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Checklist: Installation for Message Queuing servers

Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2

Checklist: Installation for Message Queuing servers

Use this checklist when installing Message Queuing servers on computers running on Windows Server 2003 family computers that do not have previous versions of Message Queuing installed. Message Queuing is not installed by default during Windows Server 2003 family operating system setup.

Step Reference

Review key concepts and determine the server functionality needed.

Message Queuing features

Review installation requirements.

Installation overview

Review the problems that may arise during installation and their solutions.

Troubleshooting installation problems

Log on with the appropriate administrative permissions.

Installation permissions

Before installing a Message Queuing server on a computer in a particular site, verify that there is at least one available domain controller in that site or in a nearby site.

Installation overview

For each Windows Server 2003 or Windows 2000 domain controller, verify that the computer is trusted for delegation.

Make a domain controller trusted for delegation

To reduce replication traffic, consider configuring at least one computer from the Windows Server 2003 or Windows 2000 domain controller in each site as a global catalog server.

Configure a domain controller as a global catalog server

If this server will be installed in domain mode and act as a supporting server for dependent clients, enable this feature.

Enable a supporting server

If this server will support Windows 2000 Message Queuing clients in the same site, verify that there is a domain controller running the Message Queuing directory service (Downlevel Client Support) or Message Queuing 2.0 in the site, or promote this computer to a domain controller and select the Downlevel Client Support subcomponent during installation.

Installing Message Queuing servers

If this server will support MSMQ 1.0 clients in the same site, verify that there is a domain controller running the Message Queuing directory service (Downlevel Client Support) or Message Queuing 2.0 and configured as a global catalog server from the domain of each such client in the site. Or, if applicable, promote this computer to a domain controller, configure it as a global catalog server, and select the Downlevel Client Support subcomponent during installation.

Installing Message Queuing servers

Run the Windows Components Wizard and select the subcomponents that provide the services needed.

Install Message Queuing servers

When prompted during the first or a subsequent installation of a Message Queuing server with Downlevel Client Support on a domain controller in your organization, weaken security if you want to support MSMQ 1.0 clients or clients logged on with local user accounts. For best security practice, only weaken security if necessary.

Enabling weakened security

If this server will be deployed for Internet messaging, configure HTTPS authentication.

HTTPS authentication

Verify that the Message Queuing service has started.

Start or stop services for Message Queuing

If this server has been enabled for routing, create a routing link for this computer to serve as a site gate to route messages to another site.

Create routing links

Send a test message. Note that this feature must be enabled following Message Queuing installation.

Enable route tracking and test messages; Send test messages