sp_add_log_shipping_primary_database (Transact-SQL)
Applies to:
SQL Server
Sets up the primary database for a log shipping configuration, including the backup job, local monitor record, and remote monitor record.
Transact-SQL syntax conventions
[ @database = ] 'database'
, [ @backup_directory = ] N'backup_directory'
, [ @backup_share = ] N'backup_share'
, [ @backup_job_name = ] 'backup_job_name'
[ , [ @backup_retention_period = ] backup_retention_period ]
[ , [ @monitor_server = ] 'monitor_server' ]
[ , [ @monitor_server_security_mode = ] monitor_server_security_mode ]
[ , [ @monitor_server_login = ] 'monitor_server_login' ]
[ , [ @monitor_server_password = ] 'monitor_server_password' ]
[ , [ @backup_threshold = ] backup_threshold ]
[ , [ @threshold_alert = ] threshold_alert ]
[ , [ @threshold_alert_enabled = ] threshold_alert_enabled ]
[ , [ @history_retention_period = ] history_retention_period ]
[ , [ @backup_job_id = ] backup_job_id OUTPUT ]
[ , [ @primary_id = ] primary_id OUTPUT ]
[ , [ @backup_compression = ] backup_compression_option ]
[ ; ]
[ @database = ] 'database'
The name of the log shipping primary database. @database is sysname, with no default, and can't be NULL
[ @backup_directory = ] N'backup_directory'
The path to the backup folder on the primary server. @backup_directory is nvarchar(500), with no default, and can't be NULL
[ @backup_share = ] N'backup_share'
The network path to the backup directory on the primary server. @backup_share is nvarchar(500), with no default, and can't be NULL
[ @backup_job_name = ] 'backup_job_name'
The name of the SQL Server Agent job on the primary server that copies the backup into the backup folder. @backup_job_name is sysname and can't be NULL
[ @backup_retention_period = ] backup_retention_period
The length of time, in minutes, to retain the log backup file in the backup directory on the primary server. @backup_retention_period is int, with no default, and can't be NULL
[ @monitor_server = ] 'monitor_server'
The name of the monitor server. @monitor_server is sysname, with no default, and can't be NULL
[ @monitor_server_security_mode = ] monitor_server_security_mode
The security mode used to connect to the monitor server.
: Windows Authentication0
: SQL Server Authentication
@monitor_server_security_mode is bit, with a default of 1
, and can't be NULL
[ @monitor_server_login = ] 'monitor_server_login'
The username of the account used to access the monitor server.
[ @monitor_server_password = ] 'monitor_server_password'
The password of the account used to access the monitor server.
[ @backup_threshold = ] backup_threshold
The length of time, in minutes, after the last backup before a @threshold_alert error is raised. @backup_threshold is int, with a default of 60 minutes.
[ @threshold_alert = ] threshold_alert
The alert to be raised when the backup threshold is exceeded. @threshold_alert is int, with a default of 14,420.
[ @threshold_alert_enabled = ] threshold_alert_enabled
Specifies whether an alert is raised when @backup_threshold is exceeded. The value of zero (0), the default, means that the alert is disabled and won't be raised. @threshold_alert_enabled is bit.
[ @history_retention_period = ] history_retention_period
The length of time in minutes in which the history is retained. @history_retention_period is int, with a default of NULL
. A value of 14420 is used if none is specified.
[ @backup_job_id = ] backup_job_id OUTPUT
The SQL Server Agent job ID associated with the backup job on the primary server. @backup_job_id is an OUTPUT parameter of type uniqueidentifier and can't be NULL
[ @primary_id = ] primary_id OUTPUT
The ID of the primary database for the log shipping configuration. @primary_id is an OUTPUT parameter of type uniqueidentifier and can't be NULL
[ @backup_compression = ] backup_compression_option
Specifies whether a log shipping configuration uses backup compression.
: Disabled. Never compress log backups.1
: Enabled. Always compress log backups.2
(default): Use the setting of the View or configure the backup compression default (server configuration option).
Return code values
(success) or 1
Result set
must be run from the master
database on the primary server. This stored procedure performs the following functions:
Generates a primary ID and adds an entry for the primary database in the table
using the supplied arguments.Creates a backup job for the primary database that is disabled.
Sets the backup job ID in the
entry to the job ID of the backup job.Adds a local monitor record in the table
on the primary server using supplied arguments.If the monitor server is different from the primary server,
adds a monitor record inlog_shipping_monitor_primary
on the monitor server using supplied arguments.
Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role can run this procedure.
This example adds the database AdventureWorks2022
as the primary database in a log shipping configuration.
EXEC master.dbo.sp_add_log_shipping_primary_database
@database = N'AdventureWorks',
@backup_directory = N'c:\lsbackup',
@backup_share = N'\\tribeca\lsbackup',
@backup_job_name = N'LSBackup_AdventureWorks',
@backup_retention_period = 1440,
@monitor_server = N'rockaway',
@monitor_server_security_mode = 1,
@backup_threshold = 60,
@threshold_alert = 0,
@threshold_alert_enabled = 0,
@history_retention_period = 1440,
@backup_job_id = @LS_BackupJobId OUTPUT,
@primary_id = @LS_PrimaryId OUTPUT,
@overwrite = 1,
@backup_compression = 0;