Is Microsoft Graphs PDF export using the Microsoft Word engine to render the document?

Serhat Güler 0 Ansehenspunkte

I have templates, which my program fills out and then renders in word as PDF. Now since I want to deploy this on a linux server, I saw the possibility of utilizing Graph to do so. I have no possibillity of using a Windows server. Since LibreOffice cant properly render DOCX files as they show in Word, I thought it would be a good idea to use Graph for it. Now my question is, if the Graph API uses the same rendering engine, as I want the same results I would receive from word.

Eine Sammlung von Microsoft-Produktivitätssoftware, die gängige Geschäftsaufgaben unterstützt, darunter Textverarbeitung, E-Mail, Präsentationen sowie Datenverwaltung und -analyse.
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