくれる人いませんか?めんどくさいこと抜きでしよっ♪ gu-gu-m@docomo.ne.jp とりあえずメールして☆Anonymous
July 25, 2009
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July 25, 2009
The comment has been removedAnonymous
July 26, 2009
July 26, 2009
July 27, 2009
July 27, 2009
July 28, 2009
July 28, 2009
July 29, 2009
July 29, 2009
July 30, 2009
July 30, 2009
July 31, 2009
自分のほむぺ初公開でぇす。やっと完成したのでみんなに見てもらいたくて★カキコしました。意見ある方めぇるまってまぁす。 ggg.nj@docomo.ne.jpAnonymous
July 31, 2009
自分のほむぺ初公開でぇす。やっと完成したのでみんなに見てもらいたくて★カキコしました。意見ある方めぇるまってまぁす。 ggg.nj@docomo.ne.jpAnonymous
August 01, 2009
August 01, 2009
August 03, 2009
August 03, 2009
August 04, 2009
August 04, 2009
August 05, 2009
August 05, 2009
August 06, 2009
August 06, 2009
August 07, 2009
さゆのプロフィールが完成しましたぁ。記念すべき初プロフをネットに公開してみました。ドキドキしてるので優しい感想メールしてくれたら心和むかもでぇす po.tomoe.oq@docomo.ne.jpAnonymous
August 07, 2009
さゆのプロフィールが完成しましたぁ。記念すべき初プロフをネットに公開してみました。ドキドキしてるので優しい感想メールしてくれたら心和むかもでぇす po.tomoe.oq@docomo.ne.jpAnonymous
August 09, 2009
August 09, 2009