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TOMORROW - Microsoft and QLD Government Trade Mission | Information Evening




Information Evening

Microsoft Brisbane | January 24th 2012


In early 2012 Microsoft and the Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation will host a Trade Mission to the US for Queensland based partners to experience the future of the mobile enterprise and productivity. The mission is an exciting opportunity for Queensland partners to attend 3 days of workshops, events and roundtables with leading industry professionals at the Microsoft Redmond Campus at the Executive Briefing Centre.


The Trade Mission will be a launching activity of the Microsoft Innovation Centre that is currently under development in Queensland. This exciting opportunity has been developed in collaboration with the Queensland Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation and specifically tailored for emerging IT Professionals and ISV’s and Start-Up’s based in Queensland or looking to expand their business into Queensland.


Objectives and outcomes:


· A stronger understanding of Microsoft’s productivity vision

· Engagement with product teams for development of applications and services

· Gain a further understanding of the mobile enterprise vision and roadmap (Including: Windows 8, Cloud, Windows Phone)


We would like to invite you to an information evening on the 24th January 2012 at the Microsoft Brisbane office, for some evening drinks, to hear about the exciting activities planned for our 2012 Trade Mission, an opportunity for you at ask any questions that you may have on our upcoming trip, as well as brief overview of the plans and vision for Innovation Centre.


If you will be attending, please RSVP to Emily Easterby or Scott Duffield.At this event we will also be asking that in order to secure your place on our Trade Mission that you can make a commitment by the first week of February.


Kind Regards,


Emily Easterby


QLD Innovation Centre Manger | Microsoft Australia


USA Trade Mission- A Queensland Microsoft Innovation Centre Activity









Trade Mission Information Evening


5:00pm – 7:00pm

Tuesday 24th January 2012.



Hamilton Island Board Room, Microsoft

Level 28, 400 George St

Brisbane 4000