Interesting Analogs
While meeting with a customer I realized that there is a nice analogy going on that is on topic for my presentation at TechEd...
There are a lot of divisions between IT disciplines. There is a division between Solutions and Infrastructure architecture disciplines as well as a division between the UI Designer and the Developer. There is a lot of talk as of late within Microsoft and the industry at large of the importance of UX or User Experience. To designers, UX is their meat and potatoes while the developer typically treats UX as an afterthought. The same can be said about Infrastructure/Operations being an afterthought. Why is UX all of the sudden being treated specifically by vendors such as Microsoft and even considered as an architecture topic? Trends in the industry such as Service Orientation from a technical perspective focus on the exposure of business functionality and processes through a series of de-coupled "services". These services are autonomous and machine-to-machine oriented for interoperability (hopefully) and integration; the machine-to-machine aspect being the realm of the developer and architect who typically marginalize the user interface aspects insomuch that they aren't really considered. With the advent of what is being referred to as EDGE architecture, the importance of exposing the service portfolio through end-user targeted applications is front-and-center, thus necessitating the need for UX consideration as part of the holistic solution architecture. For the gap between Infrastructure and Solutions architecture disciplines, the same trends have created the necessity of things such as the Dynamic Systems Initiative. In this day and age, it is unacceptable for applications and systems to be islands (Don Box reference); I also contend that it is no longer acceptable for the disciplines in architecture and design to operate in vacuums.
To further the analogy, consider the specific efforts of Microsoft (and other vendors) to bridge the divides... XAML (the eXtensible Application Markup Language) is being positioned as a means by which designers and developers can seamlessly share and hand-off the fruits of their labor in a high fidelity manner. Tools such as the Expression Graphic and Interactive Designers and Visual Studio 2005/"Orcas" will be used by each respective discipline and the fabric between them is XAML. For the Infrastructure and Solutions divide? The System Definition Model (SDM), a key element of Microsoft's DSI realization strategy. In the world outside of Microsoft, the Data Center Markup Language (DCML) is intended for the same purpose. The toolset will most likely be Visual Studio and the designers introduced in the Team Architect version of the product; however it wouldn't be difficult for SDM to be readable by a slew of third party tools as well and the same could be said of XAML.
In a nutshell, in terms of bridging the divide between technical disciplines:
XAML is to Designers and Developers what SDM is to Operations and Developers/Architects
Now why couldn't I have just said that? Because I am an architect and we love to talk.
- Anonymous
June 15, 2009
PingBack from - Anonymous
August 20, 2009
よーやくプロフ持ちになれました。私の事気になった方がいましたら気軽にメールください。恋バナとか好きなんでよろしくでぇす。 - Anonymous
August 21, 2009
女性会員様増加につき、当サイトの出張ホストが不足中です。女性の自宅やホテルに出向き、欲望を満たすお手伝いをしてくれる男性アルバイトをただいま募集していますので、興味のある方はTOPページから無料登録をお願いいたします - Anonymous
August 22, 2009
最近様々なメディアで紹介されている家出掲示板では、全国各地のネットカフェ等を泊り歩いている家出少女のメッセージが多数書き込みされています。彼女たちはお金がないので掲示板で知り合った男性とすぐに遊びに行くようです。あなたも書き込みに返事を返してみませんか - Anonymous
August 23, 2009
あなたのモテ度数を診断できる、モテる度チェッカー!日頃モテモテでリア充のあなたもそうでないヒキニートの貴方も隠されたモテスキルを測定して今以上にモッテモテになること間違いなし - Anonymous
August 24, 2009
オ○ニーライフのお手伝い、救援部でHな見せたがり女性からエロ写メ、ムービーをゲットしよう!近所の女の子なら実際に合ってHな事ができちゃうかも!?夏で開放的になっている女の子と遊んじゃおう - Anonymous
August 25, 2009
メル友募集のあそび場「ラブフリー」はみんなの出逢いを応援する全国版の逆援助コミュニティーです!女の子と真剣にお付き合いしたい方も、複数の女性と戯れたい方も今すぐ無料登録からどうぞ - Anonymous
August 26, 2009
簡単にお小遣い稼ぎをしたい方必見、当サイト逆¥倶楽部では無料登録して女性の性の欲求に応えるだけのアルバイトです。初心者でもすぐに高収入の逆¥交際に興味をもたれた方はTOPページまでどうぞ。 - Anonymous
August 27, 2009