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Advanced example for containers

Applies to: yesVisual Studio noVisual Studio for Mac


This article applies to Visual Studio 2017. If you're looking for the latest Visual Studio documentation, see Visual Studio documentation. We recommend upgrading to the latest version of Visual Studio. Download it here

The sample Dockerfile in Install Build Tools into a container always uses the microsoft/dotnet-framework:4.7.2 image based on the latest microsoft/windowsservercore image and the latest Visual Studio Build Tools installer. If you publish this image to a Docker registry for others to pull, this image might be okay for many scenarios. However, in practice it's more common to be specific about what base image you use, what binaries you download, and which tool versions you install.

The following example Dockerfile uses a specific version tag of the microsoft/dotnet-framework image. Using a specific tag for a base image is commonplace and makes it easy to remember that building or rebuilding images always has the same basis.


You cannot install Visual Studio into microsoft/windowsservercore:10.0.14393.1593 or any image based on it, which has known issues launching the installer in a container. For more information, see Known issues for containers.

The following example downloads the latest release of Build Tools. If you want to use an earlier version of Build Tools that you can install into a container later, you must first create and maintain a layout.

Install script

To collect logs when an install error occurs, create a batch script that's named "Install.cmd" in the working directory that includes the following content:

@if not defined _echo echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

call %*
if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="3010" (
    exit /b 0
) else (
    if not "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" (
        set ERR=%ERRORLEVEL%
        call C:\TEMP\collect.exe -zip:C:\

        exit /b !ERR!

exit /b 0


In the working directory, create the "Dockerfile" with the following content:

# escape=`

# Use a specific tagged image.

# Restore the default Windows shell for correct batch processing.
SHELL ["cmd", "/S", "/C"]

# Copy our Install script.
COPY Install.cmd C:\TEMP\

# Download collect.exe in case of an install failure.
ADD C:\TEMP\collect.exe

# Use the latest release channel. For more control, specify the location of an internal layout.
ADD ${CHANNEL_URL} C:\TEMP\VisualStudio.chman

    # Download the Build Tools bootstrapper.
    curl -SL --output vs_buildtools.exe `
    # Install Build Tools with the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.AzureBuildTools workload, excluding workloads and components with known issues.
    && (call C:\TEMP\Install.cmd vs_buildtools.exe --quiet --wait --norestart --nocache `
        --installPath C:\BuildTools `
        --channelUri C:\TEMP\VisualStudio.chman `
        --installChannelUri C:\TEMP\VisualStudio.chman `
        --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.AzureBuildTools `
        --remove Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Windows10SDK.10240 `
        --remove Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Windows10SDK.10586 `
        --remove Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Windows10SDK.14393 `
        --remove Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Windows81SDK) `
    # Cleanup
    && del /q vs_buildtools.exe

# Define the entry point for the Docker container.
# This entry point starts the developer command prompt and launches the PowerShell shell.
ENTRYPOINT ["C:\\BuildTools\\Common7\\Tools\\VsDevCmd.bat", "&&", "powershell.exe", "-NoLogo", "-ExecutionPolicy", "Bypass"]


Visual Studio 2017 version 15.8 or earlier (any product) will not properly install on or later. No error is displayed.

See Known issues for containers for more information.

Run the following command to build the image in the current working directory:

docker build -t buildtools2017:15.6.27428.2037 -t buildtools2017:latest -m 2GB .

Optionally pass either or both FROM_IMAGE or CHANNEL_URL arguments using the --build-arg command-line switch to specify a different base image or the location of an internal layout to maintain a fixed image.


For a list of workloads and components, see the Visual Studio Build Tools component directory.

Diagnosing install failures

This example downloads specific tools and validates that the hashes match. It also downloads the latest Visual Studio and .NET log collection utility so that if an install failure does occur, you can copy the logs to your host machine to analyze the failure.

> docker build -t buildtools2017:15.6.27428.2037 -t buildtools2017:latest -m 2GB .
Sending build context to Docker daemon

Step 8/10 : RUN C:\TEMP\Install.cmd C:\TEMP\vs_buildtools.exe --quiet --wait --norestart --nocache ...
 ---> Running in 4b62b4ce3a3c
The command 'cmd /S /C C:\TEMP\Install.cmd C:\TEMP\vs_buildtools.exe ...' returned a non-zero code: 1603

> docker cp 4b62b4ce3a3c:C:\ "%TEMP%\"

After the last line finishes executing, open "%TEMP%\" on your machine, or submit an issue on the Developer Community website.

Support or troubleshooting

Sometimes, things can go wrong. If your Visual Studio installation fails, see Troubleshoot Visual Studio installation and upgrade issues for step-by-step guidance.

Here are a few more support options:

  • We also offer an installation chat (English only) support option for installation-related issues.
  • Report product issues to us via the Report a Problem tool that appears both in the Visual Studio Installer and in the Visual Studio IDE. If you're an IT Administrator and don't have Visual Studio installed, you can submit IT Admin feedback here.
  • Suggest a feature, track product issues, and find answers in the Visual Studio Developer Community.

See also