VarAdd, VarSub, VarAnd, VarOr functions don't support BYREF VarType

Rene Roessler 0 Zuverlässigkeitspunkte

When I call VarAdd, VarSub, VarAnd, VarOr and similar functions to handle VARIANTs, I have noticed, that indirect VARIANTs are not working.

In your online help you say (i.e. VarAnd)

"...performs a bitwise And operation between two variants of any integral type".

So if (pvarLeft->vt & VT_BYREF) or (pvarRight->vt & VT_BYREF) (i.e. VT_BYREF | VT_I4), pVar->plVal is indeed a pointer to a 4 byte memory block.

HRESULT will throw an error with these Variants.

Why have you stopped here providing the functionality, when you are providing VariantCopyInd, which is supporting VT_BYREF?? It is making a lot of additional code to check for every use of these functions, if there is a VT_BYREF in one of input, and copy the by-refed Variant to a direct Variant and use the function after. Much overhead, ineffective as well.

  [in]  LPVARIANT pvarLeft,
  [in]  LPVARIANT pvarRight,
  [out] LPVARIANT pvarResult

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  1. Rene Roessler 0 Zuverlässigkeitspunkte

    After explaining the problem, you see here my complete solution of adding two variants with VT_BYREF support. You need two more VARIANTS in bad case.

    It would be nice to get a smart solution of MS for Add, Sub etc., i.e. by declaring

    As far as you can see in this code snippet, support for VT_I1, VT_UI2, VT_UI4, VT_UI8 and VT_I8 is missing as well.

    MS has stopped in the middle to support VB6 classic only.

        LPVARIANT PL; LPVARIANT PR; long ret;
        if (VarHelpL == NULL) VarHelpL = VariantNew();
        if (VarHelpR == NULL) VarHelpR = VariantNew();
        short vt = VL->vt;
        if (vt & VT_BYREF) {
            ret = VariantCopyIndPtr(VarHelpL, VL);
            if (ret) return ret;
            PL = VarHelpL;
            vt = vt & 0x3fff;
            PL = VL;
        if (vt == VT_I1 || vt == VT_UI2 || vt == VT_UI4 || vt == VT_UI8 || vt == VT_I8) {
            if (PL == VarHelpL)
                ret = VariantConvertDECIMAL(PL, PL, LOCALE_INVARIANT);
            else {
                ret = VariantConvertDECIMAL(PL, VarHelpL, LOCALE_INVARIANT);
                PL = VarHelpL;
            if (ret) return ret;
        vt = VR->vt;
        if (vt & VT_BYREF) {
            ret = VariantCopyIndPtr(VarHelpR, VR);
            if (ret) return ret;
            PR = VarHelpR;
            vt = vt & 0x3fff;
            PR = VR;
        if (vt == VT_I1 || vt == VT_UI2 || vt == VT_UI4 || vt == VT_UI8 || vt == VT_I8) {
            if (PR == VarHelpR)
                ret = VariantConvertDECIMAL(PR, PR, LOCALE_INVARIANT);
            else {
                ret = VariantConvertDECIMAL(PR, VarHelpR, LOCALE_INVARIANT);
                PR = VarHelpR;
            if (ret) return ret;
        ret = VarAdd(PL, PR, VResult);
        if (PL == VarHelpL) if (VarHelpL) VariantClear(VarHelpL);
        if (PR == VarHelpR) if (VarHelpR) VariantClear(VarHelpR);
        return ret;
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