Another Plug for Team System Cafe and its Amazing Resources!
My good friend and counterpart in the Heartland, Randy Pagels, has a really great web-site where you can find the latest news, articles, web casts, white papers, links and more for everything hot in the development world. Look for everything new and cool with VSTS, the .NET framework, Silverlight and more! Here are some examples of some of the amazing resources:
Presentations & Documents
Driving your business forward with ALM
VSTS-Ensure Quality Early and Often
Building a Robust Development Environment
Database Unit Testing Whitepaper
Key Benefits of VSTS 2008 White Paper
Requirements Management and VSTS
Customer Evidence
Clear Channel Communications - Major Media Company Puts the “Team” Back in Software Development
Dell Case Study - ROI on Visual Studio Team System at Dell
Gulf Coast Seal - Global Distributor Avoids Cost, Risk While Upgrading Mission-Critical Data Warehouse
Technorati Tags: VSTS,Webcasts,.NET Framework