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Message Queuing in server clusters

Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2

Message Queuing in server clusters

The Message Queuing service can be implemented in a server cluster, which appears to network clients as a single, highly available system. Such clusters are used to increase reliability and fault tolerance through failover as well as to achieve load balancing. Message Queuing server clusters can be created only on computers running Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition or Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition. For these clusters, the Message Queuing service is installed on every node in the cluster. These instances of the Message Queuing service are needed to support Message Queuing resources in the virtual servers. In addition, although they are unaware of clustering, they are needed, even in a clustered system, to serve the many applications and system components that run outside the context of any virtual server and call Message Queuing APIs.

Cluster groups and virtual servers

A cluster group is a collection of cluster resources with the following characteristics:

  • Groups define the units of failover. That is, when one resource in a group fails and it is necessary to move the resource to an alternate node, all of the resources in the group are moved to the alternate node.

  • A group is always owned by one node at any point in time. Likewise, a resource is always owned by a single group. These relationships ensure that all of a group's members reside on the same node.

To access a network application or resource in a nonclustered environment, network clients must connect to a physical server (that is, a specific computer on the network identified by a unique network name and Internet Protocol (IP) address). If that server fails, access to the application or resource is impossible. Through server clusters, Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition or Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition enable the creation of virtual servers. Unlike a physical server, a virtual server is not associated with a specific computer and can be failed over like a group. If the node hosting the virtual server fails, clients can still access its resources using the same server name. A virtual server is a group that contains a network name resource, IP address resources, other virtual servers, and other resources - including applications like Message Queuing, to be accessed by the clients of the virtual server.

When you form cluster groups for Message Queuing, you must create a virtual server. The Message Queuing resource is dependent on a Physical Disk resource, to store message and queue data, and a Network Name resource, so that remote clients can access it. This virtual server is created on each node of the cluster using standard cluster tools (Cluster Administrator is the standard GUI tool) or cluster-creating APIs. If you are using triggers, HTTP messaging, or external transactions on your cluster, requiring a Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC) resource, a single DTC resource is created only in one of the virtual servers. Then you create a Message Queuing resource using Cluster Administrator in some or all of the existing cluster groups. The first time that a Message Queuing resource on any virtual server is brought online, the cluster Network Name resource creates a pseudo-computer object, and the Message Queuing resource creates the Message Queuing objects under it in Active Directory. Each virtual server functions similarly to a physical computer, so a Message Queuing server running in the context of a virtual server provides services similar to a Message Queuing server running on a physical computer. In particular, queues can be created on a virtual server, and messages can be sent to them. Such queues are addressed using the VirtualServerName\QueueName syntax.

For more information on Cluster Administrator, see Using Cluster Administrator, in the Cluster Administrator Help file.

For more information on creating virtual servers for Message Queuing using Cluster Administrator and on creating a DTC resource in a server cluster, see Installing Message Queuing in a server cluster.

Note that when you select the Physical Disk resource for the Message Queuing cluster group, Message Queuing allocates its storage in the MSMQ\STORAGE folder on the shared disk. After storage has been allocated, you cannot modify the folder location.

Message Queuing clients can communicate with a standard Message Queuing server running on a node of a server cluster, or if Message Queuing applications are cluster-aware, they can run on a Message Queuing server running in the context of a virtual server.

In the active/active model, which is supported by all versions of Message Queuing following MSMQ 1.0, there can be multiple Message Queuing virtual servers running (active) on a single node. Thus, in a simplified example, if there are two nodes in a server cluster and Message Queuing is installed on both of them and if these two nodes host a total of three virtual servers, any of these virtual servers can fail over to the other node.

In the event of a failover, the resources of a group on one node, initially the preferred node, are taken offline and then brought back online on another node. The data stored on the physical disk remains unchanged because only the ownership of the Physical Disk resource is transferred to the new node. Upon failback, the resources are moved back logically to the preferred node.

Because the Message Queuing Triggers service is cluster-aware and supports the active/active paradigm, when the Message Queuing service fails over to another node, the Triggers service will fail over along with it. For this to occur, you must create a Message Queuing Triggers resource with resource dependencies on the Message Queuing resource and the Network Name resource on the applicable node using Cluster Administrator. When failover occurs, the trigger and rule definitions, which are stored in the Windows registry, can then propagate between cluster nodes along with the other Message Queuing keys. After failover, the Triggers service can thus continue to process the incoming messages in each monitored queue and invoke the applicable stand-alone executable or COM component according to the rules defined.

Virtual servers are managed using standard snap-ins. The Users and Computers snap-in can be used to manage the Message Queuing resources within a virtual cluster just as it is used to manage Message Queuing computers in a network. You can also open the Computer Management snap-in from within a virtual server for local management of the Message Queuing resource.

In a server cluster, the Message Queuing servers installed on the nodes must all provide the same set of services to enable failover. The types of services provided by Message Queuing running in the context of a virtual server depend on the configuration of the Message Queuing servers installed on the host nodes. For example, if Message Queuing servers with routing services enabled are installed on the nodes of a server cluster, these services will also be available in the context of the virtual servers hosted on those nodes.

Note that the Downlevel Client Support component cannot run on a virtual server. However, computers requiring this component can query a remote Message Queuing server with this component, running on a domain controller.

IP addressing with multiple network interface cards on a cluster node

On the physical node of a cluster, there are usually two network interface cards with different IP addresses. One of these network interface cards is used only for internal cluster communication. To ensure that Message Queuing does not use the private IP address of an internal cluster Network Interface Card, which would result in messaging failure, Message Queuing maintains a list of all private IP addresses on a cluster node. When Message Queuing starts, it checks this list to make sure that the IP address of an internal network interface card is not selected for messaging. Alternatively, you can specify an IP address on the cluster node that must be used for messaging, instead of allowing Message Queuing to randomly select an IP address from those available.

The IP address used for messaging is derived by applying the following conditions:

  • On a virtual server, the virtual server's IP address defined for the IP address resource is used.

  • Else if the cluster node has only one IP address, that is used.

  • Else if an IP address is specified in the registry, that is used. If the IP address specified cannot be found on the node, an event will be issued and the registry entry ignored.

  • Else if a node has multiple IP addresses, the cluster API is used to make two lists - a first list of all private (not static) IP addresses, and a second list of all the node's IP addresses. These two lists are then compared, to select an address that is in the second list but not the first. An informational event is issued with the IP address chosen. If the only IP addresses available are those in the first list, one of those is used, and an event issued.

To specify an IP address, create a string value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSMQ\Parameters\ClusterBindIP, in the usual IP address format. After editing the registry, restart the Message Queuing service for the changes to take effect.


  • Incorrectly editing the registry may severely damage your system. It is recommended that you back up any valuable data on the computer before making changes to the registry.

Note that after restarting a node computer, the Message Queuing service running on the node does not restart automatically, and you need to restart it manually. However, Message Queuing resources that were online do come back online automatically.

IP addressing for multicast messaging on a cluster node

On a cluster node with multiple network interface cards, a problem will arise when the computer tries to send multicast messages by means of these multiple network interface cards. In effect, Message Queuing will randomly choose a network interface card for sending multicast messages. If the private network interface card is chosen, multicast recipients will not receive the message. To work around this issue, you can specify the source IP address to be used for sending multicast messages. To do this, create the string value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSMQ\Parameters\MulticastBindIP, in the usual IP address format. After setting the registry, restart the Message Queuing service for the changes to take effect.


  • Incorrectly editing the registry may severely damage your system. It is recommended that you back up any valuable data on the computer before making changes to the registry.

Note that for multicast messaging on a cluster node, if no IP address is specified in the MulticastBindIP, then the IP address to be used will be derived from the procedure detailed previously in the section entitled IP addressing with multiple network interface cards on a cluster node.

Memory management for Message Queuing resources in clusters

If you have multiple Message Queuing resources in a server cluster, message activity may not function as expected unless you increase the system view space memory pool size of each node by 4 MB for each instance of the Message Queuing resource. This is recommended for cluster nodes with one or two Message Queuing resources and necessary for cluster nodes with three or more Message Queuing resources: To do this:

  • Open Registry Editor using regedit.

  • Open the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management.

  • Create a new string value called SystemViewSize.

  • Calculate and specify this value as follows:

    • Use this formula: (16 + (the number of Message Queuing resources x 4)).

    • For example, the value for a cluster with three Message Queuing resources equals 28.

  • Reboot each node.


  • Incorrectly editing the registry may severely damage your system. It is recommended that you back up any valuable data on the computer before making changes to the registry.

For more information on server clusters for Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition and Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition, see Server Clusters, in the Windows Help file.