My bookmarks in my RSS feed
I've spliced my bookmarks into my Feedburner generated RSS feed.
If it annoys you, let me know.
It is set to publish only once a day (if I've bookmarked anything, that is) so shouldn't be spammy.
These are bookmarks I actually use but thought you might find them of interest too...
- Anonymous
February 10, 2006
Not so much spamy as surprising to see all the updates to "Links for..." tonight. It's a cool feature, please do elaborate. - Anonymous
February 11, 2006
Very interesting idea, I would like to do this as well.
My bookmarks on my sidebar seem pretty popular but can't be seen through my feed.
<runs off to try it>
Dion - Anonymous
February 14, 2006
Yeah... I'm not so thrilled with this, but it is easy to skip over. I just want a reader that can automatically mark the "Links for" items as read. (GreatReader does it. BlogBridge is almost there.) - Anonymous
February 15, 2006
Thanks Jack. I'm listening out for gripes on this.
Alex. - Anonymous
February 19, 2006
Awful. Terrible. Very spammy. I sincerely hope you do not start a trend with this. I read blogs for their original ideas and writing, not for the links or blockquotes. More prose, less memetracker bait please.