Create a consistent look for your website and get started with ASP.NET Razor Syntax by adding a page footer
ASP.NET Razor syntax is an easy way to mix HTML and code, like C# or VB. It’s not exclusive to WebMatrix, but it can be helpful in customizing your websites by giving your web pages a consistent look and feel. Let’s see how easy it is to get started using Razor syntax in WebMatrix. First, if you don’t have WebMatrix, DOWNLOAD IT HERE. I am using the WebMatrix 2 Beta version released in September 2011.
Fire up WebMatrix and Select Templates.
Select Photo Gallery. Provide a Site Name and click OK.
Hit Run.
Check out the default footer. We’re going to change it! How exciting!
Navigate to your files at the bottom left. Right-click your web site and select New File…
Because we want to mix HTML and C#, we want to create a file with the .cshtml extension. Name your file “PageFooter.cshtml”
Go to _SiteLayout.cshtml and remove the existing code for the page footer.
Replace the HTML with Razor syntax code, designated by the ‘@’ character, @RenderPage(“PageFooter.cshtml”)
Open your PageFooter.cshtml file and come up with a witty new footer.
Hit Run, and behold the new footer!
You can create a consistent look across your pages by using @RenderSection and @RenderBody to inject code where designated in a similar manner.