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How to Uninstall the MED-V Components

Under certain circumstances, you might want to uninstall all or part of the Microsoft Enterprise Desktop Virtualization (MED-V) 2.0 components from your enterprise. For example, you have resolved all application operating system compatibility issues, or you want to deploy a different MED-V workspace in your enterprise.

Typically, you can configure your electronic software distribution (ESD) system to uninstall the MED-V components by using a Windows-based Installer. Alternately, you can uninstall all or some MED-V components manually.

Important   Before you can uninstall the MED-V Host Agent, you must first uninstall any installed MED-V workspace.

Use the following procedures to uninstall the MED-V components from your enterprise.

To uninstall MED-V using an electronic software distribution System

  1. Use your ESD system to distribute a script that invokes the uninstall.exe executable program for every MED-V workspace that you want to uninstall. The file is located at C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Medv\Workspace. You can set a flag to run the uninstall executable program silently so that end users are unaware of the uninstallation.

  2. Create a package to distribute the MED-V Host Agent installation file to each computer on which a MED-V workspace was uninstalled. Configure the package to run the uninstallation in silent mode.

The ESD client recognizes when the new packages are available and starts to uninstall the packages per the definition and requirements.

To manually uninstall a MED-V workspace

  1. On the host computer, click Start, click Control Panel, and then click Programs and Features.

  2. In the Programs and Features window, select the MED-V workspace that you want to remove, and then click Uninstall. (The MED-V workspace is named "MED-V Workspace - <workspace_name>"). The <workspace_name> Setup Wizard opens.

  3. On the Setup Wizard, click Next, and then click Remove.

  4. If you prefer, select the check box to delete the master VHD disk and differencing disks created by MED-V. This is not required, but frees disk space after the uninstallation finishes.

  5. Click Remove.

    Note   If MED-V is currently running, a dialog box appears and prompts you whether you want to shut it down. Click Yes to continue with the uninstallation. Click No to cancel the uninstallation.

Alternately, you can remove a MED-V workspace by running the uninstall.exe file, typically located at C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Medv\Workspace.

To manually uninstall the MED-V Host Agent

  1. On the Windows 7 host computer, click Start, click Control Panel, and then click Programs and Features.

  2. In the Programs and Features window, select MED-V Host Agent, and then click Uninstall.

    The Windows Installer removes the MED-V Host Agent.

    Note   If you try to uninstall the MED-V Host Agent before you uninstall the MED-V workspace, a dialog box appears that states that you must first uninstall the MED-V workspace. Click OK to continue.

To manually uninstall the MED-V Workspace Packager

  1. On the host computer, click Start, click Control Panel, and then click Programs and Features.

  2. In the Programs and Features window, select MED-V Workspace Packager, and then click Uninstall.

    The Windows Installer removes the MED-V Workspace Packager.

    Note   You can uninstall the MED-V Workspace Packager at any time without affecting any deployed MED-V workspaces.

Deploy the MED-V Components