reloads every 3 seconds, auth-problem, does not send Code to email

Michael Schmidt 340 Zuverlässigkeitspunkte

Hi, takes about 30 seconds to load initially, and after that it reloads every 2 seconds or so (but then it's quite fast - cache).

After a while it asks me to provide a code sent to my secondary emailadress - but this code does not arrive or does not get sent. It's not in SPAM. Other services from microsoft asking me for verification and sending a verification-code to my secondary emailaddress arrive - but not this one.

Verification via a code sent via SMS however was successful. I got logged in - but after loading, it reloads again every...

I've tried in Chrome as well as in Edge. I've tried in Inkognito mode, so no plugin intereferes - no luck.

Here are 3 screenshots showing the problem in dev-mode:

2024-09-04 13_58_47-Content Safety Studio - Microsoft Azure

2024-09-04 13_59_13-Content Safety Studio - Microsoft Azure

2024-09-04 14_00_13-Content Safety Studio - Microsoft Azure

How can I solve this problem?



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  1. Ivan Dragov (CONCENTRIX Corporation) 2,640 Zuverlässigkeitspunkte Microsoft-Anbieter

    Hallo Michael,

    Der Fehler „SharedComponentsContext.Provider is not used as an ancestor for shared components. This would prevent localization in the shared components.“ könnte durch eine unangemessene Konfiguration der Azure Machine Learning-Registrierung verursacht werden, die für die gemeinsame Nutzung von Komponenten (sharing of components), Modellen und Umgebungen verantwortlich ist. Informationen zum Erstellen einer Registrierung findest Du unter Learn how to create a registry. Du solltest Deinen Registrierungsnamen, Deine Berechtigungen und die aktivierte Azure-Region überprüfen, da dies zu Fehlverhalten beim Authentifizierungsprozess führen könnte. Der folgende Artikel beschreibt das Thema:

    Share models, components, and environments across workspaces with registries


    Ivan Dragov

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