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In Windows 8.1 and later, the PKEY_EFX_ProcessingModes_Supported_For_Streaming property key identifies the end point processing modes supported for streaming supported by the driver. The driver developer should list the end point processing modes supported for streaming that their driver supports.

The INF file property key instructs the audio endpoint builder to set the CLSIDs for APOs into the effects property store. This information is used to build the audio graph that will be used to inform upper level apps what effects are in place.

Because end point effects (EFX) are after the sum or before the tee, there cannot be multiple modes associated with endpoint processing. For this reason, only a single mode, AUDIO_SIGNALPROCESSINGMODE_DEFAULT, can be specified.

INF File Sample

An INF file specifies settings for an audio processing mode effect in the add-registry section for that device. The following INF example shows the strings and add-registry sections that loads the streaming processing modes supported into the registry.

PKEY_EFX_ProcessingModes_Supported_For_Streaming = "{D3993A3F-99C2-4402-B5EC-A92A0367664B},7"
; This line shows how to set the default processing mode for streaming.

Media-Class INF Extensions