SQL Server 2008 & Virtual Earth
There's a lot of buzz around Software plus Services (S+S) from Microsoft and others. It's all very simple as Eileen will tell you - it's when you use a service like GPS that's remote and public and combine it with some software like CoPilot or TomTom on your GPS to find directions.
In a similar vein SQL Server 2008 can store geo-spatial data but that's of no value to a business unless they can see it and the best way to do that is on a map. If you don't have mapping software of your own then you can use a web service like Virtual Earth.
Johannes Kebeck a Microsoft Virtual Earth expert spent a morning in Visual Studio 2008 to produce an application for an insurance company which I have demonstrated in this blogcast:
Technorati Tags: SQL Server 2008,Geo-Spatial,Virtual Earth
February 15, 2008
That's a really pretty demo. It actually would have been helpful if you showed HOW you did it, or at least posted your source code.Anonymous
February 15, 2008
Nick I can't give you the code, but please check out Chris Pendleton's blog for infor on the Virtual earth SDK at http://blogs.msdn.com/virtualearth/. Also Mike Ormond has an article here on how to use VE to get data into SQL Server 2008 http://blogs.msdn.com/mikeormond/archive/2007/12/11/getting-spatial-data-into-sql-server-2008.aspx AndrewAnonymous
March 19, 2008
Geography & Geometry has much significance in day to day life, within that as a data now you canAnonymous
March 20, 2008
Geography & Geometry has much significance in day to day life, within that as a data now you can