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How Many Sorting Algorithms Do Beginners Need To Learn

Do beginners even need to learn sorting algorithms? Let’s face it most modern programming environments have a sort function built in. In the so-called real world just about the only people who write sorting algorithms have PhDs in math or computer science and have likely published papers in peer reviewed journals on the sorting subject. So why take up time in a first programming course to talk about sorting? Because its good for them! Well sort of.

I was looking through the first textbook I wrote some 11 years ago and finding that it include both the bubble and selections sorts. Now these are terribly performing sorts. No one uses these. Quick sort perhaps. Maybe Insertion sort. Bubble sort? What was I thinking! As best I can recall I was thinking about helping explain how arrays worked with loops. It was more about developing an algorithm and seeing how it worked with real (or realish) data. Oh and if I recall correctly, the publisher asked me to make sure I covered sorting and searching. But maybe that is me trying to blame someone else. In a more advanced course one would use different sorting algorithms to learn about algorithm complexity, performance and probably also discuss Big-O notation. That works as a good excuse to talk about different sorting algorithms for many.

Students understand what sorting is all about. Well they don’t understand all of what it is about but at least if you ask students to sort data by hand they can usually do it. In fact asking students to sort data, perhaps on index cards, and asking them to think through the process they use can be very helpful. This helps them understand the complexity. The value though is really about understanding algorithm creation and translating that into code. Having to involved a number of important concepts like arrays, loops, and decision structures is also a good thing.

I think today I would teach the Quick Sort. It has all the goodness of other sort PLUS it involves recursion. Recursion is still a bit of magic to me. What it has taken me a while to really appreciate recursion I do now. The typical recursion example is really looping – things like calculating the Fibonacci Sequence. That’s not a bad thing but an application that requires recursion is better, my opinion, for getting students to really appreciate its power.

But I wonder if there are better algorithms to use as teaching tools? We, the teaching community, should probably be looking for some. Perhaps some that students are actually likely to have to implement some day. What do you think? Are sort algorithms essential? Why? What sort or sorts do you think students should learn? Or is there a better problem that solves the same issues in learning programming and algorithm development?


  • Anonymous
    November 01, 2011
    Many years ago I made this observation - want to reduce the size of your Programming II class?  Teach sorting algorithms in Programming I.

  • Anonymous
    November 02, 2011
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    November 02, 2011
    Many stuff mentioned here are good stuff. Only one I have reservations on is on benefits of recursion. It may just be a personal thing, but I'd prefer to stay away from recursion as it eats up program stack space. 90% of cases, it's not even a problem. It's only a problem when handling really huge amounts of data...

  • Anonymous
    November 02, 2011
    If you want to teach recursion in the abstract, go ahead. If you want to teach top-down or object-oriented programming in the abstract, go ahead. Use whatever examples you find apposite. The question is really whether the examination of specific algorithms provides a benefit to the student. Computers (apart from the peripherals they can control) are useful for two and only two reasons:

  1. Their ability to do arithmetic;
  2. Their ability to store and retrieve large amounts of data. Everything else is a consequence of those two powers. As a rule, students best come to appreciate the second of those two powers by studying access methods -- which invariably involves the study of searching and sorting methods. Despite the many advances in "prefab" kits of data manipulation and access methods these past two decades, a true understanding of what's possible in a computer still requires an understanding of searching, sorting, and how they synergize. Why yes, I DO believe introductory CS students should be required to learn a machine language! However did you guess?
  • Anonymous
    November 02, 2011
    The only sorting algorithm I can remember is bubble sort. I've learned all sorts of sorting algorithms while also learning Big-O notation. For instance, I can't reproduce the quick sort algorithm without looking somewhere else. I believe that something is worth teaching if it's going to be remembered. Sorting algorithms are too specific the be remembered and given attention to. It can help if someone is actually gonna do some work with it, but that's rare. They are however good tools to help teaching something else, like data structures or as you said, the Big-O notation. They will be forgotten, but the concepts they require to be implemented will not. But then, it could be any other type of algorithm and it would have the same effect: "Imprinting fundamental concepts to the student's brain".

  • Anonymous
    November 02, 2011
    We teach 7 sorts of sorts to illustrate that there is more than one way to skin a category. But recursion is worse than useless: an approach that exists solely to show how clever CS professors are. There is never any reason to solve a problem recursively, and the non-recursive algorithms tend to be much cooler anyway.

  • Anonymous
    November 03, 2011
    Tree sorts are a good one to teach: an efficient algorithm for these is minimalist to the point of Zen, and it's also highly recursive. Of course, once the students get the basics down, you then teach them how to rebalance the tree... then you go for B-trees... and so on... there's a lifetime of fiddling and optimization into which tree sorts can be extended, and in the meanwhile, you get to learn a whole lot of programming and algorithmic techniques.

  • Anonymous
    November 03, 2011
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    November 03, 2011
    Sorting is not just about sorting. It is a convenient place to explain some elementary algorithmic techniques such as array traversal, nested looping, recursion, in-place processing... And also to experience the basics of creating bugs by array overflow, wrong loop termination criteria, data overwriting... So easy to state the problem, so easy to exercise creativity. An excellent opportunity to show students that it is allowed (and beneficial) to use one's brain!

  • Anonymous
    November 04, 2011
    I can see my idea of "beginners" is very differents from most commenters here.    My idea of "beginners" are kids that would get something out of the Computer Science Unplugged sorting lessons.  Now those are fun and won't scare a beginner.

  • Anonymous
    November 04, 2011
    Found exactly what i needed for my sorting class...  

  • Anonymous
    November 04, 2011
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    November 06, 2011
    @Fábio Franco Yikes!  The insertion/selection sorts are only trivially more complex than a bubble sort; and I'd think either was almost as easy to recreate from scratch.  For a higher performing sort, without access to any external references I'd probably go with a merge sort; I find it much simpler conceptually and it's only major liability vs quicksort is that it needs 2n memory to sort an array of size n.