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Using AMLI Debugger Extensions

The AMLI Debugger extension commands are contained in the extension module Kdexts.dll and use the following syntax:

kd> !amli command [parameters] 

As with any extension module, after it has been loaded you can omit the acpikd prefix.

If you are at the AMLI Debugger prompt, you can execute any of these extension commands by simply entering the command name without the !amli prefix:

AMLI(? for help)-> command [parameters] 

When you are at this prompt, the !amli debugger command is not available (because it would be meaningless). Also, the help command ( ? ) at this prompt shows all AMLI Debugger extensions and commands, while the !amli ? extension only displays help on actual extensions.

Action Extension Command
Display Help !amli ?
Set AML Breakpoint !amli bp
List AML Breakpoints !amli bl
Disable AML Breakpoint !amli bd
Enable AML Breakpoint !amli be
Clear AML Breakpoint !amli bc
Enter AMLI Debugger !amli debugger
Display Event Log !amli dl
Clear Event Log !amli cl
Display Heap !amli dh
Display Data Object !amli do
Display Stack !amli ds
Display Namespace Object !amli dns
Find Namespace Object !amli find
Display Nearest Method !amli ln
List All Contexts !amli lc
Display Context Information !amli r
Unassemble AML Code !amli u
Set AMLI Debugger Options !amli set

See Also

The AMLI Debugger