Open Source Projects in the MS Ecosystem
Jeff Atwood has a post on an idea he had about contributing to the OSS ecosystem (he started the thread with "How To Advertise on Your Blog Without (Completely) Selling Out"). I have a post in the works on my thoughts on the idea (bottom-line : I *LOVE* the idea). But, head over there and let Jeff and I know which .NET projects you find useful and which projects you'd like to nominate to be the recipient(s) of the money we'd like to contribute.
Technorati tags: oss, microsoft, codeplex, shared source, codinghorror
June 28, 2007
.NET Open Source and MicrosoftAnonymous
October 03, 2007
Viva transparency, openness! Today we are announcing that release of source code for the .NET 3.5 Framework