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Example Code for Converting an objectSid into a Bindable String

This topic contains a code example that converts an objectSid to a bindable string to add a member that belongs to a down-level domain to a group in an up-level domain.

The following C++ code example shows how to convert an objectSid into a bindable string.

HRESULT VariantArrayToBytes(VARIANT Variant, 
                            LPBYTE *ppBytes, 
                            DWORD *pdwBytes);



    Converts a SID in VARIANT form, such as an objectSid value,  
    and converts it into a bindale string in the form:


    The returned string is allocated with AllocADsMem and must  
    be freed by the caller with FreADsMem.


    LPWSTR pwszReturn = NULL;

    if(vSID.vt != VT_EMPTY) 
        HRESULT hr;
        LPBYTE pByte;
        DWORD dwBytes = 0;

        hr = VariantArrayToBytes(vSID, &pByte, &dwBytes);
        if(S_OK == hr)
            // Convert the BYTE array into a string of 
            // hex characters.
            CComBSTR sbstrTemp = "LDAP://<SID=";

            for(DWORD i = 0; i < dwBytes; i++)
                WCHAR wszByte[3];

                swprintf_s(wszByte, L"%02x", pByte[i]);
                sbstrTemp += wszByte;

            sbstrTemp += ">";
            pwszReturn = 
              (LPWSTR)AllocADsMem((sbstrTemp.Length() + 1) * 
                wcscpy_s(pwszReturn, sbstrTemp.m_str);


    return pwszReturn;



    This function converts a VARIANT array into an array of BYTES.  
    This function allocates the buffer using AllocADsMem. The caller 
    must free this memory with FreeADsMem when it is no longer 


HRESULT VariantArrayToBytes(VARIANT Variant, 
                            LPBYTE *ppBytes,  
                            DWORD *pdwBytes)
    if(!(Variant.vt & VT_ARRAY) ||
        !Variant.parray ||
        !ppBytes ||
        return E_INVALIDARG;

    *ppBytes = NULL;
    *pdwBytes = 0;

    HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
    SAFEARRAY *pArrayVal = NULL;
    CHAR HUGEP *pArray = NULL;
    // Retrieve the safe array.
    pArrayVal = Variant.parray;
    DWORD dwBytes = pArrayVal->rgsabound[0].cElements;
    *ppBytes = (LPBYTE)AllocADsMem(dwBytes);
    if(NULL == *ppBytes) 
        return E_OUTOFMEMORY;

    hr = SafeArrayAccessData(pArrayVal, (void HUGEP * FAR *) &pArray);
        // Copy the bytes to the safe array.
        CopyMemory(*ppBytes, pArray, dwBytes);
        SafeArrayUnaccessData( pArrayVal );
        *pdwBytes = dwBytes;
    return hr;