Policy CSP - ApplicationDefaults
Scope | Editions | Applicable OS |
✅ Device ❌ User |
✅ Pro ✅ Enterprise ✅ Education ✅ IoT Enterprise / IoT Enterprise LTSC |
✅ Windows 10, version 1703 [10.0.15063] and later |
This policy allows an administrator to set default file type and protocol associations. When set, default associations will be applied on sign-in to the PC. The association file can be created using the DISM tool (dism /online /export-defaultappassociations:appassoc.xml). The file can be further edited by adding attributes to control how often associations are applied by the policy. The file then needs to be base64 encoded before being added to SyncML. If policy is enabled and the client machine is Microsoft Entra joined, the associations assigned in SyncML will be processed and default associations will be applied.
For this policy, MDM policy take precedence over group policies even when MDMWinsOverGP policy is not set.
Description framework properties:
Property name | Property value |
Format | chr (string) |
Access Type | Add, Delete, Get, Replace |
Group policy mapping:
Name | Value |
Name | DefaultAssociationsConfiguration |
Friendly Name | Set a default associations configuration file |
Element Name | Default Associations Configuration File. |
Location | Computer Configuration |
Path | WindowsComponents > File Explorer |
Registry Key Name | Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System |
ADMX File Name | WindowsExplorer.admx |
To create the SyncML, follow these steps:
Install a few apps and change your defaults.
From an elevated prompt, run
dism /online /export-defaultappassociations:C:\appassoc.xml
. Here's an example output from the dism default association export command:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <DefaultAssociations> <Association Identifier=".htm" ProgId="AppX4hxtad77fbk3jkkeerkrm0ze94wjf3s9" ApplicationName="Microsoft Edge" /> <Association Identifier=".html" ProgId="AppX4hxtad77fbk3jkkeerkrm0ze94wjf3s9" ApplicationName="Microsoft Edge" /> <Association Identifier=".pdf" ProgId="AppXd4nrz8ff68srnhf9t5a8sbjyar1cr723" ApplicationName="Microsoft Edge" /> <Association Identifier="http" ProgId="AppXq0fevzme2pys62n3e0fbqa7peapykr8v" ApplicationName="Microsoft Edge" /> <Association Identifier="https" ProgId="AppX90nv6nhay5n6a98fnetv7tpk64pp35es" ApplicationName="Microsoft Edge" /> </DefaultAssociations>
Starting in Windows 11, version 22H2, two new attributes are available for further customization of the policy. These attributes can be used to change how often the policy associations are applied.
- Version attribute for
. This attribute is used to control when Suggested associations are applied. Whenever the Version value is incremented, a Suggested association is applied one time. - Suggested attribute for
. The default value is false. If it's false, the Association is applied on every sign-in. If it's true, the Association is only applied once for the current DefaultAssociations Version. When the Version is incremented, the Association is applied once again, on next sign-in.
In the following example, the Association for
is applied on first sign-in of the user, and all others are applied on every sign-in. If Version is incremented, and the updated file is deployed to the user, the Association for.htm
is applied again:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <DefaultAssociations Version="1" > <Association Identifier=".htm" ProgId="AppX4hxtad77fbk3jkkeerkrm0ze94wjf3s9" ApplicationName="Microsoft Edge" Suggested="true" /> <Association Identifier=".html" ProgId="AppX4hxtad77fbk3jkkeerkrm0ze94wjf3s9" ApplicationName="Microsoft Edge" /> <Association Identifier=".pdf" ProgId="AppXd4nrz8ff68srnhf9t5a8sbjyar1cr723" ApplicationName="Microsoft Edge" /> <Association Identifier="http" ProgId="AppXq0fevzme2pys62n3e0fbqa7peapykr8v" ApplicationName="Microsoft Edge" /> <Association Identifier="https" ProgId="AppX90nv6nhay5n6a98fnetv7tpk64pp35es" ApplicationName="Microsoft Edge" /> </DefaultAssociations>
- Version attribute for
Take the XML output and put it through your favorite base64 encoder app. Here's the base64 encoded result:
Paste the base64 encoded XML into the SyncML. Here's the SyncML example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <SyncML xmlns="SYNCML:SYNCML1.1"> <SyncBody> <Replace> <CmdID>101</CmdID> <Item> <Meta> <Format>chr</Format> <Type>text/plain</Type> </Meta> <Target> <LocURI>./Vendor/MSFT/Policy/Config/ApplicationDefaults/DefaultAssociationsConfiguration</LocURI> </Target> <Data>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 </Data> </Item> </Replace> <Final/> </SyncBody> </SyncML>
Scope | Editions | Applicable OS |
✅ Device ❌ User |
✅ Pro ✅ Enterprise ✅ Education ✅ IoT Enterprise / IoT Enterprise LTSC |
✅ Windows 10, version 1803 [10.0.17134] and later |
This policy setting determines whether Windows supports web-to-app linking with app URI handlers.
Enabling this policy setting enables web-to-app linking so that apps can be launched with an http(s) URI.
Disabling this policy disables web-to-app linking and http(s) URIs will be opened in the default browser instead of launching the associated app.
If you don't configure this policy setting, the default behavior depends on the Windows edition. Changes to this policy take effect on reboot.
Description framework properties:
Property name | Property value |
Format | int |
Access Type | Add, Delete, Get, Replace |
Default Value | 1 |
Allowed values:
Value | Description |
0 | Disabled. |
1 (Default) | Enabled. |
Group policy mapping:
Name | Value |
Name | EnableAppUriHandlers |
Friendly Name | Configure web-to-app linking with app URI handlers |
Location | Computer Configuration |
Path | System > Group Policy |
Registry Key Name | Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System |
Registry Value Name | EnableAppUriHandlers |
ADMX File Name | GroupPolicy.admx |