Whitehorse Architecture TechNotes Published on MSDN
Phew! A set of Visual Studio Team System Tech Notes have now been published on MSDN, including some fifteen new articles I've written on topics related to the Whitehorse architecture tools. These should all be easy to read and are inter-linked, to make them an easy to browse. Hopefully they will provide some useful background and some new insights into the Distributed Systen Designers.
Below are links to each of my notes, ordered in what is probably a good sequence in which to read them.
TN_1104: Understanding the System Definition Model
TN_1114: The Four Layers of Systems in the System Definition Model
TN_1100: Understanding Applications and the Application Diagram
TN_1105: Why Class Libraries are not shown on an Application Diagram
TN_1109: Understanding Systems and the System Designer
TN_1101: Understanding and Using the Default System
TN_1110: Using Systems to Represent Services in a Service Oriented Architecture
TN_1112: System Portfolio Management
TN_1102: Designing Substitutable Web Services
TN_1113: Representing Connections to Manual, Physical and Other Kinds of System
TN_1111: Top-down System Design
TN_1108: Connecting Applications to Web Services via Class Libraries
TN_1106: Copying Endpoints vs Creating Endpoints from WSDL
TN_1103: Web Service Endpoint Name Propagation
TN_1107: Understanding, Using and Creating Toolbox Prototypes
Why do ASP.NET WebService and ASP.NET WebApplication look alike on the Application Designer?
- Anonymous
April 27, 2006
Any chance you could bundle these up in a single package?