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From the Raleigh User's group meeting

Well, the “Big Show” came to it last stop last night. The Triangle Area .NET Users Group hosted me for the final run of my Effective .NET Framework Based Development: Exception Handing and Memory Management presentation. We also had a good time going out for coffee more informal conversation… Overall this user group tour has been a blast… But more on that later…

Last night we had 75+ folks that were a very energetic and engaged audience which made the presentation that much more fun to give.

Some thoughts:

- Lesson learned: Don’t change code in a side right before the presentation, especially a “find the bug” kind of slide ;-). That source code compiler in PowerPoint just doesn’t cut it!

- It was very cool to have some folks from the VSNC team there because lots of the thoughts on exception handing came out of thinking from that team. Brian Harry, who ran the CLR team through V1.0 and V1.1 is now running the VSNC team (here is RDU). I lot of the section on exceptions came from some training he gave his team. BTW, I hear they are hiring… I worked for Brian and with Brian for a number of years, so I can highly recommend openings on his team.

- I gave away this last of my Channel9 guys (Thanks Scoble!) and I told the whole story about the “united airlines channel9”. Afterwards over several folks expressed how much they liked the also fills that space. More than just technical information, these folks loved hearing stories about ZBB, checkins, and just the general development process at Microsoft.


Thanks again for hosting me Raleigh!
