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MANAGED DEBUGGING with WINDBG. Setting a Breakpoint. Part 1

Hi all,

This post is a continuation of MANAGED DEBUGGING with WINDBG. Preparing the Environment.




We can only set breakpoints when doing live debugging, but many of the commands explained here can be used when doing dump analysis, too.

· We find the method where we want to set the breakpoint:

If we don’t know the name of the module, class or method we need, we can do the following:

0:004> !DumpDomain



Domain 1: 00094bd8

LowFrequencyHeap: 00094bfc

HighFrequencyHeap: 00094c54

StubHeap: 00094cac

Stage: OPEN

SecurityDescriptor: 00095938

Name: WindowsApplication1.exe

Assembly: 000d9748 [C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_32\mscorlib\\mscorlib.dll]

ClassLoader: 0008d348

SecurityDescriptor: 000d6568

  Module Name

790c2000 C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_32\mscorlib\\mscorlib.dll

007823dc C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_32\mscorlib\\sortkey.nlp

00782050 C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_32\mscorlib\\sorttbls.nlp


Assembly: 000e4ba0 [C:\ __MANAGED DEBUGGING\BuggyNETApp\bin\Debug\WindowsApplication1.exe]

ClassLoader: 0008d658

SecurityDescriptor: 000e4b18

  Module Name

00762c3c C:\ __MANAGED DEBUGGING\BuggyNETApp\bin\Debug\WindowsApplication1.exe


0:004> !DumpAssembly 000e4ba0

Parent Domain: 00094bd8

Name: C:\ __MANAGED DEBUGGING\BuggyNETApp\bin\Debug\WindowsApplication1.exe

ClassLoader: 0008d658

SecurityDescriptor: 00843678

  Module Name

00762c3c C:\ __MANAGED DEBUGGING\BuggyNETApp\bin\Debug\WindowsApplication1.exe


0:004> !DumpModule -mt 00762c3c

Name: C:\ __MANAGED DEBUGGING\BuggyNETApp\bin\Debug\WindowsApplication1.exe

Attributes: PEFile

Assembly: 000e4ba0

LoaderHeap: 00000000

TypeDefToMethodTableMap: 007600c0

TypeRefToMethodTableMap: 007600ec

MethodDefToDescMap: 0076024c

FieldDefToDescMap: 00760344

MemberRefToDescMap: 007603a0

FileReferencesMap: 007605bc

AssemblyReferencesMap: 007605c0

MetaData start address: 01123128 (10832 bytes)


Types defined in this module


      MT TypeDef Name


00763dbc 0x02000002 WindowsApplication1.My.MyApplication

00765e74 0x02000003 WindowsApplication1.My.MyComputer

00765c48 0x02000004 WindowsApplication1.My.MyProject

007661f4 0x02000005 WindowsApplication1.My.MyProject+MyForms

00766330 0x02000006 WindowsApplication1.My.MyProject+MyWebServices

00765de0 0x02000007 WindowsApplication1.My.MyProject+ThreadSafeObjectProvider`1

00766e94 0x02000008 WindowsApplication1.Form1


Types referenced in this module


      MT TypeRef Name


5e4e3d4c 0x01000001 Microsoft.VisualBasic.ApplicationServices.WindowsFormsApplicationBase

79104368 0x01000002 System.Collections.ArrayList


0:004> !DumpMT -md 00766e94

EEClass: 00ed0a30

Module: 00762c3c

Name: WindowsApplication1.Form1

mdToken: 02000008 (C:\ __MANAGED DEBUGGING\BuggyNETApp\bin\Debug\WindowsApplication1.exe)

BaseSize: 0x158

ComponentSize: 0x0

Number of IFaces in IFaceMap: 15

Slots in VTable: 395


MethodDesc Table

   Entry MethodDesc JIT Name

7b05e348 7b4a4668 PreJIT System.Windows.Forms.Form.ToString()


7b068b6c 7b4a4680 PreJIT System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnResizeEnd(System.EventArgs)

00851638 00766d68 JIT WindowsApplication1.Form1.get_Button1()


0076c2d8 00766d60 JIT WindowsApplication1.Form1.InitializeComponent()

0076c1b4 00766e08 NONE WindowsApplication1.Form1.CopyMem(IntPtr, IntPtr, Int64)

0076c2ec 00766db8 NONE WindowsApplication1.Form1.Button1_Click(System.Object, System.EventArgs)



Now, the method we choose can be jitted (.NET compiles IL to asm when we are going to use a method for the first time - Just In Time-)/pre-jitted, or not:

0:004> !DumpMD 00766d60

Method Name: WindowsApplication1.Form1.InitializeComponent()

Class: 00ed0a30

MethodTable: 00766e94

mdToken: 06000021

Module: 00762c3c

IsJitted: yes

m_CodeOrIL: 00850a08

0:004> !DumpMD 00766db8

Method Name: WindowsApplication1.Form1.Button1_Click(System.Object, System.EventArgs)

Class: 00ed0a30

MethodTable: 00766e94

mdToken: 0600002d

Module: 00762c3c

IsJitted: no

m_CodeOrIL: ffffffff


If we know the name of the method and in which module we can find it, we can get the method descriptor and jitted address directly like this:

0:004> !Name2EE WindowsApplication1!WindowsApplication1.Form1.InitializeComponent


0:004> !Name2EE WindowsApplication1 WindowsApplication1.Form1.InitializeComponent

Module: 00762c3c (WindowsApplication1.exe)

Token: 0x06000021

MethodDesc: 00766d60

Name: WindowsApplication1.Form1.InitializeComponent()

JITTED Code Address: 00850a08


0:004> !Name2EE WindowsApplication1 WindowsApplication1.Form1.Button1_Click

Module: 00762c3c (WindowsApplication1.exe)

Token: 0x0600002d

MethodDesc: 00766db8

Name: WindowsApplication1.Form1.Button1_Click(System.Object, System.EventArgs)

Not JITTED yet. Use !bpmd -md 00766db8 to break on run.


And if we know the name of the method but not the module, we can still get the method descriptor and jitted address like this:


0:004> !Name2EE * WindowsApplication1.Form1.InitializeComponent

Module: 790c2000 (mscorlib.dll)




Module: 00762c3c (WindowsApplication1.exe)

Token: 0x06000021

MethodDesc: 00766d60

Name: WindowsApplication1.Form1.InitializeComponent()

JITTED Code Address: 00850a08




Like a process, an Application Domain or AppDomain is both a container and a boundary. The .NET runtime uses an AppDomain as a container for code and data and to isolate code inside of a secure boundary.

An AppDomain belongs to only a single process, but single process can hold multiple AppDomains: typically a system domain (tracks all domains), a shared domain (contains code which is shared between all the other app domains), and at least one other app domain (the main app domain of the app).

In ASP.NET, w3wp.exe will hold system and shared domains, and also a default domain and one app domain per web application (virtual directory marked as application):

0:000> !dumpdomain


System Domain: 7a38bb38



Shared Domain: 7a38c110



Domain 1: 001a8d58

Name: DefaultDomain


Domain 2: 001caff8

Name: /LM/w3svc/1/ROOT/DebuggingWorkshop-1-128030638920977997





Next post: MANAGED DEBUGGING with WINDBG. Setting a Breakpoint. Part 2.

Index: MANAGED DEBUGGING with WINDBG. Introduction and Index.




Alex (Alejandro Campos Magencio)


  • Anonymous
    June 15, 2012
    Thanks for this tutorial, excellent