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Telstra Australian Business Awards–Entries Open!

While we are on the topic of awards & recognition – don’t forget to nominate yourself for the Telstra Australian Business Awards! There is a fair bit of work involved in completing the business evaluation as part of the submission, but I think it would also be of great value for you to do and get an idea of where you sit along side your Australian counterparts!

Telstra Australian Business Awards

Prestigious and coveted, the Awards program celebrates the country’s entrepreneurs and innovators. It offers a unique chance for small to medium businesses to be recognised for their hard work, commitment and of course, success.

The Awards operate in every state and territory and are open to all Australian small and medium businesses to enter, offering five Award categories.

Businesses that enter the Telstra Australian Business Awards receive a 70-page report evaluating their business performance against independent benchmarking of core business indicators. These include business planning and performance, customer and financial management, HR, sales, marketing and product development. The Business Health Check helps entrants to grow their business knowledge – growing their business tomorrow by knowing where it is today.

Finalists and winners are catapulted into the spotlight and can win a share of $500,000 worth of prizes. New business opportunities flow as your public profile increases and you network with other leading SMBs.

All finalists and winners join the Telstra Australian Business Awards Network, allowing continued networking in a private and exclusive online environment.

So with great national exposure, a competitive advantage and an opportunity to grow your business world, there’s a lot to celebrate.

2012 Nominations are open. Entries open Monday 6 February 2012 and close midnight Monday 2 April 2012.