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Lost in the Translation

I suppose most people have a "natural" language. I pride myself on the fact that I speak three languages: English, American, and Shouting (used in all other situations). However, while the majority of us geeks are probably mono-dialectic or bi-dialectic in terms of spoken languages, we do tend to be multi-syntactic in terms of computer languages. In fact there can’t be many older members of the geek fraternity who don't have a passing knowledge of some dialect of BASIC. It might be GW Basic, Commodore Basic, or some variety of Visual Basic. Of course, these days, many refrain from admitting this, especially if they spent time working with what they see as "proper" languages (and I'm thinking C++ here).

Over time, the languages we've all used have changed. Some that looked especially promising in a "I've just got to learn that one" sort of way, such as Objective Camel, have dropped by the wayside. Others flourish and improve with each release. In the Microsoft world, the language that seems to be growing faster than any other is, of course, C#. I guess the acceptance as an ISO standard and the availability of the platform-agnostic CLI has helped. And, in most circumstances, the syntax is sufficiently simple compared to C++ that it is relatively easy to learn...

I often wonder where I stand in this changing world of languages. I learnt BASIC, FORTH, and assembly language programming on several home computers. I learnt Pascal, ADA, a little LISP, some COBOL, and a smattering of FORTRAN during university courses. I learnt the rudiments of RPG2 at one of my employers (even though I didn't work in the IT department, and had to sneak in when the boss was away). Then I took up the Microsoft cause and learnt Visual Basic, Access Basic, WordBasic, and any number of other myriad variations.

Next came the brave new world of the Internet, with scriptable browsers, and I learnt VBScript, JScript/JavaScript, and some Java. Plus, if you can call them languages, HTML, XML, XSL, XSL-T, and many other variations of XML-based dialects. Then, with the advent of .NET, it was back to Visual Basic - and learning C#. And having to finally get to grips with object oriented programming. In fact, my ASP.NET colleagues actually christened me "an upgraded VBScripter" because I'd always scraped by without really learning about inheritance, interfaces, and the like.

I remember reading somewhere a long while ago that any competent programmer can learn how to use a new language in a day, and master it in a week. There were many arguments on that bulletin board thread (see, I said it was a while ago), but I tend to believe that it's true. Of course, few languages are really "new". Knowledge of Pascal, ADA, or JScript makes learning C# and Java relatively easy. VBScript makes Visual Basic easier, and vice versa. The core programming concepts are mostly the same, and it’s just a matter of learning the syntax and keywords.

So where am I going with this rambling visit to computing language history? Well, it comes about because I increasingly fall out with the dev teams about how they write code. Yes, I know it's a wild assumption that a writer might know anything about real programming, but I don’t want to change how they write code - I just want to change how they decide on names and how they think about users of other languages.

A perfect example of the battles I seem to fight over and over again is the new Unity Application Block. The development team write in C#, and the original name of the method to retrieve object instances was "Get", which is - of course - a Visual Basic keyword. Thankfully, after I grumbled at them, it was changed to "Resolve". However, the real issues are things like variable names used in the code. I've struggled with this problem for many years, in articles, books, and documentation where the equivalent code is listed in more than one language; yet it seems I am getting no nearer to changing attitudes.

The technique I call "C++ naming" that many C# developers adopt is to simply lower-case or camel-case the class name, which means that Visual Basic has to prefix the variable name with something else for the code to remain remotely similar. And generally that "something" is the hated underscore (which doesn’t show up well in listings). In fact, the patterns & practices coding guidelines actually say "it is important to differentiate member variables from properties when the only difference in C# is capitalization". I hate to think how many hours I waste renaming variables in listings just to get the code to look the same in all the languages. And is it actually important? Do people ever read more than one language listing?

I don’t know about you, but I hate to see listings that differ between languages where this is not actually necessary. We tend to list only C# and Visual Basic, and in a few cases (such as anonymous delegates and methods), you do need to change the code between C# and Visual Basic. Plus, in cases where the developers use "C# best practice" or take advantage of features available only in C# syntax (which thankfully are few), I have to accept that I'll need to do some work to get to a Visual Basic translation - though automated tools do help a great deal.

Still, one nice feature that they did include in the Unity Application Block is a set of method overrides that do not use Generics. This means that you can use Unity in languages that don’t support the Generic coding principles available in Visual Basic and C#. Just a shame you can't use Unity in VBScript or JavaScript...