Structures and Unions
Applies to: Visual Studio
Visual Studio for Mac
This article applies to Visual Studio 2017. If you're looking for the latest Visual Studio documentation, see Visual Studio documentation. We recommend upgrading to the latest version of Visual Studio. Download it here
The following are structures and unions in the Visual Studio Debugging SDK.
AD_PROCESS_ID Specifies the process ID, which may be either a system ID or a GUID.
BP_CONDITION Describes the conditions under which a breakpoint will fire.
BP_ERROR_RESOLUTION_INFO Describes the resolution of an error breakpoint, including location, program, and thread.
BP_LOCATION Specifies the type of structure used to describe the location of the breakpoint.
BP_LOCATION_CODE_ADDRESS Defines the components that describe the location of a breakpoint at an address in code.
BP_LOCATION_CODE_CONTEXT Describes the location of a breakpoint that is bound directly to an address in the program being debugged.
BP_LOCATION_CODE_FILE_LINE Describes the location of a breakpoint at line in a code source file.
BP_LOCATION_CODE_FUNC_OFFSET Describes the offset location of a breakpoint at a function in code.
BP_LOCATION_CODE_STRING Used for setting code breakpoints based on a string that the user can enter from the IDE.
BP_LOCATION_DATA_STRING Used for setting data breakpoints that are based on a string that the user can enter from the IDE.
BP_LOCATION_RESOLUTION Describes the resolution of a breakpoint at a specific location.
BP_PASSCOUNT Describes the count and conditions upon which a breakpoint will be fired after having been previously passed.
BP_REQUEST_INFO Contains the information required to implement a breakpoint.
BP_REQUEST_INFO2 Contains the information required to implement a breakpoint (same as the BP_REQUEST_INFO structure but includes vendor GUID, constraint and tracepoint information).
BP_RESOLUTION_CODE Describes the location of a code breakpoint.
BP_RESOLUTION_DATA Describes the result of binding a data breakpoint.
BP_RESOLUTION_INFO Describes the bound breakpoint information for either a code breakpoint or a data breakpoint.
BP_RESOLUTION_LOCATION Specifies the structure of the breakpoint resolution location.
BSTR_ARRAY Describes an array of strings.
BUILT_TYPE Specifies information about a field type taken from metadata.
CODE_PATH Describes a call to a function or method.
COMPUTER_INFO Describes the computer on which the debugger is running.
CONST_GUID_ARRAY Describes a list of GUIDs.
CONTEXT_INFO Describes a memory context or code context.
DEBUG_ADDRESS Describes an address in a program being debugged.
DEBUG_ADDRESS_UNION Represents one of a number of different kinds of addresses.
DEBUG_CUSTOM_VIEWER Identifies a custom viewer or type visualizer.
DEBUG_PROPERTY_INFO Describes a debug property that in turn describes an object of a hierarchical nature that has name, type, and value.
DEBUG_REFERENCE_INFO Describes a reference.
DisassemblyData Describes disassembly to the IDE for display.
EXCEPTION_INFO Describes an exception or run-time error thrown by the program being debugged.
FIELD_INFO Describes a local variable, parameter, or other field.
FRAMEINFO Describes a stack frame.
GUID_ARRAY Describes an array of unique identifiers for available debug engines.
JMC_CODE_SPEC Used to set the JustMyCode information for a module.
MACHINE_INFO Describes a particular machine.
METADATA_ADDRESS_ARRAYELEM Describes an array element within an array.
METADATA_ADDRESS_FIELD Describes the address of a field of a class or structure.
METADATA_ADDRESS_LOCAL Describes the address of a local variable within a scope (usually a function or method).
METADATA_ADDRESS_METHOD Describes the address of a method of a class.
METADATA_ADDRESS_PARAM Describes a parameter of a method or function.
METADATA_ADDRESS_RETVAL Describes a return value from a method or function.
METADATA_TYPE Describes a field type taken from metadata.
MODULE_INFO Describes a particular module (DLL, EXE, or assembly).
MODULE_SYMBOL_SEARCH_INFO Describes status information about symbol search paths that have been searched.
NATIVE_ADDRESS Describes a native address.
PDB_TYPE Describes a field type taken from a PDB symbol.
PENDING_BP_STATE_INFO Describes the state of a breakpoint that is ready to bind to a code location.
PROCESS_INFO Describes a process.
PROGRAM_NODE_ARRAY Describes a list of IDebugProgramNode2 objects that represent program nodes.
PROVIDER_PROCESS_DATA Describes processes running on a machine.
TEXT_POSITION Describes the line and column location in the given text.
THREADPROPERTIES Describes the properties of a thread.
TYPE_INFO Describes a field's type.
UNMANAGED_ADDRESS_PHYSICAL Describes a physical address.
UNMANAGED_ADDRESS_THIS_RELATIVE Describes an address that is relative to a
pointer (Me
in Visual Basic).
Header: msdbg.h, sh.h, or ee.h
Namespace: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Interop
Assembly: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Interop.dll