Attention podcast: RSS feedreaders and aggregators
I asked two of the RSS industry's leading lights to join me for a call and share their perspective on the question of where Attention is going with respect to RSS feedreaders and aggregators: Nick Bradbury creator FeedDemon, part of Newsgator (Nick also developed Homesite - sold to Macromedia - and Topstyle) and Kevin Burton of Tailrank (also co-founder Rojo).
Many thanks to Nick and Kevin for their time, it was great to get their views on the topic of Attention.
Bottom line? Attention is happening.
The podcast (.mp3, 46 min, 11mb) can be downloaded here, show notes below.
- Intro What problem is Attention trying to solve in the feedreader / aggregator space? (01:20)
- RSS: from information consumption efficiency to information overload. (03:40)
- Attention can tell what's not important to you (more gestures) (05:45)
- The portability of Attention data (07:25)
- Turning OPML into an interchange format (08:10)
- On OPML Reading Lists (09:25)
- How do we define and standardize on Attention data? (10:40)
- Feed and item ranking data, vote rank (attention.xml) within OPML (14:08)
- adding an Attention namespace to OPML and Attention APIs (17:05)
- Beyond the feed level (21:00)
- interaction rank (23:10)
- Attention data beyond the clickstream (24:50)
- Attention Trust plug in and my attention data (27:50)
- Firefox ping attribute (31:50)
- The usability of RSS (35:30)
- What are the next steps for Attention to make progress? (40:10)
- FeedDemon 2.0 beta (44:15)
- Tailrank 1.0 (46:20)
- End (49:28)
Related: My Attention writings
Tags: Attention, OPML, RSS, attentiontrust, attention.xml, podcast, web 2.0
- Anonymous
January 23, 2006
Sounds good. Downloading it now... - Anonymous
January 23, 2006
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
January 23, 2006
thanks for the comments Joel. I've not heard of so will check out. - Anonymous
January 23, 2006
Didn't get through the last few minutes yet because my morning carpooling ended before the podcast did. But I enjoyed it a bunch; even listened to it while waiting for a policeman to cite me for an expired safety inspection.
I especially liked where Nick slipped and called the software an "aggravator" instead of an "aggregator."
I thought the point that users don't have to be dumb to need simple software was important (someone said something like "even if users are brilliant, they need simple software") We are all so busy, trying to do so many things, drinking in so much information... we need simple solutions. OPML is succeeding because it's simple just like RSS is, except for the subscribing bit, simple. - Anonymous
February 03, 2006
I had this idea the other day, just out of the blue. What if you could read your Skype chats as RSS feeds? Short answer: with Chat Channels, you can now. If you just want to get the program, jump... - Anonymous
February 16, 2006
PingBack from - Anonymous
March 23, 2006
Here's an OPMLish podcast for you, March 10, 2006
"It's all about the draft OPML 2.0 spec... - Anonymous
May 15, 2006
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