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I feel guilty

...not very guilty, but definitely guilty. I've never worried much about the gaps in my posts over the last 9 months, but I've realized recently that I actually have a few readers. I've run into three people over the last two months who have mentioned that they read my sporadic posts, but the interesting info (for me) happened because I switched to using newsgator as a blog aggregator a month or so ago. I had previously used sharpreader, but switched to newsgator (for reasons outside the scope of todays post). Anyway...newsgator has an interesting feature where it tells you how many newsgator readers are subscribed to a particular feed. I'm subscribed to my own feed (I'd like to say this is so I can see how my post looks in newsgator, but I think it's probably more of a egotistical thing. When my previous post showed up, I noticed that I have 19 readers. I know you're thinking "big whoop" (or something similar, but less G-rated), but given that I subscribe to several blogs where I'm the only subscriber, and that I probably haven't had 19 comments in the 18 months or so I've been blogging, I was pretty surprised.

So - to the 19 of you who apparently read this drivel, I owe you a drink.
