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Using COM+ Services Through CoEnterServiceDomain and CoLeaveServiceDomain

CoEnterServiceDomain and CoLeaveServiceDomain are used together to surround an area of code that runs in its own context and can use COM+ services without the need for COM+ components. The COM+ services that are used in this context are configured through the CServiceConfig object that is passed in to CoEnterServiceDomain. The code that is surrounded by CoEnterServiceDomain and CoLeaveServiceDomain behaves as though it were a method that is called on an object created within this context.

A scripting application can use this pair of functions to provide run-time support of COM+ services without components. For example, a scripting application can be developed to provide tags that allow the script writers to enter and leave a service domain within the script. When the scripting engine processes the script and encounters the tags, it can call CoEnterServiceDomain with a preconfigured CServiceConfig object, run the necessary code, and then call CoLeaveServiceDomain.

Component Services Administrative Tool

Does not apply.

Visual Basic

Does not apply.


The following code fragment illustrates how to use COM+ services between calls to CoEnterServiceDomain and CoLeaveServiceDomain. Error handling is omitted for brevity. This code fragment uses the CServiceConfig object that was created and configured in Configuring COM+ Services with CServiceConfig.

// A CServiceConfig object was created as follows:
// hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_CServiceConfig, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, 
//   IID_IUnknown, (void**)&pUnknownCSC);

// Enter the Service Domain.
HRESULT hr = CoEnterServiceDomain(pUnknownCSC);
if (FAILED(hr)) throw(hr);

// Do the work that uses COM+ services here.

// Leave the Service Domain.



Configuring COM+ Services with CServiceConfig


Using COM+ Services Through CoCreateActivity