Del via

PackageManager.FindUsers(String) Method


Finds the users who have installed the specified Package.

 virtual IIterable<PackageUserInformation ^> ^ FindUsers(Platform::String ^ packageFullName) = FindUsers;
IIterable<PackageUserInformation> FindUsers(winrt::hstring const& packageFullName);
public IEnumerable<PackageUserInformation> FindUsers(string packageFullName);
function findUsers(packageFullName)
Public Function FindUsers (packageFullName As String) As IEnumerable(Of PackageUserInformation)





The full name of the package. This parameter cannot be null.


If the method succeeds, an enumerable collection of package user information objects is returned. Each PackageUserInformation object in this collection contains the user security identifier (user SID) of a user for whom the specified package is installed. If no packages with the specified package full name are found, this method returns an empty list.

Windows requirements

App capabilities


Call the PackageManager.FindUsers method to enumerate the users who have installed a package. This example displays the information in the PackageUserInformation.UserSecurityId property.

using System.Security.Principal;
using Windows.Deployment.PackageManager;

private static void DisplayPackageUsers(
    PackageManager packageManager, 
    Windows.ApplicationModel.Package package)
    IEnumerable<PackageUserInformation> packageUsers = packageManager.FindUsers(

    Console.Write("Users: ");

    foreach (var packageUser in packageUsers)
        Console.Write("{0} ", SidToAccountName(packageUser.UserSecurityId));


private static string SidToAccountName(string sidString)
    SecurityIdentifier sid = new SecurityIdentifier(sidString);
        NTAccount account = (NTAccount)sid.Translate(typeof(NTAccount));
        return account.ToString();
    catch (IdentityNotMappedException)
        return sidString;

Also see Visual Studio support for C++/WinRT.

// main.cpp : In Visual Studio, create a new Windows Console Application (C++/WinRT), and run it (or run Visual Studio) as administrator.
#include "pch.h"

#include <winrt/Windows.ApplicationModel.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.Management.Deployment.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.Storage.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <Sddl.h>

using namespace winrt;
using namespace Windows::ApplicationModel;
using namespace Windows::Management::Deployment;
using namespace Windows::Storage;

std::wstring SidToAccountName(std::wstring const& sidString)
    PSID sid{ nullptr };

    std::wstring accountName{ sidString };

    if (::ConvertStringSidToSid(sidString.c_str(), &sid))
        DWORD nameCharCount{ 0 };
        DWORD domainNameCharCount{ 0 };
        SID_NAME_USE sidType;

        // determine how much space is required to store the name and domainName.
        ::LookupAccountSid(nullptr, sid, nullptr, &nameCharCount, nullptr, &domainNameCharCount, &sidType);

        std::wstring name; name.resize(nameCharCount + 1);
        std::wstring domainName; domainName.resize(domainNameCharCount + 1);

            if (::LookupAccountSid(nullptr, sid,, &nameCharCount,, &domainNameCharCount, &sidType))
                accountName = domainName + L"\\" + name;
        catch (...)
            // do nothing, original SID will be used.

    if (sid != nullptr)

    return accountName;

void DisplayPackageUsers(PackageManager const& packageManager, Windows::ApplicationModel::Package const& package)
    std::wcout << L"Users: ";

    for (auto const& packageUser : packageManager.FindUsers(package.Id().FullName()))
        std::wstring stringSid = SidToAccountName(packageUser.UserSecurityId().c_str());

        std::wcout << stringSid << L" ";
    std::wcout << std::endl;

int wmain()

    PackageManager packageManager;

    int count{ 10 };
    for (auto const& package : packageManager.FindPackages())
        DisplayPackageUsers(packageManager, package);
        if (count == 0) break;

    return 0;
using Windows::Management::Deployment;

void DisplayPackageUsers(
    PackageManager^ packageManager, 
    Windows::ApplicationModel::Package^ package)
    IIterable<PackageUserInformation^>^ packageUsers = packageManager->FindUsers(

    wcout << L"Users: ";

    std::for_each(begin(packageUsers), end(packageUsers), 
        [&](PackageUserInformation^ packageUser)
        wstring stringSid;

        SidToAccountName(packageUser->UserSecurityId->Data(), stringSid);

        wcout << stringSid << L" ";
    wcout << endl;

void SidToAccountName(wstring sidString, wstring& stringSid)
    PSID sid = NULL;

    if ( ConvertStringSidToSid(sidString.c_str(), &sid) )
        DWORD nameCharCount = 0;
        DWORD domainNameCharCount = 0;
        SID_NAME_USE sidType;

        // determine how much space is required to store the name and domainName
        LookupAccountSid(NULL, sid, NULL, &nameCharCount, NULL, &domainNameCharCount, &sidType);

        wchar_t *name = new wchar_t[nameCharCount + 1]; // leave space for terminating null
        wchar_t *domainName = new wchar_t[domainNameCharCount + 1];

        ZeroMemory(name, (nameCharCount + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t));
        ZeroMemory(domainName, (domainNameCharCount + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t));

            if ( LookupAccountSid(NULL, sid, name, &nameCharCount, domainName, &domainNameCharCount, &sidType) )
                stringSid = domainName;
                stringSid = stringSid + L"\\" + name;
        catch ( ... )
            // do nothing, original SID will be used.

        delete [] domainName;
        delete [] name;

    if ( stringSid.length() == 0 )
        stringSid = sidString;

    if ( sid != NULL )


This method requires administrative privileges.

Applies to

See also