Response to the Attention Problem
Joshua Porter gave a talk recently 'Web 2.0 - Leveraging the Network'. He has published the slide deck that accompanied the talk and I ran through it this morning...I wish I could have attended, it looks great. I guess I'll have to ask him to go through it at our next podcast ;-)
One slide caught my eye. It was the following statement.
"The Challenge is to design software that alleviates the frustration of too much information, choices, and things competing for our attention."
For me, this encapsulates the response to the Attention Problem.
February 23, 2006
Related to Haque's idea of the post-network economy and
February 24, 2006
Same thing caught my eye.
"The Challenge is to design software that alleviates the frustration of too much information, choices, and things competing for our attention."
This is the sole problem we are solving at Attensa. The biggest challenge, at least in our view, is being able to process massive amounts of transient meta data AND deliver meaningful value on an individualized basis in near real-time. This of course also assumes that the "attention data" being generated in the first place is the RIGHT data.