Top Read Posts from November 2010
As with most blogs traffic here comes from two main sources. One is subscribers; people who follow the RSS feed and read regularly. I use one analytic tool to try to understand that traffic. I use another tool to try to understand the direct web traffic. Most of the direct web traffic comes from links from other blogs and web pages but a lot comes from search engines as well. And some people who arrive directly from favorites in their web browser. It’s all good of course. The interesting thing is that while there is a lot of overlap between the two groups as to what posts are read the most often there are differences. So what I tried to do for today was to gather links of the top 10 based on merging the two sets of data. (well it is a rough merge but it works for me.) The idea here is to encourage subscribers to look back as some links they might have missed first time around as well as to encourage people who wind up here from search engines to look at what others found interesting.
Teaching real-world programming This got way more traffic than I expected. It’s good though and worth the read for some ideas about using volunteers to help teach better programming habits.
Wisdom in Lists–Really? Big with subscribers but not web readers – A look at reducing complex concepts to simple lists and going back again.
How Does Kinect Work? - I’ve been working on a presentation of this (this post is mostly links) and hope to write an even better post soon.
Big with subscribers but not new readers – Subscribers tend to read my project ideas even if the web doesn’t bring in a lot of traffic. But I think they are helpful and they are fun to write so expect more of them.
Pledge to Participate in and be a Support CS Ed Week
Big with subscribers but not web traffic – Computer Science Education week is Monday!
Windows Phone 7 Development for Absolute Beginners
Big with subscribers but not web traffic – If you are looking to teach smart phone development take a look at this video series.
Should Johnny Learn to Program?
Bigger from web traffic – again a bunch of links into this one but could use more comments and discussion.
Artificial Intelligence and Game Programming Bigger from web traffic
but it is early so I expect more subscribers will see it as the days go on. Some conversation in the comments at least. Join in please!