syspublications (Transact-SQL)
Applies to:
SQL Server
Contains one row for each publication defined in the database. This table is stored in the publication database.
Column name | Data type | Description |
description | nvarchar(255) | The descriptive entry for the publication. |
name | sysname | The unique name associated with the publication. |
pubid | int | The identity column providing a unique ID for the publication. |
repl_freq | tinyint | The replication frequency: 0 = Transaction based. 1 = Scheduled table refresh. |
status | tinyint | The status: 0 = Inactive. 1 = Active. |
sync_method | tinyint | The synchronization method: 0 = Native-mode bulk-copy program utility (BCP). 1 = Character-mode BCP. 3 = Concurrent, which means that native-mode BCP is used but tables are not locked during the snapshot. 4 = Concurrent_c, which means that character-mode BCP is used but tables are not locked during the snapshot. |
snapshot_jobid | binary(16) | The scheduled task ID. |
independent_agent | bit | Specifies whether there is a stand-alone Distribution Agent for this publication. 0 = The publication uses a shared Distribution Agent, and each Publisher database/Subscriber database pair has a single, shared Agent. 1 = There is a stand-alone Distribution Agent for this publication. |
immediate_sync | bit | Indicates whether the synchronization files are created or recreated each time the Snapshot Agent runs, where 1 means that they are created every time the agent runs. |
enabled_for_internet | bit | Indicates whether the synchronization files for the publication are exposed to the Internet through file transfer protocol (FTP) and other services, where 1 means that they can be accessed from the Internet. |
allow_push | bit | Indicates whether push subscriptions are allowed on the publication, where 1 means that they are allowed. |
allow_pull | bit | Indicates whether pull subscriptions are allowed on the publication, where 1 means that they are allowed. |
allow_anonymous | bit | Indicates whether anonymous subscriptions are allowed on the publication, where 1 means that they are allowed. |
immediate_sync_ready | bit | Indicates whether the snapshot has been generated by the Snapshot Agent and is ready for use by new subscriptions. It is only meaningful for immediate updating publications. 1 indicates that the snapshot is ready. |
allow_sync_tran | bit | Specifies whether immediate-updating subscriptions are allowed on the publication. 1 means that immediate-updating subscriptions are allowed. |
autogen_sync_procs | bit | Specifies whether the synchronizing stored procedure for immediate-updating subscriptions is generated at the Publisher. 1 means that it is generated at the Publisher. |
retention | int | The amount of change, in hours, to save for the given publication. |
allowed_queued_tran | bit | Specifies whether queuing of changes at the Subscriber until they can be applied at the Publisher has been enabled. If 1, changes at the Subscriber are queued. |
snapshot_in_defaultfolder | bit | Specifies whether snapshot files are stored in the default folder. 0 = Snapshot files have been stored in the alternate location specified by alternate_snapshot_folder. 1 = Snapshot files can be found in the default folder. |
alt_snapshot_folder | nvarchar(255) | Specifies the location of the alternate folder for the snapshot. |
pre_snapshot_script | nvarchar(255) | Specifies a pointer to a .sql file location. The Distribution Agent runs the pre-snapshot script before running any of the replicated object scripts when applying a snapshot at a Subscriber. |
post_snapshot_script | nvarchar(255) | Specifies a pointer to a .sql file location. The Distribution Agent runs the post-snapshot script after all the other replicated object scripts and data have been applied during an initial synchronization. |
compress_snapshot | bit | Specifies that the snapshot that is written to the alt_snapshot_folder location is to be compressed into the Microsoft CAB format.1 means that the snapshot will be compressed. |
ftp_address | sysname | The network address of the FTP service for the Distributor. Specifies where publication snapshot files are located for the Distribution Agent to pick up. |
ftp_port | int | The port number of the FTP service for the Distributor. Specifies where the publication snapshot files are located for the Distribution Agent to pick up |
ftp_subdirectory | nvarchar(255) | Specifies where the snapshot files will be available for the Distribution Agent to pick up if the publication supports propagating snapshots using FTP. |
ftp_login | sysname | The username used to connect to the FTP service. |
ftp_password | nvarchar(524) | The user password used to connect to the FTP service. |
allow_dts | bit | Specifies whether the publication allows data transformations. 1 specifies that DTS transformations are allowed. |
allow_subscription_copy | bit | Specifies whether the ability to copy the subscription databases that subscribe to this publication has been enabled. 1 means that copying is allowed. |
centralized_conflicts | bit | Specifies whether conflict records are stored on the Publisher: 0 = Conflict records are stored at both the publisher and at the subscriber that caused the conflict. 1 = Conflict records are stored at the Publisher. |
conflict_retention | int | Specifies the conflict retention period, in days. |
conflict_policy | int | Specifies the conflict resolution policy followed when the queued updating subscriber option is used. Can be one of these values: 1 = Publisher wins the conflict. 2 = Subscriber wins the conflict. 3 = Subscription is reinitialized. |
queue_type | int | Specifies which type of queue is used. Can be one of these values: 1 = msmq, which uses Microsoft Message Queuing to store transactions. 2 = sql, which uses SQL Server to store transactions. Note: Using Microsoft Message Queuing has been deprecated and is no longer available. |
ad_guidname | sysname | Specifies whether the publication is published in the Microsoft Active Directory. A valid globally unique identifier (GUID) specifies that the publication is published in the Active Directory, and the GUID is the corresponding Active Directory publication object objectGUID. If NULL, the publication is not published in Active Directory. |
backward_comp_level | int | Database compatibility level, which can be one of the following values: 90 = SQL Server 2005 (9.x). 100 = SQL Server 2008 (10.0.x). 110 = SQL Server 2012 (11.x). 120 = SQL Server 2014 (12.x). |
allow_initialize_from_backup | bit | Indicates whether Subscribers can initialize a subscription to this publication from a backup rather than an initial snapshot. 1 means that subscriptions can be initialized from a backup, and 0 means that they cannot. For more information, see Initialize a Transactional Subscription Without a Snapshot. |
min_autonosync_lsn | binary | Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. |
replicate_ddl | int | Indicates whether schema replication is supported for the publication. 1 indicates that data definition language (DDL) statements executed at the publisher are replicated, and 0 indicates that DDL statements are not replicated. For more information, see Make Schema Changes on Publication Databases. |
options | int | A bitmap that specifies additional publishing options, where the bitwise option values are as follows: 0x1 - Enabled for peer-to-peer replication. 0x2 - Publish only local changes for peer-to-peer replication. 0x4 - Enabled for non-SQL Server subscribers. 0x8 - Enabled for peer-to-peer conflict detection. 0x100 - Starting with SQL Server 2019 CU13, enabled for last writer conflict detection. |
originator_id | smallint | Identifies each node in a peer-to-peer replication topology for the purposes of conflict detection. For more information, see Conflict Detection in Peer-to-Peer Replication. |
See Also
Replication Tables (Transact-SQL)
Replication Views (Transact-SQL)
sp_addpublication (Transact-SQL)
sp_changepublication (Transact-SQL)
sp_helppublication (Transact-SQL)