Exception during start of Python Azure Function not logged or found


We have a small Python Azure Function like this :

import azure.functions as func
import logging
import zsbiconfig
app = func.FunctionApp()
@app.timer_trigger(schedule="0 */1 * * * *", arg_name="myTimer", run_on_startup=False,
def zsdbi(myTimer: func.TimerRequest) -> None:
    if myTimer.past_due:
        logging.info('The timer is past due!')
    logging.info('21 Python timer trigger function executed.')

If during load a Exception is thrown eg. import zsbiconfig not found I do not find this Information in the azure Portal or elsewhere. We do see however the logging calls in the LogStream but no Exception.

Azure SDKs
Azure SDKs
Eine Reihe von Visual Studio-Tools, Befehlszeilentools, Laufzeitbinärdateien und Clientbibliotheken, die Clients beim Entwickeln, Testen und Bereitstellen von Apps unterstützen, die in Azure ausgeführt werden.
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