Upgrade Windows 11 24H2 is not offered on client (already compliant?)

WendavMirco-0939 6 Ansehenspunkte

We use ConfigMgr 2309 and have 5500 Windows 11 22H2/23H2 HP Elitbooks, why can I only offer the 24H209 upgrade to 519 devices and the 24H208 upgrade to 524 devices? Are there certain requirements that must be met or does the ConfigMgr client not provide all the necessary information?

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  1. Stanislava Dimitrova (Convergys International) 620 Ansehenspunkte Externe Mitarbeiter von Microsoft


    there are few things that can be checked. It's important that the devices are meeting all the criteria like hardware requirements, drivers, apps compatibility. ConfigMgr performs compatibility checks, so this could be one reason. Check if you have created and deployed any feature update policies that might limit which devices can receive the upgrades. On the other hand, I would also check the Monitoring logs and the Logs on the Clients. You can find any error messages which can indicate why the devices are not eligible.

    Best Regards,

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