Migrate managed backup settings
Applies to:
SQL Server
This topic covers migration considerations for SQL Server managed backup to Microsoft Azure when upgrading from SQL Server 2014 (12.x) to SQL Server 2016 (13.x).
The procedures and underlying behavior of SQL Server managed backup to Microsoft Azure has changed in SQL Server 2016 (13.x). The following sections describe the functional changes and their implications.
The following table describes some of the key functional differences for SQL Server managed backup to Microsoft Azure between SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and SQL Server 2016 (13.x).
Area | SQL Server 2014 (12.x) | SQL Server 2016 (13.x) |
Namespace: | smart_admin | managed_backup |
System Stored Procedures: | sp_set_db_backup sp_set_instance_backup |
managed_backup.sp_backup_config_basic (Transact-SQL) sp_backup_config_advanced sp_backup_config_schedule |
Security: | SQL credential using a Microsoft Azure storage account and access key. | SQL credential using a Microsoft Azure Shared Access Signature (SAS) token. |
Underlying Storage: | Microsoft Azure Storage using page blobs. | Microsoft Azure Storage using block blobs. |
There are several benefits to using the new functionality in SQL Server 2016 (13.x).
Block blobs cost less to store.
With striping, you can store much larger backups (12 TB versus 1 TB for page blobs).
Striping also improves the restore time for large databases
For other improvements to SQL Server managed backup to Microsoft Azure in SQL Server 2016 (13.x), see SQL Server Managed Backup to Microsoft Azure.
After you upgrade from SQL Server 2014 (12.x), note the following SQL Server managed backup to Microsoft Azure considerations:
Any databases previously configured for SQL Server managed backup to Microsoft Azure on SQL Server 2014 (12.x) will continue to use the smart_admin system procedures and underlying behavior on SQL Server 2016 (13.x).
The smart_admin procedures are not supported for any new configurations of SQL Server managed backup to Microsoft Azure on SQL Server 2016 (13.x). You must use the new managed_backup procedures and functionality.