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Audio device information properties

This article lists the device information properties related to audio devices. On Windows, each hardware device has associated DeviceInformation properties providing detailed information about a device that you can use when you need specific information about the device or when you are building a device selector. For general information about enumerating devices on Windows, see Enumerate devices and Device information properties.

Name Type Description
System.Devices.AudioDevice.Microphone.SensitivityInDbfs Double Specifies the microphone sensitivity in decibels relative to full scale (dBFS) units.
System.Devices.AudioDevice.Microphone.SignalToNoiseRatioInDb Double Specifies the microphone signal to noise ratio (SNR) measured in decibel (dB) units.
System.Devices.AudioDevice.SpeechProcessingSupported Boolean Indicates whether the audio device supports speech processing.
System.Devices.AudioDevice.RawProcessingSupported Boolean Indicates whether the audio device supports raw processing.
System.Devices.MicrophoneArray.Geometry unsigned char[] Geometry data for a microphone array.