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Installation requirements and restrictions

Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2

Installation requirements and restrictions

Installation requirements

Regardless of whether you are performing a new installation of Message Queuing or upgrading from previous versions, the following requirements must be met before you can successfully install Message Queuing on a computer running a Windows Server 2003 family operating system:

  • You must be logged on with the proper administrative permissions for the computer on which you want to install or upgrade Message Queuing. For more information on the permissions required for installation, see Installation permissions.

  • It is recommended that you have network connectivity if you want to install or upgrade Message Queuing on a computer that is part of a Windows Server 2003 family or Windows 2000 domain. However, Message Queuing can be installed offline.

  • To support MSMQ 1.0 clients on Windows NT 4.0, Windows 98, or Windows 95 computers, and MSMQ 2.0 clients on Windows 2000 computers in a Windows Server 2003 domain, you must install the Message Queuing Downlevel Client Support component on a Windows Server 2003 domain controller or install Message Queuing 2.0 on a Windows 2000 domain controller in the local domain.

  • If a domain controller in the local site or in a nearby site cannot be accessed or does not exist, the installation process can continue. In this case, if the Active Directory Integration subcomponent is not selected, Message Queuing will be installed in workgroup mode, even if the computer on which Message Queuing is being installed belongs to a domain. If the Active Directory component is selected, the installation process continues, and Message Queuing will attempt to create the Active Directory object every time the Message Queuing service is restarted.

Installation restrictions

To successfully install or upgrade Message Queuing, the following restrictions must be observed:

  • Do not install Message Queuing simultaneously on multiple Windows Server 2003 family domain controllers. In Active Directory, creating an object with the same name at the same time on multiple domain controllers may result in objects' names being changed. This can happen because it takes a certain amount of time for changes to be replicated among domain controllers.

  • Do not manually create Message Queuing objects (such as the msmq object, for example) in Active Directory before you install or upgrade Message Queuing.

In addition, the following restrictions apply to specific subcomponent configurations:

  • A dependent client cannot be installed in workgroup mode. Thus, the Core subcomponent cannot be installed without the Local Storage subcomponent in workgroup mode.

  • After Message Queuing is installed, the Local Storage subcomponent cannot be added or removed.

  • The domain controller that an independent client will attempt to contact during installation cannot be defined in advance in attended setup. If you want to specify a pre-Windows Server 2003 family domain controller, you must run Setup in unattended mode and include a ControllerServer entry in the [msmq] section.

  • No additional subcomponents can be installed on a dependent client. If you want to add a subcomponent, you must first uninstall Message Queuing and install it again as an independent client.

  • The Downlevel Client Support component cannot be installed if the computer does not belong to a domain.

  • The Downlevel Client Support component cannot be installed if no domain controller is available, as in offline mode.

  • The Routing Support component cannot be installed if the computer does not belong to a domain.

  • The Routing Support component cannot be installed if no domain controller is available, as in offline mode.

Finally, there may be certain restrictions on creating queues on computers that are specified during Message Queuing Setup. For more information, see Access control for Message Queuing.

Installing Message Queuing using a Windows NT 4.0 user account

When you install Message Queuing on a computer running Windows Server 2003 family and you are logged on using a Windows NT 4.0 domain user account, it is recommended that you have at least one Message Queuing server running on a Windows Server 2003 family domain controller that is in the same domain in which you are installing. Otherwise, you will be prompted to enter the name of the primary site controller (PSC) in a Windows NT 4.0 domain during setup.

Installing MSMQ 1.0 in a Windows Server 2003 family domain

The following applies if you are installing MSMQ 1.0 on a computer running Windows NT 4.0, Windows 98, or Windows 95 in a Windows Server 2003 family domain:

When prompted for the name of a PSC during setup, you must enter the name of a domain controller instead. This Windows Server 2003 family domain controller must be running the Message Queuing directory service (Downlevel Client Support), must be configured as a global catalog server, and must be in the same site and the same domain in which you are installing MSMQ 1.0.

If you plan to install MSMQ 1.0 on computers running Windows NT 4.0 in a new Windows Server 2003 family domain, you select the Downlevel Client Support subcomponent during installation of the first domain controller in the new domain. If you are installing MSMQ 1.0 on computers running Windows NT 4.0 in an existing Windows Server 2003 family domain, you verify that the Everyone group has been added to the "Pre-Windows Server 2003 family Compatible Access" group for the domain. To do this, open Active Directory Users and Computers. In the console tree, double-click Builtin, right-click Pre-Windows Server 2003 family Compatible Access, click Properties, and on the Members page, check to see if the Everyone group is listed. If not, click Add, and then select Everyone.

Also, dependent clients running Windows NT 4.0 must have Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 4 (SP4) or higher installed. SP4 or higher is required for transactional messaging.

In addition, for computers running Windows 98 or Windows 95, you must be granted the Create Computer Objects permission for the Computers container object in Active Directory, as the computer object for such computers does not exist in Active Directory.

To allow users to install MSMQ 1.0 in a Windows Server 2003 family domain, you must use the Delegation of Control Wizard to grant specific permissions to all users in the domain. For more information, see Set installation permissions to enable upgrade from MSMQ 1.0.