dear Jeremy S., all I want this summer, are some Yelp APIs...
Dear Jeremy, this summer, I'd like some Yelp APIs, please. With the kind of data that Yelp has available, by exposing some APIs, you can help us create some wicked cool mashups (on Popfly). Maybe a Vista gadget or two to keep track of stuff easier on desktops. Create a few (bazillion) more facebook apps. Create some custom mobile applications. I'm getting a little giddy thinking of all the things we could with some APIs.
Thanks, Jeremy.
Technorati tags: yelp, api, popfly, vista gadget, facebook, facebook applications
July 13, 2007
Hi Anand, Check the "TellMeWhere" block in Popfly, from Popfly user "piane". has just launched in the US and the amount of UGC dta that it contains is growing. The TellMeWhere block allows you to leverage these datas, including geolocalized information for you to mash-up on Virtual Earth. Yes, is one of my local partners. Cheers, /CLAnonymous
July 19, 2007
Check back next week!