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Windows Phone SDK 7.1 “Beta 2 Refresh” Released

Yesterday, we released a refresh of the Windows Phone SDK 7.1 to our registered developers. The refresh carries two parts: we released an updated release of the Windows Phone SDK 7.1 (LKG-26) and the Mango OS (Build 7712).

First the tools,

With WPSDK RC about a month away, now is the time to update your app to Mango:

  • Get the tools: If you’re a registered App Hub developer and you haven’t already activated the invitation code, go activate it now and get the tools from Connect!
  • Evaluate the impact of Fast App Switching and other Mango capabilities to your app. There’s an ever-growing list of developer resources that the team is producing to help you get to your apps to Mango.
  • App Compat should be top of mind. Take a look at the short list of top potential app compat concerns that Larry has tracked down so that you’re not surprised when your users start installing Mango
  • Lastly, if you’ve even considered Mango I would greatly appreciate you taking 5 mins of your time to answer a short survey about updating to Mango

Then the phone,

The process to update your phone with build 7712 is pretty straight-forward: this build is not a RTM build – it’s still a pre-release build

  1. Make a copy of the backup you took when you updated to the Mango Beta 2 pre-release (which I’m sure you did) and put it in a safe place, if it isn’t in one already
    Note: Make sure that you copy this backup and put it somewhere else; uninstalling Zune will auto-delete any backups previously taken
  2. Return to (we’re using the same program you were invited to join last month) and download the freshly posted files, which includes a new Zune client and a new UpdateWP executable
  3. Head to the Control Panel and uninstall the Beta 2 software (Zune client and UpdateWP) and tools (WPSDK) that you installed last month
  4. Install the new software and tools that you just downloaded from Connect
  5. Fire up the new Zune client beta (4.8.2134.0) to check for the new update
  6. Zune will then update your phone from 7661 to 7712

For additional details, refer to the Windows Phone Developer blog.