SQL Server, Broker/DBM Transport object
Applies to:
SQL Server
The Broker / DBM Transport performance object contains performance counters that report networking information for Service Broker and database mirroring. The table below lists the counters that this object contains.
SQL Server Broker/DBM Transport counter | Description |
Current Bytes for Recv I/O | This counter reports the number of bytes to be read by the currently running transport receive operations. |
Current Bytes for Send I/O | This counter reports the number of bytes in message fragments that are currently in the process of being sent over the network. |
Current Msg Frags for Send I/O | This counter reports the total number of message fragments that are in the process of being sent over the network. |
Message Fragment P1 Sends/sec | This counter reports the number of priority 1 message fragments sent over the network per second. |
Message Fragment P2 Sends/sec | This counter reports the number of priority 2 message fragments sent over the network per second. |
Message Fragment P3 Sends/sec | This counter reports the number of priority 3 message fragments sent over the network per second. |
Message Fragment P4 Sends/sec | This counter reports the number of priority 4 message fragments sent over the network per second. |
Message Fragment P5 Sends/sec | This counter reports the number of priority 5 message fragments sent over the network per second. |
Message Fragment P6 Sends/sec | This counter reports the number of priority 6 message fragments sent over the network per second. |
Message Fragment P7 Sends/sec | This counter reports the number of priority 7 message fragments sent over the network per second. |
Message Fragment P8 Sends/sec | This counter reports the number of priority 8 message fragments sent over the network per second. |
Message Fragment P9 Sends/sec | This counter reports the number of priority 9 message fragments sent over the network per second. |
Message Fragment P10 Sends/sec | This counter reports the number of priority 10 message fragments sent over the network per second. |
Message Fragment Receives/sec | This counter reports the number of message fragments received over the network per second. |
Message Fragment Sends/sec | This counter reports the number of message fragments of all priorities sent over the network per second. |
Msg Fragment Recv Size Avg | This counter reports the average size of message fragments received over the network. |
Msg Fragment Recv Size Avg Base | For internal use only. |
Msg Fragment Send Size Avg | This counter reports the average size of the message fragments sent over the network. |
Msg Fragment Send Size Avg Base | For internal use only. |
Open Connection Count | This counter reports the number of network connections that Service Broker currently has open. |
Pending Bytes for Recv I/O | This counter reports the number of bytes contained in message fragments that have been received from the network but have not yet been placed on a queue or discarded. |
Pending Bytes for Send I/O | This counter reports the total number of bytes in message fragments that are ready to be sent over the network. |
Pending Msg Frags for Recv I/O | This counter reports the number of message fragments that have been received from the network, but that have not yet been placed on a queue or discarded. |
Pending Msg Frags for Send I/O | This counter reports the total number of message fragments that are ready to be sent over the network. |
Receive I/O bytes/sec | This counter reports the number of bytes per second received over the network by Service Broker endpoints and Database Mirroring endpoints. |
Receive I/O Bytes Total | This counter reports the total number of bytes received over the network by Service Broker endpoints and Database Mirroring endpoints. |
Receive I/O Len Avg | This counter reports the average number of bytes for a transport receive operation. |
Receive I/O Len Avg Base | For internal use only. |
Receive I/Os/sec | This counter reports the number of transport receive I/O operations per second that the Service Broker / DBM transport layer has completed. A transport receive operation might contain more than one message fragment. |
Recv I/O Buffer Copies bytes/sec | The rate at which transport receive I/O operations had to move buffer fragments in memory. |
Recv I/O Buffer Copies Count | The number of times when transport receive I/O operations had to move buffer fragments in memory. |
Send I/O bytes/sec | This counter reports the number of bytes per second sent over the network by Service Broker endpoints and Database Mirroring endpoints. |
Send I/O Bytes Total | This counter reports the total number of bytes sent over the network by Service Broker endpoints and Database Mirroring endpoints. |
Send I/O Len Avg | This counter reports the average size in bytes of each transport send operation. A transport send operation might contain more than one message fragment. |
Send I/O Len Avg Base | For internal use only. |
Send I/Os/sec | This counter reports the number of transport send I/O operations per second that have completed. A transport send operation might contain more than one message fragment. |
You begin to explore the query performance counters in this object using this T-SQL query on the sys.dm_os_performance_counters dynamic management view:
SELECT * FROM sys.dm_os_performance_counters
WHERE object_name LIKE '%Broker/DBM Transport%';