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Implementing the Object Creation Extension COM Object

An object creation extension is a COM object implemented as an in-proc server. Both primary and secondary object creation extensions must implement the IDsAdminNewObjExt interface.

Implementing IDsAdminNewObjExt

When the object creation wizard is created, it initializes each object creation extension by calling the extension's IDsAdminNewObjExt::Initialize method. The Initialize method supplies the extension with information about the container the object is being created in, the class name of the new object and information about the wizard itself. If the object creation wizard is started to create a new object from an existing object, the pADsCopySource parameter will not be NULL. In this case, the extension should attempt to obtain as much data from the object being copied as is feasible.

After the extension is initialized, the IDsAdminNewObjExt::AddPages method is called. The extension must add the page or pages to the wizard during this method. A wizard page is created by filling in a PROPSHEETPAGE structure and then passing this structure to the CreatePropertySheetPage function. The page is then added to the wizard by calling the callback function that is passed to AddPages in the lpfnAddPage parameter.

Before the extension page is displayed, IDsAdminNewObjExt::SetObject is called. This supplies the extension with an IADs interface pointer for the object being created.

While the wizard page is displayed, the page should handle and respond to any necessary wizard notification messages, such as PSN_SETACTIVE and PSN_WIZNEXT.

When the user completes all of the wizard pages, the wizard will display a "Finish" page that provides a summary of the data entered. The wizard obtains this data by calling the IDsAdminNewObjExt::GetSummaryInfo method for each of the extensions. The GetSummaryInfo method provides a BSTR that contains the text data displayed in the "Finish" page. An object creation extension does not have to supply summary data. In this case, GetSummaryInfo should return E_NOTIMPL. GetSummaryInfo is only called one time for each extension, not per page, so if the object creation extension adds more than one page, the extension must combine the summary data into one string.

When the user clicks the Finish button in the "Finish" page, the wizard calls each of the extension's IDsAdminNewObjExt::WriteData methods with the DSA_NEWOBJ_CTX_PRECOMMIT context. When this occurs, the extension should write the gathered data into the appropriate properties using the IADs::Put or IADs::PutEx method. The IADs interface is provided to the extension in the IDsAdminNewObjExt::SetObject method. The extension should not commit the cached properties by calling IADs::SetInfo. When all of the properties have been written, the primary object creation extension commits the changes by calling IADs::SetInfo. This is discussed in more detail below.

If an error occurs, the extension will be notified of the error and during which operation it occurred when the IDsAdminNewObjExt::OnError method is called.

Implementing a Primary Object Creation Wizard

The implementation of a primary object creation wizard is identical to a secondary object creation wizard, except that a primary object creation wizard must perform a few more steps.

Prior to the first page being dismissed, the object creation wizard must create the temporary directory object. To do this, call the IDsAdminNewObjPrimarySite::CreateNew method. A pointer to the IDsAdminNewObjPrimarySite interface is obtained by calling QueryInterface with IID_IDsAdminNewObjPrimarySite on the IDsAdminNewObj interface that is passed to IDsAdminNewObjExt::Initialize. The CreateNew method creates a new temporary object and calls IDsAdminNewObjExt::SetObject for each extension.

When an object creation wizard contains more than one page, the system implements a "Finish" page that displays a summary of the object information to be saved. When the Finish button on the "Finish" page is clicked, the system will call each of the object creation extension's IDsAdminNewObjExt::WriteData method and then commit the temporary object to persistent memory. If, however, the object creation wizard only contains one page, the page will have OK and Cancel buttons instead of the Back, Next and Cancel buttons normally found in a wizard and no "Finish" page is provided. Because of this, a single-page object creation extension wizard must call IDsAdminNewObjPrimarySite::Commit to perform the write and save operations. A single-page primary object creation extension should call Commit in response to the PSN_WIZFINISH notification.

Because other object creation extensions can add pages to the wizard, the primary object creation extension may not know if there is more than one page in the wizard. This is not an issue for two reasons: First, if the system implements the "Finish" page, the primary object creation extension will receive the PSN_WIZNEXT notification instead of the PSN_WIZNEXT notification. Second, Commit will fail harmlessly if the wizard contains more than one page.