Integration Services error and message reference
Applies to:
SQL Server
SSIS Integration Runtime in Azure Data Factory
The following tables list predefined Integration Services errors, warnings, and informational messages, in ascending numerical order within each category, along with their numeric codes and symbolic names. Each of these errors is defined as a field in the Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Hresults class in the Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime namespace.
This list may be useful when you encounter an error code without its description. The list does not include troubleshooting information at this time.
This list contains the following groups of messages:
- Error messages (DTS_E_*)
- Warning messages (DTS_W_*)
- Informational messages (DTS_I_*)
- General and event messages (DTS_MSG_*)
- Success messages (DTS_S_*)
- Data flow component error messages (DTSBC_E_*)
Many of the error messages that you may see while working with Integration Services come from other components. In this article, you will find all the errors raised by Integration Services components. If you do not see your error in the list, the error was raised by a component outside Integration Services. These may include OLE DB providers, other database components such as the Database Engine and Analysis Services, or other services or components such as the file system, the SMTP server, Message Queuing (also known as MSMQ), and so forth. To find information about these external error messages, see the documentation specific to the component.
Error messages
The symbolic names of Integration Services error messages begin with DTS_E_.
Hexadecimal & decimal code |
Symbolic name | Description |
0x8002F347 -2147290297 |
DTS_E_STOREDPROCSTASK_OVERWRITINGSPATDESTINATION | Overwriting Stored Procedure "%1" at destination. |
0x8020837E -2145352834 |
DTS_E_ADOSRCUNKNOWNTYPEMAPPEDTONTEXT | The data type "%1" found on column "%2" is not supported for the %3. This column will be converted to DT_NTEXT. |
0x8020838C -2145352820 |
DTS_E_XMLSRCSCHEMACOLUMNNOTINEXTERNALMETADATA | The column %1 in table %2 in the XML schema does not have a mapping in the external metadata columns. |
0xC0000032 -1073741774 |
DTS_E_NOTINITIALIZED | An internal object or variable was not initialized. This is an internal product error. This error is returned when a variable should have a valid value but does not. |
0xC0000033 -1073741773 |
DTS_E_EXPIRED | Integration Services evaluation period has expired. |
0xC0000034 -1073741772 |
DTS_E_NEGATIVEVALUESNOTALLOWED | This property cannot be assigned a negative value. This error occurs when a negative value is assigned to a property that can only contain positive values, such as the COUNT property. |
0xC0000035 -1073741771 |
DTS_E_NEGATIVEINDEXNOTALLOWED | Indexes cannot be negative. This error occurs when a negative value is used as an index to a collection. |
0xC00060AB -1073717077 |
DTS_E_INVALIDSSISSERVERNAME | Invalid server name "%1". SSIS service does not support multi-instance, use just server name instead of "server name\instance". |
0xC0008445 -1073707963 |
DTS_E_SCRIPTMIGRATIONFAILED64BIT | Migration for VSA scripts can not be done on 64 bit platforms due to lack of Visual Tools for Applications designer support. Run the migration under WOW64 on 64 bit platforms. |
0xC000931A -1073704166 |
0xC000F427 -1073679321 |
DTS_E_SSISSTANDALONENOTINSTALLED | To run a SSIS package outside of SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) you must install %1 of Integration Services or higher. |
0xC0010001 -1073676287 |
DTS_E_VARIABLENOTFOUND | The variable cannot be found. This occurs when an attempt is made to retrieve a variable from the Variables collection on a container during execution of the package, and the variable is not there. The variable name may have changed or the variable is not being created. |
0xC0010003 -1073676285 |
DTS_E_VARIABLEREADONLY | Error trying to write to a read-only variable, "%1". |
0xC0010004 -1073676284 |
DTS_E_MANAGEDCOMPONENTSTORENOTFOUND | Unable to find the directories containing Tasks and Data Flow Task components. Check the integrity of your installation. |
0xC0010006 -1073676282 |
DTS_E_PACKAGENAMETOOLONG | Package name is too long. The limit is 128 characters. Shorten the package name. |
0xC0010007 -1073676281 |
DTS_E_PACKAGEDESCRIPTIONTOOLONG | Package description is too long. The limit is 1024 characters. Shorten the package description. |
0xC0010008 -1073676280 |
DTS_E_VERCOMMENTSTOOLONG | VersionComments property is too long. The limit is 1024 characters. Try shortening the VersionComments. |
0xC0010009 -1073676279 |
DTS_E_ELEMENTNOTFOUND | The element cannot be found in a collection. This error happens when you try to retrieve an element from a collection on a container during execution of the package and the element is not there. |
0xC001000A -1073676278 |
DTS_E_PACKAGENOTFOUND | The specified package could not be loaded from the SQL Server database. |
0xC001000C -1073676276 |
DTS_E_INVALIDVARIABLEVALUE | The variable value assignment is not valid. This error happens when the client or a task assigns a runtime object to a variable value. |
0xC001000D -1073676275 |
DTS_E_RESERVEDNAMESPACE | Error assigning namespace to the variable. The namespace "System" is reserved for system use. This error happens when a component or task attempts to create a variable with a namespace of "System". |
0xC001000E -1073676274 |
DTS_E_CONNECTIONNOTFOUND | The connection "%1" is not found. This error is thrown by Connections collection when the specific connection element is not found. |
0xC001000F -1073676273 |
DTS_E_64BITVARIABLERECAST | The variable "%1" is a 64-bit integer variable, which is not supported on this operating system. The variable has been recast to 32-bit integer. |
0xC0010010 -1073676272 |
DTS_E_CANTCHANGEREADONLYATRUNTIME | An attempt change to a read-only attribute on variable "%1" occurred. This error happens when a read-only attribute for a variable is being changed at runtime. Read-only attributes can be changed only at design time. |
0xC0010011 -1073676271 |
DTS_E_VARIABLEINVALIDCONTAINERREF | Invalid attempt to set a variable to a container reference. Variables are not allowed to reference containers. |
0xC0010013 -1073676269 |
DTS_E_INVALIDVARVALUE | Assigning invalid value or object to variable "%1". This error happens when a value is not appropriate for variables. |
0xC0010014 -1073676268 |
DTS_E_GENERICERROR | One or more error occurred. There should be more specific errors preceding this one that explains the details of the errors. This message is used as a return value from functions that encounter errors. |
0xC0010016 -1073676266 |
DTS_E_INVALIDARRAYVALUE | Error getting or setting an array value. The type "%1" is not allowed. This occurs when loading an array into a variable. |
0xC0010017 -1073676265 |
DTS_E_UNSUPPORTEDARRAYTYPE | Unsupported type in array. This happens when saving an array of unsupported types into a variable. |
0xC0010018 -1073676264 |
DTS_E_PERSISTENCEERROR | Error loading value "%1" from node "%2". |
0xC0010019 -1073676263 |
DTS_E_INVALIDNODE | Node "%1" is not a valid node. This happens when saving fails. |
0xC0010020 -1073676256 |
DTS_E_ERRORLOADINGTASK | Failed to load task "%1", type "%2". The contact information for this task is "%3". |
0xC0010021 -1073676255 |
DTS_E_ERRORELEMENTNOTINCOLL | Element "%1" does not exist in collection "%2". |
0xC0010022 -1073676254 |
DTS_E_MISSINGOBJECTDATA | The ObjectData element is missing in the XML block of a hosted object. This occurs when the XML parser attempts to locate the data element for an object and it cannot be found. |
0xC0010023 -1073676253 |
DTS_E_VARIABLENOTFOUNDINCOLL | The variable "%1" cannot be found. This error occurs when an attempt to retrieve a variable from a variables collection on a container during execution of the package occurs, and the variable is not there. A variable name may have changed or the variable is not being created. |
0xC0010025 -1073676251 |
DTS_E_HASEMPTYTASKHOSTS | The package cannot execute because it contains tasks that failed to load. |
0xC0010026 -1073676250 |
DTS_E_TASKISEMPTY | The task has failed to load. The contact information for this task is "%1". |
0xC0010027 -1073676249 |
DTS_E_ERRORLOADINGTASKNOCONTACT | Error loading task "%1". |
0xC0010028 -1073676248 |
DTS_E_ERRORATLOADTASK | Error loading task. This happens when loading a task from XML fails. |
0xC0010200 -1073675776 |
DTS_E_MULTIPLECACHEWRITES | The %1 cannot write to the cache because %2 has already written to it. |
0xC0010201 -1073675775 |
DTS_E_SETCACHEFORINSERTFAILED | Failed to prepare the cache for new data. |
0xC0010202 -1073675774 |
DTS_E_SETCACHEFORFILLFAILED | Failed to mark the cache as filled with data. |
0xC0010203 -1073675773 |
DTS_E_READUNINITIALIZEDCACHE | The cache is not initialized and cannot be read by %1. |
0xC0010204 -1073675772 |
DTS_E_SETCACHEFORREADFAILED | Failed to prepare the cache for providing data. |
0xC0010205 -1073675771 |
DTS_E_READNOTFILLEDCACHE | The cache is being written to by %1, and cannot be read by %2. |
0xC0010206 -1073675770 |
DTS_E_WRITEWHILECACHEINUSE | The cache is being read from %1 and cannot be written to by %2. |
0xC0011001 -1073672191 |
DTS_E_CANTLOADFROMNODE | The runtime object cannot be loaded from the specified XML node. This happens when trying to load a package or other object from an XML node that is not of the correct type, such as a non-SSIS XML node. |
0xC0011002 -1073672190 |
DTS_E_OPENPACKAGEFILE | Failed to open package file "%1" due to error 0x%2!8.8X! "%3". This happens when loading a package and the file cannot be opened or loaded correctly into the XML document. This can be the result of either providing an incorrect file name was specified when calling LoadPackage or the XML file was specified and has an incorrect format. |
0xC0011003 -1073672189 |
DTS_E_LOADPACKAGEXML | Failed to load XML due to error 0x%1!8.8X! "%2". This happens when loading a package and the file cannot be opened or loaded correctly into XML document. This can be the result of either providing an incorrect file name to the LoadPackage method or the XML file specified having an incorrect format. |
0xC0011004 -1073672188 |
DTS_E_LOADPACKAGEXMLFILE | Failed to load XML from package file "%1" due to error 0x%2!8.8X! "%3". This happens when loading a package and the file cannot be opened or loaded correctly into an XML document. This can be the result of either providing an incorrect file name to the LoadPackage method or the XML file specified having an incorrect format. |
0xC0011005 -1073672187 |
DTS_E_OPENFILE | Failed to open package file. This happens when loading a package and the file cannot be opened or loaded correctly into an XML document. This can be the result of either providing an incorrect file name to the LoadPackage method or the XML file specified having an incorrect format. |
0xC0011006 -1073672186 |
DTS_E_UNABLETODECODEBINARYFORMAT | Unable to decode a binary format in the package. |
0xC0011007 -1073672185 |
DTS_E_FUNDAMENTALLOADINGERROR | Unable to load the package as XML because of package does not have a valid XML format. A specific XML parser error will be posted. |
0xC0011008 -1073672184 |
DTS_E_LOADFROMXML | Error loading from XML. No further detailed error information can be specified for this problem because no Events object was passed where detailed error information can be stored. |
0xC0011009 -1073672183 |
DTS_E_XMLDOMERROR | Cannot create an instance of the XML Document Object Model. MSXML may not be registered. |
0xC001100D -1073672179 |
DTS_E_CANNOTLOADOLDPACKAGES | The package cannot be loaded. This occurs when attempting to load an older version package, or the package file refers to an invalid structured object. |
0xC001100E -1073672178 |
DTS_E_SAVEFILE | Failed to save package file. |
0xC001100F -1073672177 |
DTS_E_SAVEPACKAGEFILE | Failed to save package file "%1" with error 0x%2!8.8X! "%3". |
0xC001200D -1073668083 |
DTS_E_IDTSNAMENOTSUPPORTED | The object must inherit from IDTSName100 and does not. |
0xC0012018 -1073668072 |
DTS_E_CONFIGFORMATINVALID_PACKAGEDELIMITER | The configuration entry, "%1", has an incorrect format because it does not begin with package delimiter. There was no "\package" delimiter. |
0xC0012019 -1073668071 |
DTS_E_CONFIGFORMATINVALID | The configuration entry "%1" had an incorrect format. This can occur because of a missing delimiter or formatting errors, like an invalid array delimiter. |
0xC001201B -1073668069 |
DTS_E_CONFIGFILEFAILEDEXPORT | Failure exporting configuration file. |
0xC0012021 -1073668063 |
DTS_E_PROPERTIESCOLLECTIONREADONLY | Properties collection cannot be modified. |
0xC0012022 -1073668062 |
DTS_E_DTRXMLSAVEFAILURE | Unable to save configuration file. The file may be read only. |
0xC0012023 -1073668061 |
DTS_E_FAILPACKAGEONFAILURENA | FailPackageOnFailure property is not applicable to the package container. |
0xC0012024 -1073668060 |
DTS_E_TASKPRODUCTLEVEL | The task "%1" cannot run on installed %2 of Integration Services. It requires %3 or higher. |
0xC0012029 -1073668055 |
DTS_E_UNABLETOSAVETOFILE | Unable to save xml to "%1". The file may be read only. |
0xC0012037 -1073668041 |
DTS_E_CONFIGTYPECONVERSIONFAILED | Failed to convert a type in the configuration "%1" for the package path "%2". This happens when a configuration value cannot be converted from a string to the appropriate destination type. Check the configuration value to ensure it can be converted to the type of the destination property or variable. |
0xC0012049 -1073668023 |
DTS_E_CONFIGFAILED | Configuration failure. This is a generic warning for all configuration types. Other warnings should precede this with more information. |
0xC0012050 -1073668016 |
DTS_E_REMOTEPACKAGEVALIDATION | Package failed validation from the ExecutePackage task. The package cannot run. |
0xC0013001 -1073663999 |
DTS_E_FAILTOCREATEMUTEX | Failed to create mutex "%1" with error 0x%2!8.8X!. |
0xC0013002 -1073663998 |
DTS_E_MUTEXOWNBYDIFFUSER | Mutex "%1" already exists and is owned by another user. |
0xC0013003 -1073663997 |
DTS_E_WAITFORMUTEXFAILED | Failed to acquire mutex "%1" with error 0x%2!8.8X!. |
0xC0013004 -1073663996 |
DTS_E_FAILTORELEASEMUTEX | Failed to release mutex "%1" with error 0x%2!8.8X!. |
0xC0014003 -1073659901 |
DTS_E_INVALIDTASKPOINTER | The wrappers task pointer is not valid. The wrapper has an invalid pointer to a task. |
0xC0014004 -1073659900 |
DTS_E_ALREADYADDED | The executable has been added to the Executables collection of another container. This occurs when a client tries to add an executable to more than one Executables collection. You need to remove the executable from the current Executables collection before attempting to add it. |
0xC0014005 -1073659899 |
DTS_E_UNKNOWNCONNECTIONMANAGERTYPE | The connection type "%1" specified for connection manager "%2" is not recognized as a valid connection manager type. This error is returned when an attempt is made to create a connection manager for an unknown connection type. Check the spelling in the connection type name. |
0xC0014006 -1073659898 |
DTS_E_COLLECTIONCOULDNTADD | An object was created but the attempt to add it to a collection failed. This can occur due to an out-of-memory condition. |
0xC0014007 -1073659897 |
DTS_E_ODBCERRORENV | There was an error creating an Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) environment. |
0xC0014008 -1073659896 |
DTS_E_ODBCERRORDBC | There was an error creating an Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) database connection. |
0xC0014009 -1073659895 |
DTS_E_ODBCERRORCONNECT | There was an error trying to establish an Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) connection with the database server. |
0xC001400A -1073659894 |
DTS_E_CONNECTIONMANAGERQUALIFIERALREADYSET | The qualifier is already set on this instance of the connection manager. The qualifier may be set once per instance. |
0xC001400B -1073659893 |
DTS_E_CONNECTIONMANAGERQUALIFIERNOTSET | The qualifier has not been set on this instance of the connection manager. Setting the qualifier is required to complete initialization. |
0xC001400C -1073659892 |
DTS_E_CONNECTIONMANAGERQUALIFIERNOTSUPPORTED | This connection manager does not support specification of qualifiers. |
0xC001400D -1073659891 |
DTS_E_CANNOTCLONECONNECTIONMANAGER | Connection manager "0x%1" cannot be cloned for out-of-process execution. |
0xC001400E -1073659890 |
DTS_E_NOSQLPROFILERDLL | The log provider for SQL Server Profiler was unable to load pfclnt.dll. Please check that SQL Server Profiler is installed. |
0xC001400F -1073659889 |
DTS_E_LOGFAILED | The SSIS logging infrastructure failed with error code 0x%1!8.8X!. This error indicates that this logging error is not attributable to a specific log provider. |
0xC0014010 -1073659888 |
DTS_E_LOGPROVIDERFAILED | The SSIS logging provider "%1" failed with error code 0x%2!8.8X! (%3). This indicates a logging error attributable to the specified log provider. |
0xC0014011 -1073659887 |
DTS_E_SAVETOSQLSERVER_OLEDB | The SaveToSQLServer method has encountered OLE DB error code 0x%1!8.8X! (%2). The SQL statement that was issued has failed. |
0xC0014012 -1073659886 |
DTS_E_LOADFROMSQLSERVER_OLEDB | The LoadFromSQLServer method has encountered OLE DB error code 0x%1!8.8X! (%2). The SQL statement that was issued has failed. |
0xC0014013 -1073659885 |
DTS_E_REMOVEFROMSQLSERVER_OLEDB | The RemoveFromSQLServer method encountered OLE DB error code 0x%1!8.8X! (%2) The SQL statement that was issued has failed. |
0xC0014014 -1073659884 |
DTS_E_EXISTSONSQLSERVER_OLEDB | The ExistsOnSQLServer method has encountered OLE DB error code 0x%1!8.8X! (%2). The SQL statement issued has failed. |
0xC0014015 -1073659883 |
DTS_E_CONNECTIONSTRING | OLE DB has failed making a database connection when using the supplied connection string. |
0xC0014016 -1073659882 |
DTS_E_FROMEXECISNOTCHILD | When adding a precedence constraint, a From executable was specified that is not a child of this container. |
0xC0014017 -1073659881 |
DTS_E_TOEXECISNOTCHILD | When adding a precedence constraint, the To executable specified is not a child of this container. |
0xC0014018 -1073659880 |
DTS_E_ODBCTRANSACTIONENLIST | There was an error trying enlist an ODBC connection in a transaction. The SQLSetConnectAttr failed to set the SQL_ATTR_ENLIST_IN_DTC attribute. |
0xC0014019 -1073659879 |
DTS_E_CONNECTIONOFFLINE | The connection manager "%1" will not acquire a connection because the package OfflineMode property is TRUE. When the OfflineMode is TRUE, connections cannot be acquired. |
0xC001401A -1073659878 |
DTS_E_BEGINTRANSACTION | The SSIS Runtime has failed to start the distributed transaction due to error 0x%1!8.8X! "%2". The DTC transaction failed to start. This could occur because the MSDTC Service is not running. |
0xC001401B -1073659877 |
DTS_E_SETQUALIFIERDESIGNTIMEONLY | The SetQualifier method cannot be called on a connection manager during package execution. This method is used at design-time only. |
0xC001401C -1073659876 |
DTS_E_SQLPERSISTENCEVERSION | Storing or modifying packages in SQL Server requires the SSIS runtime and database to be the same version. Storing packages in earlier versions is not supported. |
0xC001401D -1073659875 |
DTS_E_CONNECTIONVALIDATIONFAILED | Connection "%1" failed validation. |
0xC001401E -1073659874 |
DTS_E_INVALIDFILENAMEINCONNECTION | The file name "%1" specified in the connection was not valid. |
0xC001401F -1073659873 |
DTS_E_MULTIPLEFILESONRETAINEDCONNECTION | Multiple file names cannot be specified on a connection when the Retain property is TRUE. Vertical bars were found on the connection string, meaning multiple file names are being specified and, in addition, the Retain property is TRUE. |
0xC0014020 -1073659872 |
DTS_E_ODBCERROR | An ODBC error %1!d! has occurred. |
0xC0014021 -1073659871 |
DTS_E_PRECEDENCECONSTRAINT | There was an error in the precedence constraint between "%1" and "%2". |
0xC0014022 -1073659870 |
DTS_E_FAILEDPOPNATIVEFEE | Failed to populate the ForEachEnumeratorInfos collection with native ForEachEnumerators with the following error code: %1. |
0xC0014023 -1073659869 |
DTS_E_GETENUMERATOR | The GetEnumerator method of the ForEach Enumerator has failed with error 0x%1!8.8X! "%2". This occurs when the ForEach Enumerator cannot enumerate. |
0xC0014024 -1073659868 |
DTS_E_CANTGETCERTDATA | The raw certificate data cannot be obtained from the supplied certificate object (error: %1). This occurs when CPackage::put_CertificateObject cannot instantiate the ManagedHelper object, when the ManagedHelper object fails, or when the ManagedHelper object returns a malformed array. |
0xC0014025 -1073659867 |
DTS_E_CANTCREATECERTCONTEXT | Failed to create certificate context (error: %1). This occurs in CPackage::put_CertificateObject or CPackage::LoadFromXML when the corresponding CryptoAPI function fails. |
0xC0014026 -1073659866 |
DTS_E_CANTOPENCERTSTORE | Opening MY certificate store failed with error "%1".This occurs in CPackage::LoadUserCertificateByName and CPackage::LoadUserCertificateByHash. |
0xC0014027 -1073659865 |
DTS_E_CANTFINDCERTBYNAME | The certificate specified by name in MY store cannot be found (error: %1). This occurs in CPackage::LoadUserCertificateByName. |
0xC0014028 -1073659864 |
DTS_E_CANTFINDCERTBYHASH | Unable to find the specified certificate by hash in "MY" store (error: %1). Occurs in CPackage::LoadUserCertificateByHash. |
0xC0014029 -1073659863 |
DTS_E_INVALIDCERTHASHFORMAT | The hash value is not a one-dimensional array of bytes (error: %1). This occurs in CPackage::LoadUserCertificateByHash. |
0xC001402A -1073659862 |
DTS_E_CANTACCESSARRAYDATA | The data in the array cannot be accessed (error: %1). This error can occur wherever GetDataFromSafeArray is called. |
0xC001402B -1073659861 |
DTS_E_CREATEMANAGEDHELPERFAILED | The SSIS managed helper object failed during creation with error 0x%1!8.8X! "%2". This occurs whenever CoCreateInstance CLSID_DTSManagedHelper fails. |
0xC001402C -1073659860 |
DTS_E_OLEDBTRANSACTIONENLIST | The SSIS Runtime has failed to enlist the OLE DB connection in a distributed transaction with error 0x%1!8.8X! "%2". |
0xC001402D -1073659859 |
DTS_E_SIGNPACKAGEFAILED | Package signing failed with error 0x%1!8.8X! "%2". This occurs when the ManagedHelper.SignDocument method fails. |
0xC001402E -1073659858 |
DTS_E_CHECKENVELOPEFAILED | Failed to check for XML signature envelope in package XML with error 0x%1!8.8X! "%2". This occurs in CPackage::LoadFromXML. |
0xC001402F -1073659857 |
DTS_E_GETXMLSOURCEFAILED | Failed to obtain XML source from XML DOM object with error 0x%1!8.8X! "%2". This occurs when IXMLDOMDocument::get_xml fails. |
0xC0014030 -1073659856 |
DTS_E_PACKAGEVERIFICATIONFAILED | The cryptographic signature of the package failed verification due to error 0x%1!8.8X! "%2". This occurs when the signature verification operation fails. |
0xC0014031 -1073659855 |
DTS_E_GETKEYFROMCERTFAILED | Failed to obtain cryptographic key pair associated with the specified certificate with error 0x%1!8.8X! "%2". Verify that you have the key pair for which the certificate was issued. This error usually occurs when trying to sign a document using a certificate for which the person does not have the private key. |
0xC0014032 -1073659854 |
DTS_E_INVALIDSIGNATURE | The digital signature is not valid. The contents of the package have been modified. |
0xC0014033 -1073659853 |
DTS_E_UNTRUSTEDSIGNATURE | The digital signature is valid; however the signer is not trusted and, therefore, authenticity cannot be guaranteed. |
0xC0014034 -1073659852 |
DTS_E_TRANSACTIONENLISTNOTSUPPORTED | The connection does not support enlisting in distributed transaction. |
0xC0014035 -1073659851 |
DTS_E_PACKAGEPROTECT | Failed to apply package protection with error 0x%1!8.8X! "%2". This error occurs when saving to Xml. |
0xC0014036 -1073659850 |
DTS_E_PACKAGEUNPROTECT | Failed to remove package protection with error 0x%1!8.8X! "%2". This occurs in the CPackage::LoadFromXML method. |
0xC0014037 -1073659849 |
DTS_E_PACKAGEPASSWORD | The package is encrypted with a password. The password was not specified, or is not correct. |
0xC0014038 -1073659848 |
DTS_E_DUPLICATECONSTRAINT | A precedence constraint already exists between the specified executables. More than one precedence constraint is not allowed. |
0xC0014039 -1073659847 |
DTS_E_PACKAGELOADFAILED | The package failed to load due to error 0x%1!8.8X! "%2". This occurs when CPackage::LoadFromXML fails. |
0xC001403A -1073659846 |
DTS_E_PACKAGEOBJECTNOTENVELOPED | Failed to find package object in signed XML envelope with error 0x%1!8.8X! "%2". This occurs when signed XML does not contain a SSIS package, as expected. |
0xC001403B -1073659845 |
DTS_E_JAGGEDEVENTINFO | The lengths of parameter names, types, and descriptions arrays are not equal. The lengths must be equal. This occurs when the lengths of the arrays are mismatched. There should be one entry per parameter in each array. |
0xC001403C -1073659844 |
DTS_E_GETPACKAGEINFOS | An OLE DB error 0x%1!8.8X! (%2) occurred while enumerating packages. A SQL statement was issued and failed. |
0xC001403D -1073659843 |
DTS_E_UNKNOWNLOGPROVIDERTYPE | The log provider type "%1" specified for log provider "%2" is not recognized as a valid log provider type. This error occurs when an attempt is made to create a log provider for unknown log provider type. Verify the spelling in the log provider type name. |
0xC001403E -1073659842 |
DTS_E_UNKNOWNLOGPROVIDERTYPENOSUBS | The log provider type is not recognized as a valid log provider type. This error occurs when an attempt is made to create a log provider for unknown log provider type. Verify the spelling in the log provider type name. |
0xC001403F -1073659841 |
DTS_E_UNKNOWNCONNECTIONMANAGERTYPENOSUBS | The connection type specified for connection manager is not a valid connection manager type. This error occurs when an attempt is made to create a connection manager for unknown connection type. Verify the spelling of the connection type name. |
0xC0014040 -1073659840 |
DTS_E_PACKAGEREMOVEFAILED | An error was encountered when trying to remove the package "%1" from SQL Server. |
0xC0014042 -1073659838 |
DTS_E_FOLDERADDFAILED | An error was encountered when trying to create a folder on SQL Server named "%1" in folder "%2". |
0xC0014043 -1073659837 |
DTS_E_CREATEFOLDERONSQLSERVER_OLEDB | The CreateFolderOnSQLServer method has encountered OLE DB error code 0x%1!8.8X! (%2) The SQL statement issued has failed. |
0xC0014044 -1073659836 |
DTS_E_FOLDERRENAMEFAILED | An error occurred when renaming folder " %1\\%2" to "%1\\%3" on SQL Server. |
0xC0014045 -1073659835 |
DTS_E_RENAMEFOLDERONSQLSERVER_OLEDB | The RenameFolderOnSQLServer method encountered OLE DB error code 0x%1!8.8X! (%2). The SQL statement issued has failed. |
0xC0014046 -1073659834 |
DTS_E_FOLDERDELETEFAILED | Error deleting SQL Server folder "%1". |
0xC0014047 -1073659833 |
DTS_E_REMOVEFOLDERFROMSQLSERVER_OLEDB | The RemoveFolderOnSQLServer method encountered OLE DB error code 0x%1!8.8X! (%2). The SQL statement issued has failed. |
0xC0014048 -1073659832 |
DTS_E_INVALIDPATHTOPACKAGE | The specified package path does not contain a package name. This occurs when the path does not contain at least one backslash or one forward slash. |
0xC0014049 -1073659831 |
DTS_E_FOLDERNOTFOUND | Cannot find folder "%1". |
0xC001404A -1073659830 |
DTS_E_FINDFOLDERONSQLSERVER_OLEDB | While trying to find a folder on SQL an OLE DB error was encountered with error code 0x%1!8.8X! (%2). |
0xC001404B -1073659829 |
DTS_E_OPENLOGFAILED | The SSIS logging provider has failed to open the log. Error code: 0x%1!8.8X!. |
0xC001404C -1073659828 |
DTS_E_GETCONNECTIONINFOS | Failed to get ConnectionInfos collection with error 0x%1!8.8X! "%2". This error occurs when the call to IDTSApplication100::get_ConnectionInfos fails. |
0xC001404D -1073659827 |
DTS_E_VARIABLEDEADLOCK | Deadlock detected while trying to lock variables. The locks cannot be acquired after 16 attempts. The locks timed out. |
0xC001404E -1073659826 |
DTS_E_NOTDISPENSED | The Variables collection has not been returned from the VariableDispenser. An operation was attempted that is only allowed on dispensed collections. |
0xC001404F -1073659825 |
DTS_E_VARIABLESALREADYUNLOCKED | This Variables collection has already been unlocked. The Unlock method is called only once on a dispensed Variables collection. |
0xC0014050 -1073659824 |
DTS_E_VARIABLEUNLOCKFAILED | One or more variables failed to unlock. |
0xC0014051 -1073659823 |
DTS_E_DISPENSEDREADONLY | The Variables collection was returned the from VariableDispenser and cannot be modified. Items cannot be added to or removed from dispensed collections. |
0xC0014052 -1073659822 |
DTS_E_VARIABLEALREADYONREADLIST | The variable "%1" is already on the read list. A variable may only be added once to either the read lock list or the write lock list. |
0xC0014053 -1073659821 |
DTS_E_VARIABLEALREADYONWRITELIST | The variable "%1" is already on the write list. A variable may only be added once to either the read lock list or the write lock list. |
0xC0014054 -1073659820 |
DTS_E_LOCKVARIABLEFORREAD | Failed to lock variable "%1" for read access with error 0x%2!8.8X! "%3". |
0xC0014055 -1073659819 |
DTS_E_LOCKVARIABLEFORWRITE | Failed to lock variable "%1" for read/write access with error 0x%2!8.8X! "%3". |
0xC0014056 -1073659818 |
DTS_E_CUSTOMEVENTCONFLICT | The custom event "%1" is already declared with a different parameter list. A task is trying to declare a custom event, which another task has already declared with a different parameter list. |
0xC0014057 -1073659817 |
DTS_E_EVENTHANDLERNOTALLOWED | The task providing the custom event "%1" does not allow this event to be handled in the package. The custom event was declared with AllowEventHandlers = FALSE. |
0xC0014059 -1073659815 |
DTS_E_UNSAFEVARIABLESALREADYSET | The VariableDispenser received an unsafe Variables collection. This operation cannot be repeated. |
0xC001405A -1073659814 |
DTS_E_INVALIDPARENTPACKAGEPATH | GetPackagePath was called on the ForEachEnumerator but there was no ForEachLoop package path specified. |
0xC001405B -1073659813 |
DTS_E_VARIABLEDEADLOCK_READ | A deadlock was detected while trying to lock variable "%1" for read access. A lock could not be acquired after 16 attempts and timed out. |
0xC001405C -1073659812 |
DTS_E_VARIABLEDEADLOCK_READWRITE | A deadlock was detected while trying to lock variables "%1" for read/write access. A lock cannot be acquired after 16 attempts. The locks timed out. |
0xC001405D -1073659811 |
DTS_E_VARIABLEDEADLOCK_BOTH | A deadlock was detected while trying to lock variables "%1" for read access and variables "%2" for read/write access. A lock cannot be acquired after 16 attempts. The locks timed out. |
0xC001405E -1073659810 |
DTS_E_PACKAGEPASSWORDEMPTY | The protection level of the package requires a password, but PackagePassword property is empty. |
0xC001405F -1073659809 |
DTS_E_DECRYPTXML_PASSWORD | Failed to decrypt an encrypted XML node because the password was not specified or not correct. Package load will attempt to continue without the encrypted information. |
0xC0014060 -1073659808 |
DTS_E_DECRYPTPACKAGE_USERKEY | Failed to decrypt a package that is encrypted with a user key. You may not be the user who encrypted this package, or you are not using the same machine that was used to save the package. |
0xC0014061 -1073659807 |
DTS_E_SERVERSTORAGEDISALLOWED | The protection level, ServerStorage, cannot be used when saving to this destination. The system could not verify that the destination supports secure storage capability. |
0xC0014062 -1073659806 |
DTS_E_LOADFROMSQLSERVER | LoadFromSQLServer method has failed. |
0xC0014063 -1073659805 |
DTS_E_SIGNATUREPOLICYVIOLATION | The package cannot be loaded because the state of the digital signature violates signature policy. Error 0x%1!8.8X! "%2" |
0xC0014064 -1073659804 |
DTS_E_SIGNATURENOTPRESENT | The package is not signed. |
0xC0014065 -1073659803 |
DTS_E_SQLPROFILERDLL_ONLY_X86 | The log provider for SQL Server Profiler was unable to load pfclnt.dll because it is only supported on 32-bit systems. |
0xC0014100 -1073659648 |
DTS_E_NAMEALREADYADDED | The object cannot be added because another object with the same name already exists in the collection. Use a different name to resolve this error. |
0xC0014101 -1073659647 |
DTS_E_NAMEALREADYEXISTS | The object name cannot be changed from "%1" to "%2" because another object in the collection already uses that name. Use a different name to resolve this error. |
0xC0014103 -1073659645 |
DTS_E_FAILEDDEPENDENCIES | There was an error enumerating the package dependencies. Check other messages for more information. |
0xC0014104 -1073659644 |
DTS_E_INVALIDCHECKPOINT_TRANSACTION | The current package settings are not supported. Please change the SaveCheckpoints property or the TransactionOption property. |
0xC001410E -1073659634 |
DTS_E_CONNECTIONMANAGERJOINTRANSACTION | The connection manager failed to defect from the transaction. |
0xC0015001 -1073655807 |
DTS_E_BPDUPLICATE | The specified breakpoint ID already exists. This error occurs when a task calls CreateBreakpoint with the same ID multiple times. It is possible to create a breakpoint with the same ID multiple times if the task calls RemoveBreakpoint on the first creation before creating the second one. |
0xC0015002 -1073655806 |
DTS_E_BPUNKNOWNID | The specified breakpoint ID does not exist. This error occurs when a task references a breakpoint that does not exist. |
0xC0015004 -1073655804 |
DTS_E_CANTWRITETOFILE | The file, "%1", could not be opened for writing. The file could be read-only, or you do not have the correct permissions. |
0xC0015005 -1073655803 |
DTS_E_NOROWSETRETURNED | No result rowset is associated with the execution of this query. The result is not correctly specified. |
0xC0015105 -1073655547 |
DTS_E_DUMP_FAILED | Debug dump files were not generated correctly. The hresult is 0x%1!8.8X!. |
0xC0016001 -1073651711 |
DTS_E_INVALIDURL | The URL specified is not valid. This can happen when the server or proxy URL is null, or in an incorrect format. A valid URL format is in the form of https://ServerName:Port/ResourcePath or https://ServerName:Port/ResourcePath. |
0xC0016002 -1073651710 |
DTS_E_INVALIDSCHEME | The URL %1 is not valid. This can happen when a scheme other than http or https is specified, or the URL is in an incorrect format. A valid URL format is in the form of https://ServerName:Port/ResourcePath or https://ServerName:Port/ResourcePath. |
0xC0016003 -1073651709 |
DTS_E_WINHTTPCANNOTCONNECT | Connection to server %1 cannot be established. This error can occur when the server does not exist, or the proxy settings are incorrect. |
0xC0016004 -1073651708 |
DTS_E_CONNECTIONTERMINATED | The connection with the server has been reset or terminated. Try again later. |
0xC0016005 -1073651707 |
DTS_E_LOGINFAILURE | The login attempt failed for "%1". This error occurs when the login credentials provided are incorrect. Verify the login credentials. |
0xC0016006 -1073651706 |
DTS_E_INVALIDSERVERNAME | The server name specified in the URL %1 cannot be resolved. |
0xC0016007 -1073651705 |
DTS_E_PROXYAUTH | Proxy authentication failed. This error occurs when login credentials are not provided, or the credentials are incorrect. |
0xC0016008 -1073651704 |
DTS_E_SECUREFAILURE | TLS/SSL certificate response obtained from the server was not valid. Cannot process the request. |
0xC0016009 -1073651703 |
DTS_E_TIMEOUT | The request has timed out. This error can occur when the timeout specified was too short, or a connection to the server or proxy cannot be established. Ensure that the server and proxy URL are correct. |
0xC001600A -1073651702 |
DTS_E_CLIENTAUTH | Client certificate is missing. This error occurs when the server is expecting a TLS/SSL client certificate and the user has provided an invalid certificate, or has not provided a certificate. A client certificate must be configured for this connection. |
0xC001600B -1073651701 |
DTS_E_REDIRECTFAILURE | The specified server, URL %1, has a redirect and the redirect request failed. |
0xC001600C -1073651700 |
DTS_E_SERVERAUTH | Server authentication failed. This error occurs when login credentials are not provided, or the credentials are incorrect. |
0xC001600D -1073651699 |
DTS_E_WINHTTPUNKNOWNERROR | Request cannot be processed. Try again later. |
0xC001600E -1073651698 |
DTS_E_UNKNOWNSTATUSCODE | Server returned status code - %1!u! : %2. This error occurs when the server is experiencing problems. |
0xC001600F -1073651697 |
DTS_E_WINHTTPNOTSUPPORTED | This platform is not supported by WinHttp services. |
0xC0016010 -1073651696 |
DTS_E_INVALIDTIMEOUT | Timeout value is not valid. Timeout should be in the range of %1!d! to %2!d! (in seconds). |
0xC0016011 -1073651695 |
DTS_E_INVALIDCHUNKSIZE | The chunk size is not valid. The ChunkSize property should be in the range of %1!d! to %2!d! (in KB). |
0xC0016012 -1073651694 |
DTS_E_CERTERROR | Error processing client certificate. This error can occur when the client certificate provided was not found in the Personal Certificate Store. Verify that the client certificate is valid. |
0xC0016013 -1073651693 |
DTS_E_FORBIDDEN | Server returned error code "403 - Forbidden". This error can occur when the specified resource needs "https" access, but the certificate validity period has expired, the certificate is not valid for the use requested, or the certificate has been revoked or revocation can not be checked. |
0xC0016014 -1073651692 |
DTS_E_WINHTTPOPEN | Error initializing HTTP session with proxy "%1". This error can occur when an invalid proxy was specified. HTTP connection manager only supports CERN-type proxies. |
0xC0016015 -1073651691 |
DTS_E_OPENCERTSTORE | Error opening certificate store. |
0xC0016016 -1073651690 |
DTS_E_UNPROTECTXMLFAILED | Failed to decrypt protected XML node "%1" with error 0x%2!8.8X! "%3". You may not be authorized to access this information. This error occurs when there is a cryptographic error. Verify that the correct key is available. |
0xC0016017 -1073651689 |
DTS_E_UNPROTECTCONNECTIONSTRINGFAILED | Failed to decrypt protected connection string for server "%1" with error 0x%2!8.8X! "%3". You may not be authorized to access this information. This error occurs when there is a cryptographic error. Verify that the correct key is available. |
0xC0016018 -1073651688 |
DTS_E_NEGATIVEVERSION | The version number cannot be negative. This error occurs when the VersionMajor, VersionMinor, or VersionBuild property of the package is set to a negative value. |
0xC0016019 -1073651687 |
DTS_E_PACKAGEMIGRATED | The package has been migrated to a later version during loading. It must be reloaded to complete the process. This is an internal error code. |
0xC0016020 -1073651680 |
DTS_E_PACKAGEMIGRATIONFAILED | Package migration from version %1!d! to version %2!d! failed with error 0x%3!8.8X! "%4". |
0xC0016021 -1073651679 |
DTS_E_PACKAGEMIGRATIONMODULELOAD | Package migration module has failed to load. |
0xC0016022 -1073651678 |
DTS_E_PACKAGEMIGRATIONMODULE | Package migration module has failed. |
0xC0016023 -1073651677 |
DTS_E_CANTDETERMINEWHICHPROPTOPERSIST | Unable to persist object using default persistence. This error occurs when the default persistence is unable to determine which objects are on the hosted object. |
0xC0016024 -1073651676 |
DTS_E_CANTADDREMOVEWHENEXECUTING | Cannot add or remove an element from a package in runtime mode. This error occurs when an attempt is made to add or remove an object from a collection while the package is executing. |
0xC0016025 -1073651675 |
DTS_E_NODENOTFOUND | The "%1" node cannot be found in custom default persistence. This error occurs if the default saved XML of an extensible object was changed in a way that a saved object is no longer found, or if the extensible object itself changed. |
0xC0016026 -1073651674 |
DTS_E_COLLECTIONLOCKED | This collection cannot be modified during package validation or execution. |
0xC0016027 -1073651673 |
DTS_E_COLLOCKED | The "%1" collection cannot be modified during package validation or execution. "%2" cannot be added to the collection. |
0xC0016029 -1073651671 |
DTS_E_FTPNOTCONNECTED | Connection with the FTP server has not been established. |
0xC001602A -1073651670 |
DTS_E_FTPERROR | An error occurred in the requested FTP operation. Detailed error description: %1. |
0xC001602B -1073651669 |
DTS_E_FTPINVALIDRETRIES | The number of retries is not valid. The number of retries should be between %1!d! and %2!d!. |
0xC001602C -1073651668 |
DTS_E_LOADWININET | The FTP connection manager needs the following DLL to function: %1. |
0xC001602D -1073651667 |
DTS_E_FTPINVALIDCONNECTIONSTRING | The port specified in the connection string is not valid. The ConnectionString format is ServerName:Port. Port should be an integer value between %1!d! and %2!d!. |
0xC001602E -1073651666 |
DTS_E_FTPCREATEFOLDER | Creating folder "%1" ... %2. |
0xC001602F -1073651665 |
DTS_E_FTPDELETEFOLDER | Deleting folder "%1" ... %2. |
0xC0016030 -1073651664 |
DTS_E_FTPCHANGEFOLDER | Changing current directory to "%1". %2. |
0xC0016031 -1073651663 |
DTS_E_FTPFILESEMPTY | No files to transfer. This error can occur when performing a Send or Receive operation and no files are specified for the transfer. |
0xC0016032 -1073651662 |
DTS_E_FTPINVALIDLOCALPATH | Specified local path is not valid. Specify a valid local path. This can occur when the specified local path is null. |
0xC0016033 -1073651661 |
DTS_E_FTPNOFILESTODELETE | No files specified to delete. |
0xC0016034 -1073651660 |
DTS_E_WINHTTPCERTDECODE | Internal error occurred while loading the certificate. This error could occur when the certificate data is invalid. |
0xC0016035 -1073651659 |
DTS_E_WINHTTPCERTENCODE | Internal error occurred while saving the certificate data. |
0xC0016049 -1073651639 |
DTS_E_CHECKPOINTMISMATCH | Checkpoint file "%1" does not match this package. The ID of the package and the ID in the checkpoint file do not match. |
0xC001604A -1073651638 |
DTS_E_CHECKPOINTFILEALREADYEXISTS | An existing checkpoint file is found with contents that do not appear to be for this package, so the file cannot be overwritten to start saving new checkpoints. Remove the existing checkpoint file and try again. This error occurs when a checkpoint file exists, the package is set to not use a checkpoint file, but to save checkpoints. The existing checkpoint file will not be overwritten. |
0xC001604B -1073651637 |
DTS_E_CHECKPOINTFILELOCKED | The checkpoint file "%1" is locked by another process. This may occur if another instance of this package is currently executing. |
0xC001604C -1073651636 |
DTS_E_OPENCHECKPOINTFILE | Checkpoint file "%1" failed to open due to error 0x%2!8.8X! "%3". |
0xC001604D -1073651635 |
DTS_E_CREATECHECKPOINTFILE | Checkpoint file "%1" failed during creation due to error 0x%2!8.8X! "%3". |
0xC0016050 -1073651632 |
DTS_E_FTPINVALIDPORT | The FTP Port contains an invalid value. The FTP Port value should be an integer between %1!d! and %2!d!. |
0xC00160AA -1073651542 |
DTS_E_CONNECTTOSERVERFAILED | Connect to SSIS Service on machine "%1" failed: %2. |
0xC0017002 -1073647614 |
DTS_E_PROPERTYEXPRESSIONSDISABLEDONVARIABLES | The Expression property is not supported on Variable objects. Use the EvaluateAsExpression property instead. |
0xC0017003 -1073647613 |
DTS_E_PROPERTYEXPRESSIONEVAL | The expression "%1" on property "%2" cannot be evaluated. Modify the expression to be valid. |
0xC0017004 -1073647612 |
DTS_E_PROPERTYEXPRESSIONSET | The result of the expression "%1" on property "%2" cannot be written to the property. The expression was evaluated, but cannot be set on the property. |
0xC0017005 -1073647611 |
DTS_E_FORLOOPEVALEXPRESSIONINVALID | The evaluation expression for the loop is not valid. The expression needs to be modified. There should be additional error messages. |
0xC0017006 -1073647610 |
DTS_E_EXPRESSIONNOTBOOLEAN | The expression "%1" must evaluate to True or False. Change the expression to evaluate to a Boolean value. |
0xC0017007 -1073647609 |
DTS_E_FORLOOPHASNOEXPRESSION | There is no expression for the loop to evaluate. This error occurs when the expression on the For Loop is empty. Add an expression. |
0xC0017008 -1073647608 |
DTS_E_FORLOOPASSIGNEXPRESSIONINVALID | The assignment expression for the loop is not valid and needs to be modified. There should be additional error messages. |
0xC0017009 -1073647607 |
DTS_E_FORLOOPINITEXPRESSIONINVALID | The initialization expression for the loop is not valid and needs to be modified. There should be additional error messages. |
0xC001700A -1073647606 |
DTS_E_INVALIDVERSIONNUMBER | The version number in the package is not valid. The version number cannot be greater than current version number. |
0xC001700C -1073647604 |
DTS_E_INVALIDVERNUMCANTBENEGATIVE | The version number in the package is not valid. The version number is negative. |
0xC001700D -1073647603 |
DTS_E_PACKAGEUPDATEDISABLED | The package has an older format version, but automatic package format upgrading is disabled. |
0xC001700E -1073647602 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALTRUNCATIONASERROR | A truncation occurred during evaluation of the expression. |
0xC0019001 -1073639423 |
DTS_E_FAILEDSETEXECVALVARIABLE | The wrapper was unable to set the value of the variable specified in the ExecutionValueVariable property. |
0xC0019004 -1073639420 |
DTS_E_VARIABLEEXPRESSIONERROR | The expression for variable "%1" failed evaluation. There was an error in the expression. |
0xC0019305 -1073638651 |
DTS_E_UNSUPPORTEDSQLVERSION | The attempted operation is not supported with this database version. |
0xC001A003 -1073635325 |
DTS_E_TXNSPECINVALID | Transaction cannot be specified when a retained connection is used. This error occurs when Retain is set to TRUE on the connection manager, but AcquireConnection was called with a non-null transaction parameter. |
0xC001A004 -1073635324 |
DTS_E_INCOMPATIBLETRANSACTIONCONTEXT | Incompatible transaction context was specified for a retained connection. This connection has been established under a different transaction context. Retained connections can be used under exactly one transaction context. |
0xC001B001 -1073631231 |
DTS_E_NOTSUSPENDED | Resume call failed because the package is not suspended. This occurs when the client calls resume, but the package is not suspended. |
0xC001B002 -1073631230 |
DTS_E_ALREADYEXECUTING | Execute call failed because the executable is already executing. This error occurs when the client calls Execute on a container that is still executing from the last Execute call. |
0xC001B003 -1073631229 |
DTS_E_NOTEXECUTING | Suspend or Resume call failed because the executable is not executing, or is not the top-level executable. This occurs when the client calls Suspend or Resume on an executable that is not currently processing an Execute call. |
0xC001C002 -1073627134 |
DTS_E_INVALIDFILE | The file specified in the For Each File enumerator is not valid. Check that the file specified in the For Each File enumerator exists. |
0xC001C010 -1073627120 |
DTS_E_VALUEINDEXNOTINTEGER | The value index is not an integer . Mapping a For Each Variable number %1!d! to the variable "%2". |
0xC001C011 -1073627119 |
DTS_E_VALUEINDEXNEGATIVE | The value index is negative. The ForEach Variable Mapping number %1!d! to variable "%2". |
0xC001C012 -1073627118 |
DTS_E_FOREACHVARIABLEMAPPING | ForEach Variable Mapping number %1!d! to variable "%2" cannot be applied. |
0xC001C013 -1073627117 |
DTS_E_OBJECTNOTINFOREACHLOOP | Failure when adding an object to a ForEachPropertyMapping that is not a direct child of the ForEachLoop container. |
0xC001F001 -1073614847 |
DTS_E_FAILEDSYSTEMVARIABLEREMOVE | Failed to remove a system variable. This error occurs when removing a variable that is a required variable. Required variables are variables that are created by the runtime for communicating between tasks and the runtime. |
0xC001F002 -1073614846 |
DTS_E_CHANGESYSTEMVARIABLEREADONLYFAILED | Changing the property of a variable failed because it is a system variable. System variables are read-only. |
0xC001F003 -1073614845 |
DTS_E_CHANGESYSTEMVARIABLENAMEFAILED | Changing the name of a variable failed because it is a system variable. System variables are read-only. |
0xC001F004 -1073614844 |
DTS_E_CHANGESYSTEMVARIABLENAMESPACEFAILED | Changing the namespace of a variable failed because it is a system variable. System variables are read-only. |
0xC001F006 -1073614842 |
DTS_E_EVENTHANDLERNAMEREADONLY | Changing the event handler name failed. Event handler names are read-only. |
0xC001F008 -1073614840 |
DTS_E_PATHUNKNOWN | Cannot retrieve path to object. This is a system error. |
0xC001F009 -1073614839 |
DTS_E_RUNTIMEVARIABLETYPECHANGE | The type of the value being assigned to variable "%1" differs from the current variable type. Variables may not change type during execution. Variable types are strict, except for variables of type Object. |
0xC001F010 -1073614832 |
DTS_E_INVALIDSTRING | Invalid characters in string: "%1". This occurs when a string supplied for a property value contains unprintable characters. |
0xC001F011 -1073614831 |
DTS_E_INVALIDOBJECTNAME | SSIS object name is invalid. More specific errors would have been raised explaining the exact naming problem. |
0xC001F021 -1073614815 |
DTS_E_PROPERTYREADONLY | The property "%1" is read only. This occurs when a change to a read-only property is attempted. |
0xC001F022 -1073614814 |
DTS_E_FAILEDGETTYPEINFO | The object does not support type information. This occurs when the runtime attempts to get the type information from an object to populate the Properties collection. The object must support type information. |
0xC001F023 -1073614813 |
DTS_E_FAILEDPROPERTYGET | An error occurred while retrieving the value of property "%1". The error code is 0x%2!8.8X!. |
0xC001F024 -1073614812 |
DTS_E_FAILEDPROPERTYGET_ERRORINFO | An error occurred while retrieving the value of property "%1". The error code is 0x%2!8.8X! "%3". |
0xC001F025 -1073614811 |
DTS_E_FAILEDPROPERTYSET | An error occurred while setting the value of property "%1". The error returned is 0x%2!8.8X!. |
0xC001F026 -1073614810 |
DTS_E_FAILEDPROPERTYSET_ERRORINFO | An error occurred while setting the value of property "%1". The error returned is 0x%2!8.8X! "%3". |
0xC001F027 -1073614809 |
DTS_E_PROPERTYWRITEONLY | The property "%1" is write-only. This error occurs when trying to retrieve the value of a property through a property object, but the property is write-only. |
0xC001F028 -1073614808 |
DTS_E_NODISPATCH | The object does not implement IDispatch. This error occurs when a property object or properties collection attempts to access an IDispatch interface on an object. |
0xC001F029 -1073614807 |
DTS_E_NOCONTAININGTYPELIB | Unable to retrieve the type library of the object. This error occurs when the Properties collection attempts to retrieve the type library for an object through its IDispatch interface. |
0xC001F02A -1073614806 |
DTS_E_INVALIDTASKMONIKER | Cannot create a task from XML for task "%1!s!", type "%2!s!" due to error 0x%3!8.8X! "%4!s!". |
0xC001F02C -1073614804 |
DTS_E_FAILEDCREATEXMLDOCUMENT | Failed to create an XML document "%1". |
0xC001F02D -1073614803 |
DTS_E_PMVARPROPTYPESDIFFERENT | An error occurred because there is a property mapping from a variable to a property with a different type. The property type must match the variable type. |
0xC001F02E -1073614802 |
DTS_E_PMINVALIDPROPMAPTARGET | Attempted to set property mapping to target unsupported object type. This error occurs when passing an unsupported object type to a property mapping. |
0xC001F02F -1073614801 |
DTS_E_COULDNOTRESOLVEPACKAGEPATH | Cannot resolve a package path to an object in the package "%1". Verify that the package path is valid. |
0xC001F030 -1073614800 |
DTS_E_PMNODESTPROPERTY | The destination property for the property map is empty. Set the destination property name. |
0xC001F031 -1073614799 |
DTS_E_INVALIDPROPERTYMAPPINGSFOUND | The package failed to restore at least one property mapping. |
0xC001F032 -1073614798 |
DTS_E_AMBIGUOUSVARIABLENAME | The variable name is ambiguous because multiple variables with this name exist in different namespaces. Specify namespace-qualified name to prevent ambiguity. |
0xC001F033 -1073614797 |
DTS_E_DESTINATIONOBJECTPARENTLESS | The destination object in a property mapping has no parent. The destination object is not a child of any sequence container. It may have been removed from the package. |
0xC001F036 -1073614794 |
DTS_E_INVALIDPROPERTYMAPPING | The property mapping is not valid. The mapping is ignored. |
0xC001F038 -1073614792 |
DTS_E_PMFAILALERTREMOVE | Failure when alerting property mappings that a target is being removed. |
0xC001F03A -1073614790 |
DTS_E_INVALIDFOREACHPROPERTYMAPPING | An invalid property mapping is found on the For Each Loop. This occurs when the ForEach property mapping fails to restore. |
0xC001F040 -1073614784 |
DTS_E_PMPROPERTYINVALID | A destination property was specified on a property mapping that is invalid. This occurs when a property is specified on a destination object that in not found on that object. |
0xC001F041 -1073614783 |
DTS_E_INVALIDTASKMONIKERNOPARAM | Cannot create a task from XML. This occurs when the runtime is unable to resolve the name to create a task. Verify that the name is correct. |
0xC001F080 -1073614720 |
DTS_E_COULDNOTREPLACECHECKPOINTFILE | Cannot replace the existing checkpoint file with the updated checkpoint file. The checkpoint was successfully created in a temporary file, but overwriting the existing file with the new file failed. |
0xC001F081 -1073614719 |
DTS_E_CHECKPOINTFILENOTSPECIFIED | The package is configured to always restart from a checkpoint, but checkpoint file is not specified. |
0xC001F082 -1073614718 |
DTS_E_CHECKPOINTLOADXML | The attempt to load the XML checkpoint file "%1" failed with error 0x%2!8.8X! "%3". Check that the file name specified is correct, and that the file exists. |
0xC001F083 -1073614717 |
DTS_E_LOADCHECKPOINT | The package failed during execution because the checkpoint file cannot be loaded. Further execution of the package requires a checkpoint file. This error usually occurs when the CheckpointUsage property is set to ALWAYS, which specifies that the package always restarts. |
0xC001F185 -1073614459 |
DTS_E_NOEVALEXPRESSION | The evaluation condition expression on the For Loop "%1" is empty. There must be a Boolean evaluation expression in the For Loop. |
0xC001F186 -1073614458 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALASSIGNMENTTYPEMISMATCH | The result of the assignment expression "%1" cannot be converted to a type that is compatible with the variable that it was assigned to. |
0xC001F187 -1073614457 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALASSIGNMENTTOREADONLYVARIABLE | Error using a read-only variable "%1" in an assignment expression. The expression result cannot be assigned to the variable because the variable is read only. Choose a variable that can be written to, or remove the expression from this variable. |
0xC001F188 -1073614456 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALASSIGNMENTVARIABLELOCKFORWRITEFAILED | Cannot evaluate expression "%1" because the variable "%2" does not exist or cannot be accessed for writing. The expression result cannot be assigned to the variable because the variable was not found, or could not be locked for write access. |
0xC001F189 -1073614455 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALRESULTTYPENOTSUPPORTED | The expression "%1" has a result type of "%2", which cannot be converted to a supported type. |
0xC001F18A -1073614454 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALRESULTTYPECONVERSIONFAILED | The conversion of the result of the expression"%1" from type "%2" to a supported type failed with error code 0x%3!8.8X!. An unexpected error occurred when trying to convert the expression result to a type supported by the runtime engine, even though the type conversion is supported. |
0xC001F200 -1073614336 |
DTS_E_DTSNAME_NOTNULL | The object name is not valid. The name cannot be set to NULL. |
0xC001F201 -1073614335 |
DTS_E_DTSNAME_NOTEMPTY | The object name is not valid. The name cannot be empty. |
0xC001F202 -1073614334 |
DTS_E_DTSNAME_LEGAL | The object name "%1" is not valid. The name cannot contain any of the following characters: / \ : [ ] . = |
0xC001F203 -1073614333 |
DTS_E_DTSNAME_PRINTABLE | Object name "%1" is not valid. The name cannot contain control characters that render it unprintable. |
0xC001F204 -1073614332 |
DTS_E_DTSNAME_NOLEADWHITESP | Object name "%1" is not valid. Name cannot begin with a whitespace. |
0xC001F205 -1073614331 |
DTS_E_DTSNAME_NOTRAILWHITESP | Object name "%1" is not valid. Name cannot end with a whitespace. |
0xC001F206 -1073614330 |
DTS_E_DTSNAME_BEGINSWITHALPHA | Object name "%1" is not valid. Name must begin with an alphabetical character. |
0xC001F207 -1073614329 |
DTS_E_DTSNAME_BEGINSWITHALPHAUNDERBAR | Object name "%1" is not valid. Name must begin with an alphabetical character or underscore "_". |
0xC001F208 -1073614328 |
DTS_E_DTSNAME_ALPHADIGITUNDERBAR | Object name "%1" is not valid. Name must contain only alphanumeric characters or underscores "_". |
0xC001F209 -1073614327 |
DTS_E_DTSNAME_VALIDFILENAME | Object name "%1" is not valid. The name cannot contain any of the following characters: / \ : ? " < | |
0xC001F420 -1073613792 |
DTS_E_FAILLOADINGPROPERTY | Failed to load the value property "%1" using default persistence. |
0xC001F422 -1073613790 |
DTS_E_NODELISTENUM_INVALIDCONNMGRTYPE | Connection manager "%1" is not of type "%2" |
0xC001F423 -1073613789 |
0xC001F424 -1073613788 |
DTS_E_NODELISTENUM_INVALIDDATANODE | Invalid data node in the nodelist enumerator section |
0xC001F425 -1073613787 |
0xC001F427 -1073613785 |
DTS_E_OPERATIONFAILCACHEINUSE | The operation failed because the cache is in use. |
0xC001F428 -1073613784 |
DTS_E_PROPERTYCANNOTBEMODIFIED | The property cannot be modified. |
0xC001F429 -1073613783 |
DTS_E_PACKAGEUPGRADEFAILED | The package upgrade has failed. |
0xC00220DE -1073602338 |
DTS_E_TKEXECPACKAGE_UNABLETOLOADFILE | Error 0x%1!8.8X! while loading package file "%3". %2. |
0xC00220DF -1073602337 |
DTS_E_TKEXECPACKAGE_UNSPECIFIEDPACKAGE | The package is not specified. |
0xC00220E0 -1073602336 |
DTS_E_TKEXECPACKAGE_UNSPECIFIEDCONNECTION | The connection is not specified. |
0xC00220E2 -1073602334 |
DTS_E_TKEXECPACKAGE_INCORRECTCONNECTIONMANAGERTYPE | The connection manager "%1" has an unsupported type "%2". Only "FILE" and "OLEDB" connection managers are supported. |
0xC00220E3 -1073602333 |
DTS_E_TKEXECPACKAGE_UNABLETOLOADXML | Error 0x%1!8.8X! while loading package file "%3" into an XML document. %2. |
0xC00220E4 -1073602332 |
DTS_E_TKEXECPACKAGE_UNABLETOLOAD | Error 0x%1!8.8X! while preparing to load the package. %2. |
0xC0024102 -1073594110 |
DTS_E_TASKVALIDATIONFAILED | The Validate method on the task failed, and returned error code 0x%1!8.8X! (%2). The Validate method must succeed and indicate the result using an "out" parameter. |
0xC0024104 -1073594108 |
DTS_E_TASKEXECUTEFAILED | The Execute method on the task returned error code 0x%1!8.8X! (%2). The Execute method must succeed, and indicate the result using an "out" parameter. |
0xC0024105 -1073594107 |
DTS_E_RETRIEVINGDEPENDENCIES | A failure occurred on task "%1": 0x%2!8.8X! while retrieving dependencies. The runtime was retrieving dependencies from the task's dependencies collection when the error occurred. The task may have incorrectly implemented one of the dependency interfaces. |
0xC0024107 -1073594105 |
DTS_E_TASKVALIDATIONERROR | There were errors during task validation. |
0xC0024108 -1073594104 |
DTS_E_CONNECTIONSTRINGFORMAT | The connection string format is not valid. It must consist of one or more components of the form X=Y, separated by semicolons. This error occurs when a connection string with zero components is set on database connection manager. |
0xC0024109 -1073594103 |
DTS_E_UNQUOTEDSEMICOLON | The connection string components cannot contain unquoted semicolons. If the value must contain a semicolon, enclose the entire value in quotes. This error occurs when values in the connection string contain unquoted semicolons, such as the InitialCatalog property. |
0xC002410A -1073594102 |
DTS_E_LOGPROVIDERVALIDATIONFAILED | Validation of one or more log providers failed. The package cannot execute. The package does not execute when a log provider fails validation. |
0xC002410B -1073594101 |
DTS_E_INVALIDVALUEINARRAY | Invalid value in array. |
0xC002410C -1073594100 |
DTS_E_ENUMERATIONELEMENTNOTENUMERABLE | An element of the enumerator returned by the ForEach Enumerator does not implement IEnumerator, contradicting the CollectionEnumerator property of the ForEach Enumerator. |
0xC002410D -1073594099 |
DTS_E_INVALIDENUMERATORINDEX | The enumerator failed to retrieve element at index "%1!d!". |
0xC0029100 -1073573632 |
0xC0029101 -1073573631 |
DTS_E_AXTASK_EMPTY_SCRIPT | Function not found. |
0xC0029102 -1073573630 |
DTS_E_AXTASK_INITIALIZATION_WITH_WRONG_XML_ELEMENT | ActiveX Script Task was initiated with a wrong XML element. |
0xC0029105 -1073573627 |
DTS_E_AXTASK_HANDLER_NOT_FOUND | Handler not found. |
0xC0029106 -1073573626 |
DTS_E_AXTASKUTIL_ENUMERATE_LANGUAGES_FAILED | An error occurred while attempting to retrieve the scripting languages installed on the system. |
0xC0029107 -1073573625 |
DTS_E_AXTASKUTIL_SCRIPTHOST_CREATE_FAILED | An error occurred while creating the ActiveX script host. Verify that you have the script host installed properly. |
0xC0029108 -1073573624 |
DTS_E_AXTASKUTIL_SCRIPTHOSTINIT_FAILED | An error occurred while trying to instantiate the script host for the chosen language. Verify that the script language you have chosen is installed on your system. |
0xC0029109 -1073573623 |
DTS_E_AXTASKUTIL_ADDVARIABLES_FAILED | An error occurred while adding the SSIS variables to the script host namespace. This might prevent the task from using SSIS variables in the script. |
0xC002910A -1073573622 |
DTS_E_AXTASKUTIL_SCRIPT_PARSING_FAILED | A fatal error occurred while trying to parse the script text. Verify that the script engine for the chosen language is installed properly. |
0xC002910B -1073573621 |
DTS_E_AXTASKUTIL_MSG_BAD_FUNCTION | The function name entered is not valid. Verify that a valid function name has been specified. |
0xC002910C -1073573620 |
DTS_E_AXTASKUTIL_EXECUTION_FAILED | An error occurred while executing the script. Verify that the script engine for the selected language is installed properly. |
0xC002910D -1073573619 |
DTS_E_AXTASKUTIL_ADDTYPELIB_FAILED | An error occurred while adding the managed type library to the script host. Verify that the DTS 2000 runtime is installed. |
0xC002910E -1073573618 |
DTS_E_BITASK_INITIALIZATION_WITH_WRONG_XML_ELEMENT | Bulk Insert Task was initiated with a wrong XML element. |
0xC002910F -1073573617 |
DTS_E_BITASK_DATA_FILE_NOT_SPECIFIED | Data file name not specified. |
0xC0029110 -1073573616 |
DTS_E_BITASK_HANDLER_NOT_FOUND | Handler not found. |
0xC0029111 -1073573615 |
DTS_E_BITASK_CANNOT_ACQUIRE_CONNECTION | Failed to acquire the specified connection: "%1". |
0xC0029112 -1073573614 |
DTS_E_BITASK_NO_CONNECTION_MANAGER_SPECIFIED | Attempt to obtain the Connection Manager failed. |
0xC0029113 -1073573613 |
DTS_E_BITASK_INVALID_CONNECTION | The connection is not valid. |
0xC0029114 -1073573612 |
DTS_E_BITASK_NULL_CONNECTION | The connection is null. |
0xC0029115 -1073573611 |
DTS_E_BITASK_EXECUTE_FAILED | Execution failed. |
0xC0029116 -1073573610 |
DTS_E_BITASK_CANNOT_RETRIEVE_TABLES | An error occurred while retrieving the tables from the database. |
0xC0029117 -1073573609 |
DTS_E_BITASK_CANNOT_RETRIEVE_COLUMN_INFO | An error occurred while retrieving the columns of the table. |
0xC0029118 -1073573608 |
DTS_E_BITASK_ERROR_IN_DB_OPERATION | An error occurred in the database operation. |
0xC0029119 -1073573607 |
DTS_E_BITASK_INVALIDSOURCECONNECTIONNAME | The specified connection "%1" is either not valid, or points to an invalid object. To continue, specify a valid connection. |
0xC002911A -1073573606 |
DTS_E_BITASK_INVALIDDESTCONNECTIONNAME | The destination connection specified is not valid. Supply a valid connection to continue. |
0xC002911B -1073573605 |
DTS_E_BITASK_DESTINATION_TABLE_NOT_SPECIFIED | You must specify a table name to continue. |
0xC002911C -1073573604 |
DTS_E_BITASK_ERROR_IN_LOAD_FROM_XML | Error occurred in LoadFromXML at the tag "%1". |
0xC002911D -1073573603 |
DTS_E_BITASK_ERROR_IN_SAVE_TO_XML | Error occurred in SaveToXML at the tag "%1". |
0xC002911E -1073573602 |
0xC002911F -1073573601 |
0xC0029120 -1073573600 |
DTS_E_BITASKUNMANCONNECTION_CANNOT_RETRIEVE_TABLES | Error occurred while retrieving the tables from the database. |
0xC0029121 -1073573599 |
DTS_E_BITASKUNMANCONNECTION_CANNOT_RETRIEVE_COLUMN_INFO | Error occurred while retrieving the columns of the table. |
0xC0029122 -1073573598 |
DTS_E_BITASKUNMANCONNECTION_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE | Error occurred while trying to open the data file. |
0xC0029123 -1073573597 |
DTS_E_BITASKUNMANCONNECTION_OEM_CONVERSION_FAILED | Cannot convert the input OEM file to the specified format. |
0xC0029124 -1073573596 |
0xC0029125 -1073573595 |
DTS_E_DTSPROCTASK_NOCONNECTIONSPECIFIED | No connection manager specified. |
0xC0029126 -1073573594 |
DTS_E_DTSPROCTASK_CONNECTIONMANAGERNOTOLAP | Connection "%1" is not an Analysis Services connection. |
0xC0029127 -1073573593 |
0xC0029128 -1073573592 |
DTS_E_DTSPROCTASK_INVALIDTASKDATANODEEXE | Analysis Services Execute DDL task received an invalid task data node. |
0xC0029129 -1073573591 |
DTS_E_DTSPROCTASK_INVALIDTASKDATANODEPROC | Analysis Services Processing task received an invalid task data node. |
0xC002912A -1073573590 |
0xC002912B -1073573589 |
DTS_E_DTSPROCTASK_INVALIDDDLPROCESSINGCOMMANDS | The DDL found in ProcessingCommands is not valid. |
0xC002912C -1073573588 |
DTS_E_DTSPROCTASK_CANNOTWRITEINAREADONLYVARIABLE | The Execution result cannot be saved in a read-only variable. |
0xC002912D -1073573587 |
DTS_E_DTSPROCTASK_INVALIDVARIABLE | Variable "%1" it's not defined. |
0xC002912E -1073573586 |
DTS_E_DTSPROCTASK_CONNECTIONNOTFOUND | Connection Manager "%1" it's not defined. |
0xC002912F -1073573585 |
DTS_E_DTSPROCTASK_INVALIDCONNECTION | Connection Manager "%1" it's not a FILE Connection Manager. |
0xC0029130 -1073573584 |
DTS_E_DTSPROCTASK_NONEXISTENTATTRIBUTE | "%1" was not found during deserialization. |
0xC0029131 -1073573583 |
DTS_E_DTSPROCTASK_TRACEHASBEENSTOPPED | The trace has been stopped due to an exception. |
0xC0029132 -1073573582 |
0xC0029133 -1073573581 |
DTS_E_DTSPROCTASK_FILEDOESNOTEXIST | There is no file associated with connection "%1". |
0xC0029134 -1073573580 |
DTS_E_DTSPROCTASK_VARIABLENOTDEFINED | Variable "%1" is not defined. |
0xC0029135 -1073573579 |
DTS_E_DTSPROCTASK_FILECONNECTIONNOTDEFINED | File connection "%1" is not defined. |
0xC0029136 -1073573578 |
DTS_E_EXEC2000PKGTASK_INITIALIZATION_WITH_WRONG_XML_ELEMENT | Execute DTS 2000 Package task is initiated with a wrong XML element. |
0xC0029137 -1073573577 |
DTS_E_EXEC2000PKGTASK_HANDLER_NOT_FOUND | Handler not found. |
0xC0029138 -1073573576 |
DTS_E_EXEC2000PKGTASK_PACKAGE_NAME_NOT_SPECIFIED | Package name is not specified. |
0xC0029139 -1073573575 |
DTS_E_EXEC2000PKGTASK_PACKAGE_ID_NOT_SPECIFIED | Package ID is not specified. |
0xC002913A -1073573574 |
0xC002913B -1073573573 |
0xC002913C -1073573572 |
DTS_E_EXEC2000PKGTASK_SQL_USERNAME_NOT_SPECIFIED | SQL Server user name not specified. |
0xC002913D -1073573571 |
DTS_E_EXEC2000PKGTASK_FILE_NAME_NOT_SPECIFIED | Storage file name not specified. |
0xC002913E -1073573570 |
DTS_E_EXEC2000PKGTASK_DTS2000CANTBEEMPTY | The DTS 2000 package property is empty. |
0xC002913F -1073573569 |
DTS_E_EXEC2000PKGTASK_ERROR_IN_PACKAGE_EXECUTE | An error occurred while executing the DTS 2000 package. |
0xC0029140 -1073573568 |
DTS_E_EXEC2000PKGTASK_SQLSERVER_NOT_AVAILABLE_NETWORK | Cannot load the available SQL Servers from the network. Check the network connection. |
0xC0029141 -1073573567 |
DTS_E_EXEC2000PKGTASK_DATATYPE_NULL | The data type cannot be null. Please specify the correct data type to use for validating the value. |
0xC0029142 -1073573566 |
DTS_E_EXEC2000PKGTASK_NULL_VALUE | Cannot validate a null against any data type. |
0xC0029143 -1073573565 |
DTS_E_EXEC2000PKGTASK_NULL_VALUE_ARGUMENT | A required argument is null. |
0xC0029144 -1073573564 |
DTS_E_EXEC2000PKGTASK_CLS_NOT_REGISTRED_EXCEPTION | To execute the DTS 2000 Package task, start SQL Server Setup and use the Advanced button from the Components to Install page to select Legacy Components. |
0xC0029145 -1073573563 |
DTS_E_EXEC2000PKGTASK_NOT_PRIMITIVE_TYPE | "%1" is not a value type. |
0xC0029146 -1073573562 |
DTS_E_EXEC2000PKGTASK_CONVERT_FAILED | Could not convert "%1" to "%2". |
0xC0029147 -1073573561 |
DTS_E_EXEC2000PKGTASK_ERROR_IN_VALIDATE | Could not validate "%1" against "%2". |
0xC0029148 -1073573560 |
DTS_E_EXEC2000PKGTASK_ERROR_IN_LOAD_FROM_XML | Error occurred in LoadFromXML at the tag "%1". |
0xC0029149 -1073573559 |
DTS_E_EXEC2000PKGTASK_ERROR_IN_SAVE_TO_XML | Error occurred in SaveToXML at the tag "%1". |
0xC002914A -1073573558 |
DTS_E_EXECPROCTASK_INVALIDTIMEOUT | The time-out value provided is not valid. Specify the number of seconds that the task allows the process to run. The minimum time-out is 0, which indicates that no time-out value is used and the process runs to completion or until an error occurs. The maximum time-out is 2147483 (((2^31) - 1)/1000). |
0xC002914B -1073573557 |
DTS_E_EXECPROCTASK_CANTREDIRECTIO | Cannot redirect streams if the process can continue executing beyond the lifetime of the task. |
0xC002914C -1073573556 |
0xC002914D -1073573555 |
DTS_E_EXECPROCTASK_EXECUTABLENOTSPECIFIED | The executable is not specified. |
0xC002914E -1073573554 |
DTS_E_EXECPROCTASK_STDOUTVARREADONLY | The standard out variable is read-only. |
0xC002914F -1073573553 |
DTS_E_EXECPROCTASK_STDERRVARREADONLY | The standard error variable is read-only. |
0xC0029150 -1073573552 |
DTS_E_EXECPROCTASK_RECEIVEDINVALIDTASKDATANODE | The Execute Process task received a task data node that is not valid. |
0xC0029151 -1073573551 |
DTS_E_EXECPROCTASK_PROCESSEXITCODEEXCEEDS | In Executing "%2" "%3" at "%1", The process exit code was "%4" while the expected was "%5". |
0xC0029152 -1073573550 |
DTS_E_EXECPROCTASK_WORKINGDIRDOESNOTEXIST | The directory "%1" does not exist. |
0xC0029153 -1073573549 |
DTS_E_EXECPROCTASK_FILEDOESNOTEXIST | File/Process "%1" does not exist in directory "%2". |
0xC0029154 -1073573548 |
DTS_E_EXECPROCTASK_FILENOTINPATH | File/Process "%1" is not in path. |
0xC0029156 -1073573546 |
0xC0029157 -1073573545 |
DTS_E_EXECPROCTASK_ERROREXECUTIONVALUE | The process exited with return code "%1". However, "%2" was expected. |
0xC0029158 -1073573544 |
DTS_E_FSTASK_SYNCFAILED | Synchronization object failed. |
0xC0029159 -1073573543 |
DTS_E_FSTASK_INVALIDDATA | The File System task received an invalid task data node. |
0xC002915A -1073573542 |
DTS_E_FSTASK_DIRECTORYEXISTS | The Directory already exists. |
0xC002915B -1073573541 |
DTS_E_FSTASK_PATHNOTVALID | "%1" is not valid on operation type "%2". |
0xC002915C -1073573540 |
DTS_E_FSTASK_DESTINATIONNOTSET | Destination property of operation "%1" not set. |
0xC002915D -1073573539 |
DTS_E_FSTASK_SOURCENOTSET | Source property of operation "%1" not set. |
0xC002915E -1073573538 |
DTS_E_FSTASK_CONNECTIONTYPENOTFILE | Type of Connection "%1" is not a file. |
0xC002915F -1073573537 |
DTS_E_FSTASK_VARIABLEDOESNTEXIST | Variable "%1" does not exist. |
0xC0029160 -1073573536 |
DTS_E_FSTASK_VARIABLENOTASTRING | Variable "%1" is not a string. |
0xC0029163 -1073573533 |
DTS_E_FSTASK_FILEDOESNOTEXIST | File or directory "%1" represented by connection "%2" does not exist. |
0xC0029165 -1073573531 |
DTS_E_FSTASK_DESTCONNUSAGETYPEINVALID | The destination file connection manager "%1" has an invalid usage type: "%2". |
0xC0029166 -1073573530 |
DTS_E_FSTASK_SRCCONNUSAGETYPEINVALID | The source file connection manager "%1" has an invalid usage type "%2". |
0xC0029167 -1073573529 |
0xC0029168 -1073573528 |
DTS_E_FSTASK_LOGENTRYGETTINGFILEOPERATIONDESC | Provides information regarding File System operations. |
0xC0029169 -1073573527 |
0xC002916A -1073573526 |
DTS_E_FSTASK_TASKDESCRIPTION | Perform file system operations, such as copying and deleting files. |
0xC002916B -1073573525 |
DTS_E_FTPTASK_SYNCOBJFAILED | Synchronization object failed. |
0xC002916C -1073573524 |
DTS_E_FTPTASK_UNABLETOOBTAINFILELIST | Unable to obtain the file list. |
0xC002916D -1073573523 |
DTS_E_FTPTASK_LOCALPATHEMPTY | The local path is empty. |
0xC002916E -1073573522 |
DTS_E_FTPTASK_REMOTEPATHEMPTY | The remote path is empty. |
0xC002916F -1073573521 |
DTS_E_FTPTASK_LOCALVARIBALEEMPTY | The local variable is empty. |
0xC0029170 -1073573520 |
DTS_E_FTPTASK_REMOTEVARIBALEEMPTY | The remote variable is empty. |
0xC0029171 -1073573519 |
DTS_E_FTPTASK_FTPRCVDINVLDDATANODE | The FTP task received an invalid task data node. |
0xC0029172 -1073573518 |
DTS_E_FTPTASK_CONNECTION_NAME_NULL | The connection is empty. Verify that a valid FTP connection is provided. |
0xC0029173 -1073573517 |
DTS_E_FTPTASK_CONNECTION_NOT_FTP | The connection specified is not an FTP connection. Verify that a valid FTP connection is provided. |
0xC0029175 -1073573515 |
DTS_E_FTPTASK__INITIALIZATION_WITH_NULL_XML_ELEMENT | Cannot initialize the task with a null XML element. |
0xC0029176 -1073573514 |
DTS_E_FTPTASK_SAVE_TO_NULL_XML_ELEMENT | Cannot save the task to a null XML document. |
0xC0029177 -1073573513 |
DTS_E_FTPTASK_ERROR_IN_LOAD_FROM_XML | Error occurred in LoadFromXML at the tag "%1". |
0xC0029178 -1073573512 |
DTS_E_FTPTASK_NOFILESATLOCATION | There are no files at "%1". |
0xC0029179 -1073573511 |
DTS_E_FTPTASK_LOCALVARIABLEISEMPTY | The variable "%1" is empty. |
0xC002917A -1073573510 |
DTS_E_FTPTASK_REMOTEVARIABLEISEMPTY | The variable "%1" is empty. |
0xC002917B -1073573509 |
DTS_E_FTPTASK_NOFILESINCONNMGR | The File "%1" doesn't contain file path(s). |
0xC002917C -1073573508 |
DTS_E_FTPTASK_NOFILEPATHSINLOCALVAR | The variable "%1" doesn't contain file path(s). |
0xC002917D -1073573507 |
DTS_E_FTPTASK_VARIABLENOTASTRING | Variable "%1" is not a string. |
0xC002917E -1073573506 |
DTS_E_FTPTASK_VARIABLENOTFOUND | Variable "%1" does not exist. |
0xC002917F -1073573505 |
DTS_E_FTPTASK_INVALIDPATHONOPERATION | Invalid path on operation "%1". |
0xC0029180 -1073573504 |
DTS_E_FTPTASK_DIRECTORYEXISTS | "%1" already exists. |
0xC0029182 -1073573502 |
DTS_E_FTPTASK_CONNECTIONTYPENOTFILE | Type of Connection "%1" is Not a file. |
0xC0029183 -1073573501 |
DTS_E_FTPTASK_FILEDOESNOTEXIST | File represented by "%1" does not exist. |
0xC0029184 -1073573500 |
DTS_E_FTPTASK_INVALIDDIRECTORY | Directory is not specified in the variable "%1". |
0xC0029185 -1073573499 |
DTS_E_FTPTASK_NOFILESFOUND | No files found in "%1". |
0xC0029186 -1073573498 |
DTS_E_FTPTASK_NODIRECTORYPATHINCONMGR | Directory is not specified in the file connection manager "%1". |
0xC0029187 -1073573497 |
DTS_E_FTPTASK_UNABLETODELETELOCALEFILE | Unable to delete local file "%1". |
0xC0029188 -1073573496 |
DTS_E_FTPTASK_UNABLETOREMOVELOCALDIRECTORY | Unable to remove local directory "%1". |
0xC0029189 -1073573495 |
DTS_E_FTPTASK_UNABLETOCREATELOCALDIRECTORY | Unable to create local directory "%1". |
0xC002918A -1073573494 |
DTS_E_FTPTASK_UNABLETORECEIVEFILES | Unable to receive files using "%1". |
0xC002918B -1073573493 |
DTS_E_FTPTASK_UNABLETOSENDFILES | Unable to send files using "%1". |
0xC002918C -1073573492 |
DTS_E_FTPTASK_UNABLETOMAKEDIRREMOTE | Unable to create remote directory using "%1". |
0xC002918D -1073573491 |
DTS_E_FTPTASK_UNABLETOREMOVEDIRREMOTE | Unable to remove remote directory using "%1". |
0xC002918E -1073573490 |
DTS_E_FTPTASK_UNABLETODELETEREMOTEFILES | Unable to delete remote files using "%1". |
0xC002918F -1073573489 |
DTS_E_FTPTASK_UNABLETOCONNECTTOSERVER | Unable to connect to FTP server using "%1". |
0xC0029190 -1073573488 |
DTS_E_FTPTASK_INVALIDVARIABLEVALUE | Variable "%1" doesn't start with "/". |
0xC0029191 -1073573487 |
DTS_E_FTPTASK_INVALIDREMOTEPATH | Remote path "%1" doesn't start with "/". |
0xC0029192 -1073573486 |
DTS_E_DTS_E_FTPTASK_CANNOT_ACQUIRE_CONNECTION | There was an error acquiring the FTP connection. Please check if you have specified a valid connection type "%1". |
0xC0029193 -1073573485 |
DTS_E_MSGQTASKUTIL_CERT_OPEN_STORE_FAILED | Opening the certificate store failed. |
0xC0029194 -1073573484 |
DTS_E_MSGQTASKUTIL_CERT_FAILED_GETTING_DISPLAY_NAME | An error occurred while retrieving the display name of the certificate. |
0xC0029195 -1073573483 |
DTS_E_MSGQTASKUTIL_CERT_FAILED_GETTING_ISSUER_NAME | An error occurred while retrieving the issuer name of the certificate. |
0xC0029196 -1073573482 |
DTS_E_MSGQTASKUTIL_CERT_FAILED_GETTING_FRIENDLY_NAME | An error occurred while retrieving the friendly name of the certificate. |
0xC0029197 -1073573481 |
DTS_E_MSMQTASK_NO_CONNECTION | The MSMQ connection name is not set. |
0xC0029198 -1073573480 |
DTS_E_MSMQTASK_INITIALIZATION_WITH_WRONG_XML_ELEMENT | Task was initialized with the wrong XML element. |
0xC0029199 -1073573479 |
DTS_E_MSMQTASK_DATA_FILE_NAME_EMPTY | Data file name is empty. |
0xC002919A -1073573478 |
DTS_E_MSMQTASK_DATA_FILE_SAVE_NAME_EMPTY | The name specified for the data file to save is empty. |
0xC002919B -1073573477 |
DTS_E_MSMQTASK_DATA_FILE_SIZE_ERROR | File size should be less than 4 MB. |
0xC002919C -1073573476 |
DTS_E_MSMQTASK_DATA_FILE_SAVE_FAILED | Saving the data file failed. |
0xC002919D -1073573475 |
DTS_E_MSMQTASK_STRING_COMPARE_VALUE_MISSING | String filter value is empty. |
0xC002919E -1073573474 |
DTS_E_MSMQTASK_INVALID_QUEUE_PATH | Queue path is not valid. |
0xC002919F -1073573473 |
DTS_E_MSMQTASK_NOT_TRANSACTIONAL | The message queue task does not support enlisting in distributed transactions. |
0xC00291A0 -1073573472 |
DTS_E_MSMQTASK_INVALID_MESSAGE_TYPE | The message type is not valid. |
0xC00291A1 -1073573471 |
DTS_E_MSMQTASK_TASK_TIMEOUT | The message queue timed out. No message has been received. |
0xC00291A2 -1073573470 |
DTS_E_MSMQTASK_INVALID_PROPERTY_VALUE | The property specified is not valid. Verify that the argument type is correct. |
0xC00291A3 -1073573469 |
DTS_E_MSMQTASK_MESSAGE_NON_AUTHENTICATED | Message is not authenticated. |
0xC00291A4 -1073573468 |
DTS_E_MSMQTASK_INVALID_ENCRYPTION_ALGO_WRAPPER | You are trying to set the value of Encryption Algorithm with an invalid object. |
0xC00291A5 -1073573467 |
DTS_E_MSMQTASK_VARIABLE_TO_RECEIVE_STRING_MSG_EMPTY | The variable to receive string message is empty. |
0xC00291A6 -1073573466 |
DTS_E_MSMQTASK_RECEIVE_VARIABLE_EMPTY | Variable to receive variable message is empty. |
0xC00291A7 -1073573465 |
DTS_E_MSMQTASK_CONNECTIONTYPENOTMSMQ | Connection "%1" is not of type MSMQ. |
0xC00291A8 -1073573464 |
DTS_E_MSMQTASK_DATAFILE_ALREADY_EXISTS | The data file "%1" already exists at the specified location. Cannot overwrite the file as the Overwrite option is set to false. |
0xC00291A9 -1073573463 |
DTS_E_MSMQTASK_STRING_MSG_TO_VARIABLE_NOT_FOUND | The specified variable "%1" to receive string message is not found in the package variable collection. |
0xC00291AA -1073573462 |
DTS_E_MSMQTASK_CONNMNGRNULL | The connection manager "%1" is empty. |
0xC00291AB -1073573461 |
DTS_E_MSMQTASK_CONNMNGRDOESNOTEXIST | The connection manager "%1" does not exist. |
0xC00291AC -1073573460 |
DTS_E_SCRIPTTASK_COMPILEERRORMSG | Error "%1": "%2"\r\nLine "%3" Column "%4" through "%5". |
0xC00291AD -1073573459 |
DTS_E_SCRIPTTASK_COMPILEERRORMSG2 | There was an error compiling the script: "%1". |
0xC00291AE -1073573458 |
DTS_E_SCRIPTTASK_COMPILEERRORMSG3 | Error "%1": "%2"\r\nLine "%3" Columns "%4"-"%5"\r\nLine Text: "%6". |
0xC00291AF -1073573457 |
DTS_E_SCRIPTTASK_SCRIPTREPORTEDFAILURE | User script returned a failure result. |
0xC00291B0 -1073573456 |
DTS_E_SCRIPTTASK_SCRIPTFILESFAILEDTOLOAD | User script files failed to load. |
0xC00291B1 -1073573455 |
DTS_E_SCRIPTTASK_SCRIPTTHREWEXCEPTION | User script threw an exception: "%1". |
0xC00291B2 -1073573454 |
DTS_E_SCRIPTTASK_COULDNOTCREATEENTRYPOINTCLASS | Could not create an instance of entrypoint class "%1". |
0xC00291B3 -1073573453 |
DTS_E_SCRIPTTASK_LOADFROMXMLEXCEPTION | There was an exception while loading Script Task from XML: "%1". |
0xC00291B4 -1073573452 |
DTS_E_SCRIPTTASK_SOURCEITEMNOTFOUNDEXCEPTION | Source item "%1" was not found in the package. |
0xC00291B5 -1073573451 |
DTS_E_SCRIPTTASK_BINARYITEMNOTFOUNDEXCEPTION | Binary item "%1" was not found in the package. |
0xC00291B6 -1073573450 |
DTS_E_SCRIPTTASK_UNRECOGNIZEDSCRIPTLANGUAGEEXCEPTION | "%1" was not recognized as a valid script language. |
0xC00291B7 -1073573449 |
DTS_E_SCRIPTTASK_ILLEGALSCRIPTNAME | The script name is not valid. It cannot contain spaces, slashes, special characters, or begin with a number. |
0xC00291B8 -1073573448 |
DTS_E_SCRIPTTASK_INVALIDSCRIPTLANGUAGE | The script language specified is not valid. |
0xC00291B9 -1073573447 |
DTS_E_SCRIPTTASK_CANTINITNULLTASK | Cannot initialize to a null task. |
0xC00291BA -1073573446 |
DTS_E_SCRIPTTASK_MUSTINITWITHRIGHTTASK | The Script Task user interface must initialize to an Script Task. |
0xC00291BB -1073573445 |
DTS_E_SCRIPTTASK_WASNOTINITED | The Script Task user interface is not initialized. |
0xC00291BC -1073573444 |
0xC00291BD -1073573443 |
DTS_E_SCRIPTTASK_INVALID_SCRIPT_NAME | The project name is not valid. It cannot contain spaces, slashes, special characters, or begin with a number. |
0xC00291BE -1073573442 |
DTS_E_SCRIPTTASK_INVALID_SCRIPT_LANGUAGE | The script language specified is not valid. |
0xC00291BF -1073573441 |
0xC00291C0 -1073573440 |
DTS_E_SCRIPTTASK_LANGUAGE_EMPTY | The script language is not specified. Verify that a valid script language is specified. |
0xC00291C1 -1073573439 |
DTS_E_SCRIPTTASK_INITIALIZATION_WITH_NULL_TASK | User interface initialization: The task is null. |
0xC00291C2 -1073573438 |
DTS_E_SCRIPTTASK_UI_INITIALIZATION_WITH_WRONG_TASK | The Script Task user interface is initialized with an incorrect task. |
0xC00291C3 -1073573437 |
DTS_E_SENDMAILTASK_RECIPIENT_EMPTY | No recipient is specified. |
0xC00291C4 -1073573436 |
DTS_E_SENDMAILTASK_SMTP_SERVER_NOT_SPECIFIED | The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server is not specified. Provide a valid name or IP address of the SMTP server. |
0xC00291C5 -1073573435 |
DTS_E_SENDMAILTASK_TASK_INITIALIZATION_WITH_WRONG_XML_ELEMENT | Send Mail task is initiated with an incorrect XML element. |
0xC00291CB -1073573429 |
DTS_E_SENDMAILTASK_INVALIDATTACHMENT | Either the file "%1" does not exist or you do not have permissions to access the file. |
0xC00291CD -1073573427 |
DTS_E_SENDMAILTASK_CHECK_VALID_SMTP_SERVER | Verify that the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server specified is valid. |
0xC00291CE -1073573426 |
DTS_E_SENDMAILTASK_CONNECTIONTYPENOTFILE | Connection "%1" is not of type File. |
0xC00291CF -1073573425 |
DTS_E_SENDMAILTASK_FILEDOESNOTEXIST | On operation "%1", file "%2" does not exist. |
0xC00291D0 -1073573424 |
DTS_E_SENDMAILTASK_VARIABLETYPEISNOTSTRING | Variable "%1" is not of type string. |
0xC00291D1 -1073573423 |
0xC00291D2 -1073573422 |
DTS_E_SENDMAILTASK_CONNMNGRNULL | Connection "%1" is empty. |
0xC00291D3 -1073573421 |
DTS_E_SENDMAILTASK_NOCONNMNGR | The specified connection "%1" does not exist. |
0xC00291D4 -1073573420 |
DTS_E_SQLTASK_NOSTATEMENTSPECIFIED | No Transact-SQL statement specified. |
0xC00291D5 -1073573419 |
DTS_E_SQLTASK_NOXMLSUPPORT | The connection does not support XML result sets. |
0xC00291D6 -1073573418 |
DTS_E_SQLTASK_NOHANDLERFORCONNECTION | Cannot locate a handler for the specified connection type. |
0xC00291D7 -1073573417 |
DTS_E_SQLTASK_NOCONNECTIONMANAGER | No connection manager is specified. |
0xC00291D8 -1073573416 |
DTS_E_SQLTASK_CANNOTACQUIRECONNMANAGER | Cannot acquire a connection from the connection manager. |
0xC00291D9 -1073573415 |
DTS_E_SQLTASK_NULLPARAMETERNAME | Cannot have a null parameter name. |
0xC00291DA -1073573414 |
DTS_E_SQLTASK_INVALIDPARAMETERNAME | The parameter name is not valid. |
0xC00291DB -1073573413 |
DTS_E_SQLTASK_VALIDPARAMETERTYPES | Valid parameter names are of type Int or String. |
0xC00291DC -1073573412 |
DTS_E_SQLTASK_READONLYVARIABLE | Variable "%1" cannot be used in a result binding because it is read-only. |
0xC00291DD -1073573411 |
DTS_E_SQLTASK_INDESNOTINCOLLECTION | The index is not assigned in this collection. |
0xC00291DE -1073573410 |
DTS_E_SQLTASK_ROVARINOUTPARAMETER | The variable "%1" cannot be used as an "out" parameter or return value in a parameter binding because it is read-only. |
0xC00291DF -1073573409 |
DTS_E_SQLTASK_OBJECTNOTINCOLLECTION | The object does not exist in this collection. |
0xC00291E0 -1073573408 |
DTS_E_SQLTASK_UNABLETOACQUIREMANAGEDCONN | Cannot acquire a managed connection. |
0xC00291E1 -1073573407 |
DTS_E_UNABLETOPOPRESULT | Cannot populate the result columns for a single row result type. The query returned an empty result set. |
0xC00291E2 -1073573406 |
DTS_E_SQLTASK_INVALIDNUMOFRESULTBINDINGS | There is an invalid number of result bindings returned for the ResultSetType: "%1". |
0xC00291E3 -1073573405 |
DTS_E_SQLTASK_RESULTBINDTYPEFORROWSETXML | The result binding name must be set to zero for full result set and XML results. |
0xC00291E4 -1073573404 |
DTS_E_SQLTASK_INVALIDEPARAMDIRECTIONFALG | The parameter directions flag is not valid. |
0xC00291E5 -1073573403 |
DTS_E_SQLTASK_NOSQLTASKDATAINXMLFRAGMENT | The XML fragment does not contain SQL Task data. |
0xC00291E6 -1073573402 |
DTS_E_SQLTASK_MULTIPLERETURNVALUEPARAM | A parameter with type return value is not the first parameter, or there are more than one parameter of type return value. |
0xC00291E7 -1073573401 |
DTS_E_SQLTASK_CONNECTIONTYPENOTFILE | Connection "%1" is not a file connection manager. |
0xC00291E8 -1073573400 |
DTS_E_SQLTASK_FILEDOESNOTEXIST | File represented by "%1" does not exist. |
0xC00291E9 -1073573399 |
DTS_E_SQLTASK_VARIABLETYPEISNOTSTRING | Type of variable "%1" is not string. |
0xC00291EA -1073573398 |
DTS_E_SQLTASK_VARIABLENOTFOUND | Variable "%1" does not exist or could not be locked. |
0xC00291EB -1073573397 |
DTS_E_SQLTASK_CANNOTLOCATECONNMANAGER | Connection manager "%1" does not exist. |
0xC00291EC -1073573396 |
DTS_E_SQLTASK_FAILEDTOACQUIRECONNECTION | Failed to acquire connection "%1". Connection may not be configured correctly or you may not have the right permissions on this connection. |
0xC00291ED -1073573395 |
DTS_E_SQLTASK_RESULTBYNAMENOTSUPPORTED | Result binding by name "%1" is not supported for this connection type. |
0xC00291EE -1073573394 |
DTS_E_SQLTASKCONN_ERR_NO_ROWS | A result set type of single row is specified, but no rows were returned. |
0xC00291EF -1073573393 |
DTS_E_SQLTASKCONN_ERR_NO_DISCONNECTED_RS | No disconnected record set is available for the Transact-SQL statement. |
0xC00291F0 -1073573392 |
0xC00291F1 -1073573391 |
0xC00291F2 -1073573390 |
DTS_E_SQLTASKCONN_ERR_PARAM_DATA_TYPE | Unsupported data type on parameter binding \"%s\". |
0xC00291F3 -1073573389 |
DTS_E_SQLTASKCONN_ERR_PARAM_NAME_MIX | Parameter names cannot be an mix of ordinal and named types. |
0xC00291F4 -1073573388 |
DTS_E_SQLTASKCONN_ERR_PARAM_DIR | The parameter direction on parameter binding \"%s\" is not valid. |
0xC00291F5 -1073573387 |
DTS_E_SQLTASKCONN_ERR_RESULT_DATA_TYPE | The data type on result set binding \"%s\" is not supported. |
0xC00291F6 -1073573386 |
DTS_E_SQLTASKCONN_ERR_RESULT_COL_INDEX | The result column index %d is not valid. |
0xC00291F7 -1073573385 |
DTS_E_SQLTASKCONN_ERR_UNKNOWN_RESULT_COL | Cannot find column \"%s\" in the result set. |
0xC00291F9 -1073573383 |
DTS_E_SQLTASKCONN_ERR_NOROWSET | No result rowset is associated with the execution of this query. |
0xC00291FA -1073573382 |
DTS_E_SQLTASKCONN_ERR_ODBC_DISCONNECTED | Disconnected recordsets are not available from ODBC connections. |
0xC00291FB -1073573381 |
DTS_E_SQLTASKCONN_ERR_RESULT_SET_DATA_TYPE | The data type in the result set, column %hd, is not supported. |
0xC00291FC -1073573380 |
DTS_E_SQLTASKCONN_ERR_CANT_LOAD_XML | Cannot load XML with query result. |
0xC00291FD -1073573379 |
DTS_E_TTGENTASK_NOCONNORVARIABLE | A connection name or variable name for the package must be specified. |
0xC00291FE -1073573378 |
DTS_E_TTGENTASK_FAILEDCREATE | Failed to create the package. |
0xC00291FF -1073573377 |
DTS_E_TTGENTASK_BADTABLEMETADATA | The TableMetaDataNode is not an XMLNode. |
0xC0029200 -1073573376 |
DTS_E_TTGENTASK_FAILEDCREATEPIPELINE | Failed to create the pipeline. |
0xC0029201 -1073573375 |
DTS_E_TTGENTASK_BADVARIABLETYPE | The variable is not the correct type. |
0xC0029202 -1073573374 |
DTS_E_TTGENTASK_NOTFILECONNECTION | The connection manager specified is not a FILE connection manager. |
0xC0029203 -1073573373 |
DTS_E_TTGENTASK_BADFILENAME | Invalid file name specified on the connection manager "%1". |
0xC0029204 -1073573372 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_CONNECTION_NAME_NULL | The connection is empty. Verify that a valid HTTP connection is specified. |
0xC0029205 -1073573371 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_CONNECTION_NOT_FOUND | The connection does not exist. Verify that a valid, existing HTTP connection is specified. |
0xC0029206 -1073573370 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_CONNECTION_NOT_HTTP | The connection specified is not a HTTP connection. Verify that a valid HTTP connection is specified. |
0xC0029207 -1073573369 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_SERVICE_NULL | The Web Service name is empty. Verify that a valid web service name is specified. |
0xC0029208 -1073573368 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_METHODNAME_NULL | The web method name is empty. Verify that a valid web method is specified. |
0xC0029209 -1073573367 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_WEBMETHODINFO_NULL | The web method is empty or may not exist. Verify that there is an existing web method to specify. |
0xC002920A -1073573366 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_OUTPUTLOC_NULL | The output location is empty. Verify that an existing file connection or variable is specified. |
0xC002920B -1073573365 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_VARIABLE_NOT_FOUND | The variable cannot be found. Verify that the variable exists in the package. |
0xC002920C -1073573364 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_VARIABLE_READONLY | Cannot save the result. Verify that the variable is not read-only. |
0xC002920D -1073573363 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_ERROR_IN_LOAD_FROM_XML | Error occurred in LoadFromXML at the tag "%1". |
0xC002920E -1073573362 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_ERROR_IN_SAVE_TO_XML | Error occurred in SaveToXML at the tag "%1". |
0xC002920F -1073573361 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_TASK_SAVE_TO_NULL_XML_ELEMENT | Cannot save the task to a null XML document. |
0xC0029210 -1073573360 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_TASK_INITIALIZATION_WITH_NULL_XML_ELEMENT | Cannot initialize the task with a null XML element. |
0xC0029211 -1073573359 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_TASK_INITIALIZATION_WITH_WRONG_XML_ELEMENT | The Web Service Task is initiated with an incorrect XML element. |
0xC0029212 -1073573358 |
0xC0029213 -1073573357 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_CANNOT_ACQUIRE_CONNECTION | There was an error acquiring the HTTP connection. Verify that a valid connection type is specified. |
0xC0029214 -1073573356 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_FILE_CONN_NOT_FOUND | Cannot save the result. Verify that there is an existing file connection. |
0xC0029215 -1073573355 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_FILE_NOT_FOUND | Cannot save the result. Verify that the file exists. |
0xC0029216 -1073573354 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_FILE_NULL | Cannot save the result. The file name is empty or the file is in use by another process. |
0xC0029217 -1073573353 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_CANNOT_ACQUIRE_FILE_CONNECTION | There was an error in acquiring the file connection. Verify that a valid file connection is specified. |
0xC0029218 -1073573352 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_DATATYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED | Only Complex Types with Primitive values, Primitive Arrays, and Enumerations are supported. |
0xC0029219 -1073573351 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_PARAMTYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED | Only Primitive, Enum, Complex, PrimitiveArray, and ComplexArray types are supported. |
0xC002921A -1073573350 |
0xC002921B -1073573349 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_WRONG_XML_ELEMENT | Initialized with an incorrect XML element. |
0xC002921C -1073573348 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_XML_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND | A mandatory attribute is not found. |
0xC002921D -1073573347 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_ENUM_NO_VALUES | The enum "%1" does not have any values. The WSDL is corrupted. |
0xC002921E -1073573346 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_CONNECTIONNOTFOUND | The connection cannot be found. |
0xC002921F -1073573345 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_CONNECTION_ALREADY_EXISTS | Connection by this name already exists. |
0xC0029220 -1073573344 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_NULL_CONNECTION | Connection cannot be null or empty. |
0xC0029221 -1073573343 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_NOT_HTTP_CONNECTION | The connection specified is not a HTTP connection. Verify that a valid HTTP connection is specified. |
0xC0029222 -1073573342 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_WSDL_NOT_FOUND | The specified Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) does not contain a valid WSDL. |
0xC0029223 -1073573341 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_ERROR_IN_DOWNLOAD | Could not read the WSDL file. The input WSDL file is not valid. The reader threw the following error: "%1". |
0xC0029224 -1073573340 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_SERVICE_DESC_NULL | Service Description cannot be null. |
0xC0029225 -1073573339 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_SERVICENULL | Service name cannot be null. |
0xC0029226 -1073573338 |
0xC0029227 -1073573337 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_SERVICE_NOT_FOUND | The service is not currently available. |
0xC0029228 -1073573336 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_SOAPPORT_NOT_FOUND | The service is not available on the SOAP port. |
0xC0029229 -1073573335 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_SOAPBINDING_NOT_FOUND | Failed to parse the Web Services Description Language (WSDL). Cannot find the Binding that corresponds to the SOAP port. |
0xC002922A -1073573334 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_SOAPPORTTYPE_NOT_FOUND | Failed to parse the Web Services Description Language (WSDL). Cannot find a PortType that corresponds to the SOAP port. |
0xC002922B -1073573333 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_MSG_NOT_FOUND | Cannot find the message that corresponds to the method specified. |
0xC002922C -1073573332 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_CANNOT_GEN_PROXY | Could not generate the proxy for the given web service. The following errors were encountered while generating the proxy "%1". |
0xC002922D -1073573331 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_CANNOT_LOAD_PROXY | Could not load the proxy for the given web service. The exact error is as follows: "%1". |
0xC002922E -1073573330 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_INVALID_SERVICE | Could not find the specified service. The exact error is as follows: "%1". |
0xC002922F -1073573329 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_WEBMETHOD_INVOKE_FAILED | The Web Service threw the following error during method execution: "%1". |
0xC0029230 -1073573328 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_INVOKE_ERR | Could not execute the web method. The exact error is as follows: "%1". |
0xC0029231 -1073573327 |
0xC0029232 -1073573326 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_VALUE_NOT_PRIMITIVE | The specified WebMethodInfo is not correct. The ParamValue supplied does not match the ParamType. The DTSParamValue is not of type PrimitiveValue. |
0xC0029233 -1073573325 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_VALUE_NOT_ENUM | The WebMethodInfo specified is not correct. The ParamValue supplied does not match the ParamType. The DTSParamValue found is not of type EnumValue. |
0xC0029234 -1073573324 |
DTS_E_VALUE_WEBSERVICETASK_NOT_COMPLEX | The WebMethodInfo specified is not correct. The ParamValue supplied does not match the ParamType. The DTSParamValue found is not of type ComplexValue. |
0xC0029235 -1073573323 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_VALUE_NOT_ARRAY | The WebMethodInfo specified is not correct. The ParamValue supplied does not match the ParamType. The DTSParamValue found is not of type ArrayValue. |
0xC0029236 -1073573322 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_TYPE_NOT_PRIMITIVE | The WebMethodInfo you have specified is wrong. "%1" is not Primitive Type. |
0xC0029237 -1073573321 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_ARRAY_VALUE_INVALID | The format of the ArrayValue is not valid. There should be at least one element in the array. |
0xC0029238 -1073573320 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_SELECTED_VALUE_NULL | The value of the enumeration cannot be null. Select a default value for the enumeration. |
0xC0029239 -1073573319 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_NULL_VALUE | Cannot validate a null against any datatype. |
0xC002923A -1073573318 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_ENUM_VALUE_NOT_FOUND | The enumeration Value is not correct. |
0xC002923B -1073573317 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_PROP_NOT_EXISTS | The class specified does not contain a public property by the name "%1". |
0xC002923C -1073573316 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_CONVERT_FAILED | Could not convert "%1" to "%2". |
0xC002923D -1073573315 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_CLEANUP_FAILED | Cleanup failed. The proxy that was created for the web service may not have been deleted. |
0xC002923E -1073573314 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_CREATE_INSTANCE_FAILED | Could not create an object of type "%1". Please check whether the default constructor exists. |
0xC002923F -1073573313 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_NOT_PRIMITIVE_TYPE | "%1" is not a value type. |
0xC0029240 -1073573312 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_ERROR_IN_VALIDATE | Could not validate "%1" against "%1". |
0xC0029241 -1073573311 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_DATATYPE_NULL | The data type cannot be null. Specify the value of the data type to validate. |
0xC0029242 -1073573310 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS | The ParamValue cannot be inserted at this position. The index specified might be lesser than zero or greater than the length. |
0xC0029243 -1073573309 |
DTS_E_WEBSERVICETASK_WRONG_WSDL | The input WSDL file is not valid. |
0xC0029244 -1073573308 |
DTS_E_WMIDRTASK_SYNCOBJECTFAILED | Synchronization object failed. |
0xC0029245 -1073573307 |
0xC0029246 -1073573306 |
DTS_E_WMIDRTASK_DESTINATIONMUSTBESET | The destination must be set. |
0xC0029247 -1073573305 |
0xC0029248 -1073573304 |
DTS_E_WMIDRTASK_INVALIDDATANODE | WMI Data Reader Task received an invalid task data node. |
0xC0029249 -1073573303 |
DTS_E_WMIDRTASK_FAILEDVALIDATION | The task failed validation. |
0xC002924A -1073573302 |
DTS_E_WMIDRTASK_FILEDOESNOTEXIST | File "%1" does not exist. |
0xC002924B -1073573301 |
DTS_E_WMIDRTASK_CONNECTIONMNGRDOESNTEXIST | Connection manager "%1" does not exist. |
0xC002924C -1073573300 |
DTS_E_WMIDRTASK_VARIABLETYPEISNOTSTRINGOROBJECT | Variable "%1" is not of type string or object. |
0xC002924D -1073573299 |
DTS_E_WMIDRTASK_CONNECTIONTYPENOTFILE | Connection "%1" is not of type "FILE". |
0xC002924E -1073573298 |
DTS_E_WMIDRTASK_CONNECTIONTYPENOTWMI | Connection "%1" is not of type "WMI". |
0xC002924F -1073573297 |
DTS_E_WMIDRTASK_FILEALREADYEXISTS | File "%1" already exists. |
0xC0029250 -1073573296 |
DTS_E_WMIDRTASK_CONNECTIONMANAGEREMPTY | Connection manager "%1" is empty. |
0xC0029251 -1073573295 |
DTS_E_WMIDRTASK_VARNOTOBJECT | Variable "%1" should be of type object to be assigned a data table. |
0xC0029252 -1073573294 |
DTS_E_WMIDRTASK_TASKFAILURE | Task failed due to invalid WMI query: "%1". |
0xC0029253 -1073573293 |
DTS_E_WMIDRTASK_CANTWRITETOVAR | Unable to write to variable "%1" since it set to keep its original value. |
0xC0029254 -1073573292 |
DTS_E_WMIEWTASK_SYNCOBJECTFAILED | Synchronization object failed. |
0xC0029255 -1073573291 |
0xC0029256 -1073573290 |
DTS_E_WMIEWTASK_MISSINGCONNECTION | The WMI connection is missing. |
0xC0029257 -1073573289 |
DTS_E_WMIEWTASK_QUERYFAILURE | The task failed to execute the WMI query. |
0xC0029258 -1073573288 |
DTS_E_WMIEWTASK_INVALIDDATANODE | The WMI Event Watcher Task received a task data node that is not valid. |
0xC0029259 -1073573287 |
DTS_E_WMIEWTASK_CONNECTIONMNGRDOESNTEXIST | Connection manager "%1" does not exist. |
0xC002925A -1073573286 |
DTS_E_WMIEWTASK_FILEDOESNOTEXIST | File "%1" does not exist. |
0xC002925B -1073573285 |
DTS_E_WMIEWTASK_VARIABLETYPEISNOTSTRING | Variable "%1" is not of type string. |
0xC002925C -1073573284 |
DTS_E_WMIEWTASK_CONNECTIONTYPENOTFILE | Connection "%1" is not of type "FILE". |
0xC002925D -1073573283 |
DTS_E_WMIEWTASK_CONNECTIONTYPENOTWMI | Connection "%1" is not of type "WMI". |
0xC002925E -1073573282 |
DTS_E_WMIEWTASK_FILEALREADYEXISTS | File "%1" already exists. |
0xC002925F -1073573281 |
DTS_E_WMIEWTASK_CONNECTIONMANAGEREMPTY | Connection manager "%1" is empty. |
0xC0029260 -1073573280 |
DTS_E_WMIEWTASK_TIMEOUTOCCURRED | Timeout of "%1" second(s) occurred before event represented by "%2". |
0xC0029261 -1073573279 |
DTS_E_WMIEWTASK_ERRMESSAGE | Watching for the Wql query caused the following system exception: "%1". Check the query for errors or WMI connection for access rights/permissions. |
0xC0029262 -1073573278 |
DTS_E_XMLTASK_NODEFAULTOPERTION | The Operations specified is not defined. |
0xC0029263 -1073573277 |
DTS_E_XMLTASK_CONNECTIONTYPENOTFILE | The connection type is not File. |
0xC0029264 -1073573276 |
DTS_E_XMLTASK_CANTGETREADERFROMSOURCE | Cannot get an XmlReader from the source XML document. |
0xC0029265 -1073573275 |
DTS_E_XMLTASK_CANTGETREADERFROMDEST | Cannot get an XmlReader from the changed XML document. |
0xC0029266 -1073573274 |
DTS_E_XMLTASK_CANTGETREADERFROMDIFFGRAM | Cannot get the XDL diffgram reader from the XDL diffgram XML. |
0xC0029268 -1073573272 |
DTS_E_XMLTASK_EMPTYNODELIST | The node list is empty. |
0xC0029269 -1073573271 |
DTS_E_XMLTASK_NOELEMENTFOUND | The element was not found. |
0xC002926A -1073573270 |
DTS_E_XMLTASK_UNDEFINEDOPERATION | The Operations specified is not defined. |
0xC002926B -1073573269 |
DTS_E_XMLTASK_XPATHNAVERROR | Unexpected content item in XPathNavigator. |
0xC002926C -1073573268 |
DTS_E_XMLTASK_NOSCHEMAFOUND | No schema found to enforce validation. |
0xC002926D -1073573267 |
DTS_E_XMLTASK_VALIDATIONERROR | A validation error occurred when validating the instance document. |
0xC002926E -1073573266 |
DTS_E_XMLTASK_SYNCOBJECTFAILED | Synchronization object failed. |
0xC002926F -1073573265 |
DTS_E_XMLTASK_ROOTNOODESNOTMATCHED | The root nodes do not match. |
0xC0029270 -1073573264 |
DTS_E_XMLTASK_INVALIDEDITSCRIPT | The Edit Script Operation type in the final Edit Script is not valid. |
0xC0029271 -1073573263 |
DTS_E_XMLTASK_CDATANODESISSUE | CDATA nodes should be added with DiffgramAddSubtrees class. |
0xC0029272 -1073573262 |
DTS_E_XMLTASK_COMMENTSNODEISSUE | Comment nodes should be added with DiffgramAddSubtrees class. |
0xC0029273 -1073573261 |
DTS_E_XMLTASK_TEXTNODEISSUES | Text nodes should be added with DiffgramAddSubtrees class. |
0xC0029274 -1073573260 |
DTS_E_XMLTASK_WHITESPACEISSUE | Significant white space nodes should be added with DiffgramAddSubtrees class. |
0xC0029275 -1073573259 |
DTS_E_XMLTASK_DIFFENUMISSUE | Correct the OperationCost array so that it reflects the XmlDiffOperation enumeration. |
0xC0029276 -1073573258 |
DTS_E_XMLTASK_TASKISEMPTY | There are no operations in the task. |
0xC0029277 -1073573257 |
DTS_E_XMLTASK_DOCUMENTHASDATA | The document already contains data and should not be used again. |
0xC0029278 -1073573256 |
DTS_E_XMLTASK_INVALIDENODETYPE | The node type is not valid. |
0xC0029279 -1073573255 |
DTS_E_XMLTASK_INVALIDDATANODE | The XML Task received a task data node that is not valid. |
0xC002927B -1073573253 |
DTS_E_XMLTASK_VARIABLETYPEISNOTSTRING | Variable data type is not a String. |
0xC002927C -1073573252 |
0xC002927D -1073573251 |
DTS_E_XMLTASK_MISSINGSOURCE | Source is not specified. |
0xC002927E -1073573250 |
DTS_E_XMLTASK_MISSINGSECONDOPERAND | Second operand is not specified. |
0xC002927F -1073573249 |
DTS_E_XMLTASK_INVALIDPATHDESCRIPTOR | Invalid XDL diffgram. "%1" is an invalid path descriptor. |
0xC0029280 -1073573248 |
DTS_E_XMLTASK_NOMATCHINGNODE | Invalid XDL diffgram. No node matches the path descriptor "%1". |
0xC0029281 -1073573247 |
DTS_E_XMLTASK_EXPECTINGDIFFGRAMELEMENT | Invalid XDL diffgram. Expecting xd:xmldiff as a root element with namespace URI "%1". |
0xC0029282 -1073573246 |
DTS_E_XMLTASK_MISSINGSRCDOCATTRIBUTE | The XDL diffgram is not valid. The srcDocHash attribute on the xd:xmldiff element is missing. |
0xC0029283 -1073573245 |
DTS_E_XMLTASK_MISSINGOPTIONSATTRIBUTE | The XDL diffgram is not valid. The options attribute on the xd:xmldiff element is missing. |
0xC0029284 -1073573244 |
DTS_E_XMLTASK_INVALIDSRCDOCATTRIBUTE | The XDL diffgram is not valid. The srcDocHash attribute has an invalid value. |
0xC0029285 -1073573243 |
DTS_E_XMLTASK_INVALIDOPTIONSATTRIBUTE | The XDL diffgram is not valid. The options attribute has an invalid value. |
0xC0029286 -1073573242 |
DTS_E_XMLTASK_SRCDOCMISMATCH | The XDL diffgram is not applicable to this XML document. The rcDocHash value does not match. |
0xC0029287 -1073573241 |
DTS_E_XMLTASK_MORETHANONENODEMATCHED | Invalid XDL diffgram; more than one node matches the "%1" path descriptor on the xd:node or xd:change element. |
0xC0029288 -1073573240 |
DTS_E_XMLTASK_XMLDECLMISMATCH | The XDL diffgram is not applicable to this XML document. A new XML declaration cannot be added. |
0xC0029289 -1073573239 |
DTS_E_XMLTASK_INTERNALERRORMORETHANONENODEINLIST | Internal Error. XmlDiffPathSingleNodeList can contain only one node. |
0xC002928A -1073573238 |
DTS_E_XMLTASK_INTERNALERRORMORETHANONENODELEFT | Internal Error. "%1" nodes left after patch, expecting 1. |
0xC002928B -1073573237 |
DTS_E_XMLTASK_XSLTRESULTFILEISNOTXML | The File/Text Produced by the XSLT is not a valid XmlDocument, thus can not be set as result of operation: "%1". |
0xC002928E -1073573234 |
DTS_E_XMLTASK_FILEDOESNOTEXIST | There is no file associated with connection "%1". |
0xC002928F -1073573233 |
DTS_E_XMLTASK_XMLTEXTEMPTY | Property "%1" has no source Xml text; Xml Text is either invalid, null or empty string. |
0xC0029290 -1073573232 |
DTS_E_XMLTASK_FILEALREADYEXISTS | File "%1" already exists. |
0xC0029293 -1073573229 |
DTS_E_TRANSFERTASKS_SRCCONNECTIONREQUIRED | A source connection must be specified. |
0xC0029294 -1073573228 |
DTS_E_TRANSFERTASKS_DESTCONNECTIONREQUIRED | A destination connection must be specified. |
0xC0029295 -1073573227 |
DTS_E_TRANSFERTASKS_CONNECTIONNOTFOUND | The connection "%1" could not be found in the package. |
0xC0029296 -1073573226 |
DTS_E_TRANSFERTASKS_SERVERVERSIONNOTALLOWED | The connection "%1" specifies a SQL Server instance with a version that is not supported for transfer. Only versions 7, 2000, and 2005 are supported. |
0xC0029297 -1073573225 |
DTS_E_TRANSFERTASKS_SRCSERVERLESSEQUALDESTSERVER | The source connection "%1" must specify a SQL Server instance with a version earlier than or the same as the destination connection "%2". |
0xC0029298 -1073573224 |
DTS_E_TRANSFERTASKS_SRCDBREQUIRED | A source database must be specified. |
0xC0029299 -1073573223 |
DTS_E_TRANSFERTASKS_SRCDBMUSTEXIST | The source database "%1" must exist on the source server. |
0xC002929A -1073573222 |
DTS_E_TRANSFERTASKS_DESTDBREQUIRED | A destination database must be specified. |
0xC002929B -1073573221 |
DTS_E_TRANSFERTASKS_SRCDBANDDESTDBTHESAME | The source database and the destination database can not be the same. |
0xC002929C -1073573220 |
DTS_E_TRANSFERDBTASK_FILENAMEREQUIRED | The transfer file information %1 is missing the filename. |
0xC002929D -1073573219 |
DTS_E_TRANSFERDBTASK_FOLDERREQUIRED | The transfer file information %1 is missing the folder part. |
0xC002929E -1073573218 |
DTS_E_TRANSFERTASKS_NETSHAREREQUIRED | The transfer file information %1 is missing the network share part. |
0xC002929F -1073573217 |
DTS_E_TRANSFERTASKS_FILELISTSCOUNTMISMATCH | The number of source transfer files and the number of destination transfer files must be the same. |
0xC00292A0 -1073573216 |
DTS_E_DOESNOTSUPPORTTRANSACTIONS | Enlisting in transactions is not supported. |
0xC00292A1 -1073573215 |
DTS_E_TRANSFERDBTASK_OFFLINEERROR | The following exception occurred during an offline database transfer: %1. |
0xC00292A2 -1073573214 |
DTS_E_TRANSFERDBTASK_NETSHAREDOESNOTEXIST | The network share "%1" could not be found. |
0xC00292A3 -1073573213 |
DTS_E_TRANSFERDBTASK_NETSHARENOACCESS | The network share "%1 could not be accessed. The error is: %2. |
0xC00292A4 -1073573212 |
DTS_E_TRANSFERDBTASK_USERMUSTBEDBOORSYSADMIN | The user "%1" must be a DBO or a sysadmin for "%2" in order to perform an online database transfer. |
0xC00292A5 -1073573211 |
DTS_E_TRANSFERDBTASK_USERMUSTBESYSADMIN | The user "%1" must be a sysadmin on "%2" to perform an offline database transfer. |
0xC00292A6 -1073573210 |
DTS_E_TRANSFERDBTASK_FTCATALOGSOFFLINEYUKONONLY | Full text catalogs can only be included when performing an offline database transfer between 2 SQL Server 2005 servers. |
0xC00292A7 -1073573209 |
DTS_E_TRANSFERDBTASK_NOOVERWRITEDB | The database "%1" already exists on the destination server "%2". |
0xC00292A8 -1073573208 |
DTS_E_TRANSFERDBTASK_MUSTHAVESOURCEFILES | At least one source file must be specified. |
0xC00292A9 -1073573207 |
DTS_E_TRANSFERDBTASKS_SRCFILENOTFOUND | Could not find the file "%1" in the source database "%2". |
0xC00292B3 -1073573197 |
DTS_E_MSMQTASK_FIPS1402COMPLIANCE | The operation requested is not allowed in systems compliant with U.S. FIPS 140-2. |
0xC002F210 -1073548784 |
DTS_E_SQLTASK_ERROREXECUTINGTHEQUERY | Executing the query "%1" failed with the following error: "%2". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly. |
0xC002F300 -1073548544 |
DTS_E_TRANSFERSPTASK_ERRORREADINGSPNAMES | Error reading stored procedure names from the xml file. |
0xC002F301 -1073548543 |
DTS_E_TRANSFERSPTASK_INVALIDDATANODE | Invalid data node for the Transfer Stored Procedure task. |
0xC002F302 -1073548542 |
0xC002F303 -1073548541 |
DTS_E_TRANSFERSPTASK_EXECUTIONFAILED | Execution failed with the following error "%1". |
0xC002F304 -1073548540 |
DTS_E_ERROROCCURREDWITHFOLLOWINGMESSAGE | An error occurred with the following error message: "%1". |
0xC002F305 -1073548539 |
DTS_E_BITASK_EXECUTION_FAILED | Bulk insert execution failed. |
0xC002F306 -1073548538 |
DTS_E_FSTASK_INVALIDDESTPATH | Invalid destination path. |
0xC002F307 -1073548537 |
DTS_E_FSTASK_CANTCREATEDIR | Can not create directory. User chose to fail the task if directory exists. |
0xC002F308 -1073548536 |
DTS_E_SQLTASK_ODBCNOSUPPORTTRANSACTION | The task has a transaction option of "Required" and connection "%1" is of type "ODBC". ODBC connections don't support transactions. |
0xC002F309 -1073548535 |
DTS_E_SQLTASK_ERRORASSIGINGVALUETOVAR | An error occurred while assigning a value to variable "%1": "%2". |
0xC002F30A -1073548534 |
DTS_E_FSTASK_SOURCEISEMPTY | The source is empty. |
0xC002F30B -1073548533 |
DTS_E_FSTASK_DESTINATIONISEMPTY | The destination is empty. |
0xC002F30C -1073548532 |
DTS_E_FSTASK_FILEDIRNOTFOUND | File or directory "%1" does not exist. |
0xC002F30D -1073548531 |
DTS_E_FSTASK_VARSRCORDESTISEMPTY | Variable "%1" is used as a source or destination and is empty. |
0xC002F30E -1073548530 |
DTS_E_FSTASK_FILEDELETED | File or directory "%1" was deleted. |
0xC002F30F -1073548529 |
DTS_E_FSTASK_DIRECTORYDELETED | Directory "%1" was deleted. |
0xC002F310 -1073548528 |
DTS_E_WMIDRTASK_VARIABLETYPEISNOTOBJECT | The variable "%1" should be of type object to be assigned a data table. |
0xC002F311 -1073548527 |
DTS_E_WMIDRTASK_VARIABLETYPEISNOTSTRING | The variable "%1" does not have a string data type. |
0xC002F312 -1073548526 |
DTS_E_FTPTASK_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTION | There was an error acquiring the FTP connection. Verify that a valid connection type is specified in "%1". |
0xC002F313 -1073548525 |
DTS_E_FTPTASK_CONNECTIONNOTFOUND | The FTP connection manager "%1" can not be found. |
0xC002F314 -1073548524 |
DTS_E_FTPTASK_FILEUSAGETYPEERROR | File usage type of connection "%1" should be "%2" for operation "%3". |
0xC002F315 -1073548523 |
DTS_E_TRANSFERTASKS_SOURCECANTBESAMEASDESTINATION | The source server can not be the same as the destination server. |
0xC002F316 -1073548522 |
DTS_E_ERRMSGTASK_EMPTYSOURCELIST | There are no Error Messages to transfer. |
0xC002F317 -1073548521 |
DTS_E_ERRMSGTASK_DIFFERENTMESSAGEANDLANGUAGESIZES | The lists of error messages and their corresponding languages are of different sizes. |
0xC002F318 -1073548520 |
DTS_E_ERRMSGTASK_ERRORMESSAGEOUTOFRANGE | The error message id "%1" is out of the allowed range of user defined error messages. User defined error message ids are between 50000 and 2147483647. |
0xC002F319 -1073548519 |
DTS_E_TRANSFERTASKS_NOTRANSACTIONSUPPORT | This task can not participate in a transaction. |
0xC002F320 -1073548512 |
DTS_E_ERRMSGTASK_FAILEDTOTRANSFERERRORMESSAGES | Failed to transfer some or all of the Error Messages. |
0xC002F321 -1073548511 |
DTS_E_ERRMSGTASK_ERRORMESSAGEALREADYEXISTS | The error message "%1" already exists at destination server. |
0xC002F324 -1073548508 |
DTS_E_ERRMSGTASK_ERRORMESSAGECANTBEFOUND | The error message "%1" can not be found at source server. |
0xC002F325 -1073548507 |
DTS_E_TRANSFERTASKS_EXECUTIONFAILED | Execution failed with the following error: "%1". |
0xC002F327 -1073548505 |
DTS_E_JOBSTASK_FAILEDTOTRANSFERJOBS | Failed to transfer the Job(s). |
0xC002F330 -1073548496 |
DTS_E_JOBSTASK_EMPTYSOURCELIST | There are no Jobs to transfer. |
0xC002F331 -1073548495 |
DTS_E_JOBSTASK_JOBEXISTSATDEST | The job "%1" already exists at destination server. |
0xC002F334 -1073548492 |
DTS_E_JOBSTASK_JOBCANTBEFOUND | The job "%1" can not be found at source server. |
0xC002F337 -1073548489 |
DTS_E_LOGINSTASK_EMPTYLIST | The list of "Logins" to transfer is empty. |
0xC002F338 -1073548488 |
DTS_E_LOGINSTASK_CANTGETLOGINSNAMELIST | Can not get the list of "Logins" from source server. |
0xC002F340 -1073548480 |
DTS_E_LOGINSTASK_ERRORLOGINEXISTS | Login "%1" already exists at destination server. |
0xC002F342 -1073548478 |
DTS_E_LOGINSTASK_LOGINNOTFOUND | Login "%1" does not exist at source. |
0xC002F344 -1073548476 |
DTS_E_LOGINSTASK_FAILEDTOTRANSFERLOGINS | Failed to transfer some or all of the logins. |
0xC002F345 -1073548475 |
DTS_E_STOREDPROCSTASK_FAILEDTOTRANSFERSPS | Failed to transfer the stored procedure(s). More informative error should have been raised. |
0xC002F346 -1073548474 |
DTS_E_STOREDPROCSTASK_STOREDPROCNOTFOUND | Stored Procedure "%1" is not found at the source. |
0xC002F349 -1073548471 |
DTS_E_STOREDPROCSTASK_ERRORSTOREDPROCEDUREEXISTS | Stored procedure "%1" already exists at destination server. |
0xC002F350 -1073548464 |
DTS_E_STOREDPROCSTASK_EMPTYSOURCELIST | There are no stored procedures to transfer. |
0xC002F353 -1073548461 |
0xC002F354 -1073548460 |
DTS_E_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_EMPTYLIST | The list of "Objects" to transfer is empty. |
0xC002F355 -1073548459 |
DTS_E_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_NOSPATSOURCE | Stored procedure "%1" does not exist at the source. |
0xC002F356 -1073548458 |
DTS_E_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_SPALREADYATDEST | Stored procedure "%1" already exists at destination. |
0xC002F357 -1073548457 |
DTS_E_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_ERRORHANDLINGSPS | An error occurred while trying to get set the Stored Procedures list to transfer: "%1". |
0xC002F359 -1073548455 |
DTS_E_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_NORULEATSOURCE | Rule "%1" does not exist at the source. |
0xC002F360 -1073548448 |
DTS_E_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_RULEALREADYATDEST | Rule "%1" already exists at destination. |
0xC002F361 -1073548447 |
DTS_E_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_ERRORHANDLINGRULES | An error occurred while trying to get set the Rules list to transfer: "%1". |
0xC002F363 -1073548445 |
DTS_E_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_NOTABLEATSOURCE | Table "%1" does not exist at the source. |
0xC002F364 -1073548444 |
DTS_E_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_TABLEALREADYATDEST | Table "%1" already exists at destination. |
0xC002F365 -1073548443 |
DTS_E_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_ERRORHANDLINGTABLES | An error occurred while trying to get set the Tables list to transfer: "%1". |
0xC002F367 -1073548441 |
DTS_E_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_NOVIEWATSOURCE | View "%1" does not exist at the source. |
0xC002F368 -1073548440 |
DTS_E_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_VIEWALREADYATDEST | View "%1" already exists at destination. |
0xC002F369 -1073548439 |
DTS_E_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_ERRORHANDLINGVIEWS | An error occurred while trying to get set the Views list to transfer: "%1". |
0xC002F371 -1073548431 |
DTS_E_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_NOUDFATSOURCE | User Defined Function "%1" does not exist at the source. |
0xC002F372 -1073548430 |
DTS_E_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_UDFALREADYATDEST | User Defined Function "%1" already exists at destination. |
0xC002F373 -1073548429 |
DTS_E_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_ERRORHANDLINGUDFS | An error occurred while trying to get set the User Defined Functions list to transfer: "%1". |
0xC002F375 -1073548427 |
DTS_E_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_NODEFAULTATSOURCE | Default "%1" does not exist at the source. |
0xC002F376 -1073548426 |
DTS_E_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_DEFAULTALREADYATDEST | Default "%1" already exists at destination. |
0xC002F377 -1073548425 |
DTS_E_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_ERRORHANDLINGDEFAULTS | An error occurred while trying to get set the Defaults list to transfer: "%1". |
0xC002F379 -1073548423 |
DTS_E_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_NOUDDTATSOURCE | User Defined Data Type "%1" does not exist at the source. |
0xC002F380 -1073548416 |
DTS_E_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_UDDTALREADYATDEST | User Defined Data Type "%1" already exists at destination. |
0xC002F381 -1073548415 |
DTS_E_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_ERRORHANDLINGUDDTS | An error occurred while trying to get set the User Defined Data Types list to transfer: "%1". |
0xC002F383 -1073548413 |
DTS_E_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_NOPFATSOURCE | Partition Function "%1" does not exist at the source. |
0xC002F384 -1073548412 |
DTS_E_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_PFALREADYATDEST | Partition Function "%1" already exists at destination. |
0xC002F385 -1073548411 |
DTS_E_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_ERRORHANDLINGPFS | An error occurred while trying to get set the Partition Functions list to transfer: "%1". |
0xC002F387 -1073548409 |
DTS_E_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_NOPSATSOURCE | Partition Scheme "%1" does not exist at the source. |
0xC002F388 -1073548408 |
DTS_E_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_PSALREADYATDEST | Partition Scheme "%1" already exists at destination. |
0xC002F389 -1073548407 |
DTS_E_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_ERRORHANDLINGPSS | An error occurred while trying to get set the Partition Schemes list to transfer: "%1". |
0xC002F391 -1073548399 |
DTS_E_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_NOSCHEMAATSOURCE | Schema "%1" does not exist at the source. |
0xC002F392 -1073548398 |
DTS_E_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_SCHEMAALREADYATDEST | Schema "%1" already exists at destination. |
0xC002F393 -1073548397 |
DTS_E_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_ERRORHANDLINGSCHEMAS | An error occurred while trying to get set the Schemas list to transfer: "%1". |
0xC002F395 -1073548395 |
DTS_E_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_NOSQLASSEMBLYATSOURCE | SqlAssembly "%1" does not exist at the source. |
0xC002F396 -1073548394 |
DTS_E_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_SQLASSEMBLYALREADYATDEST | SqlAssembly "%1" already exists at destination. |
0xC002F397 -1073548393 |
DTS_E_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_ERRORHANDLINGSQLASSEMBLIES | An error occurred while trying to get set the SqlAssemblies list to transfer: "%1". |
0xC002F399 -1073548391 |
DTS_E_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_NOAGGREGATEATSOURCE | User Defined Aggregate "%1" does not exist at the source. |
0xC002F400 -1073548288 |
DTS_E_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_AGGREGATEALREADYATDEST | User Defined Aggregate "%1" already exists at destination. |
0xC002F401 -1073548287 |
DTS_E_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_ERRORHANDLINGAGGREGATES | An error occurred while trying to get set the User Defined Aggregates list to transfer: "%1". |
0xC002F403 -1073548285 |
DTS_E_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_NOTYPEATSOURCE | User Defined Type "%1" does not exist at the source. |
0xC002F404 -1073548284 |
DTS_E_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_TYPEALREADYATDEST | User Defined Type "%1" already exists at destination. |
0xC002F405 -1073548283 |
DTS_E_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_ERRORHANDLINGTYPES | An error occurred while trying to get set the User Defined Types list to transfer: "%1". |
0xC002F407 -1073548281 |
DTS_E_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_NOXMLSCHEMACOLLECTIONATSOURCE | XmlSchemaCollection "%1" does not exist at the source. |
0xC002F408 -1073548280 |
DTS_E_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_XMLSCHEMACOLLECTIONALREADYATDEST | XmlSchemaCollection "%1" already exists at destination. |
0xC002F409 -1073548279 |
DTS_E_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_ERRORHANDLINGXMLSCHEMACOLLECTIONS | An error occurred while trying to get set the XmlSchemaCollections list to transfer: "%1". |
0xC002F411 -1073548271 |
DTS_E_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_SUPPORTEDONYUKONONLY | Objects of type "%1" are only supported between SQL Server 2005 or newer servers. |
0xC002F413 -1073548269 |
DTS_E_LOGINSTASK_EMPTYDATABASELIST | The databases list is empty. |
0xC002F414 -1073548268 |
DTS_E_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_NOLOGINATSOURCE | Login "%1" does not exist at the source. |
0xC002F416 -1073548266 |
DTS_E_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_LOGINALREADYATDEST | Login "%1" already exists at destination. |
0xC002F417 -1073548265 |
DTS_E_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_ERRORHANDLINGLOGINS | An error occurred while trying to get set the Logins list to transfer: "%1". |
0xC002F419 -1073548263 |
DTS_E_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_NOUSERATSOURCE | User "%1" does not exist at the source. |
0xC002F41B -1073548261 |
DTS_E_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_USERALREADYATDEST | User "%1" already exists at destination. |
0xC002F41C -1073548260 |
DTS_E_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_ERRORHANDLINGUSERS | An error occurred while trying to get set the Users list to transfer: "%1". |
0xC002F41F -1073548257 |
DTS_E_BITASK_CANNOTRETAINCONNINTRANSACTION | The task can not have a retained connection manager in a transaction. |
0xC002F421 -1073548255 |
DTS_E_SQLTASKOUTPUTENCODINGNOTSUPPORTED | Unable to obtain XML data from SQL Server as Unicode because the provider does not support the OUTPUTENCODING property. |
0xC002F426 -1073548250 |
DTS_E_FTPTASK_FILECONNECTIONNOTFOUND | For the FTP operation "%1", the FILE connection manager "%2" can not be found. |
0xC002F428 -1073548248 |
DTS_E_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_CANNOTDROPOBJECTS | "Logins" are server level objects and can not be dropped first since the source and destination are the same server. Dropping objects first will remove the logins from the source as well. |
0xC002F429 -1073548247 |
DTS_E_SQLTASK_PARAMSIZEERROR | Parameter "%1" cannot be negative. (-1) is used for the default value. |
0xC0040019 -1073479655 |
DTS_E_UNREGISTEREDPIPELINEXML_LOAD | Data Flow objects cannot be loaded. Check if Microsoft.SqlServer.PipelineXml.dll is properly registered. |
0xC0040020 -1073479648 |
DTS_E_UNREGISTEREDPIPELINEXML_SAVE | Data Flow objects cannot be saved. Check if Microsoft.SqlServer.PipelineXml.dll is properly registered. |
0xC0040040 -1073479616 |
DTS_E_PIPELINE_SAVE | Failed to save Data Flow objects. |
0xC0040041 -1073479615 |
DTS_E_PIPELINE_LOAD | Failed to load Data Flow objects |
0xC0040042 -1073479614 |
DTS_E_SAVE_PERSTFORMAT | Failed to save Data Flow objects. The specified format is not supported. |
0xC0040043 -1073479613 |
DTS_E_LOAD_PERSTFORMAT | Failed to load Data Flow objects. The specified format is not supported. |
0xC0040044 -1073479612 |
DTS_E_SETPERSIST_PROPEVENTS | Failed to set the XML persistence events property for the Data Flow objects. |
0xC0040045 -1073479611 |
DTS_E_SETPERSIST_XMLDOM | Failed to set the persistence XML DOM property for the Data Flow objects. |
0xC0040046 -1073479610 |
DTS_E_SETPERSIST_XMLNODE | Failed to set the persistence XML ELEMENT property for the Data Flow objects. |
0xC0040047 -1073479609 |
DTS_E_SETPERSISTPROP_FAILED | Failed to set xml persistence properties for the Data Flow objects. |
0xC0040048 -1073479608 |
DTS_E_NOCUSTOMPROPCOL | Failed to get custom property collection for Data Flow components. |
0xC0047000 -1073451008 |
DTS_E_CYCLEINEXECUTIONTREE | An execution tree contains a cycle. |
0xC0047001 -1073451007 |
DTS_E_DISCONNECTEDOBJECT | The %1 object "%2" (%3!d!) is disconnected from the layout. |
0xC0047002 -1073451006 |
DTS_E_INVALIDOBJECTID | The ID for the layout object is not valid. |
0xC0047003 -1073451005 |
DTS_E_INPUTWITHOUTPATHS | A required input object is not connected to a path object. |
0xC0047005 -1073451003 |
DTS_E_INVALIDSYNCHRONOUSINPUT | %1 has an invalid synchronous input ID %2!d!. |
0xC0047006 -1073451002 |
DTS_E_INVALIDOUTPUTLINEAGEID | %1 has lineage ID %2!d!, but should have had %3!d!. |
0xC0047008 -1073451000 |
DTS_E_DUPLICATENAMESINCOLLECTION | The package contains two objects with the duplicate name of "%1" and "%2". |
0xC0047009 -1073450999 |
DTS_E_INVALIDEXCLUSIONGROUP | The "%1" and the "%2" are in the same exclusion group, but they do not have the same synchronous input. |
0xC004700A -1073450998 |
DTS_E_DUPLICATELINEAGEIDSINCOLLECTION | Two objects in the same collection have a duplicate lineage ID of %1!d!. The objects are %2 and %3. |
0xC004700B -1073450997 |
DTS_E_VALIDATIONFAILEDONLAYOUT | The layout failed validation. |
0xC004700C -1073450996 |
DTS_E_VALIDATIONFAILEDONCOMPONENTS | One or more component failed validation. |
0xC004700D -1073450995 |
DTS_E_VALIDATIONFAILED | The layout and one or more components failed validation. |
0xC004700E -1073450994 |
DTS_E_THREADSTARTUPFAILED | The Data Flow task engine failed at startup because it cannot create one or more required threads. |
0xC004700F -1073450993 |
DTS_E_CANTGETMUTEX | A thread failed to create a mutex at initialization. |
0xC0047010 -1073450992 |
DTS_E_CANTGETSEMAPHORE | A thread failed to create a semaphore at initialization. |
0xC0047011 -1073450991 |
DTS_E_BUFFERFAILUREDETAILS | The system reports %1!d! percent memory load. There are %2 bytes of physical memory with %3 bytes free. There are %4 bytes of virtual memory with %5 bytes free. The paging file has %6 bytes with %7 bytes free. |
0xC0047012 -1073450990 |
DTS_E_BUFFERALLOCFAILED | A buffer failed while allocating %1!d! bytes. |
0xC0047013 -1073450989 |
DTS_E_CANTCREATEBUFFERMANAGER | The Buffer Manager could not be created. |
0xC0047015 -1073450987 |
DTS_E_BUFFERBADSIZE | Buffer Type %1!d! had a size of %2!I64d! bytes. |
0xC0047016 -1073450986 |
DTS_E_DANGLINGWITHPATH | %1 is marked as dangling, but has a path attached to it. |
0xC0047017 -1073450985 |
DTS_E_INDIVIDUALVALIDATIONFAILED | %1 failed validation and returned error code 0x%2!8.8X!. |
0xC0047018 -1073450984 |
DTS_E_INDIVIDUALPOSTEXECUTEFAILED | %1 failed the post-execute phase and returned error code 0x%2!8.8X!. |
0xC0047019 -1073450983 |
DTS_E_INDIVIDUALPREPAREFAILED | %1 failed the prepare phase and returned error code 0x%2!8.8X!. |
0xC004701A -1073450982 |
DTS_E_INDIVIDUALPREEXECUTEFAILED | %1 failed the pre-execute phase and returned error code 0x%2!8.8X!. |
0xC004701B -1073450981 |
DTS_E_INDIVIDUALCLEANUPFAILED | %1 failed the cleanup phase and returned error code 0x%2!8.8X!. |
0xC004701C -1073450980 |
DTS_E_INVALIDINPUTLINEAGEID | %1 has lineage ID %2!d! that was not previously used in the Data Flow task. |
0xC004701E -1073450978 |
DTS_E_EXECUTIONTREECYCLE | Cannot connect %1 to %2 because a cycle would be created. |
0xC004701F -1073450977 |
DTS_E_CANTCOMPARE | The data type "%1" cannot be compared. Comparison of that data type is not supported, so it cannot be sorted or used as a key. |
0xC0047020 -1073450976 |
DTS_E_REFUSEDFORSHUTDOWN | This thread has shut down and is not accepting buffers for input. |
0xC0047021 -1073450975 |
DTS_E_THREADFAILED | SSIS Error Code DTS_E_THREADFAILED. Thread "%1" has exited with error code 0x%2!8.8X!. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the thread has exited. |
0xC0047022 -1073450974 |
DTS_E_PROCESSINPUTFAILED | SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PROCESSINPUTFAILED. The ProcessInput method on component "%1" (%2!d!) failed with error code 0x%3!8.8X! while processing input "%4" (%5!d!). The identified component returned an error from the ProcessInput method. The error is specific to the component, but the error is fatal and will cause the Data Flow task to stop running. There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure. |
0xC0047023 -1073450973 |
DTS_E_CANTREALIZEVIRTUALBUFFERS | A set of virtual buffers cannot be realized. |
0xC0047024 -1073450972 |
DTS_E_PIPELINETOOCOMPLEX | The number of threads required for this pipeline is %1!d!, which is more than the system limit of %2!d!. The pipeline requires too many threads as configured. There are either too many asynchronous outputs, or EngineThreads property is set too high. Split the pipeline into multiple packages, or reduce the value of the EngineThreads property. |
0xC0047028 -1073450968 |
DTS_E_SCHEDULERCOULDNOTCOUNTSOURCES | The Data Flow engine scheduler cannot obtain a count of the sources in the layout. |
0xC0047029 -1073450967 |
DTS_E_SCHEDULERCOULDNOTCOUNTDESTINATIONS | The Data Flow engine scheduler cannot obtain a count of the destinations in the layout. |
0xC004702A -1073450966 |
DTS_E_COMPONENTVIEWISUNAVAILABLE | The component view is unavailable. Make sure the component view has been created. |
0xC004702B -1073450965 |
DTS_E_INCORRECTCOMPONENTVIEWID | The component view ID is incorrect. The component view may be out of synchronization. Try releasing the component view and recreating it. |
0xC004702C -1073450964 |
DTS_E_BUFFERNOTLOCKED | This buffer is not locked and cannot be manipulated. |
0xC004702D -1073450963 |
DTS_E_CANTBUILDBUFFERTYPE | The Data Flow task cannot allocate memory to build a buffer definition. The buffer definition had %1!d! columns. |
0xC004702E -1073450962 |
DTS_E_CANTREGISTERBUFFERTYPE | The Data Flow task cannot register a buffer type. The type had %1!d! columns and was for execution tree %2!d!. |
0xC004702F -1073450961 |
DTS_E_INVALIDUSESDISPOSITIONSVALUE | The UsesDispositions property cannot be changed from its initial value. This occurs when the XML is edited and the UsesDispositions value is modified. This value is set by the component when it is added to the package and is not allowed to change. |
0xC0047030 -1073450960 |
DTS_E_THREADFAILEDINITIALIZE | The Data Flow task failed to initialize a required thread and cannot begin execution. The thread previously reported a specific error. |
0xC0047031 -1073450959 |
DTS_E_THREADFAILEDCREATE | The Data Flow task failed to create a required thread and cannot begin running. The usually occurs when there is an out-of-memory state. |
0xC0047032 -1073450958 |
DTS_E_EXECUTIONTREECYCLEADDINGSYNCHRONOUSINPUT | The synchronous input of "%1" cannot be set to "%2" because a cycle would be created. |
0xC0047033 -1073450957 |
DTS_E_INVALIDCUSTOMPROPERTYNAME | A custom property named "%1" is invalid because there is a stock property with that name. A custom property cannot have the same name as a stock property on the same object. |
0xC0047035 -1073450955 |
DTS_E_BUFFERLOCKUNDERFLOW | The buffer was already unlocked. |
0xC0047036 -1073450954 |
DTS_E_INDIVIDUALCACHEINTERFACESFAILED | %1 failed initialization and returned error code 0x%2!8.8X!. |
0xC0047037 -1073450953 |
DTS_E_INDIVIDUALRELEASEINTERFACESFAILED | %1 failed during shut down and returned error code 0x%2!8.8X!. A component failed to release its interfaces. |
0xC0047038 -1073450952 |
DTS_E_PRIMEOUTPUTFAILED | SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PRIMEOUTPUTFAILED. The PrimeOutput method on %1 returned error code 0x%2!8.8X!. The component returned a failure code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput(). The meaning of the failure code is defined by the component, but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing. There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure. |
0xC0047039 -1073450951 |
DTS_E_THREADCANCELLED | SSIS Error Code DTS_E_THREADCANCELLED. Thread "%1" received a shutdown signal and is terminating. The user requested a shutdown, or an error in another thread is causing the pipeline to shutdown. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the thread was cancelled. |
0xC004703A -1073450950 |
DTS_E_DISTRIBUTORCANTSETPROPERTY | Distributor for thread "%1" failed to initialize property "%2" on component "%3" because of error 0x%8.8X. The distributor could not initialize the component's property and cannot continue running. |
0xC004703B -1073450949 |
DTS_E_CANTREGISTERVIEWBUFFERTYPE | The Data Flow task cannot register a view buffer type. The type had %1!d! columns and was for input ID %2!d!. |
0xC004703F -1073450945 |
DTS_E_CANTCREATEEXECUTIONTREE | There is not enough memory to create an execution tree. |
0xC0047040 -1073450944 |
DTS_E_CANTINSERTINTOHASHTABLE | There is not enough memory to insert an object into the hash table. |
0xC0047041 -1073450943 |
DTS_E_OBJECTNOTINHASHTABLE | The object is not in the hash table. |
0xC0047043 -1073450941 |
DTS_E_CANTCREATECOMPONENTVIEW | Cannot create a component view because another one already exists. Only one component view can exist at a time. |
0xC0047046 -1073450938 |
DTS_E_LAYOUTCANTSETUSAGETYPE | At input "%1" (%2!d!), the virtual input column collection does not contain a virtual input column with lineage ID %3!d!. |
0xC0047047 -1073450937 |
DTS_E_WRONGOBJECTTYPE | The requested object has the incorrect object type. |
0xC0047048 -1073450936 |
DTS_E_CANTCREATESPOOLFILE | The buffer manager cannot create a temporary storage file on any path in the BufferTempStoragePath property. There is an incorrect file name or no permission or the paths have been full. |
0xC0047049 -1073450935 |
DTS_E_SEEKFAILED | The buffer manager could not seek to offset %1!d! in file "%2". The file is damaged. |
0xC004704A -1073450934 |
DTS_E_EXTENDFAILED | The buffer manager cannot extend the file "%1" to length %2!lu! bytes. There was insufficient disk space. |
0xC004704B -1073450933 |
DTS_E_FILEWRITEFAILED | The buffer manager cannot write %1!d! bytes to file "%2". There was insufficient disk space or quota. |
0xC004704C -1073450932 |
DTS_E_FILEREADFAILED | The buffer manager cannot read %1!d! bytes from file "%2". The file is damaged. |
0xC004704D -1073450931 |
DTS_E_VIRTUALNOTSEQUENTIAL | Buffer ID %1!d! supports other virtual buffers and cannot be placed into sequential mode. IDTSBuffer100.SetSequentialMode was called on a buffer that supports virtual buffers. |
0xC004704E -1073450930 |
DTS_E_BUFFERISREADONLY | This operation could not be performed because buffer is in read-only mode. A read-only buffer cannot be modified. |
0xC004704F -1073450929 |
DTS_E_EXECUTIONTREECYCLESETTINGID | ID %1 cannot be set to %2!d! because a cycle would be created. |
0xC0047050 -1073450928 |
DTS_E_NOMOREBUFFERTYPES | The buffer manager ran out of memory while trying to extend the table of buffer types. This is caused by an out-of-memory condition. |
0xC0047051 -1073450927 |
DTS_E_CANTCREATENEWTYPE | The buffer manager failed to create a new buffer type. |
0xC0047053 -1073450925 |
DTS_E_SCHEDULERBADTREE | The Data Flow engine scheduler failed to retrieve the execution tree with index %1!d! from the layout. The scheduler received a count containing more execution trees than actually exist. |
0xC0047056 -1073450922 |
DTS_E_CANTCREATEPRIMEOUTPUTBUFFER | The Data Flow task failed to create a buffer to call PrimeOutput for output "%3" (%4!d!) on component "%1" (%2!d!). This error usually occurs due to an out-of-memory condition. |
0xC0047057 -1073450921 |
DTS_E_SCHEDULERTHREADMEMORY | The Data Flow engine scheduler failed to create a thread object because not enough memory is available. This is caused by an out-of-memory condition. |
0xC004705A -1073450918 |
DTS_E_SCHEDULEROBJECT | The Data Flow engine scheduler cannot retrieve object with ID %1!d! from the layout. The Data Flow engine scheduler previously located an object that is now no longer available. |
0xC004705B -1073450917 |
DTS_E_PREPARETREENODEFAILED | The Data Flow task failed to prepare buffers for the execution tree node beginning at output "%1" (%2!d!). |
0xC004705C -1073450916 |
DTS_E_CANTCREATEVIRTUALBUFFER | The Data Flow task cannot create a virtual buffer to prepare for execution. |
0xC004705E -1073450914 |
DTS_E_NOMOREIDS | The maximum ID has been reached. There are no more IDs available to assign to objects. |
0xC004705F -1073450913 |
DTS_E_ALREADYATTACHED | The %1 is already attached and cannot be attached again. Detach it and try again. |
0xC0047060 -1073450912 |
DTS_E_OUTPUTCOLUMNNAMECONFLICT | Column name "%1" on output "%2" cannot be used because it conflicts with a column of the same name on synchronous input "%3". |
0xC0047061 -1073450911 |
DTS_E_EOFANNOUNCEMENTFAILED | The Data Flow task cannot to create a buffer to mark the end of the rowset. |
0xC0047062 -1073450910 |
DTS_E_USERCOMPONENTEXCEPTION | A managed user component has thrown exception "%1". |
0xC0047063 -1073450909 |
DTS_E_SCHEDULERMEMORY | The Data Flow engine scheduler cannot allocate enough memory for the execution structures. The system was low on memory before execution started. |
0xC0047064 -1073450908 |
DTS_E_BUFFERNOOBJECTMEMORY | An out-of-memory condition prevented the creation of the buffer object. |
0xC0047065 -1073450907 |
DTS_E_BUFFERNOMAPMEMORY | An out-of-memory condition prevents the mapping of a buffer's lineage IDs to DTP_HCOL indexes. |
0xC0047066 -1073450906 |
DTS_E_INDIVIDUALPUTVARIABLESFAILED | The "%1!s!" cannot cache the Variables collection and returned error code 0x%2!8.8X. |
0xC0047067 -1073450905 |
DTS_E_INDIVIDUALPUTCOMPONENTMETADATAFAILED | The "%1" failed to cache the component metadata object and returned error code 0x%2!8.8X!. |
0xC0047068 -1073450904 |
DTS_E_SORTEDOUTPUTHASINVALIDSORTKEYPOSITION | "%1" has a non-zero SortKeyPosition, but its value (%2!ld!) is too large. It must be less than or equal to the number of columns. |
0xC004706A -1073450902 |
DTS_E_SORTEDOUTPUTHASINVALIDSORTKEYPOSITIONS | The IsSorted property of %1 is set to TRUE, but the absolute values of the non-zero output column SortKeyPositions do not form a monotonically increasing sequence, starting at one. |
0xC004706B -1073450901 |
DTS_E_INDIVIDUALVALIDATIONSTATUSFAILED | "%1" failed validation and returned validation status "%2". |
0xC004706C -1073450900 |
DTS_E_CANTCREATECOMPONENT | Component "%1!s!" could not be created and returned error code 0x%2!8.8X! "%3!s!". Make sure that the component is registered correctly. |
0xC004706D -1073450899 |
DTS_E_COMPONENTNOTREGISTERED | The module containing "%1" is not registered or installed correctly. |
0xC004706E -1073450898 |
DTS_E_COMPONENTNOTFOUND | The module containing "%1" cannot be located, even though it is registered. |
0xC004706F -1073450897 |
DTS_E_BINARYCODENOTFOUND | The script component is configured to pre-compile the script, but binary code is not found. Please visit the IDE in Script Component Editor by selecting Design Script button to cause binary code to be generated. |
0xC0047070 -1073450896 |
DTS_E_CANTCREATEBLOBFILE | The buffer manager cannot create a file to spool a long object on the directories named in the BLOBTempStoragePath property. Either an incorrect file name was provided, or there are no permissions, or the paths have been full. |
0xC0047071 -1073450895 |
DTS_E_SYNCHRONOUSIDMISMATCH | The SynchronousInputID property on "%1" was %2!d!, and %3!d! was expected. |
0xC0047072 -1073450894 |
DTS_E_OBJECTIDNOTFOUND | No object exists with the ID %1!d!. |
0xC0047073 -1073450893 |
DTS_E_OBJECTIDLOOKUPFAILED | Unable to locate an object with ID %1!d! because of the error code 0x%2!8.8X!. |
0xC0047074 -1073450892 |
DTS_E_INVALIDCODEPAGE | The code page %1!d! specified on output column "%2" (%3!d!) is not valid. Select a different code page for output column "%2". |
0xC0047075 -1073450891 |
DTS_E_INDIVIDUALPUTEVENTINFOSFAILED | The EventInfos collection could not be cached by "%1" and returned error code 0x%2!8.8X!. |
0xC0047077 -1073450889 |
DTS_E_DUPLICATEOUTPUTCOLUMNNAMES | The name for "%1" is a duplicate. All names must be unique. |
0xC0047078 -1073450888 |
DTS_E_NOOUTPUTCOLUMNFORINPUTCOLUMN | There is no output column associated with input column "%1" (%2!d!). |
0xC0047079 -1073450887 |
DTS_E_EXCLGRPNOSYNCINP | "%1" has a virtual buffer extending from a root source. There is an exclusion group that is not zero with a synchronous input that is zero. |
0xC004707A -1073450886 |
DTS_E_ERROROUTCANTBEONSYNCNONEXCLUSIVEOUTPUT | "%1" cannot be an error output because error outputs cannot be placed on synchronous, non-exclusive outputs. |
0xC004707B -1073450885 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALDIVBYZERO | A divide-by-zero error occurred. The right side operand evaluates to zero in the expression "%1". |
0xC004707C -1073450884 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALLITERALOVERFLOW | The literal "%1" is too large to fit into type %2. The magnitude of the literal overflows the type. |
0xC004707D -1073450883 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALBINARYOPNUMERICOVERFLOW | The result of the binary operation "%1" on data types %2 and %3 exceeds the maximum size for numeric types. The operand types could not be implicitly cast into a numeric (DT_NUMERIC) result without loss of precision or scale. To perform this operation, one or both operands need to be explicitly cast with a cast operator. |
0xC004707E -1073450882 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALBINARYOPOVERFLOW | The result of the binary operation "%1" exceeds the maximum size for result data type "%2". The magnitude of the result of the operation overflows the type of the result. |
0xC004707F -1073450881 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALFUNCTIONOVERFLOW | The result of the function call "%1" is too large to fit in type "%2". The magnitude of the result of the function call overflows the type of the operand. An explicit cast to a larger type may be required. |
0xC0047080 -1073450880 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALBINARYTYPEMISMATCH | The data types "%1" and "%2" are incompatible for binary operator "%3". The operand types could not be implicitly cast into compatible types for the operation. To perform this operation, one or both operands need to be explicitly cast with a cast operator. |
0xC0047081 -1073450879 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALUNSUPPORTEDBINARYTYPE | The data type "%1" cannot be used with binary operator "%2". The type of one or both of the operands is not supported for the operation. To perform this operation, one or both operands need to be explicitly cast with a cast operator. |
0xC0047082 -1073450878 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALBINARYSIGNMISMATCH | There is a sign mismatch for the bitwise binary operator "%1" in operation "%2". Both operands for this operator must be positive or negative. |
0xC0047083 -1073450877 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALBINARYOPERATIONFAILED | The binary operation "%1" failed with error code 0x%2!8.8X!. An internal error occurred, or an out-of-memory condition exists. |
0xC0047084 -1073450876 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALBINARYOPERATIONSETTYPEFAILED | Attempt to set the result type of binary operation "%1" failed with error code 0x%2!8.8X!. |
0xC0047085 -1073450875 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTRINGCOMPARISONFAILED | Comparing "%1" to string "%2" failed. |
0xC0047086 -1073450874 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALUNSUPPORTEDUNNARYTYPE | The data type "%1" cannot be used with unary operator "%2". This operand type is not supported for the operation. To perform this operation, the operand needs to be explicitly cast with a cast operator. |
0xC0047087 -1073450873 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALUNARYOPERATIONFAILED | The unary operation "%1" failed with error code 0x%2!8.8X!. An internal error occurred, or there is an out-of-memory condition. |
0xC0047088 -1073450872 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALUNARYOPERATIONSETTYPEFAILED | Attempt to set the result type of unary operation "%1" failed with error code 0x%2!8.8X!. |
0xC0047089 -1073450871 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALPARAMTYPEMISMATCH | The function "%1" does not support the data type "%2" for parameter number %3!d!. The type of the parameter could not be implicitly cast into a compatible type for the function. To perform this operation, the operand needs to be explicitly cast with a cast operator. |
0xC004708A -1073450870 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALINVALIDFUNCTION | The function "%1" was not recognized. Either the function name is incorrect or does not exist. |
0xC004708B -1073450869 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALFNSUBSTRINGINVALIDLENGTH | The length %1!d! is not valid for function "%2". The length parameter cannot be negative. Change the length parameter to zero or a positive value. |
0xC004708C -1073450868 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALFNSUBSTRINGINVALIDSTARTINDEX | The start index %1!d! is not valid for function "%2". The start index value must be an integer greater than 0. Start index is one-based, not zero-based. |
0xC004708E -1073450866 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALCHARMAPPINGFAILED | The function "%1" cannot perform the character mapping on string "%2". |
0xC004708F -1073450865 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALINVALIDDATEPART | "%1" is not a valid date part for function "%2". |
0xC0047090 -1073450864 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALINVALIDNULLPARAM | Parameter number %1!d! of the function NULL with data type "%2" is not valid. The parameters of NULL() must be static, and cannot contain dynamic elements such as input columns. |
0xC0047091 -1073450863 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALINVALIDNULLPARAMTYPE | Parameter number %1!d! of the function NULL with data type "%2" is not an integer. A parameter of NULL() must be an integer or a type that can be converted to an integer. |
0xC0047092 -1073450862 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALFUNCTIONPARAMNOTSTATIC | Parameter number %1!d! of the function "%2" is not static. This parameter must be static, and cannot contain dynamic elements such as input columns. |
0xC0047093 -1073450861 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALINVALIDCASTPARAM | Parameter number %1!d! of the cast to data type "%2" is not valid. The parameters of cast operators must be static, and cannot contain dynamic elements such as input columns. |
0xC0047094 -1073450860 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALINVALIDCASTPARAMTYPE | Parameter number %1!d! of the cast to data type "%2" is not an integer. A parameter of a cast operator must be an integer or a type that can be converted to an integer. |
0xC0047095 -1073450859 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALINVALIDCAST | Cannot cast expression "%1" from data type "%2" to data type "%3". The requested cast is not supported. |
0xC0047096 -1073450858 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALINVALIDTOKEN | Attempt to parse the expression "%1" failed. The token "%2" at line number "%3", character number "%4" was not recognized. The expression cannot be parsed because it contains invalid elements at the location specified. |
0xC0047097 -1073450857 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALUNEXPECTEDPARSEERROR | An error occurred when parsing the expression "%1". The expression failed to parse for an unknown reason. |
0xC0047098 -1073450856 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALFAILEDTOPARSEEXPRESSIONWITHHR | Attempt to parse the expression "%1" failed and returned error code 0x%2!8.8X!. The expression cannot be parsed. It might contain invalid elements or it might not be well-formed. There may also be an out-of-memory error. |
0xC0047099 -1073450855 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALFAILEDTOPARSEEXPRESSION | The expression "%1" is not valid and cannot be parsed. The expression may contain invalid elements or it may not be well-formed. |
0xC004709A -1073450854 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALEXPRESSIONEMPTY | There was no expression to compute. An attempt was made to compute or get the string of an empty expression. |
0xC004709B -1073450853 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALCOMPUTEFAILED | Attempt to compute the expression "%1" failed with error code 0x%2!8.8X!. |
0xC004709C -1073450852 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALBUILDSTRINGFAILED | Attempt to generate a string representation of the expression failed with error code 0x%1!8.8X!. Failed when attempting to generate a displayable string that represents the expression. |
0xC004709D -1073450851 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALCANNOTCONVERTRESULT | Cannot convert the expression result data type "%1" to the column data type "%2". The result of the expression should be written to an input/output column, but the data type of the expression cannot be converted to the data type of the column. |
0xC004709E -1073450850 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALCONDITIONALOPINVALIDCONDITIONTYPE | The conditional expression "%1" of the conditional operator has an invalid data type of "%2". The conditional expression of the conditional operator must return a Boolean, which is type DT_BOOL. |
0xC004709F -1073450849 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALCONDITIONALOPTYPEMISMATCH | The data types "%1" and "%2" are incompatible for the conditional operator. The operand types cannot be implicitly cast into compatible types for the conditional operation. To perform this operation, one or both operands need to be explicitly cast with a cast operator. |
0xC00470A0 -1073450848 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALCONDITIONALOPSETTYPEFAILED | Attempt to set the result type of conditional operation "%1" failed with error code 0x%2!8.8X!. |
0xC00470A1 -1073450847 |
DTS_E_BUFFERORPHANED | This buffer has been orphaned. The buffer manager has shut down, leaving an outstanding buffer and no cleanup will occur for the buffer. There is a potential for memory leaks and other problems. |
0xC00470A2 -1073450846 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALINPUTCOLUMNNAMENOTFOUND | Attempt to find the input column named "%1" failed with error code 0x%2!8.8X!. The input column specified was not found in the input column collection. |
0xC00470A3 -1073450845 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALINPUTCOLUMNIDNOTFOUND | Attempt to find the input column with lineage ID %1!d! failed with error code 0x%2!8.8X!. The input column was not found in the input column collection. |
0xC00470A4 -1073450844 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALNOINPUTCOLUMNCOLLECTIONFORCOLUMNNAME | The expression contains unrecognized token "%1". If "%1" is a variable, it should be expressed as "@%1". The specified token is not valid. If the token is intended to be a variable name, it should be prefixed with the @ symbol. |
0xC00470A5 -1073450843 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALNOINPUTCOLUMNCOLLECTIONFORCOLUMNID | The expression contains unrecognized token "#%1!d!". |
0xC00470A6 -1073450842 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALVARIABLENOTFOUND | The variable "%1" was not found in the Variables collection. The variable might not exist in the correct scope. |
0xC00470A7 -1073450841 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALINVALIDTOKENSTATE | Attempt to parse the expression "%1" failed. The expression might contain an invalid token, an incomplete token, or an invalid element. It might not be well-formed, or might be missing part of a required element such as a parenthesis. |
0xC00470A8 -1073450840 |
DTS_E_BLANKOUTPUTCOLUMNNAME | The name for "%1" is blank, and names cannot be blank. |
0xC00470A9 -1073450839 |
DTS_E_HASSIDEEFFECTSWITHSYNCINP | The "%1" has the HasSideEffects property set to TRUE, but "%1" is synchronous and cannot have side effects. Set the HasSideEffects property to FALSE. |
0xC00470AA -1073450838 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALINVALIDCASTCODEPAGE | The value, %1!d!, specified for the code page parameter of the cast to data type "%2", is not valid. The code page is not installed on the machine. |
0xC00470AB -1073450837 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALINVALIDCASTPRECISION | The value %1!d! specified for the precision parameter of the cast to data type "%2" is not valid. Precision must be in the range %3!d! to %4!d! and the precision value is out of range for the type cast. |
0xC00470AC -1073450836 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALINVALIDCASTSCALE | The value %1!d! specified for the scale parameter of the cast to data type "%2" is not valid. The scale must be in the range %3!d! to %4!d! and the scale value is out of range for the type cast. Scale must not exceed precision and must be positive. |
0xC00470AD -1073450835 |
DTS_E_NONSORTEDOUTPUTHASSORTKEYPOSITIONS | The IsSorted property for "%1" is false, but %2!lu! of its output columns' SortKeyPositions are non-zero. |
0xC00470AF -1073450833 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALCONDITIONALOPCODEPAGEMISMATCH | The code pages must match for operands of conditional operation "%1" for type %2. The code page of the left operand does not match the code page of the right operand. For the conditional operator on the specified type, the code pages must be the same. |
0xC00470B1 -1073450831 |
DTS_E_REFERENCEDMETADATABADCOUNT | Input "%1" (%2!d!) references input "%3" (%4!d!), but they do not have the same number of columns. Input %5!d! has %6!d! columns, while input %7!d! has %8!d! columns. |
0xC00470B2 -1073450830 |
DTS_E_OBJECTLINEAGEIDNOTFOUND | No object exists with a lineage ID of %1!d!. |
0xC00470B3 -1073450829 |
DTS_E_FILENAMEOUTPUTCOLUMNOTFOUND | The output column for the file name cannot be found. |
0xC00470B4 -1073450828 |
DTS_E_FILENAMEOUTPUTCOLUMNINVALIDDATATYPE | The output column for the file name is not a null-terminated Unicode character string, which is data type DT_WSTR. |
0xC00470B5 -1073450827 |
DTS_E_DISTRIBUTORADDFAILED | A distributor failed to give a buffer to thread "%1" because of error 0x%2!8.8X!. The target thread is probably shutting down. |
0xC00470B6 -1073450826 |
DTS_E_LOCALENOTINSTALLED | The LocaleID %1!ld! is not installed on this system. |
0xC00470B7 -1073450825 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALILLEGALHEXESCAPEINSTRINGLITERAL | The string literal "%1" contains an illegal hexadecimal escape sequence of "\x%2". The escape sequence is not supported in string literals in the expression evaluator. The hexadecimal escape sequences must be of the form \xhhhh where h is a valid hexadecimal digit. |
0xC00470B8 -1073450824 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALILLEGALESCAPEINSTRINGLITERAL | The string literal "%1" contains an illegal escape sequence of "\%2!c!". The escape sequence is not supported in string literals in the expression evaluator. If a backslash is needed in the string, use a double backslash, "\\". |
0xC00470B9 -1073450823 |
DTS_E_NOOUTPUTCOLUMNS | "%1" contains no output columns. An asynchronous output must contain output columns. |
0xC00470BA -1073450822 |
DTS_E_LOBDATATYPENOTSUPPORTED | The "%1" has a long object data type of DT_TEXT, DT_NTEXT, or DT_IMAGE, which is not supported. |
0xC00470BB -1073450821 |
DTS_E_OUTPUTWITHMULTIPLEERRORS | Output ID %1!d! was given multiple error output configurations. First %2!d! and %3!d!, then %4!d! and %5!d!. |
0xC00470BC -1073450820 |
DTS_E_FAILEDDURINGOLEDBDATATYPECONVERSIONCHECK | The OLE DB provider failed during the data type conversion verification for "%1". |
0xC00470BD -1073450819 |
DTS_E_BUFFERISEOR | This buffer represents the end of the rowset and its row count cannot be altered. An attempt was made to call AddRow or RemoveRow on a buffer that has the end of rowset flag. |
0xC00470BE -1073450818 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALUNSUPPORTEDTYPE | The data type "%1" is not supported in an expression. The specified type is not supported or is not valid. |
0xC00470BF -1073450817 |
DTS_E_PRIMEOUTPUTNOEOR | The PrimeOutput method on "%1" returned success, but did not report an end of the rowset. There is an error in the component. It should have reported an end-of-row. The pipeline will shut down execution to avoid unpredictable results. |
0xC00470C0 -1073450816 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALDATACONVERSIONOVERFLOW | An overflow occurred while converting from data type "%1" to data type "%2". The source type is too large for the destination type. |
0xC00470C1 -1073450815 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALDATACONVERSIONNOTSUPPORTED | Conversion from data type "%1" to data type "%2" is unsupported. The source type cannot be converted to the destination type. |
0xC00470C2 -1073450814 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALDATACONVERSIONFAILED | Error code 0x%1!8.8X! occurred attempting to convert from data type %2 to data type %3. |
0xC00470C3 -1073450813 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALCONDITIONALOPERATIONFAILED | The conditional operation "%1" failed with error code 0x%2!8.8X!. There was an internal error or an out-of-memory error. |
0xC00470C4 -1073450812 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALCASTFAILED | Casting expression "%1" from data type "%2" to data type "%3" failed with error code 0x%4!8.8X!. |
0xC00470C5 -1073450811 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALFUNCTIONCOMPUTEFAILED | Evaluating function "%1" failed with error code 0x%2!8.8X!. |
0xC00470C6 -1073450810 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALFUNCTIONCONVERTPARAMTOMEMBERFAILED | Parameter number %1!d! of the function "%2" cannot be converted to a static value. |
0xC00470C7 -1073450809 |
DTS_E_REDIRECTROWUNAVAILABLEWITHFASTLOADANDZEROMAXINSERTCOMMITSIZE | The error row disposition on "%1" cannot be set to redirect the row when the fast load option is turned on, and the maximum insert commit size is set to zero. |
0xC00470CE -1073450802 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALBINARYOPERATORCODEPAGEMISMATCH | The code pages for operands of binary operator "%1" for type "%2" must match. Currently, the code page of the left operand does not match the code page of the right operand. For the specified binary operator on the specified type, the code pages must be the same. |
0xC00470CF -1073450801 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALVARIABLECOMPUTEFAILED | Retrieving the value of Variable "%1" failed with error code 0x%2!8.8X!. |
0xC00470D0 -1073450800 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALVARIABLETYPENOTSUPPORTED | The data type of variable "%1" is not supported in an expression. |
0xC00470D1 -1073450799 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALCASTCODEPAGEMISMATCH | Unable to cast expression "%1" from data type "%2" to data type "%3" because the code page of the value being cast (%4!d!) does not match the requested result code page (%5!d!). The code page of the source must match the code page requested for the destination. |
0xC00470D2 -1073450798 |
DTS_E_BUFFERSIZEOUTOFRANGE | The default buffer size must be between %1!d! and %2!d! bytes. An attempt was made to set the DefaultBufferSize property to a value that is too small or too large. |
0xC00470D3 -1073450797 |
DTS_E_BUFFERMAXROWSIZEOUTOFRANGE | The default buffer maximum rows must be larger than %1!d! rows. An attempt was made to set the DefaultBufferMaxRows property to a value that is too small. |
0xC00470D4 -1073450796 |
DTS_E_EXTERNALCOLUMNMETADATACODEPAGEMISMATCH | The code page on %1 is %2!d! and is required to be %3!d!. |
0xC00470D5 -1073450795 |
DTS_E_THREADCOUNTOUTOFRANGE | Failed to assign %3!d! to the EngineThreads property of the Data Flow task. The value must be between %1!d! and %2!d!. |
0xC00470D6 -1073450794 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALINVALIDTOKENSINGLEQUOTE | Parsing the expression "%1" failed. The single quotation mark at line number "%2", character number "%3", was not expected. |
0xC00470D7 -1073450793 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALINVALIDTOKENSINGLEEQUAL | Parsing the expression "%1" failed. The equal sign (=) at line number "%2", character number "%3", was not expected. A double equals sign (==) may be required at the location specified. |
0xC00470DA -1073450790 |
DTS_E_INDIVIDUALPUTREFTRACKERFAILED | Component "%1" failed to cache the runtime object reference tracker collection and returned error code 0x%2!8.8X!. |
0xC00470DB -1073450789 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALAMBIGUOUSINPUTCOLUMNNAME | There are multiple input columns with the name "%1". The desired input column must be specified uniquely as [Component Name].[%2] or referenced by lineage ID. Currently, the input column specified exists on more than one component. |
0xC00470DC -1073450788 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALDOTTEDINPUTCOLUMNNAMENOTFOUND | Locating the input column named "[%1].[%2]" failed with error code 0x%3!8.8X!. The input column was not found in the input column collection. |
0xC00470DD -1073450787 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALAMBIGUOUSVARIABLENNAME | There are multiple variables with the name "%1". The desired variable must be specified uniquely as @[Namespace::%2]. The variable exists in more than one namespace. |
0xC00470DE -1073450786 |
DTS_E_REDUCTIONFAILED | The Data Flow engine scheduler failed to reduce the execution plan for the pipeline. Set the OptimizedMode property to false. |
0xC00470DF -1073450785 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSQRTINVALIDPARAM | The function SQRT cannot operate on negative values, and a negative value was passed to the SQRT function. |
0xC00470E0 -1073450784 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALLNINVALIDPARAM | The function LN cannot operate on zero or negative values, and a zero or negative value was passed to the LN function. |
0xC00470E1 -1073450783 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALLOGINVALIDPARAM | The function LOG cannot operate on zero or negative values, and a zero or negative value was passed to the LOG function. |
0xC00470E2 -1073450782 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALPOWERINVALIDPARAM | The parameters passed to the function POWER cannot be evaluated and yield an indeterminate result. |
0xC00470E3 -1073450781 |
DTS_E_NOCANCELEVENT | The runtime cannot provide a cancel event because of error 0x%1!8.8X!. |
0xC00470E4 -1073450780 |
DTS_E_CANCELRECEIVED | The pipeline received a request to cancel and is shutting down. |
0xC00470E5 -1073450779 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALUNARYOPOVERFLOW | The result of the unary minus (negation) operation "%1" exceeds the maximum size for result data type "%2". The magnitude of the result of the operation overflows the type of the result. |
0xC00470E6 -1073450778 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALPLACEHOLDERINEXPRESSION | The placeholder "%1" was found in an expression. This must be replaced with an actual parameter or operand. |
0xC00470E7 -1073450777 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALFNRIGHTINVALIDLENGTH | The length %1!d! specified for function "%2" is negative, and is not valid. The length parameter must be positive. |
0xC00470E8 -1073450776 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALFNREPLICATEINVALIDREPEATCOUNT | The repeat count %1!d! is negative and is not valid for function "%2". The repeat count parameter cannot be negative. |
0xC00470EA -1073450774 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALVARIABLECOULDNOTBEREAD | Reading the variable "%1" failed with error code 0x%2!8.8X!. |
0xC00470EC -1073450772 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALBINARYOPDTSTRNOTSUPPORTED | For operands of a binary operation, the data type DT_STR is supported only for input columns and cast operations. The expression "%1" has a DT_STR operand that is not an input column or the result of a cast, and cannot be used in a binary operation. To perform this operation, the operand needs to be explicitly cast with a cast operator. |
0xC00470ED -1073450771 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALCONDITIONALOPDTSTRNOTSUPPORTED | For operands of the conditional operator, the data type DT_STR is supported only for input columns and cast operations. The expression "%1" has a DT_STR operand that is not an input column or the result of a cast, and cannot be used with the conditional operation. To perform this operation, the operand needs to be explicitly cast with a cast operator. |
0xC00470EE -1073450770 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALFNFINDSTRINGINVALIDOCCURRENCECOUNT | The occurrence count %1!d! is not valid for function "%2". This parameter must be greater than zero. |
0xC00470EF -1073450769 |
DTS_E_INDIVIDUALPUTLOGENTRYINFOS | "%1" failed to cache the LogEntryInfos collection and returned error code 0x%2!8.8X!. |
0xC00470F0 -1073450768 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALINVALIDDATEPARTNODE | The date part parameter specified for function "%1" is not valid. It must be a static string. The date part parameter cannot contain dynamic elements, such as input columns, and must be of type DT_WSTR. |
0xC00470F1 -1073450767 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALINVALIDCASTLENGTH | The value %1!d! specified for the length parameter of the cast to data type %2 is negative and not valid. The length must be positive. |
0xC00470F2 -1073450766 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALINVALIDNULLCODEPAGE | The value %1!d! specified for the code page parameter of the NULL function with data type "%2" is not valid. The code page is not installed on the computer. |
0xC00470F3 -1073450765 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALINVALIDNULLPRECISION | The value %1!d! specified for the precision parameter of the NULL function with data type "%2" is out of range. Precision must be in the range %3!d! to %4!d!. |
0xC00470F4 -1073450764 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALINVALIDNULLSCALE | The value %1!d! specified for the scale parameter of the NULL function with data type %2 is out of range. Scale must be in the range %3!d! to %4!d!. Scale must not exceed precision and must not be negative. |
0xC00470F5 -1073450763 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALINVALIDNULLLENGTH | The value %1!d! specified for the length parameter of the "NULL" function with data type %2 is negative and not valid. The length must be positive. |
0xC00470F6 -1073450762 |
DTS_E_NEGATIVESNOTALLOWED | The %1 can't be assigned a negative value. |
0xC00470F7 -1073450761 |
DTS_E_FASTPARSENOTALLOWED | The "%1" custom property for "%2" cannot be set to true. The column data type must be one of the following: DT_I1, DT_I2, DT_I4, DT_I8, DT_UI1, DT_UI2, DT_UI4, DT_UI8, DT_DBTIMESTAMP, DT_DBTIMESTAMP2, DT_DBTIMESTAMPOFFSET, DT_DATE, DT_DBDATE, DT_DBTIME, DT_DBTIME2, or DT_FILETIME. |
0xC00470F8 -1073450760 |
DTS_E_CANNOTREATTACHPATH | The "%1" cannot be reattached. Delete the path, add a new one, and attach it. |
0xC00470F9 -1073450759 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALINVALIDNUMBEROFPARAMSPLURALSINGULAR | The function "%1" requires %2!d! parameters, not %3!d! parameter. The function name was recognized, but the number of parameters is not valid. |
0xC00470FA -1073450758 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALINVALIDNUMBEROFPARAMSSINGULARPLURAL | The function "%1" requires %2!d! parameter, not %3!d! parameters. The function name was recognized, but the number of parameters is not valid. |
0xC00470FB -1073450757 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALINVALIDNUMBEROFPARAMSPLURALPLURAL | The function "%1" requires %2!d! parameters, not %3!d! parameters. The function name was recognized, but the number of parameters is not valid. |
0xC00470FC -1073450756 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALFAILEDTOPARSEEXPRESSIONOUTOFMEMORY | Attempt to parse the expression "%1" failed because there was an out-of-memory error. |
0xC00470FD -1073450755 |
DTS_E_INDIVIDUALCHECKPRODUCTLEVELFAILED | The %1 failed to be able to perform its required product level check and returned error code 0x%2!8.8X!. |
0xC00470FE -1073450754 |
DTS_E_PRODUCTLEVELTOLOW | SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PRODUCTLEVELTOLOW. The %1 cannot run on installed %2 of Integration Services. It requires %3 or higher. |
0xC00470FF -1073450753 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTRINGLITERALTOOLONG | A string literal in the expression exceeds the maximum allowed length of %1!d! characters. |
0xC0047100 -1073450752 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTRINGVARIABLETOOLONG | The variable %1 contains a string that exceeds the maximum allowed length of %2!d! characters. |
0xC0047101 -1073450751 |
DTS_E_COMPONENT_NOINTERFACE | The %1 was found, but it does not support a required Integration Services interface (IDTSRuntimeComponent100). Obtain an updated version of this component from the component provider. |
0xC0048000 -1073446912 |
DTS_E_CANNOTOPENREGISTRYKEY | The registry key "%1" cannot be opened. |
0xC0048001 -1073446911 |
DTS_E_INVALIDCOMPONENTFILENAME | Cannot get the file name for the component with a CLSID of "%1". Verify that the component is registered properly or that the CLSID provided is correct. |
0xC0048002 -1073446910 |
DTS_E_UNKNOWNCOMPONENTHASINVALIDCLSID | The CLSID for one of the components is not valid. Verify that all the components in the pipeline have valid CLSIDs. |
0xC0048003 -1073446909 |
DTS_E_COMPONENTHASINVALIDCLSID | The CLSID for one of the components with ID %1!d! is not valid. |
0xC0048004 -1073446908 |
DTS_E_INVALIDINDEX | The index is not valid. |
0xC0048005 -1073446907 |
DTS_E_CANNOTACCESSDTSAPPLICATIONOBJECT | The Application object cannot be accessed. Verify that SSIS is correctly installed. |
0xC0048006 -1073446906 |
DTS_E_ERROROCCURREDWHILERETRIEVINGFILENAME | Retrieving the file name for a component failed with error code 0x%1!8.8X!. |
0xC0048007 -1073446905 |
DTS_E_CANNOTRETRIEVEPROPERTYFORCOMPONENT | Cannot retrieve property "%1" from component with ID %2!d!. |
0xC0048008 -1073446904 |
DTS_E_DUPLICATEIDFOUND | Attempting to use ID %1!d! more than once in the Data Flow Task. |
0xC0048009 -1073446903 |
DTS_E_CANNOTRETRIEVEBYLINEAGE | Cannot retrieve an item by lineage ID from a collection that does not contain columns. |
0xC004800B -1073446901 |
DTS_E_CANNOTMAPRUNTIMECONNECTIONMANAGER | Cannot find the connection manager with ID "%1" in the connection manager collection due to error code 0x%2!8.8X!. That connection manager is needed by "%3" in the connection manager collection of "%4". Verify that a connection manager in the connection manager collection, Connections, has been created with that ID. |
0xC004800E -1073446898 |
DTS_E_INPUTNOTKNOWN | Thread "%1" received a buffer for input %2!d!, but this thread is not responsible for that input. An error occurred, causing the Data Flow engine scheduler to build a bad execution plan. |
0xC004800F -1073446897 |
DTS_E_GETRTINTERFACEFAILED | The component "%1" (%2!d!) cannot provide an IDTSRuntimeComponent100 interface. |
0xC0048011 -1073446895 |
DTS_E_CANTGIVEAWAYBUFFER | The Data Flow task engine attempted to copy a buffer to assign another thread, but failed. |
0xC0048012 -1073446894 |
DTS_E_CANTCREATEVIEWBUFFER | The Data Flow task engine failed to create a view buffer of type %1!d! over type %2!d! for buffer %3!d. |
0xC0048013 -1073446893 |
DTS_E_UNUSABLETEMPORARYPATH | The buffer manager could not create a temporary file on the path "%1". The path will not be considered for temporary storage again. |
0xC0048014 -1073446892 |
DTS_E_DIRECTTONONERROROUTPUT | The buffer manager attempted to push an error row to an output that was not registered as an error output. There was a call to DirectErrorRow on an output that does not have the IsErrorOut property set to TRUE. |
0xC0048015 -1073446891 |
DTS_E_BUFFERISPRIVATE | A call was made to a buffer method on a private buffer and private buffers do not support this operation. |
0xC0048016 -1073446890 |
DTS_E_BUFFERISFLAT | Private mode buffers do not support this operation. |
0xC0048017 -1073446889 |
DTS_E_BUFFERISPRIMEOUTPUT | This operation cannot be called on a buffer passed to PrimeOutput. A call was made to a buffer method during PrimeOutput, but that call is not allowed during PrimeOutput. |
0xC0048018 -1073446888 |
DTS_E_BUFFERISPROCESSINPUT | This operation cannot be called on a buffer passed to ProcessInput. A call was made to a buffer method during ProcessInput, but that call is not allowed during ProcessInput. |
0xC0048019 -1073446887 |
DTS_E_BUFFERGETTEMPFILENAME | The buffer manager could not get a temporary file name. |
0xC004801A -1073446886 |
DTS_E_REFERENCECOLUMNTOOWIDE | The code encountered a column that was too wide. |
0xC004801B -1073446885 |
DTS_E_CANNOTGETRUNTIMECONNECTIONMANAGERID | Cannot get the ID of the runtime connection manager specified by "%1" in the connection manager collection, Connections, of "%2" due to error code 0x%3!8.8X!. Verify that the ConnectionManager.ID property of the runtime connection object has been set for the component. |
0xC004801C -1073446884 |
DTS_E_EMPTYRUNTIMECONNECTIONMANAGERID | The "%1" in the connection manager collection, Connections, of "%2" does not have a value for the ID property. Verify that the ConnectionManagerID property of the runtime connection object has been set for the component. |
0xC004801D -1073446883 |
DTS_E_METADATAREADONLY | Metadata cannot be changed during execution. |
0xC004801F -1073446881 |
DTS_E_UPGRADEFAILED | The component metadata for "%1" could not be upgraded to the newer version of the component. The PerformUpgrade method failed. |
0xC0048020 -1073446880 |
DTS_E_COMPONENTVERSIONMISMATCH | The version of %1 is not compatible with this version of the DataFlow. |
0xC0048021 -1073446879 |
DTS_E_ERRORCOMPONENT | The component is missing, not registered, not upgradeable, or missing required interfaces. The contact information for this component is "%1". |
0xC0048022 -1073446878 |
DTS_E_BUFFERISNOTPRIMEOUTPUT | The method was called on the wrong buffer. Buffers that are not used for component output do not support this operation. |
0xC0049014 -1073442796 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_COMPUTATIONFAILED | An error occurred during computation of the expression. |
0xC0049030 -1073442768 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_DIVBYZERO | Division by zero occurred in the expression. |
0xC0049031 -1073442767 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_LITERALOVERFLOW | The magnitude of the literal value was too big to fit in the type requested. |
0xC0049032 -1073442766 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_BINARYOPNUMERICOVERFLOW | The result of a binary operation was too big for the maximum size for numeric types. The operand types could not be implicitly cast into a numeric (DT_NUMERIC) result without loss of precision or scale. To perform this operation, one or both operands need to be explicitly cast with a cast operator. |
0xC0049033 -1073442765 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_BINARYOPOVERFLOW | The magnitude of the result of a binary operation overflows the maximum size for result data type. |
0xC0049034 -1073442764 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_FUNCTIONOVERFLOW | The magnitude of the result of a function call was too big to fit in the result type, and overflowed the type of the operand. An explicit cast to a larger type may be required. |
0xC0049035 -1073442763 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_BINARYTYPEMISMATCH | Incompatible data types were used with a binary operator. The operand types could not be implicitly cast into compatible types for the operation. To perform this operation, one or both operands need to be explicitly cast with a cast operator. |
0xC0049036 -1073442762 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_UNSUPPORTEDBINARYTYPE | An unsupported data type was used with a binary operator. The type of one, or both, of the operands is not supported for the operation. To perform this operation, one or both operands need to be explicitly cast with a cast operator. |
0xC0049037 -1073442761 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_BINARYSIGNMISMATCH | There is a sign mismatch for the bitwise binary operator. The operands for this operator must be both positive or both negative. |
0xC0049038 -1073442760 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_BINARYOPERATIONFAILED | A binary operation failed. There was an out-of-memory condition, or an internal error occurred. |
0xC0049039 -1073442759 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_BINARYOPERATIONSETTYPEFAILED | Setting the result type of a binary operation failed. |
0xC004903A -1073442758 |
0xC004903B -1073442757 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_UNSUPPORTEDUNNARYTYPE | An unsupported data type is used with a unary operator. The operand type is not supported for the operation. To perform this operation, the operand needs to be explicitly cast with a cast operator. |
0xC004903C -1073442756 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_UNARYOPERATIONFAILED | A unary operation failed. An out-of-memory condition occurred, or there was an internal error. |
0xC004903D -1073442755 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_UNARYOPERATIONSETTYPEFAILED | Setting the result type of a unary operation failed. |
0xC004903E -1073442754 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_PARAMTYPEMISMATCH | A function has a parameter with an unsupported data type. The type of the parameter cannot be implicitly cast into a compatible type for the function. To perform this operation, the operand needs to be explicitly cast with a cast operator. |
0xC004903F -1073442753 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_INVALIDFUNCTION | An invalid function name appeared in the expression. Verify that the function name is correct and does exist. |
0xC0049040 -1073442752 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_FNSUBSTRINGINVALIDLENGTH | The length parameter was not valid for function SUBSTRING. The length parameter cannot be negative. |
0xC0049041 -1073442751 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_FNSUBSTRINGINVALIDSTARTINDEX | The start index was not valid for function SUBSTRING. The start index value must be an integer greater than zero. The start index is 1-based, not 0-based. |
0xC0049042 -1073442750 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_INVALIDNUMBEROFPARAMS | An incorrect number of parameters was given to a function. The function name was recognized, but the number of parameters was not correct. |
0xC0049043 -1073442749 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_CHARMAPPINGFAILED | A character mapping function failed. |
0xC0049044 -1073442748 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_INVALIDDATEPART | An unrecognized date part parameter was specified for a date function. |
0xC0049045 -1073442747 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_INVALIDNULLPARAM | An invalid parameter was given for function NULL. The parameters of NULL must be static, and cannot contain dynamic elements such as input columns. |
0xC0049046 -1073442746 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_INVALIDNULLPARAMTYPE | An invalid parameter was given for function NULL. A parameter of NULL must be an integer, or a type that can be converted to an integer. |
0xC0049047 -1073442745 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_FUNCTIONPARAMNOTSTATIC | An invalid parameter was given for a function. This parameter must be static and cannot contain dynamic elements such as input columns. |
0xC0049048 -1073442744 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_INVALIDCASTPARAM | An invalid parameter was given for a cast operation. Parameters of cast operators must be static, and cannot contain dynamic elements such as input columns. |
0xC0049049 -1073442743 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_INVALIDCASTPARAMTYPE | An invalid parameter was given for a cast operation. A parameter of a cast operator must be an integer, or a type that can be converted to an integer. |
0xC004904A -1073442742 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_INVALIDCAST | The expression contained an unsupported type cast. |
0xC004904B -1073442741 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_INVALIDTOKEN | The expression contained a token that was not recognized. The expression could not be parsed because it contains invalid elements. |
0xC004904C -1073442740 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_FAILEDTOPARSEEXPRESSION | The expression is not valid and could not be parsed. It might contain invalid elements, or it might not be well-formed. |
0xC004904D -1073442739 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_UNARYOPOVERFLOW | The result of a unary minus (negation) operation overflowed the maximum size for result data type. The magnitude of the result of the operation overflows the type of the result. |
0xC004904E -1073442738 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_COMPUTEFAILED | Attempt to compute the expression failed. |
0xC004904F -1073442737 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_BUILDSTRINGFAILED | Attempt to generate a string representation of the expression failed. |
0xC0049050 -1073442736 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_CANNOTCONVERTRESULT | Cannot convert the expression result data type to the column data type. The result of the expression should be written to an input/output column, but the data type of the expression cannot be converted to the data type of the column. |
0xC0049051 -1073442735 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_CONDITIONALOPINVALIDCONDITIONTYPE | The conditional expression of the conditional operator has invalid data type. The conditional expression must be of type DT_BOOL. |
0xC0049052 -1073442734 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_CONDITIONALOPTYPEMISMATCH | The data types of the operands of the conditional operator were incompatible. The operand types could not be implicitly cast into compatible types for the conditional operation. To perform this operation, one or both operands need to be explicitly cast with a cast operator. |
0xC0049053 -1073442733 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_CONDITIONALOPSETTYPEFAILED | Setting the result type of a conditional operation failed. |
0xC0049054 -1073442732 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_INPUTCOLUMNNAMENOTFOUND | The input column specified was not found in the input column collection. |
0xC0049055 -1073442731 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_INPUTCOLUMNIDNOTFOUND | Attempt to find an input column by lineage ID failed. The input column was not found in the input column collection. |
0xC0049056 -1073442730 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_NOINPUTCOLUMNCOLLECTION | The expression contains an unrecognized token that appears to be an input column reference, but the input column collection is not available to process input columns. The input column collection has not been provided to the expression evaluator, but an input column was included in the expression. |
0xC0049057 -1073442729 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_VARIABLENOTFOUND | A variable specified was not found in the collection. It might not exist in the correct scope. Verify that the variable exists and that the scope is correct. |
0xC0049058 -1073442728 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_INVALIDTOKENSTATE | Attempt to parse the expression failed. The expression contains an invalid or incomplete token. It may contain invalid elements, be missing part of a required element such as closing parentheses, or may not be well formed. |
0xC0049059 -1073442727 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_INVALIDCASTCODEPAGE | The value specified for the code page parameter of the cast to data type DT_STR or DT_TEXT is not valid. The specified code page is not installed on the computer. |
0xC004905A -1073442726 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_INVALIDCASTPRECISION | The value specified for the precision parameter of a cast operation is out of range for the type cast. |
0xC004905B -1073442725 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_INVALIDCASTSCALE | The value specified for the scale parameter of a cast operation is out of range for the type cast. Scale must not exceed precision and must not be negative. |
0xC004905C -1073442724 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_CONDITIONALOPCODEPAGEMISMATCH | The code pages do not match in a conditional operation. The code page of the left operand does not match the code page of the right operand. For the conditional operator of that type, the code pages must be the same. |
0xC004905D -1073442723 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_ILLEGALHEXESCAPEINSTRINGLITERAL | A string literal contains an illegal hexadecimal escape sequence. The escape sequence is not supported in string literals in the expression evaluator. Hexadecimal escape sequences must be of the form \xhhhh where h is a valid hexadecimal digit. |
0xC004905E -1073442722 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_ILLEGALESCAPEINSTRINGLITERAL | The string literal contains an illegal escape sequence. The escape sequence is not supported in string literals in the expression evaluator. If a backslash is needed in the string, format it as a double backslash, "\\". |
0xC004905F -1073442721 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_UNSUPPORTEDTYPE | An unsupported or unrecognized data type was used in the expression. |
0xC0049060 -1073442720 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_DATACONVERSIONOVERFLOW | An overflow occurred while converting between data types. The source type is too large to fit in the destination type. |
0xC0049061 -1073442719 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_DATACONVERSIONNOTSUPPORTED | The expression contains an unsupported data type conversion. The source type cannot be converted to the destination type. |
0xC0049062 -1073442718 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_DATACONVERSIONFAILED | An error occurred while attempting to perform data conversion. The source type could not be converted to the destination type. |
0xC0049063 -1073442717 |
0xC0049064 -1073442716 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_CASTFAILED | An error occurred while attempting to perform a type cast. |
0xC0049065 -1073442715 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALFAILEDTOCONVERTSTRCOLUMNTOWSTR | Converting "%1" from type DT_STR to type DT_WSTR failed with error code 0x%2!8.8X!. An error occurred while performing the implicit conversion on the input column. |
0xC0049066 -1073442714 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_FAILEDTOCONVERTSTRCOLUMNTOWSTR | Converting an input column from type DT_STR to type DT_WSTR failed. An error occurred while performing the implicit conversion on the input column. |
0xC0049067 -1073442713 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_FUNCTIONCOMPUTEFAILED | An error occurred while evaluating the function. |
0xC0049068 -1073442712 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_FUNCTIONCONVERTPARAMTOMEMBERFAILED | A function parameter cannot be converted to a static value. The parameter must be static and cannot contain dynamic elements such as input columns. |
0xC0049088 -1073442680 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_FNRIGHTINVALIDLENGTH | The length parameter is not valid for function RIGHT. The length parameter cannot be negative. |
0xC0049089 -1073442679 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_FNREPLICATEINVALIDREPEATCOUNT | The repeat count parameter is not valid for function REPLICATE. This parameter cannot be negative. |
0xC0049096 -1073442666 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_BINARYOPERATORCODEPAGEMISMATCH | The code pages do not match in a binary operation. The code page of the left operand does not match the code page of the right operand. For this binary operation, the code pages must be the same. |
0xC0049097 -1073442665 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_VARIABLECOMPUTEFAILED | Retrieving the value for a variable failed. |
0xC0049098 -1073442664 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_VARIABLETYPENOTSUPPORTED | The expression contains a variable with an unsupported data type. |
0xC004909B -1073442661 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_CASTCODEPAGEMISMATCH | Unable to cast the expression because the code page of the value being cast does not match the requested result code page. The code page of the source must match the code page requested for the destination. |
0xC004909C -1073442660 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_INVALIDTOKENSINGLEQUOTE | The expression contains an unexpected single quotation mark. A double quotation mark may be required. |
0xC004909D -1073442659 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_INVALIDTOKENSINGLEEQUAL | The expression contains an unexpected equal sign (=). This error usually occurs when a double equals sign (==) is needed. |
0xC00490AA -1073442646 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_AMBIGUOUSINPUTCOLUMNNAME | An ambiguous input column name was specified. The column must be qualified as [Component Name].[Column Name] or referenced by lineage ID. This error occurs when the input column exists on more than one component, and must be differentiated by the addition of component name or by using the lineage ID. |
0xC00490AB -1073442645 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_PLACEHOLDERINEXPRESSION | A placeholder function parameter or operand was found in an expression. This should be replaced with an actual parameter or operand. |
0xC00490AC -1073442644 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_AMBIGUOUSVARIABLENNAME | An ambiguous variable name was specified. The desired variable must be qualifed as @[Namespace::Variable]. This error occurs when the variable exists in more than one namespace. |
0xC00490D3 -1073442605 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_BINARYOPDTSTRNOTSUPPORTED | For operands of binary operation, the data type DT_STR is only supported for input columns and cast operations. A DT_STR operand that is not an input column or the result of a cast cannot be used with a binary operation. To perform this operation, the operand needs to be explicitly cast with a cast operator. |
0xC00490D4 -1073442604 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_CONDITIONALOPDTSTRNOTSUPPORTED | For operands of the conditional operator, the data type DT_STR is only supported for input columns and cast operations. A DT_STR operand that is not an input column or the result of a cast cannot be used with the conditional operation. To perform this operation, the operand needs to be explicitly cast with a cast operator. |
0xC00490D5 -1073442603 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_FNFINDSTRINGINVALIDOCCURRENCECOUNT | The occurrence count parameter is not valid for function FINDSTRING. This parameter must be greater than zero. |
0xC00490DD -1073442595 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_INVALIDDATEPARTNODE | The "date part" parameter specified for a date function is not valid. "Date part" parameters must be static strings, and cannot contain dynamic elements such as input columns. They must be of type DT_WSTR. |
0xC00490DE -1073442594 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_INVALIDCASTLENGTH | The value specified for the length parameter of a cast operation is not valid. The length must be positive. The length specified for the type cast is negative. Change to a positive value. |
0xC00490DF -1073442593 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_INVALIDNULLLENGTH | The value specified for the length parameter of a NULL function is not valid. The length must be positive. The length specified for the NULL function is negative. Change to a positive value. |
0xC00490E0 -1073442592 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_INVALIDNULLCODEPAGE | The value specified for the code page parameter of the NULL function with data type DT_STR or DT_TEXT is not valid. The code page specified is not installed on the computer. Either change the code page that is specified, or install the code page on the computer. |
0xC00490E1 -1073442591 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_INVALIDNULLPRECISION | The value specified for the precision parameter of a NULL function is not valid. The precision that was specified is out of range for the NULL function. |
0xC00490E2 -1073442590 |
DTS_E_EXPREVALSTATIC_INVALIDNULLSCALE | The value specified for the scale parameter of a NULL function is not valid. The scale that was specified is out of range for the NULL function. Scale must not exceed precision and must be positive. |
0xC00490E8 -1073442584 |
DTS_E_XMLSRCERRORSETTINGERROROUTPUTCOLUMNDATA | The %1 failed attempting to write data to %2 on %3. %4 |
0xC00490F5 -1073442571 |
DTS_E_TXLOOKUP_CANCEL_REQUESTED | Lookup transform has received a cancel request from the user. |
0xC00490F6 -1073442570 |
DTS_E_LOBLENGTHLIMITEXCEEDED | Processing of character or binary large object (LOB) data has stopped because the 4-GB limit was reached. |
0xC00490F7 -1073442569 |
DTS_E_CANNOTLOADCOMPONENT | The managed pipeline component "%1" could not be loaded. The exception was: %2. |
0xC00F9304 -1072721148 |
DTS_E_OLEDB_EXCEL_NOT_SUPPORTED | SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDB_EXCEL_NOT_SUPPORTED: The Excel Connection Manager is not supported in the 64-bit version of SSIS, as no OLE DB provider is available. |
0xC00F9310 -1072721136 |
DTS_E_CACHEBADHEADER | The cache file is damaged, or the file was not created by using the Cache connection manager. Provide a valid cache file. |
0xC0202001 -1071636479 |
DTS_E_MISSINGSQLCOMMAND | The SQL command has not been set correctly. Check SQLCommand property. |
0xC0202002 -1071636478 |
DTS_E_COMERROR | COM error object information is available. Source: "%1" error code: 0x%2!8.8X! Description: "%3". |
0xC0202003 -1071636477 |
DTS_E_ACQUIREDCONNECTIONUNAVAILABLE | Unable to access the acquired connections. |
0xC0202004 -1071636476 |
DTS_E_INCORRECTCOLUMNCOUNT | The number of columns is incorrect. |
0xC0202005 -1071636475 |
DTS_E_COLUMNNOTFOUND | Column "%1" cannot be found at the datasource. |
0xC0202007 -1071636473 |
DTS_E_OLEDBRECORD | An OLE DB record is available. Source: "%1" Hresult: 0x%2!8.8X! Description: "%3". |
0xC0202009 -1071636471 |
DTS_E_OLEDBERROR | SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x%1!8.8X!. |
0xC020200A -1071636470 |
DTS_E_ALREADYCONNECTED | Component is already connected. The component needs to be disconnected before attempting to connect it. |
0xC020200B -1071636469 |
DTS_E_INCORRECTSTOCKPROPERTYVALUE | The value of the property "%1" is incorrect. |
0xC020200E -1071636466 |
DTS_E_CANNOTOPENDATAFILE | Cannot open the datafile "%1". |
0xC0202010 -1071636464 |
DTS_E_DESTINATIONFLATFILEREQUIRED | No destination flat file name was provided. Make sure the flat file connection manager is configured with a connection string. If the flat file connection manager is used by multiple components, ensure that the connection string contains enough file names. |
0xC0202011 -1071636463 |
DTS_E_TEXTQUALIFIERNOTFOUND | The text qualifier for column "%1" cannot be found. |
0xC0202014 -1071636460 |
DTS_E_CANNOTCONVERTTYPES | Conversion from "%1" to "%2" is not supported. |
0xC0202015 -1071636459 |
DTS_E_PROBLEMDETECTINGTYPECOMPATIBILITY | The error code 0x%1!8.8X! was returned when validating type conversion from %2 to %3. |
0xC0202016 -1071636458 |
DTS_E_CANNOTMAPINPUTCOLUMNTOOUTPUTCOLUMN | Cannot find input column with lineage ID "%1!d!" which is needed by "%2". Check SourceInputColumnLineageID custom property of the output column. |
0xC0202017 -1071636457 |
DTS_E_INCORRECTMINIMUMNUMBEROFOUTPUTS | The number of outputs is incorrect. There must be at least %1!d! outputs. |
0xC0202018 -1071636456 |
DTS_E_INCORRECTEXACTNUMBEROFOUTPUTS | The number of outputs is incorrect. There must be exactly %1!d! output(s). |
0xC0202019 -1071636455 |
DTS_E_STRINGCONVERSIONTOOLONG | A string was too long to be converted. |
0xC020201A -1071636454 |
DTS_E_INCORRECTEXACTNUMBEROFINPUTS | The number of inputs is incorrect. There must be exactly %1!d! inputs. |
0xC020201B -1071636453 |
DTS_E_CANNOTHAVEZEROINPUTCOLUMNS | The number of input columns for %1 cannot be zero. |
0xC020201C -1071636452 |
DTS_E_CANNOTHAVEINPUTS | This component has %1!d! inputs. No input is allowed on this component. |
0xC020201D -1071636451 |
DTS_E_PROCESSINPUTCALLEDWITHINVALIDINPUTID | ProcessInput was called with an invalid input ID of %1!d!. |
0xC020201F -1071636449 |
DTS_E_INCORRECTCUSTOMPROPERTYTYPE | The custom property "%1" needs to be of type %2. |
0xC0202020 -1071636448 |
DTS_E_INVALIDBUFFERTYPE | The buffer type is not valid. Make sure the Pipeline layout and all components pass validation. |
0xC0202021 -1071636447 |
DTS_E_INCORRECTCUSTOMPROPERTYVALUE | The value for custom property "%1" is incorrect. |
0xC0202022 -1071636446 |
DTS_E_CONNECTIONREQUIREDFORMETADATA | An error occurred due to no connection. A connection is required when requesting metadata. If you are working offline, uncheck Work Offline on the SSIS menu to enable the connection. |
0xC0202023 -1071636445 |
DTS_E_CANTCREATECUSTOMPROPERTY | The custom property "%1" cannot be created. |
0xC0202024 -1071636444 |
DTS_E_CANTGETCUSTOMPROPERTYCOLLECTION | The custom property collection cannot be retrieved for initialization. |
0xC0202025 -1071636443 |
DTS_E_CANNOTCREATEACCESSOR | Cannot create an OLE DB accessor. Verify that the column metadata is valid. |
0xC0202026 -1071636442 |
DTS_E_PRIMEOUTPUTCALLEDWITHINVALIDOUTPUTID | PrimeOutput was called with an invalid output ID of %1!d!. |
0xC0202027 -1071636441 |
DTS_E_INCORRECTSTOCKPROPERTY | The value for property "%1" on "%2" is not valid. |
0xC0202028 -1071636440 |
DTS_E_CONNECTIONREQUIREDFORREAD | A connection is required to read data. |
0xC020202C -1071636436 |
DTS_E_ERRORWHILEREADINGHEADERROWS | An error occurred while reading header rows. |
0xC020202D -1071636435 |
DTS_E_DUPLICATECOLUMNNAME | Duplicate column name "%1". |
0xC0202030 -1071636432 |
DTS_E_CANNOTGETCOLUMNNAME | Cannot get the name of the column with ID %1!d!. |
0xC0202031 -1071636431 |
DTS_E_CANTDIRECTROW | Direct row to output "%1" (%2!d!) failed. |
0xC020203A -1071636422 |
DTS_E_CANNOTCREATEBULKINSERTHREAD | Cannot create the bulk insert thread due to error "%1". |
0xC020203B -1071636421 |
DTS_E_BULKINSERTHREADINITIALIZATIONFAILED | The thread for the SSIS Bulk Insert task failed initialization. |
0xC020203E -1071636418 |
DTS_E_BULKINSERTTHREADALREADYRUNNING | The thread for the SSIS Bulk Insert task is already running. |
0xC020203F -1071636417 |
DTS_E_BULKINSERTTHREADABNORMALCOMPLETION | The thread for the SSIS Bulk Insert task terminated with errors or warnings. |
0xC0202040 -1071636416 |
DTS_E_CANNOTGETIROWSETFASTLOAD | Failed to open a fastload rowset for "%1". Check that the object exists in the database. |
0xC0202041 -1071636415 |
DTS_E_CONNECTREQUIREDFORMETADATAVALIDATION | Error due to no connection. A connection is required before metadata validation can proceed. |
0xC0202042 -1071636414 |
DTS_E_DESTINATIONTABLENAMENOTPROVIDED | A destination table name has not been provided. |
0xC0202043 -1071636413 |
DTS_E_ICONVERTTYPEUNAVAILABLE | The OLE DB provider used by the OLE DB adapter does not support IConvertType. Set the adapter's ValidateColumnMetaData property to FALSE. |
0xC0202044 -1071636412 |
DTS_E_OLEDBPROVIDERDATATYPECONVERSIONUNSUPPORTED | The OLE DB provider used by the OLE DB adapter cannot convert between types "%1" and "%2" for "%3". |
0xC0202045 -1071636411 |
DTS_E_VALIDATECOLUMNMETADATAFAILED | Column metadata validation failed. |
0xC0202047 -1071636409 |
DTS_E_ATTEMPTINGTOINSERTINTOAROWIDCOLUMN | "%1" is a row ID column and cannot be included in a data insertion operation. |
0xC0202048 -1071636408 |
DTS_E_ATTEMPTINGTOINSERTINTOAROWVERCOLUMN | Attempting insertion into the row version column "%1". Cannot insert into a row version column. |
0xC0202049 -1071636407 |
DTS_E_ATTEMPTINGTOINSERTINTOAREADONLYCOLUMN | Failure inserting into the read-only column "%1". |
0xC020204A -1071636406 |
DTS_E_UNABLETORETRIEVECOLUMNINFO | Unable to retrieve column information from the data source. Make sure your target table in the database is available. |
0xC020204B -1071636405 |
DTS_E_CANTLOCKBUFFER | A buffer could not be locked. The system is out of memory or the buffer manager has reached its quota. |
0xC020204C -1071636404 |
DTS_E_INVALIDCOMPARISONFLAGS | The %1 has a ComparisonFlags property that includes extra flags with the value %2!d!. |
0xC020204D -1071636403 |
DTS_E_COLUMNMETADATAUNAVAILABLEFORVALIDATION | The column metadata was unavailable for validation. |
0xC0202053 -1071636397 |
DTS_E_CANNOTWRITETODATAFILE | Cannot write to the data file. |
0xC0202055 -1071636395 |
DTS_E_COLUMNDELIMITERNOTFOUND | The column delimiter for column "%1" was not found. |
0xC0202058 -1071636392 |
DTS_E_COLUMNPARSEFAILED | Failed to parse the column "%1" in the data file. |
0xC020205A -1071636390 |
DTS_E_RAWFILENAMEREQUIRED | The file name is not properly specified. Supply the path and name to the raw file either directly in the FileName property or by specifying a variable in the FileNameVariable property. |
0xC020205B -1071636389 |
DTS_E_RAWFILECANTOPEN | File "%1" cannot be opened for writing. Error may occur when there are no file privileges or the disk is full. |
0xC020205C -1071636388 |
DTS_E_RAWFILECANTBUFFER | An I/O buffer cannot be created for the output file. Error may occur when there are no file privileges or the disk is full. |
0xC020205D -1071636387 |
DTS_E_RAWCANTWRITE | Cannot write %1!d! bytes to file "%2". See previous error messages for details. |
0xC020205E -1071636386 |
DTS_E_RAWBADHEADER | Encountered bad metadata in file header. The file is damaged or not a SSIS-produced raw data file. |
0xC020205F -1071636385 |
DTS_E_RAWEXISTSCREATEONCE | Error occurred because the output file already exists and the WriteOption is set to Create Once. Set the WriteOption property to Create Always, or delete the file. |
0xC0202060 -1071636384 |
DTS_E_RAWCANTAPPENDTRUNCATE | Error caused by conflicting property settings. Both the AllowAppend property and the ForceTruncate property are set to TRUE. Both properties cannot be set to TRUE. Set one of the two properties to FALSE. |
0xC0202061 -1071636383 |
DTS_E_RAWBADVERSION | The file had bad version and flags information. The file is damaged or not a SSIS-produced raw data file. |
0xC0202062 -1071636382 |
DTS_E_RAWVERSIONINCOMPATIBLEAPPEND | The output file was written by an incompatible version and cannot be appended. The file may be an older file format that is no longer useable. |
0xC0202064 -1071636380 |
DTS_E_RAWMETADATAMISMATCH | Cannot append output file because no column in the existing file matches column "%1" from the input. Old file does not match in metadata. |
0xC0202065 -1071636379 |
DTS_E_RAWMETADATACOUNTMISMATCH | Cannot append output file because the number of columns in the output file does not match the number of columns in this destination. The old file does not match in metadata. |
0xC0202067 -1071636377 |
DTS_E_ERRORRETRIEVINGCOLUMNCODEPAGE | There was an error retrieving column code page information. |
0xC0202068 -1071636376 |
DTS_E_RAWCANTREAD | Cannot read %1!d! bytes from file "%2". The cause of the failure should have been previously reported. |
0xC0202069 -1071636375 |
DTS_E_RAWUNEXPECTEDEOF | Unexpected end-of-file encountered while reading %1!d! bytes from file "%2". The file ended prematurely because of an invalid file format. |
0xC020206A -1071636374 |
DTS_E_RAWNOLONGTYPES | The column %1 cannot be used. The raw adapters do not support image, text, or ntext data. |
0xC020206B -1071636373 |
DTS_E_RAWUNEXPECTEDTYPE | The adapter encountered an unrecognized data type of %1!d!. This could be caused by a damaged input file (source) or by an invalid buffer type (destination). |
0xC020206C -1071636372 |
DTS_E_RAWSTRINGTOOLONG | String too long. The adapter read a string that was %1!d! bytes long, and expected a string no longer than %2!d! bytes, at offset %3!d!. This could indicate a damaged input file. The file shows a string length that is too large for the buffer column. |
0xC020206E -1071636370 |
DTS_E_RAWSKIPFAILED | The raw adapter attempted to skip %1!d! bytes in the input file for unreferenced column "%2" with lineage ID %3!d!, but there was an error. The error returned from the operating system should have been previously reported. |
0xC020206F -1071636369 |
DTS_E_RAWREADFAILED | The raw adapter attempted to read %1!d! bytes in the input file for column "%2" with lineage ID %3!d!, but there was an error. The error returned from the operating system should have been previously reported. |
0xC0202070 -1071636368 |
DTS_E_RAWFILENAMEINVALID | The file name property is not valid. The file name is a device or contains invalid characters. |
0xC0202071 -1071636367 |
DTS_E_BULKINSERTAPIPREPARATIONFAILED | Unable to prepare the SSIS bulk insert for data insertion. |
0xC0202072 -1071636366 |
DTS_E_INVALIDDATABASEOBJECTNAME | Database object name "%1" is not valid. |
0xC0202073 -1071636365 |
DTS_E_INVALIDORDERCLAUSE | Order clause is not valid. |
0xC0202074 -1071636364 |
DTS_E_RAWFILECANTOPENREAD | File "%1" cannot be opened for reading. Error may occur when there are no privileges or the file is not found. Exact cause is reported in previous error message. |
0xC0202075 -1071636363 |
DTS_E_TIMEGENCANTCREATE | Unable to create the Microsoft.AnalysisServices.TimeDimGenerator.TimeDimGenerator. |
0xC0202076 -1071636362 |
DTS_E_TIMEGENCANTCONFIGURE | Unable to configure the Microsoft.AnalysisServices.TimeDimGenerator. |
0xC0202077 -1071636361 |
DTS_E_TIMEGENCANTCONVERT | Unsupported datatype for column %1!d!. |
0xC0202079 -1071636359 |
DTS_E_TIMEGENCANTREAD | The attempt to read from the Microsoft.AnalysisServices.TimeDimGenerator failed with error code 0x%1!8.8X!. |
0xC020207A -1071636358 |
DTS_E_TIMEGENCANTREADCOLUMN | The attempt to read column "%2!d!" data from the Microsoft.AnalysisServices.TimeDimGenerator failed with error code 0x%2!8.8X!. |
0xC020207B -1071636357 |
DTS_E_RSTDESTBADVARIABLENAME | The VariableName property is not set to the name of a valid variable. Need a runtime variable name to write to. |
0xC020207C -1071636356 |
DTS_E_RSTDESTRSTCONFIGPROBLEM | Unable to create or configure the ADODB.Recordset object. |
0xC020207D -1071636355 |
DTS_E_RSTDESTRSTWRITEPROBLEM | Error writing to the ADODB.Recordset object. |
0xC020207E -1071636354 |
DTS_E_FILENAMEINVALID | The file name is not valid. The file name is a device or contains invalid characters. |
0xC020207F -1071636353 |
DTS_E_FILENAMEINVALIDWITHPARAM | The file name "%1" is not valid. The file name is a device or contains invalid characters. |
0xC0202080 -1071636352 |
DTS_E_CMDDESTNOPARAMS | Unable to retrieve destination column descriptions from the parameters of the SQL command. |
0xC0202081 -1071636351 |
DTS_E_CMDDESTNOTBOUND | Parameters are not bound. All parameters in the SQL command must be bound to input columns. |
0xC0202082 -1071636350 |
DTS_E_TXPIVOTBADUSAGE | The PivotUsage value for the input column "%1" (%2!d!) is not valid. |
0xC0202083 -1071636349 |
DTS_E_TXPIVOTTOOMANYPIVOTKEYS | Too many Pivot Keys found. Only one input column can be used as the Pivot Key. |
0xC0202084 -1071636348 |
DTS_E_TXPIVOTNOPIVOTKEY | No Pivot Key found. One input column must be used as the Pivot Key. |
0xC0202085 -1071636347 |
DTS_E_TXPIVOTINPUTALREADYMAPPED | More than one output column (such as "%1" (%2!d!)) is mapped to input column "%3" (%4!d!). |
0xC0202086 -1071636346 |
DTS_E_TXPIVOTCANTMAPPIVOTKEY | Output column "%1" (%2!d!) cannot be mapped to PivotKey input column. |
0xC0202087 -1071636345 |
DTS_E_TXPIVOTCANTMAPPINGNOTFOUND | Output column "%1" (%2!d!) has a SourceColumn %3!d! that is not a valid input column lineage ID. |
0xC0202088 -1071636344 |
DTS_E_TXPIVOTEMPTYPIVOTKEYVALUE | Output column "%1" (%2!d!) is mapped to a Pivoted Value input column, but its PivotKeyValue property value is missing. |
0xC0202089 -1071636343 |
DTS_E_TXPIVOTDUPLICATEPIVOTKEYVALUE | Output column "%1" (%2!d!) is mapped to a Pivoted Value input column with a non-unique PivotKeyValue property value. |
0xC020208A -1071636342 |
DTS_E_TXPIVOTOUTPUTNOTMAPPED | Input column "%1" (%2!d!) is not mapped to any output column. |
0xC020208B -1071636341 |
DTS_E_TXPIVOTCANTCOMPARESETKEYS | Failure occurred while comparing values for the set keys. |
0xC020208D -1071636339 |
DTS_E_TXPIVOTNOBLOB | The Input column "%1" (%2!d!) cannot be used as a Set Key, Pivot Key, or Pivot Value because it contains long data. |
0xC020208E -1071636338 |
DTS_E_TXPIVOTBADOUTPUTTYPE | Incorrect output type. The output column "%1" (%2!d!) must have the same data type and metadata as the input column to which it is mapped. |
0xC020208F -1071636337 |
DTS_E_TXPIVOTPROCESSERROR | Failure when trying to pivot the source records. |
0xC0202090 -1071636336 |
DTS_E_TXPIVOTBADPIVOTKEYVALUE | The pivot key value "%1" is not valid. |
0xC0202091 -1071636335 |
DTS_E_ERRORWHILESKIPPINGDATAROWS | An error occurred while skipping data rows. |
0xC0202092 -1071636334 |
DTS_E_ERRORWHILEREADINGDATAROWS | An error occurred while processing file "%1" on data row %2!I64d!. |
0xC0202093 -1071636333 |
DTS_E_FAILEDTOINITIALIZEFLATFILEPARSER | An error occurred while initializing the flat file parser. |
0xC0202094 -1071636332 |
DTS_E_UNABLETORETRIEVECOLUMNINFOFROMFLATFILECONNECTIONMANAGER | Unable to retrieve column information from the flat file connection manager. |
0xC0202095 -1071636331 |
DTS_E_FAILEDTOWRITEOUTCOLUMNNAME | Failed to write out column name for column "%1". |
0xC0202096 -1071636330 |
DTS_E_INVALIDFLATFILECOLUMNTYPE | The column type for column "%1" is incorrect. It is type "%2". It can only be either "%3" or "%4". |
0xC0202097 -1071636329 |
DTS_E_DISKIOBUFFEROVERFLOW | The attempt to write data of %1!d! bytes into the disk I/O failed. The disk I/O buffer has %2!d! free bytes. |
0xC0202098 -1071636328 |
DTS_E_FAILEDTOWRITEOUTHEADER | An error occurred while writing out the file header. |
0xC0202099 -1071636327 |
DTS_E_FAILEDTOGETFILESIZE | An error occurred while getting the file size for file "%1". |
0xC020209A -1071636326 |
DTS_E_FAILEDTOSETFILEPOINTER | An error occurred while setting the file pointer for file "%1". |
0xC020209B -1071636325 |
DTS_E_UNABLETOSETUPDISKIOBUFFER | An error occurred while setting up the disk I/O buffer. |
0xC020209C -1071636324 |
DTS_E_COLUMNDATAOVERFLOWDISKIOBUFFER | The column data for column "%1" overflowed the disk I/O buffer. |
0xC020209D -1071636323 |
DTS_E_DISKIOFAILED | An unexpected disk I/O error occurred while reading the file. |
0xC020209E -1071636322 |
DTS_E_DISKIOTIMEDOUT | An disk I/O time out occurred while reading the file. |
0xC020209F -1071636321 |
DTS_E_INPUTSNOTREADONLY | The Usage Type specified for the input columns to this transform cannot be read/write. Change the Usage Type to be read-only. |
0xC02020A0 -1071636320 |
DTS_E_CANNOTCOPYORCONVERTFLATFILEDATA | Cannot copy or convert flat file data for column "%1". |
0xC02020A1 -1071636319 |
DTS_E_FAILEDCOLUMNDATACONVERSIONSTATUS | Data conversion failed. The data conversion for column "%1" returned status value %2!d! and status text "%3". |
0xC02020A2 -1071636318 |
DTS_E_VARIABLESCOLLECTIONUNAVAILABLE | The Variables collection is not available. |
0xC02020A3 -1071636317 |
DTS_E_TXUNPIVOTDUPLICATEPIVOTKEYVALUE | Duplicate PivotKeyValue. Input column "%1" (%2!d!) is mapped to a Pivoted Value output column and has a non-unique PivotKeyValue. |
0xC02020A4 -1071636316 |
DTS_E_TXUNPIVOTNOUNPIVOTDESTINATION | No unpivot destination found. At least one input column must be mapped with a PivotKeyValue to an DestinationColumn in the output. |
0xC02020A5 -1071636315 |
DTS_E_TXUNPIVOTBADKEYLIST | PivotKeyValue is not valid. In an UnPivot transform with more than one unpivoted DestinationColumn, the set of PivotKeyValues per destination must match exactly. |
0xC02020A6 -1071636314 |
DTS_E_TXUNPIVOTBADUNPIVOTMETADATA | Incorrect UnPivot metadata. In an UnPivot transform, all input columns with a PivotKeyValue that is set, and are pointing to the same DestinationColumn, must have metadata that exactly matches the DestinationColumn. |
0xC02020A7 -1071636313 |
DTS_E_TXPIVOTBADPIVOTKEYCONVERT | Cannot convert the pivot key value "%1" to the data type of the pivot key column. |
0xC02020A8 -1071636312 |
DTS_E_TXUNPIVOTTOOMANYPIVOTKEYS | Too many Pivot Keys specified. Only one output column can be used as the Pivot Key. |
0xC02020A9 -1071636311 |
DTS_E_TXUNPIVOTUNMAPPEDOUTPUT | Output column "%1" (%2!d!) is not mapped by any input column's DestinationColumn property. |
0xC02020AA -1071636310 |
DTS_E_TXUNPIVOTNOPIVOT | No output column is marked as the PivotKey. |
0xC02020AB -1071636309 |
DTS_E_TXUNPIVOTNOTINPUTMAP | Input column "%1" (%2!d!) has a DestinationColumn property value that does not refer to a valid output column LineageID. |
0xC02020AC -1071636308 |
DTS_E_TXUNPIVOTDUPLICATEDESTINATION | Duplicate destination error. More than one non-pivoted input column is mapped to the same destination output column. |
0xC02020AD -1071636307 |
DTS_E_TOTALINPUTCOLSCANNOTBEZERO | No input columns found. At least one input column must be mapped to an output column. |
0xC02020AE -1071636306 |
DTS_E_TXMERGEJOINMUSTHAVESAMENUMBEROFINPUTANDOUTPUTCOLS | The number of input and output columns are not equal. The total number of input columns on all inputs must be the same as the total number of output columns. |
0xC02020AF -1071636305 |
DTS_E_INPUTMUSTBESORTED | The input is not sorted. The "%1" must be sorted. |
0xC02020B0 -1071636304 |
DTS_E_TXMERGEJOININVALIDJOINTYPE | The JoinType custom property for the %1 contains a value of %2!ld!, which is not valid. Valid values are 0 (full), 1 (left), or 2 (inner). |
0xC02020B1 -1071636303 |
DTS_E_TXMERGEJOININVALIDNUMKEYCOLS | The NumKeyColumns value is not valid. In the %1, the value for the NumKeyColumns custom property must be between 1 and %2!lu!. |
0xC02020B2 -1071636302 |
DTS_E_NOKEYCOLS | No key columns are found. The %1 must have at least one column with a SortKeyPosition that is non-zero. |
0xC02020B3 -1071636301 |
DTS_E_TXMERGEJOINNOTENOUGHKEYCOLS | Not enough key columns. The %1 must have at least %2!ld! columns with non-zero SortKeyPosition values. |
0xC02020B4 -1071636300 |
DTS_E_TXMERGEJOINDATATYPEMISMATCH | Datatype mismatch occurred. The datatypes for the columns with SortKeyPosition value %1!ld! do not match. |
0xC02020B5 -1071636299 |
DTS_E_TXMERGEJOININVALIDSORTKEYPOS | The column with the SortKeyPosition value of %1!ld! is not valid. It should be %2!ld!. |
0xC02020B6 -1071636298 |
DTS_E_TXMERGEJOINSORTDIRECTIONMISMATCH | Sort direction mismatch. The sort directions for the columns with SortKeyPosition value %1!ld! do not match. |
0xC02020B7 -1071636297 |
DTS_E_TXMERGEJOINOUTPUTCOLMUSTHAVEASSOCIATEDINPUTCOL | Missing column. The %1 must have an associated input column. |
0xC02020B8 -1071636296 |
DTS_E_TXMERGEJOINREADONLYINPUTCOLSWITHNOOUTPUTCOL | Input columns must have output columns. There are input columns with a usage type of read-only that do not have associated output columns. |
0xC02020B9 -1071636295 |
DTS_E_TXMERGEJOINNONSTRINGCOMPARISONFLAGSNOTZERO | The comparison flags are not zero. The comparison flags for non-string columns must be zero. |
0xC02020BA -1071636294 |
DTS_E_TXMERGEJOINCOMPARISONFLAGSMISMATCH | The comparison flags for the columns with SortKeyPosition value %1!ld! do not match. |
0xC02020BB -1071636293 |
0xC02020BC -1071636292 |
DTS_E_TXLINEAGEINVALIDLINEAGEITEM | Lineage item value %1!ld! is not valid. The valid range is between %2!ld! and %3!ld!. |
0xC02020BD -1071636291 |
DTS_E_CANNOTHAVEANYINPUTCOLUMNS | Input columns not allowed. The number of input columns must be zero. |
0xC02020BE -1071636290 |
DTS_E_TXLINEAGEDATATYPEMISMATCH | The datatype for "%1" is not valid for the specified lineage item. |
0xC02020BF -1071636289 |
DTS_E_TXLINEAGEINVALIDLENGTH | The length for "%1" is not valid for the specified lineage item. |
0xC02020C1 -1071636287 |
DTS_E_METADATAMISMATCHWITHOUTPUTCOLUMN | The metadata for "%1" does not match the metadata for the associated output column. |
0xC02020C3 -1071636285 |
DTS_E_TXMERGESORTKEYPOSMISMATCH | There are output columns that have SortKeyPosition values that don't match the associated input columns' SortKeyPosition. |
0xC02020C4 -1071636284 |
DTS_E_ADDROWTOBUFFERFAILED | The attempt to add a row to the Data Flow task buffer failed with error code 0x%1!8.8X!. |
0xC02020C5 -1071636283 |
DTS_E_DATACONVERSIONFAILED | Data conversion failed while converting column "%1" (%2!d!) to column "%3" (%4!d!). The conversion returned status value %5!d! and status text "%6". |
0xC02020C6 -1071636282 |
DTS_E_FAILEDTOALLOCATEROWHANDLEBUFFER | The attempt to allocate a row handle buffer failed with error code 0x%1!8.8X!. |
0xC02020C7 -1071636281 |
DTS_E_FAILEDTOSENDROWTOSQLSERVER | The attempt to send a row to SQL Server failed with error code 0x%1!8.8X!. |
0xC02020C8 -1071636280 |
DTS_E_FAILEDTOPREPAREBUFFERSTATUS | The attempt to prepare the buffer status failed with error code 0x%1!8.8X!. |
0xC02020C9 -1071636279 |
DTS_E_FAILEDTOBUFFERROWSTARTS | The attempt to retrieve the start of the buffer row failed with error code 0x%1!8.8X!. |
0xC02020CA -1071636278 |
DTS_E_BULKINSERTTHREADTERMINATED | The thread for the SSIS Bulk Insert is no longer running. No more rows can be inserted. Try increasing the bulk insert thread timeout. |
0xC02020CB -1071636277 |
DTS_E_RAWTOOMANYCOLUMNS | The source file is not valid. The source file is returning a count of more than 131,072 columns. This usually occurs when the source file is not produced by the raw file destination. |
0xC02020CC -1071636276 |
DTS_E_TXUNIONALL_EXTRADANGLINGINPUT | The %1 is an extra unattached input and will be removed. |
0xC02020CD -1071636275 |
DTS_E_TXUNIONALL_NONDANGLINGUNATTACHEDINPUT | The %1 is not attached but is not marked as dangling. It will be marked as dangling. |
0xC02020CF -1071636273 |
0xC02020D0 -1071636272 |
0xC02020D1 -1071636271 |
DTS_E_FAILEDTOGETCOMPONENTLOCALEID | Failure retrieving component locale ID. Error code 0x%1!8.8X!. |
0xC02020D2 -1071636270 |
DTS_E_MISMATCHCOMPONENTCONNECTIONMANAGERLOCALEID | Mismatched locale IDs. The component locale ID (%1!d!) does not match the connection manager locale ID (%2!d!). |
0xC02020D3 -1071636269 |
DTS_E_LOCALEIDNOTSET | The component locale ID has not been set. Flat file adapters need to have the locale ID on the flat file connection manager set. |
0xC02020D4 -1071636268 |
DTS_E_RAWBYTESTOOLONG | The binary field is too large. The adapter attempted to read a binary field that was %1!d! bytes long, but expected a field no longer than %2!d! bytes at offset %3!d!. This usually occurs when the input file is not valid. The file contains a string length that is too large for the buffer column. |
0xC02020D5 -1071636267 |
DTS_E_TXSAMPLINGINVALIDPCT | The percentage, %2!ld!, is not valid for the "%1" property. It must be between 0 and 100. |
0xC02020D6 -1071636266 |
DTS_E_TXSAMPLINGINVALIDROWS | The number of rows, %2!ld!, is not valid for the "%1" property. It must be greater than 0. |
0xC02020D7 -1071636265 |
DTS_E_RAWSTRINGINPUTTOOLONG | The adapter was asked to write a string that was %1!I64d! bytes long, but all data must be less than 4294967295 bytes in length. |
0xC02020D9 -1071636263 |
DTS_E_ATLEASTONEINPUTMUSTBEMAPPEDTOOUTPUT | No inputs were mapped to an output. The "%1" must have at least one input column mapped to an output column. |
0xC02020DB -1071636261 |
DTS_E_CANNOTCONVERTDATATYPESWITHDIFFERENTCODEPAGES | Conversion from "%1" with code page %2!d! to "%3" with code page %4!d! is not supported. |
0xC02020DC -1071636260 |
DTS_E_COLUMNNOTMAPPEDTOEXTERNALMETADATACOLUMN | The external metadata column mapping for %1 is not valid. The external metadata column ID cannot be zero. |
0xC02020DD -1071636259 |
DTS_E_COLUMNMAPPEDTONONEXISTENTEXTERNALMETADATACOLUMN | The %1 is mapped to an external metadata column that does not exist. |
0xC02020E5 -1071636251 |
DTS_E_UNABLETOWRITELOBDATATOBUFFER | Writing long object data of type DT_TEXT, DT_NTEXT, or DT_IMAGE to Data Flow task buffer failed for column "%1". |
0xC02020E8 -1071636248 |
DTS_E_CANNOTGETIROWSET | Opening a rowset for "%1" failed. Check that the object exists in the database. |
0xC02020E9 -1071636247 |
DTS_E_VARIABLEACCESSFAILED | Accessing variable "%1" failed with error code 0x%2!8.8X!. |
0xC02020EA -1071636246 |
DTS_E_CONNECTIONMANAGERNOTFOUND | The connection manager "%1" is not found. A component failed to find the connection manager in the Connections collection. |
0xC02020EB -1071636245 |
DTS_E_VERSIONUPGRADEFAILED | The upgrade from version "%1" to version %2!d! failed. |
0xC02020EC -1071636244 |
DTS_E_RSTDESTBIGBLOB | A value in an input column is too large to be stored in the ADODB.Recordset object. |
0xC02020ED -1071636243 |
DTS_E_CANNOTCONVERTBETWEENUNICODEANDNONUNICODESTRINGCOLUMNS | Columns "%1" and "%2" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types. |
0xC02020EE -1071636242 |
DTS_E_ROWCOUNTBADVARIABLENAME | The variable "%1" specified by VariableName property is not a valid variable. Need a valid variable name to write to. |
0xC02020EF -1071636241 |
DTS_E_ROWCOUNTBADVARIABLETYPE | The variable "%1" specified by VariableName property is not an integer. Change the variable to be of type VT_I4, VT_UI4, VT_I8, or VT_UI8. |
0xC02020F0 -1071636240 |
DTS_E_NOCOLUMNADVANCETHROUGHFILE | No column was specified to allow the component to advance through the file. |
0xC02020F1 -1071636239 |
DTS_E_MERGEJOINSORTEDOUTPUTHASNOSORTKEYPOSITIONS | The "%1" has IsSorted set to TRUE, but the SortKeyPosition on all output columns are zero. Either change the IsSorted to FALSE, or select at least one output column to contain a non-zero SortKeyPosition. |
0xC02020F2 -1071636238 |
DTS_E_METADATAMISMATCHWITHINPUTCOLUMN | The "%1" metadata does not match the metadata of the input column. |
0xC02020F3 -1071636237 |
DTS_E_RSTDESTBADVARIABLE | The value of the specified variable cannot be located, locked, or set. |
0xC02020F4 -1071636236 |
DTS_E_CANTPROCESSCOLUMNTYPECODEPAGE | The column "%1" cannot be processed because more than one code page (%2!d! and %3!d!) are specified for it. |
0xC02020F5 -1071636235 |
DTS_E_CANTINSERTCOLUMNTYPE | The column "%1" can't be inserted because the conversion between types %2 and %3 is not supported. |
0xC02020F6 -1071636234 |
DTS_E_CANNOTCONVERTBETWEENUNICODEANDNONUNICODESTRINGCOLUMN | Column "%1" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types. |
0xC02020F8 -1071636232 |
DTS_E_COULDNOTFINDINPUTBUFFERCOLUMNBYLINEAGE | The %1 cannot find the column with LineageID %2!ld! in its input buffer. |
0xC02020F9 -1071636231 |
DTS_E_COULDNOTGETCOLUMNINFOFORINPUTBUFFER | The %1 cannot get the column information for column %2!lu! from its input buffer. |
0xC02020FA -1071636230 |
DTS_E_COULDNOTGETCOLUMNINFOFORCOPYBUFFER | The %1 cannot get the column information for column "%2!lu!" from its copy buffer. |
0xC02020FB -1071636229 |
DTS_E_COULDNOTREGISTERCOPYBUFFER | The %1 cannot register a buffer type for its copy buffer. |
0xC02020FC -1071636228 |
DTS_E_COULDNOTCREATECOPYBUFFER | The %1 cannot create a buffer to copy its data into for sorting. |
0xC02020FD -1071636227 |
DTS_E_DATAREADERDESTREADFAILED | DataReader client has failed to call Read or has closed the DataReader. |
0xC02020FE -1071636226 |
DTS_E_NOSCHEMAINFOFOUND | No column information was returned by the SQL command. |
0xC02020FF -1071636225 |
DTS_E_GETSCHEMATABLEFAILED | The %1 was unable to retrieve column information for the SQL command. The following error occurred: %2 |
0xC0202100 -1071636224 |
DTS_E_SOURCETABLENAMENOTPROVIDED | A source table name has not been provided. |
0xC0203110 -1071632112 |
DTS_E_CACHE_INVALID_INDEXPOS | The cache index position, %1!d!, is not valid. For non-index columns, the index position should be 0. For index columns, the index position should be a sequential, positive number. |
0xC0203111 -1071632111 |
DTS_E_CACHE_DUPLICATE_INDEXPOS | The index position, %1!d!, is a duplicate. For non-index columns, the index position should be 0. For index columns, the index position should be a sequential, positive number. |
0xC0203112 -1071632110 |
DTS_E_CACHE_TOO_FEW_INDEX_COLUMNS | At least one index column should be specified for the Cache connection manager. To specify an index column, set the Index Position property of the cache column. |
0xC0203113 -1071632109 |
DTS_E_CACHE_INDEXPOS_NOT_CONTINUOUS | Cache index positions must be contiguous. For non-index columns, the index position should be 0. For index columns, the index position should be a sequential, positive number. |
0xC0204000 -1071628288 |
DTS_E_PROPERTYNOTSUPPORTED | The property "%1" cannot be set on "%2". The property being set is not supported on the specified object. Check the property name, case, and spelling. |
0xC0204002 -1071628286 |
DTS_E_CANTCHANGEPROPERTYTYPE | The property type cannot be changed from the type that was set by the component. |
0xC0204003 -1071628285 |
DTS_E_CANTADDOUTPUTID | Output ID %1!d! failed during insert. The new output was not created. |
0xC0204004 -1071628284 |
DTS_E_CANTDELETEOUTPUTID | Cannot delete output ID %1!d! from the output collection. The ID may not be valid, or the ID may have been the default or error output. |
0xC0204006 -1071628282 |
DTS_E_FAILEDTOSETPROPERTY | Failed to set property "%1" on "%2". |
0xC0204007 -1071628281 |
DTS_E_FAILEDTOSETOUTPUTCOLUMNTYPE | Failed to set the type of %1 to type: "%2", length: %3!d!, precision: %4!d!, scale: %5!d!, codepage: %6!d!. |
0xC0204008 -1071628280 |
DTS_E_MORETHANONEERROROUTPUTFOUND | More than one error output was found on the component, and there can be only one. |
0xC020400A -1071628278 |
DTS_E_CANTSETOUTPUTCOLUMNPROPERTY | The property on an output column cannot be set. |
0xC020400B -1071628277 |
DTS_E_CANTMODIFYERROROUTPUTCOLUMNDATATYPE | The data type for "%1" cannot be modified in the error "%2". |
0xC020400E -1071628274 |
DTS_E_CANONLYSETISSORTEDONSOURCE | The "%1" cannot have its IsSorted property set to TRUE because it is not a source output. A source output has a SynchronousInputID value of zero. |
0xC020400F -1071628273 |
DTS_E_CANONLYSETSORTKEYONSOURCE | The "%1" cannot have a SortKeyPosition property set to non-zero because "%2" is not a source output. The output column "colname" (ID) cannot have its SortKeyPosition property set to non-zero because its output "outputname" (ID) is not a source output. |
0xC0204010 -1071628272 |
DTS_E_CANONLYSETCOMPFLAGSONSOURCE | The ComparisonFlags property cannot be set to a non-zero value for "%1" because the "%2" is not a source output. The output column "colname" (ID) cannot have a ComparisonFlags property set to non-zero because its output "outputname" (ID) is not a source output. |
0xC0204011 -1071628271 |
DTS_E_NONSTRINGCOMPARISONFLAGSNOTZERO | The comparison flags for "%1" must be zero because its type is not a string type. ComparisonFlags can only be non-zero for string type columns. |
0xC0204012 -1071628270 |
DTS_E_COMPFLAGSONLYONSORTCOL | The "%1" cannot have a ComparisonFlags property set to non-zero because its SortKeyPosition is set to zero. An output column's ComparisonFlags can only be non-zero if its SortKeyPosition is also non-zero. |
0xC0204013 -1071628269 |
DTS_E_READONLYSTOCKPROPERTY | The property is read-only. |
0xC0204014 -1071628268 |
DTS_E_INVALIDDATATYPE | The %1 had an invalid datatype value (%2!ld!) set. |
0xC0204015 -1071628267 |
DTS_E_CODEPAGEREQUIRED | The "%1" requires a code page to be set but the value passed was zero. |
0xC0204016 -1071628266 |
DTS_E_INVALIDSTRINGLENGTH | The "%1" has a length that is not valid. The length must be between %2!ld! and %3!ld!. |
0xC0204017 -1071628265 |
DTS_E_INVALIDSCALE | The "%1" has a scale that is not valid. The scale must be between %2!ld! and %3!ld!. |
0xC0204018 -1071628264 |
DTS_E_INVALIDPRECISION | The "%1" has a precision that is not valid. The precision must be between %2!ld! and %3!ld!. |
0xC0204019 -1071628263 |
DTS_E_PROPVALUEIGNORED | The "%1" has a value set for length, precision, scale, or code page that is a value other than zero, but the data type requires the value to be zero. |
0xC020401A -1071628262 |
DTS_E_CANTSETOUTPUTCOLUMNDATATYPEPROPERTIES | The %1 does not allow setting output column datatype properties. |
0xC020401B -1071628261 |
DTS_E_INVALIDDATATYPEFORERRORCOLUMNS | The "%1" contains an invalid data type. "%1 " is a special error column, and the only valid data type is DT_I4. |
0xC020401C -1071628260 |
DTS_E_NOERRORDESCFORCOMPONENT | The component does not supply error code descriptions. |
0xC020401D -1071628259 |
DTS_E_UNRECOGNIZEDERRORCODE | The specified error code is not associated with this component. |
0xC020401F -1071628257 |
DTS_E_TRUNCATIONTRIGGEREDREDIRECTION | A truncation caused a row to be redirected, based on the truncation disposition settings. |
0xC0204020 -1071628256 |
DTS_E_CANTSETUSAGETYPETOREADWRITE | The "%1" is unable to make the column with lineage ID %2!d! read/write because that usage type is not allowed on this column. An attempt was made to change the usage type of an input column to a type, UT_READWRITE, that is not supported on this component. |
0xC0204023 -1071628253 |
DTS_E_CANTSETUSAGETYPE | The %1 has forbidden the requested use of the input column with lineage ID %2!d!. |
0xC0204024 -1071628252 |
DTS_E_FAILEDTOSETUSAGETYPE | The "%1" was unable to make the requested change to the input column with lineage ID %2!d!. The request failed with error code 0x%3!8.8X!. The specified error occurred while attempting to set the usage type of an input column. |
0xC0204025 -1071628251 |
DTS_E_FAILEDTOSETOUTPUTCOLUMNDATATYPEPROPERTIES | Attempt to set the data type properties on "%1" failed with error code 0x%2!8.8X!. The error occurred while attempting to set one or more of the data type properties of the output column. |
0xC0204026 -1071628250 |
DTS_E_UNABLETORETRIEVEMETADATA | The metadata for "%1" cannot be retrieved. Make sure the object name is correct and the object exists. |
0xC0204027 -1071628249 |
DTS_E_CANNOTMAPOUTPUTCOLUMN | The output column cannot be mapped to an external metadata column. |
0xC0204028 -1071628248 |
DTS_E_UNSUPPORTEDVARIABLETYPE | The variable %1 is required to be of type "%2". |
0xC020402A -1071628246 |
DTS_E_CANTSETEXTERNALMETADATACOLUMNDATATYPEPROPERTIES | The %1 does not allow setting external metadata column datatype properties. |
0xC020402B -1071628245 |
DTS_E_IDNOTINPUTNOROUTPUT | The ID, %1!lu!, is neither an input ID nor an output ID. The specified ID must be the input ID or the output ID that the external metadata collection is associated with. |
0xC020402C -1071628244 |
DTS_E_METADATACOLLECTIONNOTUSED | The external metadata collection on "%1" is marked as not used, so no operations can be performed on it. |
0xC020402D -1071628243 |
DTS_E_NOBUFFERTYPEONSYNCOUTPUT | The %1 is a synchronous output and the buffer type cannot be retrieved for a synchronous output. |
0xC0207000 -1071616000 |
DTS_E_INPUTCOLUMNUSAGETYPENOTREADONLY | The input column "%1" must be read-only. The input column has a usage type other than read-only, which is not allowed. |
0xC0207001 -1071615999 |
DTS_E_MISSINGCUSTOMPROPERTY | The "%1" is missing the required property "%2". The object is required to have the specified custom property. |
0xC0207002 -1071615998 |
DTS_E_ILLEGALCUSTOMOUTPUTPROPERTY | The output %1 cannot not have property "%2", but currently has that property assigned. |
0xC0207003 -1071615997 |
DTS_E_INVALIDOUTPUTEXCLUSIONGROUP | The %1 must be in exclusion group %2!d!. All outputs must be in the specified exclusion group. |
0xC0207004 -1071615996 |
DTS_E_PROPERTYISEMPTY | The property "%1" is empty. The property cannot be empty. |
0xC0207005 -1071615995 |
DTS_E_CREATEEXPRESSIONOBJECTFAILED | Memory cannot be allocated for the expression "%1". There was an out-of-memory error while creating an internal object to hold the expression. |
0xC0207006 -1071615994 |
DTS_E_EXPRESSIONPARSEFAILED | Cannot parse the expression "%1". The expression was not valid, or there is an out-of-memory error. |
0xC0207007 -1071615993 |
DTS_E_EXPRESSIONCOMPUTEFAILED | Computing the expression "%1" failed with error code 0x%2!8.8X!. The expression may have errors, such as divide by zero, that cannot be detected at parse time, or there may be an out-of-memory error. |
0xC0207008 -1071615992 |
DTS_E_FAILEDTOCREATEEXPRESSIONARRAY | Memory cannot be allocated for the Expression objects. An out-of-memory error occurred while creating the array of Expression object pointers. |
0xC020700A -1071615990 |
DTS_E_FAILEDTOCREATEEXPRESSIONMANANGER | The %1 failed with error code 0x%2!8.8X! while creating the Expression Manager. |
0xC020700B -1071615989 |
DTS_E_SPLITEXPRESSIONNOTBOOLEAN | The expression "%1" is not Boolean. The result type of the expression must be Boolean. |
0xC020700C -1071615988 |
DTS_E_EXPRESSIONVALIDATIONFAILED | The expression "%1" on "%2" is not valid. |
0xC020700E -1071615986 |
DTS_E_COLUMNNOTMATCHED | The column "%1" (%2!d!) cannot be matched to any input file column. The output column name or input column name cannot be found in the file. |
0xC020700F -1071615985 |
DTS_E_SETRESULTCOLUMNFAILED | Attempting to set the result column for the expression "%1" on %2 failed with error code 0x%3!8.8X!. The input or output column that was to receive the result of the expression cannot be determined, or the expression result cannot be cast to the column type. |
0xC0207011 -1071615983 |
DTS_E_FAILEDTOGETLOCALEIDFROMPACKAGE | The %1 failed to get the locale ID from the package. |
0xC0207012 -1071615982 |
DTS_E_INCORRECTPARAMETERMAPPINGFORMAT | The parameter mapping string is not in the correct format. |
0xC0207013 -1071615981 |
DTS_E_NOTENOUGHPARAMETERSPROVIDED | The SQL command requires %1!d! parameters, but the parameter mapping only has %2!d! parameters. |
0xC0207014 -1071615980 |
DTS_E_PARAMETERNOTFOUNDINMAPPING | The SQL command requires a parameter named "%1", which is not found in the parameter mapping. |
0xC0207015 -1071615979 |
DTS_E_DUPLICATEDATASOURCECOLUMNNAME | There is more than one data source column with the name "%1". The data source column names must be unique. |
0xC0207016 -1071615978 |
DTS_E_DATASOURCECOLUMNWITHNONAMEFOUND | There is a data source column with no name. Each data source column must have a name. |
0xC0208001 -1071611903 |
DTS_E_DISCONNECTEDCOMPONENT | A component is disconnected from the layout. |
0xC0208002 -1071611902 |
DTS_E_INVALIDCOMPONENTID | The ID for a layout component is not valid. |
0xC0208003 -1071611901 |
DTS_E_INVALIDINPUTCOUNT | A component has an invalid number of inputs. |
0xC0208004 -1071611900 |
DTS_E_INVALIDOUTPUTCOUNT | A component has an invalid number of outputs. |
0xC0208005 -1071611899 |
DTS_E_NOINPUTSOROUTPUTS | A component does not have any inputs or outputs. |
0xC0208007 -1071611897 |
DTS_E_CANTALLOCATECOLUMNINFO | Not enough memory was available to allocate a list of the columns that are being manipulated by this component. |
0xC0208008 -1071611896 |
DTS_E_OUTPUTCOLUMNNOTININPUT | Output column "%1" (%2!d!) references input column with lineage ID %3!d!, but no input could be found with that lineage ID. |
0xC0208009 -1071611895 |
DTS_E_SORTNEEDSONEKEY | At least one input column must be marked as a sort key, but no keys were found. |
0xC020800A -1071611894 |
DTS_E_SORTDUPLICATEKEYWEIGHT | Both column "%1" (%2!d!) and column "%3" (%4!d!) were marked with sort key weight %5!d!. |
0xC020800D -1071611891 |
DTS_E_CANTMODIFYINVALID | The component cannot perform the requested metadata change until the validation problem is fixed. |
0xC020800E -1071611890 |
DTS_E_CANTADDINPUT | An input cannot be added to the inputs collection. |
0xC020800F -1071611889 |
DTS_E_CANTADDOUTPUT | An output cannot be added to the outputs collection. |
0xC0208010 -1071611888 |
DTS_E_CANTDELETEINPUT | An input cannot be deleted from the inputs collection. |
0xC0208011 -1071611887 |
DTS_E_CANTDELETEOUTPUT | An output cannot be removed from the outputs collection. |
0xC0208014 -1071611884 |
DTS_E_CANTCHANGEUSAGETYPE | The usage type of the column cannot be changed. |
0xC0208016 -1071611882 |
DTS_E_INVALIDUSAGETYPEFORCUSTOMPROPERTY | The %1 must be read/write to have custom property "%2". The input or output column has the specified custom property, but is not read/write. Remove the property, or make the column read/write. |
0xC0208017 -1071611881 |
DTS_E_READWRITECOLUMNMISSINGREQUIREDCUSTOMPROPERTY | The %1 is read/write and is required to have custom property "%2". Add the property, or make remove the read/write attribute from the column. |
0xC0208018 -1071611880 |
DTS_E_CANTDELETECOLUMN | The column cannot be deleted. The component does not allow columns to be deleted from this input or output. |
0xC0208019 -1071611879 |
DTS_E_CANTADDCOLUMN | The component does not allow adding columns to this input or output. |
0xC020801A -1071611878 |
DTS_E_CANNOTTFINDRUNTIMECONNECTIONOBJECT | The connection "%1" cannot be found. Verify that the connection manager has a connection with that name. |
0xC020801B -1071611877 |
DTS_E_CANNOTFINDRUNTIMECONNECTIONMANAGER | The runtime connection manager with the ID "%1" cannot be found. Verify that the connection manager collection has a connection manager with that ID. |
0xC020801C -1071611876 |
DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER | SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "%1" failed with error code 0x%2!8.8X!. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the AcquireConnection method call failed. |
0xC020801D -1071611875 |
DTS_E_ACQUIREDCONNECTIONISINVALID | The connection acquired from the connection manager "%1" is not valid. |
0xC020801E -1071611874 |
DTS_E_INCORRECTCONNECTIONMANAGERTYPE | The connection manager "%1" is an incorrect type. The type required is "%2". The type available to the component is "%3". |
0xC020801F -1071611873 |
DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIREMANAGEDCONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER | Cannot acquire a managed connection from the run-time connection manager. |
0xC0208020 -1071611872 |
DTS_E_CANTINITINPUT | An input cannot be created to initialize the inputs collection. |
0xC0208021 -1071611871 |
DTS_E_CANTINITOUTPUT | An output cannot be created to initialize the outputs collection. |
0xC0208023 -1071611869 |
DTS_E_EXTRACTORCANTWRITE | Writing to the file "%1" failed with error code 0x%2!8.8X!. |
0xC0208024 -1071611868 |
DTS_E_INCORRECTCONNECTIONOBJECTTYPE | The connection manager "%1" returned an object of an incorrect type from the AcquireConnection method. |
0xC0208025 -1071611867 |
DTS_E_INPUTCOLPROPERTYNOTFOUND | The "%3" property is required on input column "%1" (%2!d!), but is not found. The missing property should be added. |
0xC0208026 -1071611866 |
DTS_E_EXTRACTORUNREFERENCED | The "%1" is marked read-only, but is not referenced by any other column. Unreferenced columns are not allowed. |
0xC0208027 -1071611865 |
DTS_E_EXTRACTORREFERENCEDCOLUMNNOTFOUND | The "%1" references column ID %2!d!, and that column is not found on the input. A reference points to a nonexistent column. |
0xC0208028 -1071611864 |
DTS_E_EXTRACTORDATACOLUMNNOTBLOB | The "%1" references "%2", and that column is not of a BLOB type. |
0xC0208029 -1071611863 |
DTS_E_INSERTERREFERENCEDCOLUMNNOTFOUND | The "%1" references output column ID %2!d!, and that column is not found on the output. |
0xC020802A -1071611862 |
DTS_E_INSERTERCANTREAD | Reading from the file "%1" failed with error code 0x%2!8.8X!. |
0xC020802B -1071611861 |
DTS_E_TXSCD_NOTYPEDCOLUMNSATINPUT | There must be at least one column of Fixed, Changing, or Historical type on the input of a Slowly Changing Dimension transform. Verify that at least one column is a FixedAttribute, ChangingAttribute, or HistoricalAttribute. |
0xC020802C -1071611860 |
DTS_E_TXSCD_INVALIDINPUTCOLUMNTYPE | The ColumnType property of "%1" is not valid. The current value is outside the range of acceptable values. |
0xC020802D -1071611859 |
DTS_E_TXSCD_CANNOTMAPDIFFERENTTYPES | The input column "%1" cannot be mapped to external column "%2" because they have different data types. The Slowly Changing Dimension transform does not allow mapping between column of different types except for DT_STR and DT_WSTR. |
0xC020802E -1071611858 |
DTS_E_NTEXTDATATYPENOTSUPPORTEDWITHANSIFILES | The data type for "%1" is DT_NTEXT, which is not supported with ANSI files. Use DT_TEXT instead and convert the data to DT_NTEXT using the data conversion component. |
0xC020802F -1071611857 |
DTS_E_TEXTDATATYPENOTSUPPORTEDWITHUNICODEFILES | The data type for "%1" is DT_TEXT, which is not supported with Unicode files. Use DT_NTEXT instead and convert the data to DT_TEXT using the data conversion component. |
0xC0208030 -1071611856 |
DTS_E_IMAGEDATATYPENOTSUPPORTED | The data type for "%1" is DT_IMAGE, which is not supported. Use DT_TEXT or DT_NTEXT instead and convert the data from, or to, DT_IMAGE using the data conversion component. |
0xC0208031 -1071611855 |
DTS_E_FLATFILEFORMATNOTSUPPORTED | Format "%1" is not supported by Flat File Connection Manager. Supported formats are Delimited, FixedWidth, RaggedRight, and Mixed. |
0xC0208032 -1071611854 |
DTS_E_EXTRACTORFILENAMECOLUMNNOTSTRING | The "%1" should contain a file name, but it is not of a String type. |
0xC0208033 -1071611853 |
DTS_E_EXTRACTORCANTAPPENDTRUNCATE | Error caused by conflicting property settings. The "%1" has both the AllowAppend property and the ForceTruncate property set to TRUE. Both properties cannot be set to TRUE. Set one of the two properties to FALSE. |
0xC0208034 -1071611852 |
DTS_E_EXTRACTORCOLUMNALREADYREFERENCED | The %1 references column ID %2!d!, but that column is already referenced by %3. Remove one of the two reference to the column. |
0xC0208035 -1071611851 |
DTS_E_CONNECTIONMANANGERNOTASSIGNED | A connection manager has not been assigned to the %1. |
0xC0208036 -1071611850 |
DTS_E_INSERTERCOLUMNALREADYREFERENCED | The %1 references the output column with ID %2!d!, but that column is already referenced by %3. |
0xC0208037 -1071611849 |
DTS_E_INSERTERCOLUMNNOTREFERENCED | The "%1" is not referenced by any input column. Each output column must be referenced by exactly one input column. |
0xC0208038 -1071611848 |
DTS_E_INSERTERDATACOLUMNNOTBLOB | The "%1" references "%2", and that column is not the correct type. It must be DT_TEXT, DT_NTEXT, or DT_IMAGE. A reference points to a column that must be a BLOB. |
0xC0208039 -1071611847 |
DTS_E_INSERTERFILENAMECOLUMNNOTSTRING | The "%1" should contain a file name, but it is not a String type. |
0xC020803A -1071611846 |
DTS_E_INSERTEREXPECTBOMINVALIDTYPE | The "%1" has the ExpectBOM property set to TRUE for %2, but the column is not NT_NTEXT. The ExpectBOM specifies that the Import Column transformation expects a byte-order mark (BOM). Either set the ExpectBOM property to false or change the output column data type to DT_NTEXT. |
0xC020803B -1071611845 |
DTS_E_INSERTERINVALIDDATACOLUMNSETTYPE | Data output columns must be DT_TEXT, DT_NTEXT, or DT_IMAGE. The data output column may only be set to a BLOB type. |
0xC020803C -1071611844 |
DTS_E_TXSCD_FIXEDATTRIBUTECHANGE | If the FailOnFixedAttributeChange property is set to TRUE, the transformation will fail when a fixed attribute change is detected. To send rows to the Fixed Attribute output, set the FailOnFixedAttributeChange property to FALSE. |
0xC020803D -1071611843 |
DTS_E_TXSCD_LOOKUPFAILURE | The Lookup transformation failed to retrieve any rows. The transform fails when the FailOnLookupFailure is set to TRUE and no rows are retrieved. |
0xC020803E -1071611842 |
DTS_E_TXSCD_INVALIDNUMBERSOFPARAMETERS | There must be at least one column type of Key on the input of a Slowly Changing Dimension transformation. Set at least one column type to Key. |
0xC020803F -1071611841 |
DTS_E_TXSCD_CANNOTFINDEXTERNALCOLUMN | Cannot find external column with name "%1". |
0xC0208040 -1071611840 |
DTS_E_TXSCD_INFFEREDINDICATORNOTBOOL | Inferred indicator column "%1" must be of type DT_BOOL. |
0xC0208107 -1071611641 |
DTS_E_ERRORROWDISPMUSTBENOTUSED | The %1 must have its error row disposition value set to RD_NotUsed. |
0xC0208108 -1071611640 |
DTS_E_TRUNCROWDISPMUSTBENOTUSED | The %1 must have its truncation row disposition value set to RD_NotUsed. |
0xC0208201 -1071611391 |
DTS_E_TXAGG_INPUTNOTFOUNDFOROUTPUT | Cannot find input column with lineage ID %1!d! needed by output column with ID %2!d!. |
0xC0208202 -1071611390 |
DTS_E_TXAGG_INVALIDOUTPUTDATATYPEFORAGGREGATE | Invalid output data type for aggregate type specified at output column ID %1!d!. |
0xC0208203 -1071611389 |
DTS_E_TXAGG_INVALIDINPUTDATATYPEFORAGGREGATE | Invalid input data type for %1 used for the specified aggregate at %2. |
0xC0208204 -1071611388 |
DTS_E_TXAGG_INPUTOUTPUTDATATYPEMISMATCH | Data types of input column lineage ID %1!d! and output column ID %2!d! do not match. |
0xC0208205 -1071611387 |
DTS_E_UNABLETOGETINPUTBUFFERHANDLE | Cannot get input buffer handle for input ID %1!d!. |
0xC0208206 -1071611386 |
DTS_E_UNABLETOGETOUTPUTBUFFERHANDLE | Cannot get output buffer handle for output ID %1!d!. |
0xC0208207 -1071611385 |
DTS_E_UNABLETOFINDCOLUMNHANDLEINOUTPUTBUFFER | Cannot find column with lineage ID %1!d! in output buffer. |
0xC0208208 -1071611384 |
DTS_E_UNABLETOFINDCOLUMNHANDLEININPUTBUFFER | Cannot find column with lineage ID %1!d! in input buffer. |
0xC0208209 -1071611383 |
DTS_E_CANNOTHAVEZEROOUTPUTCOLUMNS | The number of output columns for %1 cannot be zero. |
0xC020820A -1071611382 |
DTS_E_CONNECTIONMANAGERCOLUMNCOUNTMISMATCH | The number of columns in the flat file connection manager must be the same as the number of columns in the flat file adapter. The number of columns for the flat file connection manager is %1!d!, while the number of columns for the flat file adapter is %2!d!. |
0xC020820B -1071611381 |
DTS_E_MISMATCHCONNECTIONMANAGERCOLUMN | The column "%1" at index %2!d! in the flat file connection manager was not found at index %3!d! in the column collection of the flat file adapter. |
0xC020820D -1071611379 |
DTS_E_EXTERNALMETADATACOLUMNISALREADYMAPPED | The external metadata column with ID %1!d! has already been mapped to %2. |
0xC020820E -1071611378 |
DTS_E_TXAGG_STRING_TOO_LONG | The transform encountered a key column that was larger than %1!u! characters. |
0xC020820F -1071611377 |
DTS_E_DERIVEDRESULT_TOO_LONG | The transform encountered a result value that was longer than %1!u! bytes. |
0xC0208210 -1071611376 |
0xC0208211 -1071611375 |
0xC0208212 -1071611374 |
0xC0208213 -1071611373 |
0xC0208214 -1071611372 |
0xC0208215 -1071611371 |
0xC0208216 -1071611370 |
0xC0208217 -1071611369 |
0xC0208218 -1071611368 |
DTS_E_UNREFERENCEDINPUTCOLUMN | The input column "%1" is not referenced. |
0xC0208219 -1071611367 |
DTS_E_CANTBUILDTHREADPOOL | The Sort transformation could not create a thread pool with %1!d! threads. Not enough memory is available. |
0xC020821A -1071611366 |
DTS_E_QUEUEWORKITEMFAILED | The Sort transformation cannot queue a work item to its thread pool. There is not enough memory available. |
0xC020821B -1071611365 |
DTS_E_SORTTHREADSTOPPED | A worker thread in the Sort transformation stopped with error code 0x%1!8.8X!. A catastrophic error was encountered while sorting a buffer. |
0xC020821E -1071611362 |
DTS_E_SORTBADTHREADCOUNT | MaxThreads was %1!ld!, and should be between 1 and %2!ld!, inclusive or -1 to default to the number of CPUs. |
0xC020821F -1071611361 |
DTS_E_DTPXMLLOADFAILURE | Unable to load from XML. |
0xC0208220 -1071611360 |
DTS_E_DTPXMLSAVEFAILURE | Unable to save to XML. |
0xC0208221 -1071611359 |
DTS_E_DTPXMLINT32CONVERTERR | Unable to convert the value "%1" to an integer. |
0xC0208222 -1071611358 |
DTS_E_DTPXMLBOOLCONVERTERR | Unable to convert the value "%1" to a Boolean. |
0xC0208223 -1071611357 |
DTS_E_DTPXMLPARSEERRORNEARID | Load error encountered near object with ID %1!d!. |
0xC0208226 -1071611354 |
DTS_E_DTPXMLPROPERTYTYPEERR | The value "%1" is not valid for the attribute "%2". |
0xC0208228 -1071611352 |
DTS_E_DTPXMLSETUSAGETYPEERR | The value "%1" is not valid for the attribute "%2". |
0xC0208229 -1071611351 |
DTS_E_DTPXMLDATATYPEERR | The value "%1" is not valid for the attribute "%2". |
0xC020822A -1071611350 |
DTS_E_UNMAPPEDINPUTCOLUMN | The %1 is not mapped to an output column. |
0xC020822B -1071611349 |
DTS_E_INPUTCOLUMNBADMAP | The %1 has a mapping that is not valid. An output column with an ID of %2!ld! does not exist on this component. |
0xC020822D -1071611347 |
DTS_E_MULTIPLYMAPPEDOUTCOL | The %1 is mapped to an output column that already has a mapping on this input. |
0xC020822E -1071611346 |
DTS_E_TXAGG_STRINGPROMOTIONFAILED | Could not convert input column with Lineage ID %1!ld! to DT_WSTR due to error 0x%2!8.8X!. |
0xC0208230 -1071611344 |
DTS_E_DTPXMLIDLOOKUPERR | Referenced object with ID %1!d! not found in package. |
0xC0208231 -1071611343 |
DTS_E_DTPXMLINVALIDXMLPERSISTPROPERTY | Cannot read a persistence property required for the pipelinexml module. The property was not provided by the pipeline. |
0xC0208232 -1071611342 |
DTS_E_DTPXMLPROPERTYSTATEERR | The value "%1" is not valid for the attribute "%2". |
0xC0208233 -1071611341 |
DTS_E_CANTGETCUSTOMPROPERTY | Cannot retrieve custom property "%1". |
0xC0208234 -1071611340 |
DTS_E_UNABLETOLOCATEINPUTCOLUMNID | An input column with the lineage ID %1!d!, referenced in the ParameterMap custom property with the parameter on position number %2!d!, cannot be found in the input columns collection. |
0xC0208235 -1071611339 |
DTS_E_TXLOOKUP_UNABLETOLOCATEREFCOLUMN | Unable to locate reference column "%1". |
0xC0208236 -1071611338 |
DTS_E_TXLOOKUP_INCOMPATIBLEDATATYPES | %1 and reference column named "%2" have incompatible data types. |
0xC0208237 -1071611337 |
DTS_E_TXLOOKUP_PARAMMETADATAMISMATCH | The parameterized SQL statement yields metadata which does not match the main SQL statement. |
0xC0208238 -1071611336 |
DTS_E_TXLOOKUP_INCORRECTNUMOFPARAMETERS | The parameterized SQL statement contains an incorrect number of parameters. Expected %1!d!, but found %2!d!. |
0xC0208239 -1071611335 |
DTS_E_TXLOOKUP_INVALIDJOINTYPE | %1 has a datatype which cannot be joined on. |
0xC020823A -1071611334 |
DTS_E_TXLOOKUP_INVALIDCOPYTYPE | %1 has a datatype which cannot be copied. |
0xC020823B -1071611333 |
DTS_E_INSERTERINVALIDCOLUMNDATATYPE | The %1 has an unsupported datatype. It must be DT_STR or DT_WSTR. |
0xC020823C -1071611332 |
DTS_E_EXTRACTORINVALIDCOLUMNDATATYPE | The %1 has an unsupported datatype. It must be DT_STR, DT_WSTR, DT_TEXT, DT_NTEXT, or DT_IMAGE. |
0xC020823D -1071611331 |
DTS_E_TXCHARMAPINVALIDCOLUMNDATATYPE | The %1 has an unsupported datatype. It must be DT_STR, DT_WSTR, DT_TEXT, or DT_NTEXT. |
0xC020823E -1071611330 |
DTS_E_SORTCANTCREATEEVENT | The Sort transformation cannot create an event to communicate with its worker threads. Not enough system handles are available to the Sort transformation. |
0xC020823F -1071611329 |
DTS_E_SORTCANTCREATETHREAD | The Sort transformation cannot create a worker thread. Not enough memory is available to Sort transformation. |
0xC0208240 -1071611328 |
DTS_E_SORTCANTCOMPARE | The Sort transformation failed to compare row %1!d! in buffer ID %2!d! to row %3!d! in buffer ID %4!d!. |
0xC0208242 -1071611326 |
DTS_E_TXLOOKUP_TOOFEWREFERENCECOLUMNS | The Lookup transformation reference metadata contains too few columns. Check the SQLCommand property. The SELECT statement must return at least one column. |
0xC0208243 -1071611325 |
DTS_E_TXLOOKUP_MALLOCERR_REFERENCECOLUMNINFO | Unable to allocate memory for an array of ColumnInfo structures. |
0xC0208244 -1071611324 |
DTS_E_TXLOOKUP_MALLOCERR_REFERENCECOLUMNPAIR | Could not allocate memory for an array of ColumnPair structures. |
0xC0208245 -1071611323 |
DTS_E_TXLOOKUP_MALLOCERR_BUFFCOL | Unable to allocate memory for an array of BUFFCOL structures for the creation of a main workspace. |
0xC0208246 -1071611322 |
DTS_E_TXLOOKUP_MAINWORKSPACE_CREATEERR | Unable to create a main workspace buffer. |
0xC0208247 -1071611321 |
DTS_E_TXLOOKUP_HASHTABLE_MALLOCERR | Unable to allocate memory for hash table. |
0xC0208248 -1071611320 |
DTS_E_TXLOOKUP_HASHNODEHEAP_CREATEERR | Unable to allocate memory to create a heap for hash nodes. |
0xC0208249 -1071611319 |
DTS_E_TXLOOKUP_HASHNODEHEAP_MALLOCERR | Unable to allocate memory for a hash node heap. |
0xC020824A -1071611318 |
DTS_E_TXLOOKUP_LRUNODEHEAP_CREATEERR | Unable to create a heap for LRU nodes. An out-of-memory condition occurred. |
0xC020824B -1071611317 |
DTS_E_TXLOOKUP_LRUNODEHEAP_MALLOCERR | Unable to allocate memory for the LRU node heap. An out-of-memory condition occurred. |
0xC020824C -1071611316 |
DTS_E_TXLOOKUP_OLEDBERR_LOADCOLUMNMETADATA | OLE DB error occurred while loading column metadata. Check SQLCommand and SqlCommandParam properties. |
0xC020824D -1071611315 |
DTS_E_TXLOOKUP_OLEDBERR_GETIROWSET | OLE DB error occurred while fetching rowset. Check SQLCommand and SqlCommandParam properties. |
0xC020824E -1071611314 |
DTS_E_TXLOOKUP_OLEDBERR_FILLBUFFER | OLE DB error occurred while populating internal cache. Check SQLCommand and SqlCommandParam properties. |
0xC020824F -1071611313 |
DTS_E_TXLOOKUP_OLEDBERR_BINDPARAMETERS | OLE DB error occurred while binding parameters. Check SQLCommand and SqlCommandParam properties. |
0xC0208250 -1071611312 |
DTS_E_TXLOOKUP_OLEDBERR_CREATEBINDING | OLE DB error occurred while creating bindings. Check SQLCommand and SqlCommandParam properties. |
0xC0208251 -1071611311 |
DTS_E_TXLOOKUP_INVALID_CASE | An invalid case was encountered in a switch statement during runtime. |
0xC0208252 -1071611310 |
DTS_E_TXLOOKUP_MAINWORKSPACE_MALLOCERR | Unable to allocate memory for a new row for the main workspace buffer. An out-of-memory condition occurred. |
0xC0208253 -1071611309 |
DTS_E_TXLOOKUP_OLEDBERR_GETPARAMIROWSET | OLE DB error occurred while fetching parameterized rowset. Check SQLCommand and SqlCommandParam properties. |
0xC0208254 -1071611308 |
DTS_E_TXLOOKUP_OLEDBERR_GETPARAMSINGLEROW | OLE DB error occurred while fetching parameterized row. Check SQLCommand and SqlCommandParam properties. |
0xC0208255 -1071611307 |
DTS_E_TXAGG_MAINWORKSPACE_MALLOCERR | Unable to allocate memory for a new row for the main workspace buffer. An out-of-memory condition occurred. |
0xC0208256 -1071611306 |
DTS_E_TXAGG_MAINWORKSPACE_CREATEERR | Unable to create a main workspace buffer. |
0xC0208257 -1071611305 |
DTS_E_TXAGG_HASHTABLE_MALLOCERR | Unable to allocate memory for the hash table. |
0xC0208258 -1071611304 |
DTS_E_TXAGG_HASHNODEHEAP_CREATEERR | Unable to allocate memory to create a heap for the hash nodes. |
0xC0208259 -1071611303 |
DTS_E_TXAGG_HASHNODEHEAP_MALLOCERR | Unable to allocate memory for the hash node heap. |
0xC020825A -1071611302 |
DTS_E_TXAGG_CDNODEHEAP_CREATEERR | Unable to allocate memory to create a heap for CountDistinct nodes. |
0xC020825B -1071611301 |
DTS_E_TXAGG_CDNODEHEAP_MALLOCERR | Unable to allocate memory for CountDistinct node heap. |
0xC020825C -1071611300 |
DTS_E_TXAGG_CDCHAINHEAP_CREATEERR | Unable to allocate memory to create a heap for CountDistinct chains. |
0xC020825D -1071611299 |
DTS_E_TXAGG_CDHASHTABLE_CREATEERR | Unable to allocate memory for CountDistinct hash table. |
0xC020825E -1071611298 |
DTS_E_TXAGG_CDWORKSPACE_MALLOCERR | Unable to allocate memory for a new row for the CountDistinct workspace buffer. |
0xC020825F -1071611297 |
DTS_E_TXAGG_CDWORKSPACE_CREATEERR | Unable to create a CountDistinct workspace buffer. |
0xC0208260 -1071611296 |
DTS_E_TXAGG_CDCOLLASSEARRAY_MALLOCERR | Unable to allocate memory for CountDistinct Collapse array. |
0xC0208261 -1071611295 |
DTS_E_TXAGG_CDCHAINHEAP_MALLOCERR | Unable to allocate memory for CountDistinct chains. |
0xC0208262 -1071611294 |
DTS_E_TXCOPYMAP_MISMATCHED_COLUMN_METADATA | Columns with lineage IDs %1!d! and %2!d! have mismatched metadata. The input column that is mapped to an output column for copymap does not have the same metadata (datatype, precision, scale, length, or codepage). |
0xC0208263 -1071611293 |
DTS_E_TXCOPYMAP_INCORRECT_OUTPUT_COLUMN_MAPPING | The output column with lineage ID "%1!d!" is incorrectly mapped to an input column. The CopyColumnId property of the output column is not correct. |
0xC0208265 -1071611291 |
DTS_E_CANTGETBLOBDATA | Failed to retrieve long data for column "%1". |
0xC0208266 -1071611290 |
DTS_E_CANTADDBLOBDATA | Long data was retrieved for a column but cannot be added to the Data Flow task buffer. |
0xC0208267 -1071611289 |
DTS_E_MCASTOUTPUTCOLUMNS | Output "%1" (%2!d!) has output columns, but multicast outputs do not declare columns. The package is damaged. |
0xC0208273 -1071611277 |
DTS_E_UNABLETOGETLOCALIZEDRESOURCE | Unable to load a localized resource ID %1!d!. Verify that the RLL file is present. |
0xC0208274 -1071611276 |
DTS_E_DTPXMLEVENTSCACHEERR | Cannot acquire Events Interface. An invalid Events interface was passed to the data flow module for persisting to XML. |
0xC0208275 -1071611275 |
DTS_E_DTPXMLPATHLOADERR | An error occurred while setting a path object during XML load. |
0xC0208276 -1071611274 |
DTS_E_DTPXMLINPUTLOADERR | Error setting input object during XML load. |
0xC0208277 -1071611273 |
DTS_E_DTPXMLOUTPUTLOADERR | Error setting output object during XML load. |
0xC0208278 -1071611272 |
DTS_E_DTPXMLINPUTCOLUMNLOADERR | Error setting input column object during XML load. |
0xC0208279 -1071611271 |
DTS_E_DTPXMLOUTPUTCOLUMNLOADERR | Error setting output column object during XML load. |
0xC0208280 -1071611264 |
DTS_E_DTPXMLPROPERTYLOADERR | Error setting property object during XML load. |
0xC0208281 -1071611263 |
DTS_E_DTPXMLCONNECTIONLOADERR | Error setting connection object during XML load. |
0xC0208282 -1071611262 |
DTS_E_FG_MISSING_OUTPUT_COLUMNS | Special transformation-specific columns are either missing or have incorrect types. |
0xC0208283 -1071611261 |
DTS_E_FG_PREPARE_TABLES_AND_ACCESSORS | Fuzzy Grouping transformation failed to create required tables and accessors. |
0xC0208284 -1071611260 |
DTS_E_FG_COPY_INPUT | Fuzzy Grouping transformation failed to copy input. |
0xC0208285 -1071611259 |
DTS_E_FG_GENERATE_GROUPS | Fuzzy Grouping transformation failed to generate groups. |
0xC0208286 -1071611258 |
DTS_E_FG_LEADING_TRAILING | An unexpected error occurred in Fuzzy Grouping when applying the settings of property '%1'. |
0xC0208287 -1071611257 |
DTS_E_FG_PICK_CANONICAL | The Fuzzy Grouping transformation failed to pick a canonical row of data to use in standardizing the data. |
0xC0208288 -1071611256 |
DTS_E_FG_NOBLOBS | Fuzzy Grouping does not support input columns of type IMAGE, TEXT, or NTEXT. |
0xC0208289 -1071611255 |
DTS_E_FG_FUZZY_MATCH_ON_NONSTRING | A fuzzy match is specified on column "%1" (%2!d!) that is not a data type of DT_STR or DT_WSTR. |
0xC020828A -1071611254 |
DTS_E_FUZZYGROUPINGINTERNALPIPELINEERROR | A Fuzzy Grouping transformation pipeline error occurred and returned error code 0x%1!8.8X!: "%2". |
0xC020828B -1071611253 |
DTS_E_CODE_PAGE_NOT_SUPPORTED | The code page %1!d! specified on column "%2" (%3!d!) is not supported. You must first convert this column to DT_WSTR which can be done by inserting a Data Conversion Transform before this one. |
0xC0208294 -1071611244 |
DTS_E_SETEODFAILED | Failure encountered while setting end of data flag for the buffer driving output "%1" (%2!d!). |
0xC0208296 -1071611242 |
DTS_E_CANTCLONE | The input buffer could not be cloned. An out-of-memory condition occurred or there was an internal error. |
0xC02082F9 -1071611143 |
DTS_E_TXCHARMAP_CANTKATAKANAHIRAGANA | Column "%1" requests that Katakana and Hiragana characters be produced at the same time. |
0xC02082FA -1071611142 |
DTS_E_TXCHARMAP_CANTSIMPLECOMPLEX | Column "%1" requests that Simple Chinese and Traditional Chinese characters be produced at the same time. |
0xC02082FB -1071611141 |
DTS_E_TXCHARMAP_CANTFULLHALF | Column "%1" requests operations to generate both full width and half width characters. |
0xC02082FC -1071611140 |
DTS_E_TXCHARMAP_CANTCHINAJAPAN | Column "%1" combines operations on Japanese characters with operations for Chinese characters. |
0xC02082FD -1071611139 |
DTS_E_TXCHARMAP_CANTCASECHINESE | Column "%1" combines operations on Chinese characters with uppercase and lowercase operations. |
0xC02082FE -1071611138 |
DTS_E_TXCHARMAP_CANTCASEJAPANESE | Column "%1" combines operations on Japanese characters with uppercase and lowercase operations. |
0xC02082FF -1071611137 |
DTS_E_TXCHARMAP_CANTBOTHCASE | Column "%1" maps the column to both uppercase and lowercase. |
0xC0208300 -1071611136 |
DTS_E_TXCHARMAP_CANTLINGUISTIC | Column "%1" combines flags other than uppercase and lowercase with the linguistic casing operation. |
0xC0208301 -1071611135 |
DTS_E_TXCHARMAP_INVALIDMAPFLAGANDDATATYPE | The data type of column "%1" cannot be mapped as specified. |
0xC0208302 -1071611134 |
DTS_E_TXFUZZYLOOKUP_UNSUPPORTED_MATCH_INDEX_VERSION | The version (%1) of the pre-existing match index "%2" is not supported. The version expected is "%3". This error occurs if the version persisted in the index metadata does not match the version which the current code was built for. Fix the error by rebuilding the index with the current version of the code. |
0xC0208303 -1071611133 |
DTS_E_TXFUZZYLOOKUP_INVALID_MATCH_INDEX | The table "%1" does not appear to be a valid pre-built match index. This error occurs if the metadata record cannot be loaded from the specified pre-built index. |
0xC0208304 -1071611132 |
DTS_E_TXFUZZYLOOKUP_UNABLE_TO_READ_MATCH_INDEX | Unable to read specified pre-built match index "%1". OLEDB Error code: 0x%2!8.8X!. |
0xC0208305 -1071611131 |
DTS_E_TXFUZZYLOOKUP_NO_JOIN_COLUMNS | There were no input columns with a valid join to a reference table column. Make sure that there is at least one join defined using the input column properties JoinToReferenceColumn and JoinType. |
0xC0208306 -1071611130 |
DTS_E_TXFUZZYLOOKUP_INDEX_DOES_NOT_CONTAIN_COLUMN | The specified pre-existing match index "%1" was not originally built with fuzzy match information for column "%2". It must be rebuilt to include this information. This error occurs when the index was built with the column not being a fuzzy join column. |
0xC0208307 -1071611129 |
DTS_E_TXFUZZYLOOKUP_IDENTIFIER_PROPERTY | The name "%1" given for property "%2" is not a valid SQL identifier name. This error occurs if the name for the property does not conform to the specifications for a valid SQL identifier name. |
0xC0208309 -1071611127 |
DTS_E_TXFUZZYLOOKUP_MINSIMILARITY_INVALID | The MinSimilarity threshold property on the Fuzzy Lookup transformation must be a value greater than or equal to 0.0 but less than 1.0. |
0xC020830A -1071611126 |
DTS_E_TXFUZZYLOOKUP_INVALID_PROPERTY_VALUE | The value "%1" for property "%2" is not valid. |
0xC020830B -1071611125 |
DTS_E_TXFUZZYLOOKUP_INCOMPATIBLE_FUZZY_JOIN_DATATYPES | The fuzzy lookup specified between input column "%1" and reference column "%2" is not valid because fuzzy joins are only supported between string columns, types DT_STR and DT_WSTR. |
0xC020830C -1071611124 |
DTS_E_TXFUZZYLOOKUP_INCOMPATIBLE_EXACT_JOIN_DATATYPES | The exact lookup columns, "%1" and "%2", do not have equal data types or are not comparable string types. Exact joins are supported between columns with equal data types or a DT_STR and DT_WSTR combination. |
0xC020830D -1071611123 |
DTS_E_TXFUZZYLOOKUP_INCOMPATIBLE_COPYCOLUMN_DATATYPES | The copy columns, "%1" and "%2", do not have equal data types or are not trivially convertible string types. This occurs because copying from reference to output between columns with equal data types, or a DT_STR and DT_WSTR combination, is supported, but other types are not. |
0xC020830E -1071611122 |
DTS_E_TXFUZZYLOOKUP_INCOMPATIBLE_PASSTHRUCOLUMN_DATATYPES | The passthrough columns, "%1" and "%2", do not have equal data types. Only columns with equal data types are supported as passthrough columns from input to output. |
0xC020830F -1071611121 |
DTS_E_TXFUZZYLOOKUP_UNABLETOLOCATEREFCOLUMN | Cannot locate reference column "%1". |
0xC0208311 -1071611119 |
DTS_E_TXFUZZYLOOKUP_OUTPUT_COLUMN_MUST_BE_PASSTHRU_COLUMN_OR_A_COPY_COLUMN | An output column must have exactly one CopyColumn or PassThruColumn property specified. This error occurs when neither the CopyColumn or the PassThruColumn properties, or both the CopyColumn and PassThruColumn properties, are set to non-empty values. |
0xC0208312 -1071611118 |
DTS_E_TXFUZZYLOOKUP_PASSTHRU_COLUMN_NOT_FOUND | The source lineage id '%1!d!' specified for property '%2' on output column '%3' was not found in the input column collection. This occurs when the input column id specified on an output column as a passthrough column is not found in the set of inputs. |
0xC0208313 -1071611117 |
DTS_E_TXFUZZYLOOKUP_INDEXED_COLUMN_NOT_FOUND_IN_REF_TABLE | The column "%1" in the pre-built index "%2" was not found in the reference table/query. This happens if the schema/query of the reference table has changed since the pre-existing match index was built. |
0xC0208314 -1071611116 |
DTS_E_TXFUZZYLOOKUP_TOKEN_TOO_LONG | The component encountered a token that was larger than 2147483647 characters. |
0xC0208315 -1071611115 |
DTS_E_RAWMETADATAMISMATCHTYPE | The output file cannot be appended. Column "%1" matches by name, but the column in the file has type %2 and the input column has type %3. The metadata for the column does not match on data type. |
0xC0208316 -1071611114 |
DTS_E_RAWMETADATAMISMATCHSIZE | The output file cannot be appended. Column "%1" matches by name, but the column in the file has maximum length %2!d! and the input column has maximum length %3!d!. The metadata for the column does not match in length. |
0xC0208317 -1071611113 |
DTS_E_RAWMETADATAMISMATCHCODEPAGE | The output file cannot be appended. Column "%1" matches by name, but the column in the file has code page %2!d! and the input column has code page %3!d!. The metadata for the named column does not match on code page. |
0xC0208318 -1071611112 |
DTS_E_RAWMETADATAMISMATCHPRECISION | The output file cannot be appended. Column "%1" matches by name, but the column in the file has precision %2!d! and the input column has precision %3!d!. The metadata for the named column does not match on precision. |
0xC0208319 -1071611111 |
DTS_E_RAWMETADATAMISMATCHSCALE | The output file cannot be appended. Column "%1" matches by name, but the column in the file has scale %2!d! and the input column has scale %3!d!. The metadata for the named column does not match on scale. |
0xC020831A -1071611110 |
DTS_E_COULD_NOT_DETERMINE_DATASOURCE_DBMSNAME | Unable to determine the DBMS name and version on "%1". This occurs if the IDBProperties on the connection did not return information needed to verify the DBMS name and version. |
0xC020831B -1071611109 |
DTS_E_INCORRECT_SQL_SERVER_VERSION | The DBMS type or version of "%1" is not supported. A connection to Microsoft SQL Server version 8.0 or later is required. This occurs if IDBProperties on the connection did not return a the correct version. |
0xC020831D -1071611107 |
DTS_E_CANTDELETEERRORCOLUMNS | The %1 is a special error output column and cannot be deleted. |
0xC020831E -1071611106 |
DTS_E_UNEXPECTEDCOLUMNDATATYPE | The data type specified for column "%1" is not the expected type "%2". |
0xC020831F -1071611105 |
DTS_E_INPUTCOLUMNNOTFOUND | The input column lineage ID "%1" referenced by property "%2" on output column "%3" could not be located in the input column collection. |
0xC0208320 -1071611104 |
DTS_E_TXGROUPDUPS_INPUTCOLUMNNOTJOINED | The input column "%1" referenced by the "%2" property on output column "%3" must have property ToBeCleaned=True and have a valid ExactFuzzy property value. |
0xC0208322 -1071611102 |
DTS_E_TXFUZZYLOOKUP_REF_TABLE_MISSING_IDENTITY_INDEX | The reference table '%1' does not have a clustered index on an integer identity column, which is required if the property 'CopyRefTable' is set to FALSE. If CopyRefTable is false, the reference table must have a clustered index on an integer identity column. |
0xC0208323 -1071611101 |
DTS_E_TXFUZZYLOOKUP_REF_CONTAINS_NON_INTEGER_IDENT_COLUMN | The reference table '%1' contains a non-integer type identity column which is not supported. Use a view of the table without the column '%2'. This error occurs because when a copy is made of the reference table, an integer identity column is added, and only one identity column is allowed per table. |
0xC0208324 -1071611100 |
DTS_E_TXFUZZY_MATCHCONTRIBUTION_AND_HIERARCHY_SPECIFIED | Both MatchContribution and hierarchy information cannot be specified at the same time. This is not allowed because these properties are both weighing factors for scoring. |
0xC0208325 -1071611099 |
DTS_E_TXFUZZY_HIERARCHY_INCORRECT | Levels in hierarchy should be unique numbers . Valid level in hierarchy values are integers greater than or equal to 1. The smaller the number is, the lower the column is in the hierarchy. The default value is 0, indicating that the column is not part of a hierarchy. Overlaps and gaps are not allowed. |
0xC0208326 -1071611098 |
DTS_E_TXFUZZYGROUPING_INSUFFICIENT_FUZZY_JOIN_COLUMNS | No columns to fuzzy group on were defined. There must be at least one input column with column properties ToBeCleaned=true and ExactFuzzy=2. |
0xC0208329 -1071611095 |
DTS_E_TXFUZZYLOOKUP_COLUMNINVALID | The column with ID '%1!d!' was not valid for an undetermined reason. |
0xC020832A -1071611094 |
DTS_E_TXFUZZYLOOKUP_UNSUPPORTEDDATATYPE | The data type of column '%1' is not supported. |
0xC020832C -1071611092 |
DTS_E_TXFUZZYLOOKUP_OUTPUTLENGTHMISMATCH | The length of output column '%1' is less than that of its source column '%2'. |
0xC020832F -1071611089 |
0xC0208330 -1071611088 |
0xC0208331 -1071611087 |
DTS_E_TERMEXTRACTION_INCORRECTDATATYPEOFINPUTCOLUMN | The input column can only have DT_WSTR or DT_NTEXT as its data type. |
0xC0208332 -1071611086 |
DTS_E_TERMEXTRACTION_INCORRECTDATATYPEOFOUTPUTCOLUMN | The output column [%1!d!] can only have '%2' as its data type. |
0xC0208333 -1071611085 |
DTS_E_TERMEXTRACTION_INCORRECTDATATYPEOFREFERENCECOLUMN | The reference column can only have DT_STR or DT_WSTR as its data type. |
0xC0208334 -1071611084 |
DTS_E_TERMEXTRACTION_UNABLETOLOCATEREFCOLUMN | An error occurred while locating the reference column '%1'. |
0xC0208335 -1071611083 |
DTS_E_TERMEXTRACTION_INCORRECTTERMTYPE | The Term Type of the transformation can only be WordOnly, PhraseOnly or WordPhrase. |
0xC0208336 -1071611082 |
DTS_E_TERMEXTRACTION_INCORRECTFREQUENCYTHRESHOLD | The value of Frequency Threshold should not be lower than '%1!d!'. |
0xC0208337 -1071611081 |
DTS_E_TERMEXTRACTION_INCORRECTMAXLENOFTERM | The value of Max Length of Term should not be lower than '%1!d!'. |
0xC0208338 -1071611080 |
DTS_E_TERMEXTRACTION_TOOFEWREFERENCECOLUMNS | Term Extraction reference metadata contains too few columns. |
0xC0208339 -1071611079 |
DTS_E_TERMEXTRACTION_MALLOCERR_REFERENCECOLUMNINFO | An error occurred while allocating memory. |
0xC020833A -1071611078 |
DTS_E_TERMEXTRACTION_MAINWORKSPACE_CREATEERR | An error occurred while creating a workspace buffer. |
0xC020833B -1071611077 |
DTS_E_TERMEXTRACTION_OLEDBERR_CREATEBINDING | An OLEDB error occurred while creating bindings. |
0xC020833C -1071611076 |
DTS_E_TERMEXTRACTION_OLEDBERR_GETIROWSET | An OLEDB error occurred while fetching rowsets. |
0xC020833D -1071611075 |
DTS_E_TERMEXTRACTION_OLEDBERR_FILLBUFFER | An OLEDB error occurred while populating internal cache. |
0xC020833E -1071611074 |
DTS_E_TERMEXTRACTION_PROCESSERR | An error occurred while extracting terms on row %1!ld!, column %2!ld!. The error code returned was 0x%3!8.8X!. Please remove it from the input as a work-around. |
0xC020833F -1071611073 |
DTS_E_TERMEXTRACTIONORLOOKUP_PROCESSERR_DEPOSITFULL | The number of the term candidates exceeds its limit, 4G. |
0xC0208340 -1071611072 |
DTS_E_TERMEXTRACTION_INVALIDOUTTERMTABLEORCOLUMN | The reference table, view, or column that is used for Exclusion Terms is not valid. |
0xC0208341 -1071611071 |
DTS_E_TXFUZZYLOOKUP_STRINGCOLUMNTOOLONG | The length of string column '%1' exceeds 4000 characters. A conversion from DT_STR to DT_WSTR is necessary, so a truncation would occur. Either reduce the column width or use only DT_WSTR column types. |
0xC0208342 -1071611070 |
DTS_E_TERMEXTRACTION_OUTTERMTABLEANDCOLUMNNOTSET | The reference table, view, or column to be used for an Exclusion Terms has not been set. |
0xC0208343 -1071611069 |
DTS_E_TERMLOOKUP_TOOFEWOUTPUTCOLUMNS | Term Lookup contains too few output columns. |
0xC0208344 -1071611068 |
DTS_E_TERMLOOKUP_INCORRECTDATATYPEOFREFERENCECOLUMN | The reference column can only have DT_STR or DT_WSTR as its data type. |
0xC0208345 -1071611067 |
DTS_E_TERMLOOKUP_UNABLETOLOCATEREFCOLUMN | An error occurred while locating the reference column '%1'. |
0xC0208346 -1071611066 |
DTS_E_TERMLOOKUP_TOOFEWREFERENCECOLUMNS | Term Lookup reference metadata contains too few columns. |
0xC0208347 -1071611065 |
DTS_E_TERMEXTRACTIONORLOOKUP_TESTOFFSETERROR | An error occurred while normalizing words. |
0xC0208348 -1071611064 |
DTS_E_TERMLOOKUP_MAINWORKSPACE_CREATEERR | An error occurred while creating a workspace buffer. |
0xC0208349 -1071611063 |
DTS_E_TERMLOOKUP_OLEDBERR_CREATEBINDING | An OLEDB error occurred while creating bindings. |
0xC020834A -1071611062 |
DTS_E_TERMLOOKUP_OLEDBERR_GETIROWSET | An OLEDB error occurred while fetching rowsets. |
0xC020834B -1071611061 |
DTS_E_TERMLOOKUP_OLEDBERR_FILLBUFFER | An OLEDB error occurred while populating internal cache. |
0xC020834C -1071611060 |
DTS_E_TERMLOOKUP_PROCESSERR | An error occurred while looking up terms on row %1!ld!, column %2!ld!. The error code returned was 0x%3!8.8X!. Please remove it from the input as a work-around. |
0xC020834D -1071611059 |
DTS_E_TERMLOOKUP_TEXTIDINPUTCOLUMNNOTMAPPEDWITHOUTPUTCOLUMN | At least one Passthrough column is not mapped to an output column. |
0xC020834E -1071611058 |
DTS_E_TERMLOOKUP_INCORRECTEXACTNUMBEROFTEXTCOLUMNS | There should be exactly one input column mapped to one reference column. |
0xC020834F -1071611057 |
DTS_E_TERMLOOKUP_TEXTINPUTCOLUMNHAVEINCORRECTDATATYPE | The input column mapped to a reference column can only have DT_NTXT or DT_WSTR as its data type. |
0xC0208354 -1071611052 |
DTS_E_TXFUZZYLOOKUP_INVALID_MATCH_INDEX_NAME | The reference table name "%1" is not a valid SQL identifier. This error occurs if the table name cannot be parsed from the input string. There may be unquoted spaces in the name. Verify that the name is correctly quoted. |
0xC0208355 -1071611051 |
DTS_E_TERMEXTRACTION_TERMFILTERSTARTITERATIONERROR | An error occurred while the Term Filter was starting its iteration. |
0xC0208356 -1071611050 |
DTS_E_TERMEXTRACTION_EMPTYTERMRESULTERROR | An error occurred while reclaiming the buffer used for caching terms. The error code returned was 0x%1!8.8X!. |
0xC0208357 -1071611049 |
DTS_E_TERMEXTRACTION_STDLENGTHERROR | An std::length_error occurred from the STL containers. |
0xC0208358 -1071611048 |
DTS_E_TERMLOOKUP_SAVEWORDWITHPUNCTERROR | An error occurred while saving words with punctuation characters. The error code returned was 0x%1!8.8X!. |
0xC0208359 -1071611047 |
DTS_E_TERMLOOKUP_ADDREFERENCETERM | An error occurred while processing the %1!ld!th reference term. The error code returned was 0x%2!8.8X!. Please remove the reference term from your reference table as a work-around. |
0xC020835A -1071611046 |
DTS_E_TERMLOOKUP_SORREFERENCETERM | An error occurred while sorting reference terms. The error code returned was 0x%1!8.8X!. |
0xC020835B -1071611045 |
DTS_E_TERMLOOKUP_COUNTTERM | An error occurred while counting term candidates. The error code returned was 0x%1!8.8X!. |
0xC020835C -1071611044 |
DTS_E_FUZZYLOOKUP_REFERENCECACHEFULL | Fuzzy Lookup was unable to load the entire reference table into main memory as is required when the Exhaustive property is enabled. Either we ran out of system memory or a limit was specified for MaxMemoryUsage which was not sufficient to load the reference table. Either set MaxMemoryUsage to 0 or increase it significantly. Alternatively, disable Exhaustive. |
0xC020835D -1071611043 |
DTS_E_TERMLOOKUP_INITIALIZE | An error occurred while initializing the engine of Term Lookup. The error code returned was 0x%1!8.8X!. |
0xC020835E -1071611042 |
DTS_E_TERMLOOKUP_PROCESSSENTENCE | An error occurred while processing sentences. The error code returned was 0x%1!8.8X!. |
0xC020835F -1071611041 |
DTS_E_TEXTMININGBASE_APPENDTOTEMPBUFFER | An error occurred while adding strings to an internal buffer. The error code returned was 0x%1!8.8X!. |
0xC0208360 -1071611040 |
DTS_E_TERMEXTRACTION_SAVEPOSTAG | An error occurred while saving part-of-speech tags from an internal buffer. The error code returned was 0x%1!8.8X!. |
0xC0208361 -1071611039 |
DTS_E_TERMEXTRACTION_COUNTTERM | An error occurred while counting term candidates. The error code returned was 0x%1!8.8X!. |
0xC0208362 -1071611038 |
DTS_E_TERMEXTRACTION_INITPOSPROCESSOR | An error occurred while initializing the part-of-speech processor. The error code returned was 0x%1!8.8X!. |
0xC0208363 -1071611037 |
DTS_E_TERMEXTRACTION_INITFSA | An error occurred while loading the finite state automata. The error code returned was 0x%1!8.8X!. |
0xC0208364 -1071611036 |
DTS_E_TERMEXTRACTION_INITIALIZE | An error occurred while initializing the engine of Term Extraction. The error code returned was 0x%1!8.8X!. |
0xC0208365 -1071611035 |
DTS_E_TERMEXTRACTION_PROCESSSENTENCE | An error occurred while processing within a sentence. The error code returned was 0x%1!8.8X!. |
0xC0208366 -1071611034 |
DTS_E_TERMEXTRACTION_INITPOSTAGVECTOR | An error occurred while initializing the part-of-speech processor. The error code returned was 0x%1!8.8X!. |
0xC0208367 -1071611033 |
DTS_E_TERMEXTRACTION_SAVEPTRSTRING | An error occurred while adding strings to an internal buffer. The error code returned was 0x%1!8.8X!. |
0xC0208368 -1071611032 |
DTS_E_TERMEXTRACTION_ADDWORDTODECODER | An error occurred while adding words to a statistical decoder. The error code returned was 0x%1!8.8X!. |
0xC0208369 -1071611031 |
DTS_E_TERMEXTRACTION_DECODE | An error occurred while decoding for a sentence. The error code returned was 0x%1!8.8X!. |
0xC020836A -1071611030 |
DTS_E_TERMEXTRACTION_SETEXCLUDEDTERM | An error occurred while setting exclusion terms. The error code returned was 0x%1!8.8X!. |
0xC020836B -1071611029 |
DTS_E_TERMEXTRACTION_PROCESSDOCUMENT | An error occurred while processing a document in the input. The error code returned was 0x%1!8.8X!. |
0xC020836C -1071611028 |
DTS_E_TEXTMININGBASE_TESTPERIOD | An error occurred while testing whether a dot is a part of an acronym. The error code returned was 0x%1!8.8X!. |
0xC020836D -1071611027 |
DTS_E_TERMLOOKUP_ENGINEADDREFERENCETERM | An error occurred while setting reference terms. The error code returned was 0x%1!8.8X!. |
0xC020836E -1071611026 |
DTS_E_TERMLOOKUP_PROCESSDOCUMENT | An error occurred while processing a document in the input. The error code returned was 0x%1!8.8X!. |
0xC020836F -1071611025 |
DTS_E_INVALIDBULKINSERTPROPERTYVALUE | The value for the property %1 is %2!d!, which is not allowed. The value must be greater than or equal to %3!d!. |
0xC0208370 -1071611024 |
DTS_E_INVALIDBULKINSERTFIRSTROWLASTROWVALUES | The value for the property %1 is %2!d!, which must be less than or equal to the value of %3!d! for property %4. |
0xC0208371 -1071611023 |
DTS_E_FUZZYLOOKUPUNABLETODELETEEXISTINGMATCHINDEX | An error was encountered when trying to delete the existing fuzzy match index named "%1". It is possible that this table was not created by Fuzzy Lookup (or this version of Fuzzy Lookup), it has been damaged, or there is another problem. Try manually deleting the table named "%2" or specify a different name for the MatchIndexName property. |
0xC0208372 -1071611022 |
DTS_E_TERMEXTRACTION_INCORRECTSCORETYPE | The Score Type of the transformation can only be Frequency or TFIDF. |
0xC0208373 -1071611021 |
DTS_E_FUZZYLOOKUPREFTABLETOOBIG | The reference table specified has too many rows. Fuzzy Lookup only works with reference tables having less than 1 billion rows. Consider using a smaller view of your reference table. |
0xC0208374 -1071611020 |
DTS_E_FUZZYLOOKUPUNABLETODETERMINEREFERENCETABLESIZE | Unable to determine the size of the reference table '%1'. It is possible that this object is a view and not a table. Fuzzy Lookup does not support views when CopyReferentaceTable=false. Make sure that the table exists and that CopyReferenceTable=true. |
0xC0208377 -1071611017 |
DTS_E_XMLSRCOUTPUTCOLUMNDATATYPENOTSUPPORTED | The SSIS Data Flow Task data type "%1" on the %2 is not supported for the %3. |
0xC0208378 -1071611016 |
DTS_E_XMLSRCCANNOTFINDCOLUMNTOSETDATATYPE | Unable to set data type properties for the output column with ID %1!d! on the output with ID %2!d!. The output or column could not be found. |
0xC0208379 -1071611015 |
DTS_E_CUSTOMPROPERTYISREADONLY | The value of custom property "%1" on the %2 cannot be changed. |
0xC020837A -1071611014 |
DTS_E_OUTPUTCOLUMNHASNOERRORCOLUMN | The %1 on the non-error output has no corresponding output column on the error output. |
0xC020837B -1071611013 |
DTS_E_ERRORCOLUMNHASNOOUTPUTCOLUMN | The %1 on the error output has no corresponding output column on the non-error output. |
0xC020837C -1071611012 |
DTS_E_ERRORCOLUMNHASINCORRECTPROPERTIES | The %1 on the error output has properties that do not match the properties of its corresponding data source column. |
0xC020837D -1071611011 |
DTS_E_ADOSRCOUTPUTCOLUMNDATATYPECANNOTBECHANGED | The data type of output columns on the %1 cannot be changed, except for DT_WSTR and DT_NTEXT columns. |
0xC020837F -1071611009 |
DTS_E_ADOSRCDATATYPEMISMATCH | The data type of "%1" does not match the data type "%2" of the source column "%3". |
0xC0208380 -1071611008 |
DTS_E_ADOSRCCOLUMNNOTINSCHEMAROWSET | The %1 does not have a matching source column in the schema. |
0xC0208381 -1071611007 |
DTS_E_TERMLOOKUP_INVALIDREFERENCETERMTABLEORCOLUMN | The reference table/view or column used for the reference terms is invalid. |
0xC0208382 -1071611006 |
DTS_E_TERMLOOKUP_REFERENCETERMTABLEANDCOLUMNNOTSET | The reference table/view or column used for the reference terms has not been set. |
0xC0208383 -1071611005 |
DTS_E_COLUMNMAPPEDTOALREADYMAPPEDEXTERNALMETADATACOLUMN | The %1 is mapped to the external metadata column with ID %2!ld!, which is already mapped to another column. |
0xC0208384 -1071611004 |
DTS_E_TXFUZZYLOOKUP_TOOMANYPREFIXES | The SQL object name '%1' specified for property '%2' contains more than the maximum number of prefixes. The maximum is 2. |
0xC0208385 -1071611003 |
DTS_E_MGDSRCSTATIC_OVERFLOW | The value was too large to fit in the column. |
0xC0208386 -1071611002 |
0xC0208387 -1071611001 |
DTS_E_DATAREADERDESTREADERISATEND | The SSIS IDataReader is past the end of the result set. |
0xC0208388 -1071611000 |
DTS_E_DATAREADERDESTINVALIDCOLUMNORDINAL | The ordinal position of the column is not valid. |
0xC0208389 -1071610999 |
DTS_E_DATAREADERDESTCANNOTCONVERT | Cannot convert the %1 from data type "%2" to data type "%3". |
0xC020838A -1071610998 |
DTS_E_DATAREADERDESTINVALIDCODEPAGE | The %1 has unsupported code page %2!d!. |
0xC020838B -1071610997 |
0xC020838D -1071610995 |
DTS_E_TXTERMLOOKUP_MISMATCHED_COLUMN_METADATA | Columns with lineage IDs %1!d! and %2!d! have mismatched metadata. The input column that is mapped to an output column does not have the same metadata (datatype, precision, scale, length, or codepage). |
0xC020838E -1071610994 |
DTS_E_DATAREADERDESTREADERTIMEOUT | The SSIS IDataReader is closed. The read timeout has expired. |
0xC020838F -1071610993 |
DTS_E_ADOSRCINVALIDSQLCOMMAND | An error occurred executing the provided SQL command: "%1". %2 |
0xC0208390 -1071610992 |
DTS_E_JOINTYPEDOESNTMATCHETI | The JoinType property specified for input column '%1' differs from the JoinType specified for the corresponding reference table column when the Match Index was initially created. Either rebuild the Match Index with the given JoinType or change the JoinType to match the type used when the Match Index was created. |
0xC0208392 -1071610990 |
DTS_E_SQLCEDESTDATATYPENOTSUPPORTED | The data type "%1" found on column "%2" is not supported for the %3. |
0xC0208393 -1071610989 |
DTS_E_DATAREADERDESTDATATYPENOTSUPPORTED | The data type "%1" found on %2 is not supported for the %3. |
0xC0208394 -1071610988 |
DTS_E_RECORDSETDESTDATATYPENOTSUPPORTED | The data type of the %1 is not supported for the %2. |
0xC0208446 -1071610810 |
DTS_E_TXSCRIPTMIGRATIONCOULDNOTADDREFERENCE | Failed to add project reference "%1" while migrating %2. Migration might need to be completed manually. |
0xC0208447 -1071610809 |
DTS_E_TXSCRIPTMIGRATIONMULTIPLEENTRYPOINTSFOUND | Multiple entry points with the name "%1" were found during the migration of %2. Migration might need to be completed manually. |
0xC0208448 -1071610808 |
DTS_E_TXSCRIPTMIGRATIONNOENTRYPOINTFOUND | No entry point was found during the migration of %1. Migration might need to be completed manually. |
0xC020844B -1071610805 |
DTS_E_ADODESTINSERTIONFAILURE | An exception has occurred during data insertion, the message returned from the provider is: %1 |
0xC020844C -1071610804 |
DTS_E_ADODESTCONNECTIONTYPENOTSUPPORTED | Failed to retrieve the provider invariant name from %1, it is currently not supported by ADO NET Destination component |
0xC020844D -1071610803 |
DTS_E_ADODESTARGUMENTEXCEPTION | An argument exception has occurred while data provider tried to insert data to destination. The returned message is : %1 |
0xC020844E -1071610802 |
DTS_E_ADODESTWRONGBATCHSIZE | The BatchSize property must be a non-negative integer |
0xC020844F -1071610801 |
DTS_E_ADODESTERRORUPDATEROW | An error has occurred while sending this row to destination data source. |
0xC0208450 -1071610800 |
DTS_E_ADODESTEXECUTEREADEREXCEPTION | Executing tSQL command throws an exception, the message is : %1 |
0xC0208451 -1071610799 |
DTS_E_ADODESTDATATYPENOTSUPPORTED | The data type "%1" found on column "%2" is not supported for the %3. |
0xC0208452 -1071610798 |
DTS_E_ADODESTFAILEDTOACQUIRECONNECTION | ADO NET Destination has failed to acquire the connection %1. The connection may have been corrupted. |
0xC0208453 -1071610797 |
DTS_E_ADODESTNOTMANAGEDCONNECTION | The specified connection %1 is not managed, please use managed connection for ADO NET destination. |
0xC0208454 -1071610796 |
DTS_E_ADODESTNOERROROUTPUT | The destination component does not have an error output. It may have been corrupted. |
0xC0208455 -1071610795 |
DTS_E_ADODESTNOLINEAGEID | The lineageID %1 associated with external column %2 does not exist at run time. |
0xC0208456 -1071610794 |
DTS_E_ADODESTEXTERNALCOLNOTEXIST | The %1 does not exist in the database. It may have been removed or renamed. |
0xC0208457 -1071610793 |
DTS_E_ADODESTGETSCHEMATABLEFAILED | Failed to get properties of external columns. The table name you entered may not exist, or you do not have SELECT permission on the table object and an alternative attempt to get column properties through connection has failed. Detailed error messages are: %1 |
0xC0208458 -1071610792 |
DTS_E_ADODESTCOLUMNERRORDISPNOTSUPPORTED | Input column error disposition is not supported by ADO NET Destination component. |
0xC0208459 -1071610791 |
DTS_E_ADODESTCOLUMNTRUNDISPNOTSUPPORTED | Input column truncation disposition is not supported by ADO NET Destination component. |
0xC020845A -1071610790 |
DTS_E_ADODESTINPUTTRUNDISPNOTSUPPORTED | Input truncation row disposition is not supported by ADO NET Destination component. |
0xC020845B -1071610789 |
DTS_E_ADODESTTABLENAMEERROR | The Table or View name is not expected. \n\t If you are quoting the table name, please use the prefix %1 and the suffix %2 of your selected data provider for quotation. \n\t If you are using multipart name, please use at most three parts for the table name. |
0xC0209001 -1071607807 |
DTS_E_FAILEDTOFINDCOLUMNINBUFFER | Failed to find column "%1" with lineage ID %2!d! in the buffer. The buffer manager returned error code 0x%3!8.8X!. |
0xC0209002 -1071607806 |
DTS_E_FAILEDTOGETCOLUMNINFOFROMBUFFER | Failed to get information for column "%1" (%2!d!) from the buffer. The error code returned was 0x%3!8.8X!. |
0xC0209011 -1071607791 |
DTS_E_TXAGG_ARITHMETICOVERFLOW | Arithmetic overflow encountered while aggregating "%1". |
0xC0209012 -1071607790 |
DTS_E_FAILEDTOGETCOLINFO | Failed to get information for row %1!ld!, column %2!ld! from the buffer. The error code returned was 0x%3!8.8X!. |
0xC0209013 -1071607789 |
DTS_E_FAILEDTOSETCOLINFO | Failed to set information for row %1!ld!, column %2!ld! into the buffer. The error code returned was 0x%3!8.8X!. |
0xC0209015 -1071607787 |
DTS_E_REQUIREDBUFFERISNOTAVAILBLE | A required buffer is not available. |
0xC0209016 -1071607786 |
DTS_E_FAILEDTOGETBUFFERBOUNDARYINFO | The attempt to get buffer boundary information failed with error code 0x%1!8.8X!. |
0xC0209017 -1071607785 |
DTS_E_FAILEDTOSETBUFFERENDOFROWSET | Setting the end of rowset for the buffer failed with error code 0x%1!8.8X!. |
0xC0209018 -1071607784 |
DTS_E_FAILEDTOGETDATAFORERROROUTPUTBUFFER | Failed to get data for the error output buffer. |
0xC0209019 -1071607783 |
DTS_E_FAILEDTOREMOVEROWFROMBUFFER | Removing a row from the buffer failed with error code 0x%1!8.8X!. |
0xC020901B -1071607781 |
DTS_E_FAILEDTOSETBUFFERERRORINFO | The attempt to set buffer error information failed with error code 0x%1!8.8X!. |
0xC020901C -1071607780 |
DTS_E_COLUMNSTATUSERROR | There was an error with %1 on %2. The column status returned was: "%3". |
0xC020901D -1071607779 |
DTS_E_TXLOOKUP_METADATAXMLCACHEERR | Unable to cache reference metadata. |
0xC020901E -1071607778 |
DTS_E_TXLOOKUP_ROWLOOKUPERROR | Row yielded no match during lookup. |
0xC020901F -1071607777 |
DTS_E_INVALIDERRORDISPOSITION | The %1 has an invalid error or truncation row disposition. |
0xC0209022 -1071607774 |
DTS_E_FAILEDTODIRECTERRORROW | Directing the row to the error output failed with error code 0x%1!8.8X!. |
0xC0209023 -1071607773 |
DTS_E_FAILEDTOPREPARECOLUMNSTATUSESFORINSERT | Preparing column statuses for insert failed with error code 0x%1!8.8X!. |
0xC0209024 -1071607772 |
DTS_E_FAILEDTOFINDCOLUMNBYLINEAGEID | An attempt to find %1 with lineage ID %2!d! in the Data Flow Task buffer failed with error code 0x%3!8.8X!. |
0xC0209025 -1071607771 |
DTS_E_FAILEDTOFINDNONSPECIALERRORCOLUMN | Failed to find any non-special error column in %1. |
0xC0209029 -1071607767 |
DTS_E_INDUCEDTRANSFORMFAILUREONERROR | SSIS Error Code DTS_E_INDUCEDTRANSFORMFAILUREONERROR. The "%1" failed because error code 0x%2!8.8X! occurred, and the error row disposition on "%3" specifies failure on error. An error occurred on the specified object of the specified component. There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure. |
0xC020902A -1071607766 |
DTS_E_INDUCEDTRANSFORMFAILUREONTRUNCATION | The "%1" failed because truncation occurred, and the truncation row disposition on "%2" specifies failure on truncation. A truncation error occurred on the specified object of the specified component. |
0xC020902B -1071607765 |
DTS_E_TXSPLITEXPRESSIONEVALUATEDTONULL | The expression "%1" on "%2" evaluated to NULL, but the "%3" requires a Boolean results. Modify the error row disposition on the output to treat this result as False (Ignore Failure) or to redirect this row to the error output (Redirect Row). The expression results must be Boolean for a Conditional Split. A NULL expression result is an error. |
0xC020902C -1071607764 |
DTS_E_TXSPLITSTATIC_EXPRESSIONEVALUATEDTONULL | The expression evaluated to NULL, but a Boolean result is required. Modify the error row disposition on the output to treat this result as False (Ignore Failure) or to redirect this row to the error output (Redirect Row). The expression results must be Boolean for a Conditional Split. A NULL expression result is an error. |
0xC020902D -1071607763 |
DTS_E_UTF16BIGENDIANFORMATNOTSUPPORTED | The file format of UTF-16 big endian is not supported. Only UTF-16 little endian format is supported. |
0xC020902E -1071607762 |
DTS_E_UTF8FORMATNOTSUPPORTEDASUNICODE | The file format of UTF-8 is not supported as Unicode. |
0xC020902F -1071607761 |
DTS_E_DTPXMLCANTREADIDATTR | Cannot read ID attribute. |
0xC020903E -1071607746 |
DTS_E_TXLOOKUP_INDEXCOLUMNREUSED | The cache index column %1 is referenced by more than one lookup input column. |
0xC020903F -1071607745 |
DTS_E_TXLOOKUP_INDEXCOLUMNSMISMATCH | Lookup does not reference all cache connection manager index columns. Number of joined columns in lookup: %1!d!. Number of index columns: %2!d!. |
0xC0209069 -1071607703 |
DTS_E_COMMANDDESTINATIONADAPTERSTATIC_CANTCONVERTVALUE | The data value cannot be converted for reasons other than sign mismatch or data overflow. |
0xC020906A -1071607702 |
DTS_E_COMMANDDESTINATIONADAPTERSTATIC_SCHEMAVIOLATION | The data value violated the schema constraint. |
0xC020906B -1071607701 |
0xC020906C -1071607700 |
DTS_E_COMMANDDESTINATIONADAPTERSTATIC_SIGNMISMATCH | Conversion failed because the data value was signed and the type used by the provider was unsigned. |
0xC020906D -1071607699 |
DTS_E_COMMANDDESTINATIONADAPTERSTATIC_DATAOVERFLOW | Conversion failed because the data value overflowed the type used by the provider. |
0xC020906E -1071607698 |
0xC020906F -1071607697 |
DTS_E_COMMANDDESTINATIONADAPTERSTATIC_PERMISSIONDENIED | The user did not have the correct permissions to write to the column. |
0xC0209070 -1071607696 |
DTS_E_COMMANDDESTINATIONADAPTERSTATIC_INTEGRITYVIOLATION | The data value violated the integrity constraints for the column. |
0xC0209071 -1071607695 |
0xC0209072 -1071607694 |
DTS_E_OLEDBSOURCEADAPTERSTATIC_CANTCONVERTVALUE | The data value cannot be converted for reasons other than sign mismatch or data overflow. |
0xC0209073 -1071607693 |
0xC0209074 -1071607692 |
DTS_E_OLEDBSOURCEADAPTERSTATIC_SIGNMISMATCH | Conversion failed because the data value was signed and the type used by the provider was unsigned. |
0xC0209075 -1071607691 |
DTS_E_OLEDBSOURCEADAPTERSTATIC_DATAOVERFLOW | Conversion failed because the data value overflowed the type used by the provider. |
0xC0209076 -1071607690 |
DTS_E_OLEDBDESTINATIONADAPTERSTATIC_SCHEMAVIOLATION | The data value violated the schema constraint. |
0xC0209077 -1071607689 |
DTS_E_OLEDBDESTINATIONADAPTERSTATIC_CANTCONVERTVALUE | The data value cannot be converted for reasons other than sign mismatch or data overflow. |
0xC0209078 -1071607688 |
0xC0209079 -1071607687 |
DTS_E_OLEDBDESTINATIONADAPTERSTATIC_SIGNMISMATCH | Conversion failed because the data value was signed and the type used by the provider was unsigned. |
0xC020907A -1071607686 |
DTS_E_OLEDBDESTINATIONADAPTERSTATIC_DATAOVERFLOW | Conversion failed because the data value overflowed the type used by the provider. |
0xC020907B -1071607685 |
0xC020907C -1071607684 |
DTS_E_OLEDBDESTINATIONADAPTERSTATIC_PERMISSIONDENIED | The user did not have the correct permissions to write to the column. |
0xC020907D -1071607683 |
DTS_E_OLEDBDESTINATIONADAPTERSTATIC_INTEGRITYVIOLATION | The data value violates integrity constraints. |
0xC020907F -1071607681 |
DTS_E_TXDATACONVERTSTATIC_CANTCONVERTVALUE | The data value cannot be converted for reasons other than sign mismatch or data overflow. |
0xC0209080 -1071607680 |
0xC0209081 -1071607679 |
DTS_E_TXDATACONVERTSTATIC_SIGNMISMATCH | Conversion failed because the data value was signed and the type used by the provider was unsigned. |
0xC0209082 -1071607678 |
DTS_E_TXDATACONVERTSTATIC_DATAOVERFLOW | Conversion failed because the data value overflowed the type used by the data conversion transform. |
0xC0209083 -1071607677 |
0xC0209084 -1071607676 |
DTS_E_FLATFILESOURCEADAPTERSTATIC_CANTCONVERTVALUE | The data value cannot be converted for reasons other than sign mismatch or data overflow. |
0xC0209085 -1071607675 |
0xC0209086 -1071607674 |
DTS_E_FLATFILESOURCEADAPTERSTATIC_SIGNMISMATCH | Conversion failed because the data value was signed and the type used by the flat file source adapter was unsigned. |
0xC0209087 -1071607673 |
DTS_E_FLATFILESOURCEADAPTERSTATIC_DATAOVERFLOW | Conversion failed because the data value overflowed the type used by the flat file source adapter. |
0xC020908E -1071607666 |
0xC0209090 -1071607664 |
DTS_E_FILEOPENERR_FORREAD | Opening the file "%1" for reading failed with error code 0x%2!8.8X!. |
0xC0209091 -1071607663 |
0xC0209092 -1071607662 |
DTS_E_FILEOPENERR_FORWRITE | Opening the file "%1" for writing failed with error code 0x%2!8.8X!. |
0xC0209093 -1071607661 |
0xC0209094 -1071607660 |
0xC0209095 -1071607659 |
0xC0209099 -1071607655 |
DTS_E_DTPXMLINVALIDPROPERTYARRAYTOOMANYVALUES | Too many array elements were found when parsing a property of type array. The elementCount is less than the number of array elements found. |
0xC020909A -1071607654 |
DTS_E_DTPXMLINVALIDPROPERTYARRAYNOTENOUGHVALUES | Too few array elements were found when parsing a property of type array. The elementCount is more than the number of array elements found. |
0xC020909E -1071607650 |
DTS_E_FILEOPENERR_FORWRITE_FILENOTFOUND | Opening the file "%1" for writing failed. The file cannot be found. |
0xC020909F -1071607649 |
DTS_E_TXFILEEXTRACTORSTATIC_FILEOPENERR_FORWRITE_FILENOTFOUND | Opening the file for writing failed. The file cannot be found. |
0xC02090A0 -1071607648 |
DTS_E_FILEOPENERR_FORWRITE_PATHNOTFOUND | Opening the file "%1" for writing failed. The path cannot be found. |
0xC02090A1 -1071607647 |
DTS_E_TXFILEEXTRACTORSTATIC_FILEOPENERR_FORWRITE_PATHNOTFOUND | Opening the file for writing failed. The path cannot be found. |
0xC02090A2 -1071607646 |
DTS_E_FILEOPENERR_FORWRITE_TOOMANYOPENFILES | Opening the file "%1" for writing failed. There are too many files open. |
0xC02090A3 -1071607645 |
DTS_E_TXFILEEXTRACTORSTATIC_FILEOPENERR_FORWRITE_TOOMANYOPENFILES | Opening the file for writing failed. There are too many files open. |
0xC02090A4 -1071607644 |
DTS_E_FILEOPENERR_FORWRITE_ACCESSDENIED | Opening the file "%1" for writing failed. You do not have the correct permissions. |
0xC02090A5 -1071607643 |
DTS_E_TXFILEEXTRACTORSTATIC_FILEOPENERR_FORWRITE_ACCESSDENIED | Opening the file for writing failed. You do not have the correct permissions. |
0xC02090A6 -1071607642 |
DTS_E_FILEOPENERR_FORWRITE_FILEEXISTS | Opening the file "%1" for writing failed. The file exists and cannot be overwritten. If the AllowAppend property is FALSE and the ForceTruncate property is set to FALSE, the existence of the file will cause this failure. |
0xC02090A7 -1071607641 |
DTS_E_TXFILEEXTRACTORSTATIC_FILEOPENERR_FORWRITE_FILEEXISTS | Opening a file for writing failed. The file already exists and cannot be overwritten. If both the AllowAppend property and the ForceTruncate property are set to FALSE, the existence of the file will cause this failure. |
0xC02090A8 -1071607640 |
DTS_E_INCORRECTCUSTOMPROPERTYVALUEFOROBJECT | The value for custom property "%1" on %2 is incorrect. |
0xC02090A9 -1071607639 |
DTS_E_COLUMNSHAVEINCOMPATIBLEMETADATA | Columns "%1" and "%2" have incompatible metadata. |
0xC02090AD -1071607635 |
DTS_E_FILEWRITEERR_DISKFULL | Opening the file "%1" for writing failed because the disk is full. There is not sufficient disk space to save this file. |
0xC02090AE -1071607634 |
DTS_E_TXFILEEXTRACTORSTATIC_FILEWRITEERR_DISKFULL | Attempting to open the file for writing failed because the disk is full. |
0xC02090B9 -1071607623 |
DTS_E_TXAGG_SORTKEYGENFAILED | Generating a sort key failed with error 0x%1!8.8X!. The ComparisonFlags are enabled, and generating a sortkey with LCMapString failed. |
0xC02090BA -1071607622 |
DTS_E_TXCHARMAPLCMAPFAILED | Transform failed to map string and returned error 0x%1!8.8X!. The LCMapString failed. |
0xC02090BB -1071607621 |
DTS_E_FILEOPENERR_FORREAD_FILENOTFOUND | Opening the file "%1" for reading failed. The file was not found. |
0xC02090BC -1071607620 |
DTS_E_TXFILEINSERTERSTATIC_FILEOPENERR_FORREAD_FILENOTFOUND | Opening a file for reading failed. The file was not found. |
0xC02090BD -1071607619 |
DTS_E_FILEOPENERR_FORREAD_PATHNOTFOUND | Opening the file "%1" for reading failed. The path cannot be found. |
0xC02090BE -1071607618 |
DTS_E_TXFILEINSERTERSTATIC_FILEOPENERR_FORREAD_PATHNOTFOUND | Opening a file for reading failed. The path was not found. |
0xC02090BF -1071607617 |
DTS_E_FILEOPENERR_FORREAD_TOOMANYOPENFILES | Opening the file "%1" for reading failed. There are too many files open. |
0xC02090C0 -1071607616 |
DTS_E_TXFILEINSERTERSTATIC_FILEOPENERR_FORREAD_TOOMANYOPENFILES | Opening the file for reading failed. There are too many files open. |
0xC02090C1 -1071607615 |
DTS_E_FILEOPENERR_FORREAD_ACCESSDENIED | Attempting to open the file "%1" for reading failed. Access is denied. |
0xC02090C2 -1071607614 |
DTS_E_TXFILEINSERTERSTATIC_FILEOPENERR_FORREAD_ACCESSDENIED | Opening the file for reading failed. You do not have the correct permissions. |
0xC02090C3 -1071607613 |
DTS_E_INSERTERINVALIDBOM | The byte order mark (BOM) value for the file "%1" is 0x%2!4.4X!, but the expected value is 0x%3!4.4X!. The ExpectBOM property was set for this file, but the BOM value in the file is missing or not valid. |
0xC02090C4 -1071607612 |
DTS_E_TXFILEINSERTERSTATIC_INSERTERINVALIDBOM | The byte order mark (BOM) value for the file is not valid. The ExpectBOM property was set for this file, but the BOM value in the file is missing or not valid. |
0xC02090C5 -1071607611 |
DTS_E_NOCOMPONENTATTACHED | The %1 is not attached to a component. It is required that a component be attached. |
0xC02090C9 -1071607607 |
DTS_E_TXLOOKUP_INVALIDMAXMEMORYPROP | The value for custom property %1 is incorrect. It should be a number between %2!d! and %3!I64d!. |
0xC02090CA -1071607606 |
DTS_E_TXAGG_COMPFLAGS_BADAGGREGATIONTYPE | The custom property "%1" cannot be specified for the aggregation type selected for this column. The comparison flags custom property can only be specified for group by and count distinct aggregation types. |
0xC02090CB -1071607605 |
DTS_E_TXAGG_COMPFLAGS_BADDATATYPE | The comparison flags custom property "%1" can only be specified for columns of with datatype DT_STR or DT_WSTR. |
0xC02090CD -1071607603 |
DTS_E_TXAGG_AGGREGATION_FAILURE | Aggregation on %1 failed with error code 0x%2!8.8X!. |
0xC02090CF -1071607601 |
DTS_E_MAPPINGSETUPERROR | There was an error setting up the mapping. %1 |
0xC02090D0 -1071607600 |
DTS_E_XMLSRCUNABLETOREADXMLDATA | The %1 was unable to read the XML data. |
0xC02090D1 -1071607599 |
DTS_E_XMLSRCUNABLETOGETXMLDATAVARIABLE | The %1 was unable to get the variable specified by the "%2" property. |
0xC02090D2 -1071607598 |
DTS_E_NODATATABLEMATCHROWID | The %1 contains a RowsetID with a value of %2 that does not reference a data table in the schema. |
0xC02090D6 -1071607594 |
DTS_E_TXAGG_BADKEYSVALUE | The property %1 must either be empty, or a number between %2!u! and %3!u!. The Keys or CountDistinctKeys property has a invalid value. The property should be a number between 0 and ULONG_MAX, inclusive, or not be set. |
0xC02090D7 -1071607593 |
DTS_E_TXAGG_TOOMANYKEYS | The aggregate component encountered too many distinct key combinations. It cannot accommodate more than %1!u! distinct key values. There are more than ULONG_MAX distinct key values in the main workspace. |
0xC02090D8 -1071607592 |
DTS_E_TXAGG_TOOMANYCOUNTDISTINCTVALUES | The aggregate component encountered too many distinct values while calculating the count distinct aggregate. It cannot accommodate more than %1!u! distinct values. There were more than ULONG_MAX distinct values while calculating the count distinct aggregation. |
0xC02090D9 -1071607591 |
DTS_E_FAILEDTOWRITETOTHEFILENAMECOLUMN | The attempt to write to the filename column failed with error code 0x%1!8.8X!. |
0xC02090DC -1071607588 |
DTS_E_FAILEDTOFINDERRORCOLUMN | An error occurred, but the column that caused the error cannot be determined. |
0xC02090E3 -1071607581 |
DTS_E_TXLOOKUP_FAILEDUPGRADE_BAD_VERSION | Unable to upgrade lookup metadata from version %1!d! to %2!d!. The Lookup transform was unable to upgrade metadata from the existing version number in a call to PerformUpgrade(). |
0xC02090E5 -1071607579 |
DTS_E_TERMEXTRACTIONORLOOKUP_NTEXTSPLITED | Failed to locate the ending boundary of a sentence. |
0xC02090E6 -1071607578 |
DTS_E_TERMEXTRACTION_EXCEED_MAXWORDNUM | The Term Extraction transformation is unable to process the input text because a sentence from the input text is too long. The sentence is segmented into several sentences. |
0xC02090E7 -1071607577 |
DTS_E_XMLSRCFAILEDTOCREATEREADER | The %1 was unable to read the XML data. %2 |
0xC02090F0 -1071607568 |
DTS_E_TXLOOKUP_REINITMETADATAFAILED | The call to Lookup transform method, ReinitializeMetadata, failed. |
0xC02090F1 -1071607567 |
DTS_E_TXLOOKUP_NOJOINS | The lookup transform must contain at least one input column joined to a reference column, and none were specified. You must specify at least one join column. |
0xC02090F2 -1071607566 |
DTS_E_MANAGEDERR_BADFORMATSPECIFICATION | The message string being posted by the managed error infrastructure contains a bad format specification. This is an internal error. |
0xC02090F3 -1071607565 |
DTS_E_MANAGEDERR_UNSUPPORTEDTYPE | While formatting a message string using the managed error infrastructure, there was a variant type that does not have formatting support. This is an internal error. |
0xC02090F5 -1071607563 |
DTS_E_DATAREADERSRCUNABLETOPROCESSDATA | The %1 was unable to process the data. %2 |
0xC02090F6 -1071607562 |
DTS_E_XMLSRCEMPTYPROPERTY | The property "%1" on the %2 was empty. |
0xC02090F7 -1071607561 |
DTS_E_XMLSRCINVALIDOUTPUTNAME | Attempting to create an output with the name "%1" for the XML table with the path "%2" failed because the name is invalid. |
0xC02090F8 -1071607560 |
DTS_E_MGDSRC_OVERFLOW | The value was too large to fit in the %1. |
0xC02090F9 -1071607559 |
DTS_E_DATAREADERDESTUNABLETOPROCESSDATA | The %1 was unable to process the data. |
0xC02090FA -1071607558 |
DTS_E_XMLSRC_INDUCEDTRANSFORMFAILUREONTRUNCATION | The "%1" failed because truncation occurred, and the truncation row disposition on "%2" at "%3" specifies failure on truncation. A truncation error occurred on the specified object of the specified component. |
0xC02090FB -1071607557 |
DTS_E_XMLSRC_INDUCEDTRANSFORMFAILUREONERROR | The "%1" failed because error code 0x%2!8.8X! occurred, and the error row disposition on "%3" at "%4" specifies failure on error. An error occurred on the specified object of the specified component. |
0xC0209291 -1071607151 |
DTS_E_SQLCEDESTSTATIC_FAILEDTOSETVALUES | The SQLCE destination could not set the column values for the row. |
0xC0209292 -1071607150 |
DTS_E_SQLCEDESTSTATIC_FAILEDTOINSERT | The SQLCE destination could not insert the row. |
0xC0209293 -1071607149 |
DTS_E_TXFUZZYLOOKUP_OLEDBERR_LOADCOLUMNMETADATA | Encountered OLEDB error while loading column metadata. |
0xC0209294 -1071607148 |
DTS_E_TXFUZZYLOOKUP_TOOFEWREFERENCECOLUMNS | Lookup reference metadata contains too few columns. |
0xC0209295 -1071607147 |
DTS_E_TXSCD_OLEDBERR_LOADCOLUMNMETADATA | Encountered OLEDB error while loading column metadata. |
0xC0209296 -1071607146 |
DTS_E_TXSCD_TOOFEWREFERENCECOLUMNS | Lookup reference metadata contains too few columns. |
0xC0209297 -1071607145 |
0xC0209298 -1071607144 |
DTS_E_TXSCD_MALLOCERR_BUFFCOL | Unable to allocate memory. |
0xC0209299 -1071607143 |
DTS_E_TXSCD_MAINWORKSPACE_CREATEERR | Unable to create workspace buffer. |
0xC020929A -1071607142 |
DTS_E_DTPXMLDOMCREATEERROR | Unable to instantiate XML DOM document, please verify that MSXML binaries are properly installed and registered. |
0xC020929B -1071607141 |
DTS_E_DTPXMLDOMLOADERROR | Unable to load XML data into a local DOM for processing. |
0xC020929C -1071607140 |
DTS_E_RSTDESTBADVARIABLETYPE | The type of the runtime variable "%1" is incorrect. The runtime variable type must be Object. |
0xC020929E -1071607138 |
DTS_E_XMLDATAREADERMULTIPLEINLINEXMLSCHEMASNOTSUPPORTED | The XML Source Adapter was unable to process the XML data. Multiple inline schemas are not supported. |
0xC020929F -1071607137 |
DTS_E_XMLDATAREADERANYTYPENOTSUPPORTED | The XML Source Adapter was unable to process the XML data. The content of an element can not be declared as anyType. |
0xC02092A0 -1071607136 |
DTS_E_XMLDATAREADERGROUPREFNOTSUPPORTED | The XML Source Adapter was unable to process the XML data. The content of an element can not contain a reference (ref) to a group. |
0xC02092A1 -1071607135 |
DTS_E_XMLDATAREADERMIXEDCONTENTFORCOMPLEXTYPESNOTSUPPORTED | The XML Source Adapter does not support mixed content model on Complex Types. |
0xC02092A2 -1071607134 |
DTS_E_XMLDATAREADERINLINESCHEMAFOUNDINSOURCEXML | The XML Source Adapter was unable to process the XML data. An inline schema must be the first child node in the source Xml. |
0xC02092A3 -1071607133 |
DTS_E_XMLDATAREADERNOINLINESCHEMAFOUND | The XML Source Adapter was unable to process the XML data. No inline schema was found in the source XML, but the "UseInlineSchema" property was set to true. |
0xC02092A4 -1071607132 |
DTS_E_CONNECTIONMANAGERTRANSACTEDANDRETAINEDINBULKINSERT | The component cannot use a connection manager that retains its connection in a transaction with fastload or bulk insert. |
0xC02092A5 -1071607131 |
DTS_E_OUTPUTREDIRECTINTRANSACTIONNOTALLOWED | The %1 cannot be set to redirect on error using a connection in a transaction. |
0xC02092A6 -1071607130 |
DTS_E_FOUNDORPHANEDEXTERNALMETADATACOLUMN | The %1 does not have a corresponding input or output column. |
0xC02092A9 -1071607127 |
DTS_E_RAWDESTNOINPUTCOLUMNS | There is no selected column to be written to the file. |
0xC02092AA -1071607126 |
DTS_E_RAWDESTBLOBDATATYPE | The %1 has an invalid data type. Columns with data types DT_IMAGE, DT_TEXT and DT_NTEXT cannot be written to raw files. |
0xC02092AB -1071607125 |
DTS_E_RAWDESTWRONGEXTERNALMETADATAUSAGE | The external metadata collection is improperly used by this component. The component should use external metadata when appending or truncating an existing file. Otherwise, the external metadata is not needed. |
0xC02092AC -1071607124 |
DTS_E_RAWDESTMAPPEDINPUTCOLUMN | The %1 is mapped to an external metadata column with the id %2!d!. Input columns should not be mapped to external metadata columns when selected Write Option value is Create Always. |
0xC02092AD -1071607123 |
DTS_E_RAWFILECANTOPENFORMETADATA | The file cannot be opened for reading the metadata. If the file does not exist, and the component has already defined external metadata, you can set the "ValidateExternalMetadata" property to "false" and the file will be created at the runtime. |
0xC02092AE -1071607122 |
DTS_E_FAILEDTOACCESSLOBCOLUMN | Failed to access LOB data from the data flow buffer for data source column "%1" with error code 0x%2!8.8X!. |
0xC02092AF -1071607121 |
DTS_E_XMLSRCUNABLETOPROCESSXMLDATA | The %1 was unable to process the XML data. %2 |
0xC02092B0 -1071607120 |
DTS_E_XMLSRCSTATIC_UNABLETOPROCESSXMLDATA | The XML Source Adapter was unable to process the XML data. |
0xC02092B1 -1071607119 |
DTS_E_RAWINVALIDACCESSMODE | The value %1!d! is not recognized as a valid access mode. |
0xC02092B2 -1071607118 |
DTS_E_INCOMPLETEDATASOURCECOLUMNFOUND | Complete metadata information for the data source column "%1" is not available. Make sure the column is correctly defined in the data source. |
0xC02092B3 -1071607117 |
DTS_E_TXAUDIT_ONLYSTRINGLENGTHCHANGEALLOWED | Only lengths of User Name column, Package Name column, Task Name column and Machine Name column can be changed. All other audit column datatype information is read only. |
0xC02092B4 -1071607116 |
DTS_E_ROWSETUNAVAILABLE | A rowset based on the SQL command was not returned by the OLE DB provider. |
0xC02092B5 -1071607115 |
DTS_E_COMMITFAILED | A commit failed. |
0xC02092B6 -1071607114 |
DTS_E_USEBINARYFORMATREQUIRESANSIFILE | The custom property "%1" on %2 can only be used with ANSI files. |
0xC02092B7 -1071607113 |
DTS_E_USEBINARYFORMATREQUIRESBYTES | The custom property "%1" on %2 can only be used with DT_BYTES. |
0xC0209302 -1071607038 |
DTS_E_OLEDB_NOPROVIDER_ERROR | SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDB_NOPROVIDER_ERROR. The requested OLE DB provider %2 is not registered. Error code: 0x%1!8.8X!. |
0xC0209303 -1071607037 |
DTS_E_OLEDB_NOPROVIDER_64BIT_ERROR | SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDB_NOPROVIDER_64BIT_ERROR. The requested OLE DB provider %2 is not registered -- perhaps no 64-bit provider is available. Error code: 0x%1!8.8X!. |
0xC0209306 -1071607034 |
DTS_E_MULTICACHECOLMAPPINGS | The cache column, "%1", is mapped to more than one column. Remove the duplicate column mappings. |
0xC0209307 -1071607033 |
DTS_E_COLNOTMAPPEDTOCACHECOL | The %1 is not mapped to valid cache column. |
0xC0209308 -1071607032 |
DTS_E_CACHECOLDATATYPEINCOMPAT | Cannot map the input column, "%1", and the cache column, "%2", because the data types do not match. |
0xC0209309 -1071607031 |
DTS_E_INCORRECTINPUTCACHECOLCOUNT | The number of input columns does not match the number of cache columns. |
0xC020930A -1071607030 |
DTS_E_INVALIDCACHEFILENAME | The cache file name is either not provided or is not valid. Provide a valid cache file name. |
0xC020930B -1071607029 |
DTS_E_CACHECOLINDEXPOSMISMATCH | The index position of column, "%1", is different from index position of Cache connection manager column, "%2". |
0xC020930C -1071607028 |
DTS_E_FAILEDTOLOADCACHE | Failed to load the cache from file, "%1". |
0xC020930D -1071607027 |
DTS_E_TXLOOKUP_REFCOLUMNISNOTINDEX | The lookup input column %1 references non-index cache column %2. |
0xC020930E -1071607026 |
DTS_E_FAILEDTOGETCONNECTIONSTRING | Failed to get the connection string. |
0xC020930F -1071607025 |
DTS_E_CACHECOLDATATYPEPROPINCOMPAT | Cannot map the input column, "%1", and the cache column, "%2", because one or more data type properties do not match. |
0xC0209311 -1071607023 |
DTS_E_CACHECOLUMNOTFOUND | Cache column "%1" was not found in the cache. |
0xC0209312 -1071607022 |
DTS_E_CACHECOLUMNMAPPINGFAILED | Failed to map %1 to a cache column. The hresult is 0x%2!8.8X!. |
0xC0209313 -1071607021 |
DTS_E_CACHELOADEDFROMFILE | The %1 cannot write to the cache because the cache has been loaded from a file by %2. |
0xC0209314 -1071607020 |
DTS_E_CACHERELOADEDDIFFERENTFILES | The %1 cannot load the cache from file "%2" because the cache has already been loaded from file "%3". |
0xC0209316 -1071607018 |
DTS_E_OUTPUTNOTUSED | The output with ID %1!d! of Aggregate component is not used by any component. Please either remove it or associate it with an input of some component. |
0xC0209317 -1071607017 |
DTS_E_CACHEFILEWRITEFAILED | The %1 failed to write the cache to file "%2". The hresult is 0x%3!8.8X!. |
0xC0209318 -1071607016 |
DTS_E_XMLDATATYPECHANGED | The XML schema data type information for "%1" on element "%2" has changed. Please re-initialize the metadata for this component and review column mappings. |
0xC0209319 -1071607015 |
DTS_E_TXLOOKUP_UNUSEDINPUTCOLUMN | %1 not used in join or copy. Please remove the unused column from the input column list. |
0xC020931A -1071607014 |
DTS_E_SORTSTACKOVERFLOW | The sort failed due to a stack overflow while sorting an incoming buffer. Please reduce the DefaultBufferMaxRows property on the Data Flow Task. |
0xC020F42A -1071582166 |
DTS_E_OLEDB_OLDPROVIDER_ERROR | Consider changing the PROVIDER in the connection string to %1 or visit to find and install support for %2. |
DTS_E_INITTASKOBJECTFAILED | Failed to initialize the task object for task "%1!s!", type "%2!s!" due to error 0x%3!8.8X! "%4!s!". | |
DTS_E_GETCATMANAGERFAILED | Failed to create COM Component Categories Manager due to error 0x%1!8.8X! "%2!s!". | |
DTS_E_COMPONENTINITFAILED | Component %1!s! failed to initialize due to error 0x%2!8.8X! "%3!s!". |
Warning messages
The symbolic names of Integration Services warning messages begin with DTS_W_.
Hexadecimal & decimal code |
Symbolic name | Description |
0x80000036 -2147483594 |
DTS_W_COUNTDOWN | There are %1!lu! days left in the evaluation. When it expires, packages will not be able to be executed. |
0x80010015 -2147418091 |
DTS_W_GENERICWARNING | Warning(s) raised. There should be more specific warnings preceding this one that explain the specifics of the warning(s). |
0x80012010 -2147409904 |
DTS_W_FAILEDXMLDOCCREATION | Cannot create an XML document object instance. Verify that MSXML is installed and registered correctly. |
0x80012011 -2147409903 |
DTS_W_FAILEDCONFIGLOAD | Cannot load the XML configuration file. The XML configuration file may be malformed or not valid. |
0x80012012 -2147409902 |
DTS_W_CONFIGFILENAMEINVALID | The configuration file name "%1" is not valid. Check the configuration file name. |
0x80012013 -2147409901 |
DTS_W_CONFIGFILEINVALID | The configuration file loaded, but is not valid. The file is not formatted correctly, may be missing an element, or may be damaged. |
0x80012014 -2147409900 |
DTS_W_CONFIGFILENOTFOUND | The configuration file "%1" cannot be found. Check the directory and file name. |
0x80012015 -2147409899 |
DTS_W_CONFIGKEYNOTFOUND | Configuration registry key "%1" was not found. A configuration entry specifies a registry key that is not available. Check the registry to ensure that the key is there. |
0x80012016 -2147409898 |
DTS_W_CONFIGTYPEINVALID | The configuration type in one of the configuration entries was not valid. Valid types are listed in the DTSConfigurationType enumeration. |
0x80012017 -2147409897 |
DTS_W_CANNOTFINDOBJECT | The package path referenced an object that cannot be found: "%1". This occurs when an attempt is made to resolve a package path to an object that cannot be found. |
0x80012018 -2147409896 |
DTS_W_CONFIGFORMATINVALID_PACKAGEDELIMITER | The configuration entry, "%1", has an incorrect format because it does not begin with the package delimiter. Prepend "\package" to the package path. |
0x80012019 -2147409895 |
DTS_W_CONFIGFORMATINVALID | The configuration entry "%1" had an incorrect format. This can occur because of a missing delimiter or formatting errors, like an invalid array delimiter. |
0x8001201A -2147409894 |
DTS_W_NOPARENTVARIABLES | Configuration from a parent variable "%1" did not occur because there was no parent variable collection. |
0x8001201B -2147409893 |
DTS_W_CONFIGFILEFAILEDIMPORT | Failure importing configuration file: "%1". |
0x8001201C -2147409892 |
DTS_W_PARENTVARIABLENOTFOUND | Configuration from a parent variable "%1" did not occur because there was no parent variable. Error code: 0x%2!8.8X!. |
0x8001201D -2147409891 |
DTS_W_CONFIGFILEEMPTY | The configuration file was empty and contained no configuration entries. |
0x80012023 -2147409885 |
DTS_W_INVALIDCONFIGURATIONTYPE | The configuration type for configuration "%1" is not valid. This may occur when an attempt is made to set the type property of a configuration object to an invalid configuration type. |
0x80012025 -2147409883 |
DTS_W_REGISTRYCONFIGURATIONTYPENOTFOUND | The configuration type for the registry configuration was not found in key "%1". Add a value called ConfigType to the registry key and give it a string value of "Variable", "Property", "ConnectionManager", "LoggingProvider", or "ForEachEnumerator". |
0x80012026 -2147409882 |
DTS_W_REGISTRYCONFIGURATIONVALUENOTFOUND | The configuration value for the registry configuration was not found in key "%1". Add a value called Value to the registry key of type DWORD or String. |
0x80012028 -2147409880 |
DTS_W_PROCESSCONFIGURATIONFAILEDSET | Process configuration failed to set the destination at the package path of "%1". This occurs when attempting to set the destination property or variable fails. Check the destination property or variable. |
0x80012032 -2147409870 |
DTS_W_CONFIGUREDVALUESECTIONEMPTY | Failed to retrieve value from the .ini file. The ConfiguredValue section is either empty, or does not exist: "%1". |
0x80012033 -2147409869 |
DTS_W_CONFIGUREDTYPESECTIONEMPTY | Failed to retrieve value from the .ini file. The ConfiguredType section is either empty, or does not exist: "%1". |
0x80012034 -2147409868 |
DTS_W_PACKAGEPATHSECTIONEMPTY | Failed to retrieve value from the .ini file. The PackagePath section is either empty, or does not exist: "%1". |
0x80012035 -2147409867 |
DTS_W_CONFIGUREDVALUETYPE | Failed to retrieve value from the .ini file. The ConfiguredValueType section is either empty, or does not exist: "%1". |
0x80012051 -2147409839 |
DTS_W_SQLSERVERFAILEDIMPORT | Configuration from SQL Server was not successfully imported: "%1". |
0x80012052 -2147409838 |
DTS_W_INICONFIGURATIONPROBLEM | The .ini configuration file is not valid due to empty or missing fields. |
0x80012054 -2147409836 |
DTS_W_NORECORDSFOUNDINTABLE | Table "%1" does not have any records for configuration. This occurs when configuring from a SQL Server table that has no records for the configuration. |
0x80012055 -2147409835 |
DTS_W_DUPLICATECUSTOMEVENT | Error using same name for different custom events. The custom event "%1" was defined differently by different children of this container. There may be an error when executing the event handler. |
0x80012057 -2147409833 |
DTS_W_CONFIGREADONLYVARIABLE | The configuration attempted to change a read-only variable. The variable is at the package path "%1". |
0x80012058 -2147409832 |
DTS_W_CONFIGPROCESSCONFIGURATIONFAILED | Calling ProcessConfiguration on the package failed. The configuration attempted to change the property at the package path "%1". |
0x80012059 -2147409831 |
DTS_W_ONEORMORECONFIGLOADFAILED | Failed to load at least one of the configuration entries for the package. Check configuration entries for "%1" and previous warnings to see descriptions of which configuration failed. |
0x8001205A -2147409830 |
DTS_W_CONFIGNODEINVALID | The configuration entry "%1" in the configuration file was not valid, or failed to configure the variable. The name indicates which entry failed. In some cases, the name will not be available. |
0x80014058 -2147401640 |
DTS_W_FAILURENOTRESTARTABLE | This task or container has failed, but because FailPackageOnFailure property is FALSE, the package will continue. This warning is posted when the SaveCheckpoints property of the package is set to TRUE and the task or container fails. |
0x80017101 -2147389183 |
DTS_W_EMPTYPATH | The path is empty. |
0x80019002 -2147381246 |
DTS_W_MAXIMUMERRORCOUNTREACHED | SSIS Warning Code DTS_W_MAXIMUMERRORCOUNTREACHED. The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (%1!d!) reached the maximum allowed (%2!d!); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors. |
0x80019003 -2147381245 |
DTS_W_CONFIGENVVARNOTFOUND | The configuration environment variable was not found. The environment variable was: "%1". This occurs when a package specifies an environment variable for a configuration setting but it cannot be found. Check the configurations collection in the package and verify that the specified environment variable is available and valid. |
0x80019316 -2147380458 |
DTS_W_CONNECTIONPROVIDERCHANGE | The provider name for the connection manager "%1" has been changed from "%2" to "%3". |
0x80019317 -2147380457 |
DTS_W_READEXTMAPFAILED | An exception occurred while reading the upgrade mapping files. The exception is "%1". |
0x80019318 -2147380456 |
DTS_W_DUPLICATEMAPPINGKEY | There is a duplicate mapping in file, "%1". The tag is "%2", and the key is "%3". |
0x80019319 -2147380455 |
DTS_W_IMPLICITUPGRADEMAPPING | The extension, "%1", was implicitly upgraded to "%2". Add a mapping for this extension to the UpgradeMappings directory. |
0x8001931A -2147380454 |
DTS_W_INVALIDEXTENSIONMAPPING | A mapping in the file, "%1", is not valid. Values cannot be null or empty. The tag is "%2", the key is "%3", and the value is "%4". |
0x8001931C -2147380452 |
DTS_W_ADOCONNECTIONDATATYPECOMPATCHANGE | The DataTypeCompatibility property of ADO type connection manager "%1" was set to 80 for backward compatibility reasons. |
0x8001C004 -2147368956 |
DTS_W_FILEENUMEMPTY | The For Each File enumerator is empty. The For Each File enumerator did not find any files that matched the file pattern, or the specified directory was empty. |
0x8001F02F -2147356625 |
DTS_W_COULDNOTRESOLVEPACKAGEPATH | Cannot resolve a package path to an object in the package "%1". Verify that the package path is valid. |
0x8001F203 -2147356157 |
DTS_W_ITERATIONEXPRESSIONISNOTASSIGNMENT | The iteration expression is not an assignment expression: "%1". This error usually occurs when the expression in the assignment expression on the ForLoop is not an assignment expression. |
0x8001F204 -2147356156 |
DTS_W_INITIALIZATIONEXPRESSIONISNOTASSIGNMENT | The initialization expression is not an assignment expression: "%1". This error usually occurs when the expression in the iterate expressions on the ForLoop is not an assignment expression. |
0x8001F205 -2147356155 |
DTS_W_LOGPROVIDERNOTDEFINED | The executable "%1" was pasted successfully. However a log provider that was associated with the executable was not found in the collection "LogProviders". The executable was pasted without log provider information. |
0x8001F300 -2147355904 |
DTS_W_PACKAGEUPGRADED | Succeeded in upgrading the package. |
0x8001F42B -2147355605 |
DTS_W_LEGACYPROGID | The "%1" ProgID has been deprecated. The new ProgID for this component "%2" should be used instead. |
0x80020918 -2147350248 |
DTS_W_FTPTASK_OPERATIONFAILURE | Operation "%1" failed. |
0x800283A5 -2147318875 |
DTS_W_MSMQTASK_USE_WEAK_ENCRYPTION | The encryption algorithm "%1" uses weak encryption. |
0x80029164 -2147315356 |
DTS_W_FSTASK_OPERATIONFAILURE | Task failed to execute operation "%1". |
0x80029185 -2147315323 |
DTS_W_EXECPROCTASK_FILENOTINPATH | File/Process "%1" is not in path. |
0x800291C6 -2147315258 |
0x800291C7 -2147315257 |
DTS_W_SENDMAILTASK_ERROR_IN_TO_LINE | The address in the "To" line is malformed. It is either missing the "@" symbol or is not valid. |
0x800291C8 -2147315256 |
DTS_W_SENDMAILTASK_AT_MISSING_IN_FROM | The address in the "From" line is malformed. It is either missing the "@" symbol or is not valid. |
0x8002927A -2147315078 |
DTS_W_XMLTASK_DIFFFAILURE | The two XML documents are different. |
0x8002928C -2147315060 |
DTS_W_XMLTASK_DTDVALIDATIONWARNING | DTD Validation will use the DTD file defined in the DOCTYPE line in the XML document. It will not use what is assigned to the property "%1". |
0x8002928D -2147315059 |
DTS_W_XMLTASK_VALIDATIONFAILURE | Task failed to validate "%1". |
0x80029291 -2147315055 |
DTS_W_TRANSFERDBTASK_ACTIONSETTOCOPY | The transfer action value was invalid. It is being set to copy. |
0x80029292 -2147315054 |
DTS_W_TRANSFERDBTASK_METHODSETTOONLINE | The transfer method value was invalid. It is being set to an online transfer. |
0x8002F304 -2147290364 |
DTS_W_PROBLEMOCCURREDWITHFOLLOWINGMESSAGE | A problem occurred with the following messages: "%1". |
0x8002F322 -2147290334 |
DTS_W_ERRMSGTASK_ERRORMESSAGEALREADYEXISTS | The error message "%1" already exists at destination server. |
0x8002F331 -2147290319 |
DTS_W_JOBSTASK_JOBEXISTSATDEST | The job "%1" already exists at destination server. |
0x8002F332 -2147290318 |
DTS_W_JOBSTASK_SKIPPINGJOBEXISTSATDEST | Skipping the transfer of job "%1" since it already exists at destination. |
0x8002F333 -2147290317 |
DTS_W_JOBSTASK_OVERWRITINGJOB | Overwriting the job "%1" at destination server. |
0x8002F339 -2147290311 |
DTS_W_LOGINSTASK_ENUMVALUEINCORRECT | Persisted enumeration value of property "FailIfExists" was changed and rendered invalid. Resetting to default. |
0x8002F343 -2147290301 |
DTS_W_LOGINSTASK_OVERWRITINGLOGINATDEST | Overwriting Login "%1" at destination. |
0x8002F356 -2147290282 |
DTS_W_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_SPALREADYATDEST | Stored procedure "%1" already exists at destination. |
0x8002F360 -2147290272 |
DTS_W_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_RULEALREADYATDEST | Rule "%1" already exists at destination. |
0x8002F364 -2147290268 |
DTS_W_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_TABLEALREADYATDEST | Table "%1" already exists at destination. |
0x8002F368 -2147290264 |
DTS_W_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_VIEWALREADYATDEST | View "%1" already exists at destination. |
0x8002F372 -2147290254 |
DTS_W_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_UDFALREADYATDEST | User Defined Function "%1" already exists at destination. |
0x8002F376 -2147290250 |
DTS_W_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_DEFAULTALREADYATDEST | Default "%1" already exists at destination. |
0x8002F380 -2147290240 |
DTS_W_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_UDDTALREADYATDEST | User Defined Data Type "%1" already exists at destination. |
0x8002F384 -2147290236 |
DTS_W_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_PFALREADYATDEST | Partition Function "%1" already exists at destination. |
0x8002F388 -2147290232 |
DTS_W_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_PSALREADYATDEST | Partition Scheme "%1" already exists at destination. |
0x8002F391 -2147290223 |
DTS_W_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_SCHEMAALREADYATDEST | Schema "%1" already exists at destination. |
0x8002F396 -2147290218 |
DTS_W_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_SQLASSEMBLYALREADYATDEST | SqlAssembly "%1" already exists at destination. |
0x8002F400 -2147290112 |
DTS_W_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_AGGREGATEALREADYATDEST | User Defined Aggregate "%1" already exists at destination. |
0x8002F404 -2147290108 |
DTS_W_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_TYPEALREADYATDEST | User Defined Type "%1" already exists at destination. |
0x8002F408 -2147290104 |
DTS_W_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_XMLSCHEMACOLLECTIONALREADYATDEST | XmlSchemaCollection "%1" already exists at destination. |
0x8002F412 -2147290094 |
DTS_W_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_NOELEMENTSPECIFIEDTOTRANSFER | There are no elements specified to transfer. |
0x8002F415 -2147290091 |
DTS_W_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_LOGINALREADYATDEST | Login "%1" already exists at destination. |
0x8002F41A -2147290086 |
DTS_W_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_USERALREADYATDEST | User "%1" already exists at destination. |
0x80047007 -2147192825 |
DTS_W_NOLINEAGEVALIDATION | The lineage IDs of the input columns cannot be validated because the execution trees contain cycles. |
0x80047034 -2147192780 |
DTS_W_EMPTYDATAFLOW | The DataFlow task has no components. Add components or remove the task. |
0x80047069 -2147192727 |
DTS_W_SORTEDOUTPUTHASNOSORTKEYPOSITIONS | The IsSorted property of %1 is set to TRUE, but all of its output columns' SortKeyPositions are set to zero. |
0x8004706F -2147192721 |
DTS_W_SOURCEREMOVED | Source "%1" (%2!d!) will not be read because none of its data ever becomes visible outside the Data Flow Task. |
0x80047076 -2147192714 |
DTS_W_UNUSEDOUTPUTDATA | The output column "%1" (%2!d!) on output "%3" (%4!d!) and component "%5" (%6!d!) is not subsequently used in the Data Flow task. Removing this unused output column can increase Data Flow task performance. |
0x800470AE -2147192658 |
DTS_W_COMPONENTREMOVED | Component "%1" (%2!d!) has been removed from the Data Flow task because its output is not used and its inputs either have no side effects or are not connected to outputs of other components. If the component is required, then the HasSideEffects property on at least one of its inputs should be set to true, or its output should be connected to something. |
0x800470B0 -2147192656 |
DTS_W_NOWORKTODO | Rows were given to a thread, but that thread has no work to do. The layout has a disconnected output. Running the pipeline with the RunInOptimizedMode property set to TRUE will be faster, and prevents this warning. |
0x800470C8 -2147192632 |
DTS_W_EXTERNALMETADATACOLUMNSOUTOFSYNC | The external columns for %1 are out of synchronization with the data source columns. %2 |
0x800470C9 -2147192631 |
DTS_W_EXTERNALMETADATACOLUMNCOLLECTIONNEEDSADDITION | The column "%1" needs to be added to the external columns. |
0x800470CA -2147192630 |
DTS_W_EXTERNALMETADATACOLUMNCOLLECTIONNEEDSUPDATE | The external column "%1" needs to be updated. |
0x800470CB -2147192629 |
DTS_W_EXTERNALMETADATACOLUMNCOLLECTIONNEEDSREMOVAL | The %1 needs to be removed from the external columns. |
0x800470D8 -2147192616 |
DTS_W_EXPREVALPOTENTIALSTRINGTRUNCATION | The result string for expression "%1" may be truncated if it exceeds the maximum length of %2!d! characters. The expression could have a result value that exceeds the maximum size of a DT_WSTR. |
0x800470E9 -2147192599 |
DTS_W_COMPONENTLEAKPROCESSINPUT | A call to the ProcessInput method for input %1!d! on %2 unexpectedly kept a reference to the buffer it was passed. The refcount on that buffer was %3!d! before the call, and %4!d! after the call returned. |
0x800470EB -2147192597 |
DTS_W_EXPREVALUNREFERENCEDINPUTCOLUMN | The "%1" on "%2" has usage type READONLY, but is not referenced by an expression. Remove the column from the list of available input columns, or reference it in an expression. |
0x8004801E -2147188706 |
DTS_W_COULDNOTFINDCURRENTVERSION | Cannot find the "%1" value for component %2. The CurrentVersion value for the component cannot be located. This error occurs if the component has not set its registry information to contain a CurrentVersion value in the DTSInfo section. This message occurs during component development, or when the component is used in a package, if the component is not registered properly. |
0x80049300 -2147183872 |
DTS_W_BUFFERGETTEMPFILENAME | The buffer manager could not get a temporary file name. |
0x80049301 -2147183871 |
DTS_W_UNUSABLETEMPORARYPATH | The buffer manager could not create a temporary file on the path "%1". The path will not be considered for temporary storage again. |
0x80049304 -2147183868 |
DTS_W_DF_PERFCOUNTERS_DISABLED | Warning: Could not open global shared memory to communicate with performance DLL; data flow performance counters are not available. To resolve, run this package as an administrator, or on the system's console. |
0x8020200F -2145378289 |
DTS_W_PARTIALROWFOUNDATENDOFFILE | There is a partial row at the end of the file. |
0x8020202B -2145378261 |
DTS_W_ENDOFFILEREACHWHILEREADINGHEADERROWS | The end of the data file was reached while reading header rows. Make sure the header row delimiter and the number of header rows to skip are correct. |
0x80202066 -2145378202 |
DTS_W_CANTRETRIEVECODEPAGEFROMOLEDBPROVIDER | Cannot retrieve the column code page info from the OLE DB provider. If the component supports the "%1" property, the code page from that property will be used. Change the value of the property if the current string code page values are incorrect. If the component does not support the property, the code page from the component's locale ID will be used. |
0x802020F7 -2145378057 |
DTS_W_TXSORTSORTISTHESAME | The data is already sorted as specified so the transform can be removed. |
0x8020400D -2145370099 |
DTS_W_NOPIPELINEDATATYPEMAPPINGAVAILABLE | The %1 references an external data type that cannot be mapped to a Data Flow task data type. The Data Flow task data type DT_WSTR will be used instead. |
0x802070CC -2145357620 |
DTS_W_STATICTRUNCATIONINEXPRESSION | The expression "%1" will always result in a truncation of data. The expression contains a static truncation (the truncation of a fixed value). |
0x8020820C -2145353204 |
DTS_W_UNMAPPEDINPUTCOLUMN | The input column "%1" with ID %2!d! at index %3!d! is unmapped. The lineage ID for the column is zero. |
0x80208305 -2145352955 |
DTS_W_TXFUZZYLOOKUP_DELIMITERS_DONT_MATCH | The specified delimiters do not match the delimiters used to build the pre-existing match index "%1". This error occurs when the delimiters used to tokenize fields do not match. This can have unknown effects on the matching behavior or results. |
0x80208308 -2145352952 |
DTS_W_TXFUZZYLOOKUP_MAXRESULTS_IS_ZERO | The MaxOutputMatchesPerInput property on the Fuzzy Lookup transformation is zero. No results will be produced. |
0x80208310 -2145352944 |
DTS_W_TXFUZZYLOOKUP_NO_FUZZY_JOIN_COLUMNS | There were no valid input columns with JoinType column property set to Fuzzy. Performance on Exact joins may be improved by using the Lookup transform instead of FuzzyLookup. |
0x8020831C -2145352932 |
DTS_W_TXFUZZYLOOKUP_TIMESTAMPCAVEAT | The reference column "%1" may be a SQL timestamp column. When the fuzzy match index is built, and a copy of the reference table is made, all reference table timestamps will reflect the current state of the table at the time of the copy. Unexpected behavior may occur if the CopyReferenceTable is set to false. |
0x80208321 -2145352927 |
DTS_W_MATCHINDEXALREADYEXISTS | A table with the name '%1' given for MatchIndexName already exists and DropExistingMatchIndex is set to FALSE. Transform execution will fail unless this table is dropped, a different name is specified, or DropExistingMatchIndex is set to TRUE. |
0x8020832B -2145352917 |
DTS_W_TXFUZZYLOOKUP_JOINLENGTHMISMATCH | The length of input column '%1' is not equal to the length of the reference column '%2' that it is being matched against. |
0x8020832D -2145352915 |
DTS_W_TXFUZZYLOOKUP_CODEPAGE_MISMATCH | The code pages of the DT_STR source column "%1" and the DT_STR dest column "%2" do not match. This may cause unexpected results. |
0x8020832E -2145352914 |
DTS_W_FUZZYLOOKUP_TOOMANYEXACTMATCHCOLUMNS | There are more than 16 exact match joins, so performance may not be optimal. Reduce the number of exact match joins to improve performance. SQL Server has a limit of 16 columns per index, the inverted index will be used for all lookups. |
0x80208350 -2145352880 |
DTS_W_FUZZYLOOKUP_MEMLIMITANDEXHAUSTIVESPECIFIED | The Exhaustive option requires that the entire reference be loaded into main memory. Since a memory limit has been specified for the MaxMemoryUsage property, it is possible that the entire reference table will not fit within this bound and that the match operation will fail at runtime. |
0x80208351 -2145352879 |
DTS_W_FUZZYLOOKUP_EXACTMATCHCOLUMNSEXCEEDBYTELIMIT | The cumulative lengths of the columns specified in the exact match joins exceeds the 900 byte limit for index keys. Fuzzy Lookup creates an index on the exact match columns to increase lookup performance and there is a possibility that creation of this index may fail and the lookup will fall back to an alternative, possibly slower, method of finding matches. If performance is a problem, try removing some exact match join columns or reduce the maximum lengths of variable length exact match columns. |
0x80208352 -2145352878 |
DTS_W_FUZZYLOOKUP_EXACTMATCHINDEXCREATIONFAILED | Failed to create an index for exact match columns. Reverting to alternative fuzzy lookup method. |
0x80208353 -2145352877 |
DTS_W_FUZZYGROUPINGINTERNALPIPELINEWARNING | The following Fuzzy Grouping internal pipeline warning occurred with warning code 0x%1!8.8X!: "%2". |
0x80208375 -2145352843 |
DTS_W_XMLSRCOUTPUTCOLUMNLENGTHSETTODEFAULT | No maximum length was specified for the %1 with external data type %2. The SSIS Data Flow Task data type "%3" with a length of %4!d! will be used. |
0x80208376 -2145352842 |
DTS_W_XMLSRCOUTPUTCOLUMNDATATYPEMAPPEDTOSTRING | The %1 references external data type %2, which cannot be mapped to a SSIS Data Flow Task data type. The SSIS Data Flow Task data type DT_WSTR with a length of %3!d! will be used instead. |
0x80208385 -2145352827 |
DTS_W_NOREDIRECTWITHATTACHEDERROROUTPUTS | No rows will be sent to error output(s). Configure error or truncation dispositions to redirect rows to the error output(s), or delete data flow transformations or destinations that are attached to the error output(s). |
0x80208386 -2145352826 |
DTS_W_REDIRECTWITHNOATTACHEDERROROUTPUTS | Rows sent to the error output(s) will be lost. Add new data flow transformations or destinations to receive error rows, or reconfigure the component to stop redirecting rows to the error output(s). |
0x80208391 -2145352815 |
DTS_W_XMLSRCOUTPUTCOLUMNLENGTHSETTOMAXIMUM | For the %1 with external data type %2, the XML schema specified a maxLength constraint of %3!d!, which exceeds the maximum allowed column length of %4!d!. The SSIS Data Flow Task data type "%5" with a length of %6!d! will be used. |
0x802090E4 -2145349404 |
DTS_W_TXLOOKUP_DUPLICATE_KEYS | The %1 encountered duplicate reference key values when caching reference data. This error occurs in Full Cache mode only. Either remove the duplicate key values, or change the cache mode to PARTIAL or NO_CACHE. |
0x802092A7 -2145348953 |
DTS_W_POTENTIALTRUNCATIONFROMDATAINSERTION | Truncation may occur due to inserting data from data flow column "%1" with a length of %2!d! to database column "%3" with a length of %4!d!. |
0x802092A8 -2145348952 |
DTS_W_POTENTIALTRUNCATIONFROMDATARETRIEVAL | Truncation may occur due to retrieving data from database column "%1" with a length of %2!d! to data flow column "%3" with a length of %4!d!. |
0x802092AA -2145348950 |
DTS_W_ADODESTBATCHNOTSUPPORTEDFORERRORDISPOSITION | Batch mode is not currently supported when error row disposition is used. The BatchSize property will be set to 1. |
0x802092AB -2145348949 |
DTS_W_ADODESTNOROWSINSERTED | No rows were successfully inserted into the destination. This may be due to a data type mismatch between columns, or due to the use of a datatype that is unsupported by your ADO.NET provider. Since the error disposition for this component is not "Fail component", error messages are not shown here; set the error disposition to "Fail component" to see error messages here. |
0x802092AC -2145348948 |
DTS_W_ADODESTPOTENTIALDATALOSS | Potential data loss may occur due to inserting data from input column "%1" with data type "%2" to external column "%3" with data type "%4". If this is intended, an alternative way to do conversion is using a Data Conversion component before ADO NET destination component. |
0x802092AD -2145348947 |
DTS_W_ADODESTEXTERNALCOLNOTMATCHSCHEMACOL | The %1 has been out of synchronization with the database column. The latest column has %2. Use advanced editor to refresh available destination columns if needed. |
0x802092AE -2145348946 |
DTS_W_ADODESTEXTERNALCOLNOTEXIST | The %1 does not exist in the database. It may have been removed or renamed. Use Advanced Editor to refresh the available destination columns if needed. |
0x802092AF -2145348945 |
DTS_W_ADODESTNEWEXTCOL | A new column with name %1 has been added to the external database table. Use advanced editor to refresh available destination columns if needed. |
0x8020930C -2145348852 |
DTS_W_NOMATCHOUTPUTGETSNOROWS | No rows will be sent to the no match output. Configure the transformation to redirect rows with no matching entries to the no match output, or delete the data flow transformations or destinations that are attached to the no match output. |
0x8020931B -2145348837 |
DTS_W_ADODESTINVARIANTEXCEPTION | Exception received while enumerating ADO.Net providers. The invariant was "%1". The exception message is: "%2" |
0xC020822C -1071611348 |
DTS_W_UNMAPPEDOUTPUTCOLUMN | The %1 has no input column mapped to it. |
0x930D 37645 |
DTS_W_EXTERNALTABLECOLSOUTOFSYNC | The table "%1" has changed. New columns might have been added to the table. |
Informational messages
The symbolic names of Integration Services informational messages begin with DTS_I_.
Hexadecimal & decimal code |
Symbolic name | Description |
0x4001100A 1073811466 |
DTS_I_STARTINGTRANSACTION | Starting distributed transaction for this container. |
0x4001100B 1073811467 |
DTS_I_COMMITTINGTRANSACTION | Committing distributed transaction started by this container. |
0x4001100C 1073811468 |
DTS_I_ABORTINGTRANSACTION | Aborting the current distributed transaction. |
0x40013501 1073820929 |
DTS_I_GOTMUTEXFROMWAIT | Mutex "%1" was successfully acquired. |
0x40013502 1073820930 |
DTS_I_RELEASEACQUIREDMUTEX | Mutex "%1" was successfully released. |
0x40013503 1073820931 |
DTS_I_NEWMUTEXCREATED | Mutex "%1" was successfully created. |
0x40015101 1073828097 |
DTS_I_DUMP_ON_ANY_ERR | Debug dump files will be generated for any error event. |
0x40015102 1073828098 |
DTS_I_DUMP_ON_CODES | Debug dump files will be generated for the following event codes: "%1" |
0x40015103 1073828099 |
DTS_I_START_DUMP | Event code, 0x%1!8.8X!, triggered generation of debug dump files in the folder "%2". |
0x40015104 1073828100 |
DTS_I_SSIS_INFO_DUMP | Creating SSIS information dump file "%1". |
0x40015106 1073828102 |
DTS_I_FINISH_DUMP | Debug dump files successfully created. |
0x40016019 1073831961 |
DTS_I_PACKAGEMIGRATED | The package format was migrated from version %1!d! to version %2!d!. It must be saved to retain migration changes. |
0x4001601A 1073831962 |
DTS_I_SCRIPTSMIGRATED | The scripts in the package were migrated. The package must be saved to retain migration changes. |
0x40016025 1073831973 |
DTS_I_FTPRECEIVEFILE | Receiving file "%1". |
0x40016026 1073831974 |
DTS_I_FTPSENDFILE | Sending file "%1". |
0x40016027 1073831975 |
DTS_I_FTPFILEEXISTS | File "%1" already exists. |
0x40016028 1073831976 |
DTS_I_FTPERRORLOADINGMSG | Cannot get extra error information due to an internal error. |
0x40016036 1073831990 |
DTS_I_FTPDELETEFILE | The attempt to delete file "%1" failed. This may occur when the file does not exist, the file name was spelled incorrectly, or you do not have permissions to delete the file. |
0x40016037 1073831991 |
DTS_I_CONFIGFROMREG | The package is attempting to configure from a registry entry using the registry key "%1". |
0x40016038 1073831992 |
DTS_I_CONFIGFROMENVVAR | The package is attempting to configure from the environment variable "%1". |
0x40016039 1073831993 |
DTS_I_CONFIGFROMINIFILE | The package is attempting to configure from the .ini file "%1". |
0x40016040 1073832000 |
DTS_I_CONFIGFROMSQLSERVER | The package is attempting to configure from SQL Server using the configuration string "%1". |
0x40016041 1073832001 |
DTS_I_CONFIGFROMFILE | The package is attempting to configure from the XML file "%1". |
0x40016042 1073832002 |
DTS_I_CONFIGFROMPARENTVARIABLE | The package is attempting to configure from the parent variable "%1". |
0x40016043 1073832003 |
DTS_I_ATTEMPTINGUPGRADEOFDTS | Attempting an upgrade of SSIS from version "%1" to version "%2". The package is attempting to upgrade the runtime. |
0x40016044 1073832004 |
DTS_I_ATTEMPTINGUPGRADEOFANEXTOBJ | Attempting to upgrade "%1". The package is attempting to upgrade an extensible object. |
0x40016045 1073832005 |
DTS_I_SAVECHECKPOINTSTOFILE | The package will be saving checkpoints to file "%1" during execution. The package is configured to save checkpoints. |
0x40016046 1073832006 |
DTS_I_RESTARTFROMCHECKPOINTFILE | The package restarted from checkpoint file "%1". The package was configured to restart from checkpoint. |
0x40016047 1073832007 |
DTS_I_CHECKPOINTSAVEDTOFILE | Checkpoint file "%1" was updated to record completion of this container. |
0x40016048 1073832008 |
DTS_I_CHECKPOINTFILEDELETED | Checkpoint file "%1" was deleted after successful completion of the package. |
0x40016049 1073832009 |
DTS_I_CHECKPOINTSAVINGTOFILE | Checkpoint file "%1" update starting. |
0x40016051 1073832017 |
DTS_I_CHOSENMAXEXECUTABLES | Based on the system configuration, the maximum concurrent executables are set to %1!d!. |
0x40016052 1073832018 |
DTS_I_MAXEXECUTABLES | Maximum concurrent executables are set to %1!d!. |
0x40016053 1073832019 |
DTS_I_PACKAGESTART | Beginning of package execution. |
0x40016054 1073832020 |
DTS_I_PACKAGEEND | End of package execution. |
0x40029161 1073910113 |
DTS_I_FSTASK_DIRECTORYDELETED | Directory "%1" was deleted. |
0x40029162 1073910114 |
DTS_I_FSTASK_FILEDELETED | File or directory "%1" was deleted. |
0x400292A8 1073910440 |
DTS_I_TRANSFERDBTASK_OVERWRITEDB | Overwriting the database "%1" on the destination server "%2". |
0x4002F304 1073935108 |
0x4002F323 1073935139 |
DTS_I_ERRMSGTASK_SKIPPINGERRORMESSAGEALREADYEXISTS | Skipping error message "%1" since it already exists on the destination server. |
0x4002F326 1073935142 |
DTS_I_ERRMSGTASK_TRANSFEREDNERRORMESSAGES | "%1" Error Messages were transferred. |
0x4002F351 1073935185 |
DTS_I_STOREDPROCSTASKS_TRANSFEREDNSPS | The task transferred "%1" Stored Procedures. |
0x4002F352 1073935186 |
0x4002F358 1073935192 |
DTS_I_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_NOSPSTOTRANSFER | There are no Stored Procedures to transfer. |
0x4002F362 1073935202 |
0x4002F366 1073935206 |
0x4002F370 1073935216 |
0x4002F374 1073935220 |
DTS_I_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_NOUDFSTOTRANSFER | There are no User Defined Functions to transfer. |
0x4002F378 1073935224 |
0x4002F382 1073935234 |
DTS_I_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_NOUDDTSTOTRANSFER | There are no User Defined Data Types to transfer. |
0x4002F386 1073935238 |
DTS_I_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_NOPFSTOTRANSFER | There are no Partition Functions to transfer. |
0x4002F390 1073935248 |
DTS_I_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_NOPSSTOTRANSFER | There are no Partition Schemes to transfer. |
0x4002F394 1073935252 |
0x4002F398 1073935256 |
0x4002F402 1073935362 |
DTS_I_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_NOAGGREGATESTOTRANSFER | There are no User Defined Aggregates to transfer. |
0x4002F406 1073935366 |
DTS_I_TRANSOBJECTSTASK_NOTYPESTOTRANSFER | There are no User Defined Types to transfer. |
0x4002F410 1073935376 |
0x4002F418 1073935384 |
0x4002F41D 1073935389 |
0x4002F41E 1073935390 |
0x40043006 1074016262 |
DTS_I_EXECUTIONPHASE_PREPAREFOREXECUTE | Prepare for Execute phase is beginning. |
0x40043007 1074016263 |
DTS_I_EXECUTIONPHASE_PREEXECUTE | Pre-Execute phase is beginning. |
0x40043008 1074016264 |
DTS_I_EXECUTIONPHASE_POSTEXECUTE | Post Execute phase is beginning. |
0x40043009 1074016265 |
DTS_I_EXECUTIONPHASE_CLEANUP | Cleanup phase is beginning. |
0x4004300A 1074016266 |
DTS_I_EXECUTIONPHASE_VALIDATE | Validation phase is beginning. |
0x4004300B 1074016267 |
DTS_I_ROWS_WRITTEN | "%1" wrote %2!ld! rows. |
0x4004300C 1074016268 |
DTS_I_EXECUTIONPHASE_EXECUTE | Execute phase is beginning. |
0x4004800C 1074036748 |
DTS_I_CANTRELIEVEPRESSURE | The buffer manager detected that the system was low on virtual memory, but was unable to swap out any buffers. %1!d! buffers were considered and %2!d! were locked. Either not enough memory is available to the pipeline because not enough is installed, other processes are using it, or too many buffers are locked. |
0x4004800D 1074036749 |
DTS_I_CANTALLOCATEMEMORYPRESSURE | The buffer manager failed a memory allocation call for %3!d! bytes, but was unable to swap out any buffers to relieve memory pressure. %1!d! buffers were considered and %2!d! were locked. Either not enough memory is available to the pipeline because not enough are installed, other processes were using it, or too many buffers are locked. |
0x4004800E 1074036750 |
DTS_I_ALLOCATEDDURINGMEMORYPRESSURE | The buffer manager has allocated %1!d! bytes, even though the memory pressure has been detected and repeated attempts to swap buffers have failed. |
0x400490F4 1074041076 |
DTS_I_TXLOOKUP_CACHE_PROGRESS | %1 has cached %2!d! rows. |
0x400490F5 1074041077 |
DTS_I_TXLOOKUP_CACHE_FINAL | %1 has cached a total of %2!d! rows. |
0x4020206D 1075847277 |
DTS_I_RAWSOURCENOCOLUMNS | The raw source adapter opened a file, but the file contains no columns. The adapter will not produce data. This could indicate a damaged file, or that there are zero columns and, therefore, no data. |
0x402020DA 1075847386 |
DTS_I_OLEDBINFORMATIONALMESSAGE | An OLE DB informational message is available. |
0x40208327 1075872551 |
DTS_I_TXFUZZYLOOKUP_EXACT_MATCH_PERF_COLLATIONS_DONT_MATCH | Fuzzy match performance can be improved if the exact join FuzzyComparisonFlags on the input column "%1" are set to match with the default SQL collation for reference table column "%2". It is also necessary that no fold flags are set in FuzzyComparisonFlagsEx. |
0x40208328 1075872552 |
DTS_I_TXFUZZYLOOKUP_EXACT_MATCH_PERF_INDEX_MISSING | Fuzzy match performance can be improved if an index is created upon the reference table across all of the specified exact match columns. |
0x40208387 1075872647 |
DTS_I_DISPSNOTREVIEWED | Error and truncation dispositions were not reviewed. Make sure this component is configured to redirect rows to error outputs, if you wish to further transform those rows. |
0x402090DA 1075876058 |
DTS_I_TXAGG_WORKSPACE_REHASH | The Aggregate transformation has encountered %1!d! key combinations. It has to re-hash data because the number of key combinations is more than expected. The component can be configured to avoid data re-hash by adjusting the Keys, KeyScale, and AutoExtendFactor properties. |
0x402090DB 1075876059 |
DTS_I_TXAGG_COUNTDISTINCT_REHASH | The Aggregate transformation has encountered %1!d! distinct values while performing a "count distinct" aggregation on "%2". The transformation will re-hash data because the number of distinct values is more than expected. The component can be configured to avoid data re-hash by adjusting the CountDistinctKeys, CountDistinctKeyScale, and AutoExtendFactor properties. |
0x402090DC 1075876060 |
DTS_I_STARTPROCESSINGFILE | The processing of file "%1" has started. |
0x402090DD 1075876061 |
DTS_I_FINISHPROCESSINGFILE | The processing of file "%1" has ended. |
0x402090DE 1075876062 |
DTS_I_TOTALDATAROWSPROCESSEDFORFILE | The total number of data rows processed for file "%1" is %2!I64d!. |
0x402090DF 1075876063 |
DTS_I_FINALCOMMITSTARTED | The final commit for the data insertion in "%1" has started. |
0x402090E0 1075876064 |
DTS_I_FINALCOMMITENDED | The final commit for the data insertion in "%1" has ended. |
0x402090E1 1075876065 |
DTS_I_BEGINHASHINGCACHE | %1!u! rows are added to the cache. The system is processing the rows. |
0x402090E2 1075876066 |
DTS_I_SUCCEEDEDHASHINGCACHE | The %1 processed %2!u! rows in the cache. The processing time was %3 seconds. The cache used %4!I64u! bytes of memory. |
0x402090E3 1075876067 |
DTS_I_FAILEDHASHINGCACHE | The %1 failed to process the rows in the cache. The processing time was %2 second(s). |
0x402090E4 1075876068 |
DTS_I_SUCCEEDEDPREPARINGCACHE | The %1 succeeded in preparing the cache. The preparation time was %2 seconds. |
0x40209314 1075876628 |
DTS_I_TXLOOKUP_PARTIALPERF | The %1 has performed the following operations: processed %2!I64u! rows, issued %3!I64u! database commands to the reference database, and performed %4!I64u! lookups using partial cache. |
0x40209315 1075876629 |
DTS_I_TXLOOKUP_PARTIALPERF2 | The %1 has performed the following operations: processed %2!I64u! rows, issued %3!I64u! database commands to the reference database, performed %4!I64u! lookups using partial cache and %5!I64u! lookups using the cache for rows with no matching entries in the initial lookup. |
0x40209316 1075876630 |
DTS_I_CACHEFILEWRITESTARTED | The %1 is writing the cache to file "%2". |
0x40209317 1075876631 |
DTS_I_CACHEFILEWRITESUCCEEDED | The %1 has written the cache to file "%2". |
0x4020F42C 1075901484 |
DTS_I_OLEDBDESTZEROMAXCOMMITSIZE | The Maximum insert commit size property of the OLE DB destination "%1" is set to 0. This property setting can cause the running package to stop responding. For more information, see the F1 Help topic for OLE DB Destination Editor (Connection Manager Page). |
General and event messages
The symbolic names of Integration Services error messages begin with DTS_MSG_.
Hexadecimal & decimal code |
Symbolic name | Description |
0x1 1 |
0x2 2 |
DTS_MSG_CATEGORY_RUNNING_PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT | The system cannot find the file specified. |
0x100 256 |
DTS_MSG_SERVER_STARTING | Starting Microsoft SSIS Service. Server version %1 |
0x101 257 |
DTS_MSG_SERVER_STARTED | Microsoft SSIS Service started. Server version %1 |
0x102 258 |
DTS_MSG_SERVER_STOPPING | The wait operation timed out. |
0x103 259 |
DTS_MSG_SERVER_STOPPED | No more data is available. |
0x104 260 |
DTS_MSG_SERVER_START_FAILED | Microsoft SSIS Service failed to start. Error: %1 |
0x105 261 |
DTS_MSG_SERVER_STOP_ERROR | Error stopping Microsoft SSIS Service. Error: %1 |
0x110 272 |
DTS_MSG_SERVER_MISSING_CONFIG | Microsoft SSIS Service configuration file does not exist. Loading with default settings. |
0x111 273 |
DTS_MSG_SERVER_BAD_CONFIG | Microsoft SSIS Service configuration file is incorrect. Error reading config file: %1 Loading server with default settings. |
0x112 274 |
DTS_MSG_SERVER_MISSING_CONFIG_REG | Microsoft SSIS Service: Registry setting specifying configuration file does not exist. Attempting to load default config file. |
0x150 336 |
DTS_MSG_SERVER_STOPPING_PACKAGE | Microsoft SSIS Service: stopping running package. Package instance ID: %1 Package ID: %2 Package name: %3 Package description: %4 Package started by: %5. |
0x40013000 1073819648 |
DTS_MSG_PACKAGESTART | Package "%1" started. |
0x40013001 1073819649 |
DTS_MSG_PACKAGESUCCESS | Package "%1" finished successfully. |
0x40013002 1073819650 |
DTS_MSG_PACKAGECANCEL | Package "%1" has been cancelled. |
0x40013003 1073819651 |
DTS_MSG_PACKAGEFAILURE | Package "%1" failed. |
0x40013004 1073819652 |
DTS_MSG_CANTDELAYLOADDLL | Module %1 cannot load DLL %2 to call entry point %3 because of error %4. The product requires that DLL to run, but the DLL could not be found on the path. |
0x40013005 1073819653 |
DTS_MSG_CANTDELAYLOADDLLFUNCTION | Module %1 loaded DLL %2, but cannot find entry point %3 because of error %4. The named DLL could not be found on the path, and the product requires that DLL to run. |
0x40103100 1074802944 |
DTS_MSG_EVENTLOGENTRY | Event Name: %1 Message: %9 Operator: %2 Source Name: %3 Source ID: %4 Execution ID: %5 Start Time: %6 End Time: %7 Data Code: %8 |
0x40103101 1074802945 |
DTS_MSG_EVENTLOGENTRY_PREEXECUTE | Event Name: %1 Message: %9 Operator: %2 Source Name: %3 Source ID: %4 Execution ID: %5 Start Time: %6 End Time: %7 Data Code: %8 |
0x40103102 1074802946 |
DTS_MSG_EVENTLOGENTRY_POSTEXECUTE | Event Name: %1 Message: %9 Operator: %2 Source Name: %3 Source ID: %4 Execution ID: %5 Start Time: %6 End Time: %7 Data Code: %8 |
0x40103103 1074802947 |
DTS_MSG_EVENTLOGENTRY_PREVALIDATE | Event Name: %1 Message: %9 Operator: %2 Source Name: %3 Source ID: %4 Execution ID: %5 Start Time: %6 End Time: %7 Data Code: %8 |
0x40103104 1074802948 |
DTS_MSG_EVENTLOGENTRY_POSTVALIDATE | Event Name: %1 Message: %9 Operator: %2 Source Name: %3 Source ID: %4 Execution ID: %5 Start Time: %6 End Time: %7 Data Code: %8 |
0x40103105 1074802949 |
DTS_MSG_EVENTLOGENTRY_WARNING | Event Name: %1 Message: %9 Operator: %2 Source Name: %3 Source ID: %4 Execution ID: %5 Start Time: %6 End Time: %7 Data Code: %8 |
0x40103106 1074802950 |
DTS_MSG_EVENTLOGENTRY_ERROR | Event Name: %1 Message: %9 Operator: %2 Source Name: %3 Source ID: %4 Execution ID: %5 Start Time: %6 End Time: %7 Data Code: %8 |
0x40103107 1074802951 |
DTS_MSG_EVENTLOGENTRY_TASKFAILED | Event Name: %1 Message: %9 Operator: %2 Source Name: %3 Source ID: %4 Execution ID: %5 Start Time: %6 End Time: %7 Data Code: %8 |
0x40103108 1074802952 |
DTS_MSG_EVENTLOGENTRY_PROGRESS | Event Name: %1 Message: %9 Operator: %2 Source Name: %3 Source ID: %4 Execution ID: %5 Start Time: %6 End Time: %7 Data Code: %8 |
0x40103109 1074802953 |
DTS_MSG_EVENTLOGENTRY_EXECSTATCHANGE | Event Name: %1 Message: %9 Operator: %2 Source Name: %3 Source ID: %4 Execution ID: %5 Start Time: %6 End Time: %7 Data Code: %8 |
0x4010310A 1074802954 |
DTS_MSG_EVENTLOGENTRY_VARVALCHANGE | Event Name: %1 Message: %9 Operator: %2 Source Name: %3 Source ID: %4 Execution ID: %5 Start Time: %6 End Time: %7 Data Code: %8 |
0x4010310B 1074802955 |
DTS_MSG_EVENTLOGENTRY_CUSTOMEVENT | Event Name: %1 Message: %9 Operator: %2 Source Name: %3 Source ID: %4 Execution ID: %5 Start Time: %6 End Time: %7 Data Code: %8 |
0x4010310C 1074802956 |
DTS_MSG_EVENTLOGENTRY_PACKAGESTART | Event Name: %1 Message: %9 Operator: %2 Source Name: %3 Source ID: %4 Execution ID: %5 Start Time: %6 End Time: %7 Data Code: %8 |
0x4010310D 1074802957 |
DTS_MSG_EVENTLOGENTRY_PACKAGEEND | Event Name: %1 Message: %9 Operator: %2 Source Name: %3 Source ID: %4 Execution ID: %5 Start Time: %6 End Time: %7 Data Code: %8 |
0x4010310E 1074802958 |
DTS_MSG_EVENTLOGENTRY_INFORMATION | Event Name: %1 Message: %9 Operator: %2 Source Name: %3 Source ID: %4 Execution ID: %5 Start Time: %6 End Time: %7 Data Code: %8 |
Success messages
The symbolic names of Integration Services success messages begin with DTS_S_.
Hexadecimal & decimal code |
Symbolic name | Description |
0x40003 262147 |
DTS_S_NULLDATA | The value is NULL. |
0x40005 262149 |
DTS_S_TRUNCATED | The string value was truncated. The buffer received a string that was too long for the column, and the string was truncated by the buffer. |
0x200001 2097153 |
DTS_S_EXPREVALTRUNCATIONOCCURRED | A truncation occurred during evaluation of the expression. The truncation occurred during evaluation, which may include any point in an intermediate step. |
Data flow component error messages
The symbolic names of Integration Services error messages begin with DTSBC_E_, where "BC" refers to the native base class from which most Microsoft data flow components are derived.
Hexadecimal & decimal code |
Symbolic name | Description |
0xC8000002 -939524094 |
DTSBC_E_INCORRECTEXACTNUMBEROFTOTALOUTPUTS | The total number of outputs and error outputs, %1!lu!, is incorrect. There must be exactly %2!lu!. |
0xC8000003 -939524093 |
DTSBC_E_FAILEDTOGETOUTPUTBYINDEX | Cannot retrieve output with index %1!lu!. |
0xC8000005 -939524091 |
DTSBC_E_INCORRECTEXACTNUMBEROFERROROUTPUTS | The number of error outputs, %1!lu!, is incorrect. There must be exactly %2!lu!. |
0xC8000006 -939524090 |
DTSBC_E_INVALIDVALIDATIONSTATUSVALUE | Incorrect validation status value, "%1!lu! ". It must be one of the values found in the DTSValidationStatus enumeration. |
0xC8000007 -939524089 |
DTSBC_E_INPUTHASNOOUTPUT | The input "%1!lu!" has no synchronous output. |
0xC8000008 -939524088 |
DTSBC_E_INPUTHASNOERROROUTPUT | The input "%1!lu!" has no synchronous error output. |
0xC8000009 -939524087 |
DTSBC_E_INVALIDHTPIVALUE | The HowToProcessInput value, %1!lu!, is not valid. It must be one of the values from the HowToProcessInput enumeration. |
0xC800000A -939524086 |
DTSBC_E_FAILEDTOGETCOLINFO | Failed to get information for row "%1!ld!", column "%2!ld!" from the buffer. The error code returned was 0x%3!8.8X!. |
0xC800000B -939524085 |
DTSBC_E_FAILEDTOSETCOLINFO | Failed to set information for row "%1!ld!", column "%2!ld!" into the buffer. The error code returned was 0x%3!8.8X!. |
0xC800000C -939524084 |
DTSBC_E_INVALIDPROPERTY | The property "%1" is not valid. |
0xC800000D -939524083 |
DTSBC_E_PROPERTYNOTFOUND | The property "%1" was not found. |
0xC8000010 -939524080 |
DTSBC_E_READONLYPROPERTY | Error assigning a value to the read-only property "%1". |
0xC8000011 -939524079 |
DTSBC_E_CANTINSERTOUTPUTCOLUMN | The %1 does not allow the insertion of output columns. |
0xC8000012 -939524078 |
DTSBC_E_OUTPUTCOLUMNSMETADATAMISMATCH | The output columns' metadata does not match the associated input columns' metadata. The output columns' metadata will be updated. |
0xC8000013 -939524077 |
DTSBC_E_OUTPUTCOLUMNSMISSING | There are input columns that do not have associated output columns. The output columns will be added. |
0xC8000014 -939524076 |
DTSBC_E_TOOMANYOUTPUTCOLUMNS | There are output columns that do not have associated input columns. The output columns will be removed. |
0xC8000015 -939524075 |
DTSBC_E_OUTPUTCOLUMNSMETADATAMISMATCHUNMAP | The output columns' metadata does not match the associated input columns' metadata. The input columns will be unmapped. |
0xC8000016 -939524074 |
DTSBC_E_UNMAPINPUTCOLUMNS | There are input columns that do not have associated output columns. The input columns will be unmapped. |
0xC8000017 -939524073 |
DTSBC_E_MULTIPLEINCOLSTOOUTCOL | There is an input column associated with an output column, and that output column is already associated with another input column on the same input. |
0xC8000018 -939524072 |
DTSBC_E_CANTINSERTEXTERNALMETADATACOLUMN | The %1 does not allow the insertion of external metadata columns. |