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Interesting Links 24 January 2011

I have a good bunch of links this week. Actually a wide variety of them. I hope you find some of use to you.

Microsoft’s January’s Tech Student of the Month – Den Delimarsky Great story of a student from Moldova who learned Visual Basic at age 7 and is not studying in the US.

The Coding4Fun Windows Phone Toolkit is out now and people are already finding it really useful in their projects. Check it out at Clint Rutkas, Windows Phone 7 competition captain in the Imagine Cup and the driving force behind the Windows Phone Toolkit talks about making awesome Windows Phone apps on the Imagine Cup blog.

A reminder that the Imagine Cup isn't ALL about programming and related development tools. High school students can create digital media entries as well!  I know YOU know some creative kids

My Twitter friends at @Microsoft_EDU: send out a link to an interesting look at elementary students trying to identify technology from past 30 years: It’s in French with English subtitles. Very funny to see what these kids think of  things like 8 track tapes. They also sent out a link to this Ted talk - Can gaming re-engage boys in the classroom?  [Video POV from Ali Carr-Chellman]

Old guys with Morse code vs. kids with text messaging. Interesting video of two experienced Morse code senders racing some young texter on sending a message.

 Dot Diva Launches New Web Site to Attract Girls to Computing

Ed & Ashley's 5 Minute Show with Gloria Townsend talking about Regional Grace Hopper Conference events!

VIDEO - a tip from @windowslive - Photo Gallery: Using face recognition

Slide show & story: Microsoft Employees Make 2010 Biggest Giving Year in History; $96 million

Registration now open for the Microsoft bliink Web Design Competition - for high schools students in the US