Atlas Sesssions from Mix06 online
Check it out, the sessions from Mix06 have been posted... you can see a streaming video of the entire presentation and get slides. Check out a few of my favorites:
Developing a Better User Experience with "Atlas" - Shanku does a nice overview of Atlas..
Designing a Better User Experience with AJAX and "Atlas" – Rick and I have fun hitting on the experiences that make a great web 2.0 app
Building Components and Services for the Programmable Web - Nikhil digs deep!
A couple of other highly related good ones to catch...
Lessons from the Trenches: Engineering Great AJAX Experiences
Oh, and a pure gravy kind of talk from ScottGu – Building an Application from Scratch Using ASP.NET 2.0... Scott just loves giving these all demo-no-code kind of talks...
I’d love to hear what you think... Which ones are good?
- Anonymous
May 07, 2006
Hey Brad, thanks alot for those links. They're very useful and interesting!!!. I have seen Scott's presentation and it's awesome, he present mos of the 2.0 features in a very effective way. - Anonymous
May 07, 2006
Thank you Brad, your session is good
by the way all sessions here - Anonymous
May 08, 2006
Hi, is there any chance of downloading this videos instead of streaming them?
I would really like to archive them and show them to my co-workers and students. Thanks. - Anonymous
May 08, 2006
yes , i use flashget program to do this ... - Anonymous
May 09, 2006
is samples' source code available?
:) - Anonymous
May 09, 2006
i found them on Nikhil's blog ;) - Anonymous
May 12, 2006
Já saiu desde a semana passada e lembrando para quem deixou passar desapercebido os vídeos das apresetações...