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New version of the .NET Framework verification tool that works with .NET Framework 2.0

I received a question from a customer last night asking about the availability of a version of the .NET Framework setup verification tool that I have previously posted that would work with the .NET Framework 2.0.

I had been meaning to update the setup verification tool for a while, but I guess I ended up forgetting about it since nobody had asked me for it up until now. At any rate, I have posted an updated version of the .NET Framework setup verification tool that will now support the .NET Framework 2.0 in addition to the previously supported versions (1.0, 1.0 service packs, 1.1, 1.1 language packs and 1.1 service packs).

As always, please let me know if you have any trouble getting this tool to work or have any suggestions.

<update date="11/14/2013">Fixed broken link to the .NET Framework setup verification tool. </update>


  • Anonymous
    March 21, 2006
    Как проверить, что всё на машине установлено, и пользователь не грохнул каких-то

  • Anonymous
    March 03, 2008
    A while ago, I published a .NET Framework setup verification tool that can be run to provide a sanity

  • Anonymous
    March 03, 2008
    A while ago, I published a .NET Framework setup verification tool that can be run to provide a sanity

  • Anonymous
    October 14, 2008
    こんにちは! フォーラム オペレーターの服部 清次です 昨日、郵便局に荷物を取りに行ったら、年賀状の案内ポスターが貼ってありました。 約 60 年の歴史を持つお年玉付き年賀はがきも、最近では時代の波を反映して、当選商品にデジカメなどが用意されていますが、今年は一体どんな商品が当たるのでしょうか?

  • Anonymous
    November 13, 2013
    Please check the link is broken for download.

  • Anonymous
    November 13, 2013
    Hi - I've updated the post to fix the broken link. Thanks for letting me know about this problem.